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        러시아어 문법적 성에 대한 연구-명사 문법적 성의 상징의미를 중심으로-

        이명자 한국중원언어학회 2011 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        The classification of Russian nouns into three grammatical genders (masculine, feminine and neuter) has no substantial and well-grounded explanations. The grammatical gender is more or less related to the meaning of the word in case a noun denotes a person or an animal. Neuter nouns generally refer to nonliving objects and abstract notions. Also, inanimate nouns can be classified as masculine or feminine. The grammatical gender of these nouns is conditional and inexplicable in regard of their meanings. The division of inanimate nouns into masculine and feminine is determined by their formal endings and syntactical factors. First of all, this study intends to research various opinions of Russian linguists on the origin and the development of grammatical gender categories. Secondly this study shows how the grammatical gender distributions have interrelations with the natural gender. This study further shows that Russian language categorizes nouns into genders by two semantic ways; the symbolic similarity in their meaning and the arbitrary convention.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁 경험의 재구성을 통한 국가 만들기 -역사/다큐멘터리/기억

        이명자 평화문제연구소 2011 統一問題硏究 Vol.23 No.2

        The Korean War was an explosion of unresolved problems connected to ideology, politics and society. Considered from a cultural viewpoint, the Korean War produced a foundation that was important for constructing state identity in South and North Korea. Both Korean governments tried to create a state or state identity directly after liberation from Japaness colonial rule. Nevertheless there was a feeling of shared Korean culture regardless of the division of South and North Korea among the public. But after the Korean War, the division was finalized and Koreans had to choose which state to settle in. Charles Tilly described this as ``a state was made through war``. After the Korean War, the South Korean government took the role of a bulwark against communism, increased the role of the state in society and developed a pro-American line. The North Korean government assumed a broad anti-imperial sentiment, accelerated the Kim Il Sung ideology and the socialist revolution, for example through agricultural cooperative farms. Movies contribute to form the memory and history of communities. During the Korean War both South and North Korean filmmakers were mobilized by their governments and made many documentaries, newsreels and feature films. Filmmakers called ``war filmmakers`` made movies in Deagu and Busan in South Korea. Right after the beginning of the war, Kim Il Sung enlisted the help of filmmakers and the resulting films moved many people to volunteer for the army in North Korea. Because they were of prime important documentaries and newsreels were made with support by the government and army. As official government narrative the Korean War documentary was different in the two Koreas. This article follows White`s assumption that history is a narrative that has been made by someone, not a mere representation of facts. I try to map the mirror image between the South Korean documentary, A March of Justice and the North Korean documentary, A War of Justice and analyze the relationship of war documentary and state-identity. 현대 남북한 체제 형성에서 주요한 전환점인 한국전쟁은 해방 후 시작된 좌우대립과 정치적, 사회적 갈등의 총체적 폭발이었다. 사회문화적인 측면에서 한국전쟁은 남북의 국민정체성 형성에 중요한 기반을 제공했다. 해방 직후부터 남북은 적대감에 기반한 체제 만들기와 국민의 창조를 시도했지만 오랫동안 유지해온 공동체의 경험과 일체감이 남북의 대중들 사이에 존재하고 있었다. 그러나 전쟁은 남과 북을 돌이킬 수없게 나누었고 대중들은 생존을 위해서라도 국가를 선택할 수밖에 없는 상황에 처했다. ‘전쟁이 국가를 만든다’는 틸리의 명제가 남북한 체제형성에도 적중한것이다. 전쟁 이후 남한에서는 반공이데올로기가 정착하고 국가의 자율성이 증대했으며 군부를 비롯한 국가억압기구가 불균형적으로 비대화하였고 대미종속이 구조화되었다. 북한 역시 반제국주의 정서가 내면화되고 협동농장의 완성 등 사회주의 혁명이 가속화 되고 김일성 유일지도체제가 강화되었으며 새로운중.소관계가 성립되었다. 역사를 기억으로, 기억을 역사로 만드는 주요장치인 영화는 공동체의 기억 만들기에 기여했는데 전쟁기 동안 남북의 영화인들은 ‘종군영화인’이라는 이름 하에 동원되어 각종 다큐멘터리, 극영화, 시보영화를 제작했다. 남한에서는 피난지 대구와 부산을 중심으로 영화인들이 군부대에 소속되어 영화제작에 나섰다. 북한에서는 전쟁 발발 직후 김일성의 호소를 시작으로 12조로 편성된 영화인들의 종군활동이 시작되었다. 전쟁이라는 특수한 상황은 극영화보다 다큐멘터리와 시보, 뉴스영화에 힘을 실어주었고 정부와 군부대의 후원을 받으며 제작된 다큐멘터리는 한국전쟁에 대한 제도권 내의 공식기억을 대변했다. 남북한 체제의 관점에 의해 구성된 내러티브인 한국 전쟁에 대한 역사서술은 그 이데올로기 편차가 매우 크지만 제작방식과 목적에서는 일치한다. 역사가 반영이 아니라 구성이며 하나의 내러티브라는 헤이든 화이트 이후 역사학의 관점을 받아들여, 이 글은 한국 전쟁 동안 제작된 남북의 다큐멘터리 <정의의 진격>과 <정의의 전쟁>이 어떠한 경로를 경유해 국민정체성 형성에 기여하고 있는가를 두 영화의 거울상 이미지와 함께 분석한다.

      • 체육교사의 내외통제소재 및 직무스트레스 수준과 스트레스 대처 양식간의 관계

        이명자 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among the locus of control, job stress level, and stress coping style of physical education teachers. Responses from a total of 61 subjects working in Daegu and Gyeonsangbukdo were analyzed using correlation analyses and ANOVA. The findings from the study were as follows; First, Statistically significant relationships were not found between the locus of control and sub-components of job stress level. Second, there were statistically significant positive correlations between sub-components of job stress level and those of stress coping styles. Third, Statistically significant relationships were found between the locus of control and stress coping styles. But when analyzed women's data, significant correlations between the locus of control and stress coping styles were not emerged.

      • KCI등재

        <우리집 문제>를 통해서 읽는 북한 중산층의 제 2사회

        이명자 평화문제연구소 2007 統一問題硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        The Second Society in North Film <Our Home> SeriesThe film <our home> series is realized 'a family revolution' from 1973 to 1987 in North Korea. This series represented middle class who are an executives in North Korea, and middle class`s community and culture which are hide from outside world. The middle class builds up their own society and culture that is called an unformal second society distinguish from a formal first society that is controled by government.North Korea attained industrialization for ten years and modern systems for example abolition of the right to be the head of a family, the class distinctions, the sexist etc. The modernization builds up middle class contrast to a government`s declaration which is all man should be equality. The middle class educated socialist education that is called best system. They are good at social work and know well a guide suggested by a party. So they are demanded socialist model of mass education at society. But they have their own a model of behavior which selects individualism and familism actually.After Suryung`s demise, new regime abrogated rationing system. The pragmatic socialism are presumed transition period from classical socialism to market socialism. A market socialism is a way that socialist plan and capitalist market are combined a new system. The market socialism is suggest during regime change at soviet and eastern Europe. It is a China market socialism that North Korea takes as a model. It is economy reforms without political reformations. In such atmosphere, it grows up the possibility that civil society expand more and more in North Korea.Economy, political and cultural interchange grow between North and South Korea since 2000. If we hope North Korea` reformation and opening we should give a hand to a second society.

      • KCI등재

        < 우리집 문제 >를 통해서 읽는 북한 중산층의 제 2사회

        이명자 평화문제연구소 2007 統一問題硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        The film <our home> series is realized ``a family revolution`` from 1973 to 1987 in North Korea. This series represented middle class who are an executives in North Korea, and middle class`s community and culture which are hide from outside world. The middle class builds up their own society and culture that is called an unformal second society distinguish from a formal first society that is controled by government. North Korea attained industrialization for ten years and modern systems for example abolition of the right to be the head of a family, the class distinctions, the sexist etc. The modernization builds up middle class contrast to a government`s declaration which is all man should be equality. The middle class educated socialist education that is called best system. They are good at social work and know well a guide suggested by a party. So they are demanded socialist model of mass education at society. But they have their own a model of behavior which selects individualism and familism actually. After Suryung`s demise, new regime abrogated rationing system. The pragmatic socialism are presumed transition period from classical socialism to market socialism. A market socialism is a way that socialist plan and capitalist market are combined a new system. The market socialism is suggest during regime change at soviet and eastern Europe. It is a China market socialism that North Korea takes as a model. It is economy reforms without political reformations. In such atmosphere, it grows up the possibility that civil society expand more and more in North Korea. Economy, political and cultural interchange grow between North and South Korea since 2000. If we hope North Korea` reformation and opening we should give a hand to a second society.

      • KCI등재

        긍정리더십과 조직신뢰가 몰두에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 상황통제력의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        이명자,김도근,장선혜 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2019 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.9 No.9

        The purpose of this study is to examine whether organizational trust plays a mediating role in the effect of positive leadership on absorption, and the modulated model analysis was performed to see if the situation control controls these mediated effects. For this purpose, 293 employees working in companies located in Busan and Gyeongman regions were surveyed to measure positive leadership, organizational trust, absorption and situation control, with the data analyze using SPSS 24.0 and SPSS PROCESS Macro. Research result, mediating effect of organizational trust were verified in the casual path of positive leadership to absorption. And the relationship between organizational trust and absorption was moderated by the situation control ability. Finally, the results of the controlled mediation test using the SPSS MACRO showed that organizational trust mediated in the path to positive leadership and absorption, and the relationship between organizational trust and absorption was controlled by situation control. In order to improve organizational performance, it is necessary to establish various organizational practices and cultures that can improve the organizational trust through positive leadership of the leader and improve the organizational absorption at the same time. 본 연구는 긍정리더십과 조직신뢰가 몰두에 미치는 영향에서 조직신뢰가 매개역할을 하는지 살펴보고 상황통제력이 이러한 매개효과를 조절하는지 알아보기 위해 조절된 매개모형 분석을 실시하였다. 이를 위해 부산과 경남지역에 소재한 기업에서 근무하고 있는 293명의 회사원을 대상으로 긍정리더십, 조직신뢰, 몰두, 상황통제력을 측정하였고, SPSS 24.0과 SPSS PROCESS MACRO를 사용하여 자료를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 긍정리더십과 몰두의 관계에서 조직신뢰의 매개효과가 검증되었다. 그리고 조직신뢰와 몰두의 관계에서 상황통제력이 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 SPSS MACRO를 통한 조절된 매개효과 검증 결과, 긍정리더십과 몰두에 미치는 경로에서 조직신뢰가 이를 매개하며, 조직신뢰와 몰두의 관계가 상황통제력에 의해 조절되는 것으로 나타나 조절된 매개효과가 확인되었다. 따라서 조직의 성과 향상을 위해서는 리더의 긍정리더십을 통한 조직신뢰의 증진과 동시의 조직의 몰두 유발효과를 최대화시키기 위해서는 상황통제력의 향상을 도모할 수 있는 다양한 조직관행과 문화가 구축될 수 있도록 노력할 필요가 있다.

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