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        특집 : 센티멘탈 이데올로기 ; "이광수"라는 과제: 근대적 읽기 관습의 창출과 계도적 미학의 길 -이광수의 문학론과 『무정』의 상관성을 중심으로-

        이만영 ( Man Young Lee ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2013 民族文化硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        본 논문은 『무정』을 통해서 이광수가 창출하고자 했던 근대적 읽기의 관습이 무엇이었는지 살펴보고자 한다. 문학이 작가에서 독자로 이어지는 감성의 흐름을 다루는 것이라고 할 때, 『무정』 역시 이광수 자신이 가졌던 문학관을 당대 독자들에게 전이시키기 위해 기획된 텍스트라고 할 수 있다. 사실, 이 작품에서 ‘형식’과 ‘영채’가 경험하는 읽기 관습의 변모 과정은 이광수 본인이 생각했던 근대적 독자의 창출과도 깊은 연관관계를 갖는다. 본 연구에서 『무정』을 문제적인 텍스트로 간주하는 이유는 다음과 같이 두 가지로 정리될 수 있다. 첫째, 「문학의 가치」(1910)에서 「문학이란 하오」(1916)에 이르기까지 이광수 본인이 주창했던 ‘정(情)의 문학’을 본격적으로 시현했던 텍스트가 다름 아닌 『무정』이었기 때문이다. 둘째, 이 작품이 기존의 읽기 관습을 탈피함과 동시에 근대적 읽기 관습을 창출하고자 하는 이광수 자신의 의도를 농후하게 드러내고 있는 텍스트이기 때문이다. 첫 번째의 이유와 관련하여 본 논문에서는 『무정』이 탄생하게 된 문학사적 지평을 개괄하는 작업에서부터 출발하고자 한다. 주지하다시피 『무정』은 신소설과 번안소설이 길항/경합하던 문학사적 지평 위에서 탄생한 작품이다. 그러한 지평위에서 이광수는 신소설 작가와 번안소설의 작가들의 문학론을 갱신하면서, ‘정’을 강조하는 문학론을 주창하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 「문학의 가치」와 「문학이란하오」라는 두 평문을 중심으로 이광수가 주창했던 ‘정’의 문학이 무엇인지 개괄함으로써, 『무정』에 투영된 ‘정’의 실체가 무엇인지를 파악할 것이다. 그리고 본 논문에서는 상기한 두 번째의 이유와 관련하여 이광수의 문학론이 『무정』에 어떻게 투영되었는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 첫 번째로 『무정』에 드러난 ‘읽기’의 관습에 대해 논의한다. 『무정』에서 형식과 영채는 종종 그간 읽어왔던 텍스트들을 다시 읽거나 상기함으로써 자기 각성을 시도·완성한다. 형식이 앎을 지향했던 독서 행위에 대해 반성했다면, 영채는 도덕을 지향했던 독서 행위에 대해 반성했다. 이는 인간의 정신을 지(知)·정(情)·의(意)로 분화하여 설명하고자 했던 ?문학이란 하오?의 논법과 무관하지 않다. 다시 말해 이들이 기왕의 독서 관습을 반성하는 것은 결국 문학이 학문[知]과 종교[善]의 영역으로부터 독립되어야만 한다는 이광수의 문학론을 고스란히 반영한 것이라고 볼 수 있다는 것이다. 두 번째로 『무정』에 나타난 사랑의 의미를 논의한다. 이광수가 말하는 정은 단순히 연애의 감성만을의미하지 않는다. 오히려 정은 개인의 차원을 넘어서서 인류의 차원에까지 확장될수 있는 개념이며, 문학은 그러한 인류의 정을 발육시키는 통로로 작동할 수 있어야 한다. 그런 의미에서 『무정』에서 나타나는 연애의 감정을 인류애의 층위로까지 끌어올린 작품이라고 평가될 수 있는 것이다. This study aims to discover the modern habit of reading which Lee Gwang-su tried to create through 『Moojeong』. When literature deals with the flow of sensibility from the author to readers, 『Moojeong』 is also a text that he planned to spread his own value about literature to readers of the day. Indeed, in this novel, there is a connection between the change of reading habit that ``Hyeong-sik`` and ``Yeong-chae`` went through and his conception about the creation of modern readers. There are two reasons why 『Moojeong』 is considered problematic. First, 『Moojeong』 is the text where he has realized the ``literature of Jeong(情),`` which he had advocated from 「The Value of Literature」(1910) to 「What is Literature」(1916). Second, it is a text where has been revealed his intention of a creation of modern habit of reading as well as discard of the old one. Related to the first reason, this study starts from summery of literary background of 『Moojeong』. As is generally known, it was written on the background of antagonism and rivalry among korean nouveau roman and adapted novels. Lee Gwang-su suggests a literary theory of ``Jeong`` while renewing that of those novels. This study is to grasp the nature of ``Jeong`` reflected in 『Moojeong』, summarizing the literature of ``Jeong`` in 「The Value of Literature」and 「What is Literature」. As to the second reason, this study looks into how his literary theory is reflected in 『Moojeong』. First, ``Reading`` habit implied in 『Moojeong』 will be discussed for this. Hyeong-sik and Yeong-chae try and complete their self-awakening through re-reading or reminding of texts already read. Hyeong-sik reflects his knowledge-oriented reading, while Yeong-chae reflects her morality-oriented reading. This is not irrelevant to the argument of 「What is Literature」which explains human mind as 知(intelligence)·情(emotion)·意 (volition). In other words, their reflection for their reading implies the author`s literary theory that literature should be independent of knowledge[知, intelligence] and religion[善, the good]. Second, discussion on the meaning of love in 『Moojeong』. ``Jeong`` of Lee Gwang-su is not only affection. Rather it is a concept extended to mankind level beyond individual level, and literature should function as a developer of humanity. In this context, it is appreciated that this work evolved affection into humanity.

      • KCI등재

        이충 및 봉군 벌집배열에 따른 로얄제리 생산량

        이만영(Man-Young Lee),이명렬(Myeong-Lyeol Lee),김영수(Young-Soo Kim),이광길(Kwang-Gill Lee),조상균(Sang-Kyun Cho),Ge Fengchen 한국양봉학회 2007 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.22 No.2

        It has been known that the royal jelly is ranked the second apicultural product by beekeeper. It has been carried out to develop the method of grafting larva and colony management in order to improve the yield of royal jelly. The yield of royal jelly with pre-treatment of queen cell before grafting larva was significantly higher 51.0% and 13.6g, respectively in the acceptance rate of larva and the total yield of royal jelly. The using of 12hr aged larvae for grafting investigated to the most suitable in the productivity of royal jelly. The grafting larva of two times was 12.1 and 7.3g higher in the acceptance rate of larva and yield of royal jelly than that of one time. However, it has to apply only the smaller beekeeper due to the complication of grafting larva. The arrangement of comb including new capped pupa at both side of royal jelly frame was higher than that of non-pupa comb in the acceptance rate of larva and total yield of royal jelly.

      • KCI등재

        『무정』판본에 관한 서지적 고찰

        이만영(Lee, Man-Young) 한국현대소설학회 2017 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.67

        Although it’s been 100 years since ‘Moojeong’ was published in book form, we have described the history of literature not procuring the first-edition of this book with cover entirely. However, Korea University Library has made public recently the first-edition of this book which maintains its condition when it was published in 1918. As the intact first-edition with its cover was revealed, we could secure the whole edition of ‘Moojeong’ entirely from first edition to the 8thedition which were published in the Japanese colonial era. First, this study tries to consider first-edition of ‘Moojeong’ which is a new material. This newly released material has differences in two aspects, compared with the existing first-edition that Museum of Korean Modern Literature possesses and which was the edition published by Taeyeongsa publisher and printed the first-edition in which a bibliographer, Mr. Kim Jong-wook owned. First, since the condition of book and its cover are in an excellent state of preservation unlike the existing material, its board and case are still completely intact as it used to be when it was published. Second, there is a stamp of publisher, Dongmungwan(東文館) which is located in Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk on paper on the contrary to existing material. Thus, this study aims to explain the physical difference between the second edition that National Library of Korea possesses and the first-edition of ‘Moojeong’ which was unearthed this time and surmise how the first edition of this book was distributed. In addition, this study arranges the publication right history of ‘Moojeong’ and organizations where house each edition of this book. As mentioned earlier, the public release of this material leads to secure the whole edition of ‘Moojeong’ which was released in Japanese colonial era. Therefore, the previous discussion was referred and supplemented and bibliography of edition of ‘Moojeong’ and organizations where house each edition are arranged. In the meantime, the unrevealed problems on how ‘Moojeong’ was published, which means why Lee Gwangsu’s writings including ‘Moojeong’ were published intensively in Heungmundang-bookstore(興文堂書店) in the early 1920s are discussed in this paper. Thus, this study proves that it’s related with Heo Yeongsuk.

      • KCI등재

        봉군의 여름철 온도변화와 양봉사의 표준화

        이만영(Man-Young Lee),이명렬(Myeong-Lyeol Lee),김영수(Young-Soo Kim),강석우(Seok-Woo Kang),이광길(Kwang-Gill Lee) 한국양봉학회 2008 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        Most beekeepers have reared honeybee colonies in field without specific constructs. Recently those facilities are commonly used by beekeepers in Korea. There are two kinds of rearing house for honey bee such as stable type and vinyl house model. It was observed that the temperature of hive cover and brood area of colony in rearing house lowered 9.0℃ and 1.4℃ than those colonies in field. The mean temperature of brood area for a whole day was 34.4℃ in the rearing house and 35.8℃ in field, respectively. The standardized managing house for effective management of colonies was consisted of three rooms, a diet preparation room, a beekeeping material deposit room and a low temperature room. The low temperature room used not only conservation of comb in summer, but also over-wintering of colony in winter. It also should be equipped accessorily a prop of hive into rearing house, a conservative frame of comb into low temperature room and a prop for sugar supply into feed making room. The standardized apiary required two rearing houses, 54㎡ size and 1 managing house, 40㎡ size, which were demonstrated.

      • KCI등재

        국내 양봉산업 현황

        이만영(Man-Young Lee),홍인표(In-Pyo Hong),최용수(Yong-Soo Choi),김남숙(Nam-Suk Kim),김혜경(Hye-Kyung Kim),이광길(Kwang-Gill Lee),이명렬(Myeong-Lyeol Lee) 한국양봉학회 2010 韓國養蜂學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        Korean beekeepers have reared two species of honeybees. One is Oriental honeybee (Apis cerana) named as Korean native bees, and another is Western honeybee (A. mellifera) introduced from overseas 100 years ago. The number of bee farmer was 34,102 in 2008: 13,883 farmers reared Oriental honeybees, and 20,219 reared Western honeybee. The number of hives was peaked at 2,089,762 in 2005, and has been declined to 1,858,574 in 2008. The number of hives of Oriental honeybee was 1,544,063 and accounted for 22.7 per beekeeper, while that of Western bee was 314,511 and accounted for 76.4 a beekeeper. The number of beekeeper was topped with 52 thousand in 1989, and fallen to 42 thousand in 1990s, and declined to 34 thousand in 2008 with a decrease by 5 percent since 2005, while the number of beehives of beekeeper has steadily increased by 2.3 percent per year. Farmers rearing Oriental honeybee manage a small business and prefer the fixed management. In case of Western honeybee, the number of beekeeper with the fixed management was 12,671 (51.3 hives/beekeeper), and that of the moved management was 7,548 (118.4 hives/beekeeper). The number of beekeeper rearing more than 300 beehives was 8 in 1990, and has been raised to 1,344 in 2008 with 37.6 percent increasing per year. The amount of honey production has raised 3.2 times for 20 years. The value of honey production was 2,259 billion won. The number of hive ranks eleventh, and the amount of total honey production fifteenth, and the amount of honey production per hive 21th in the world honey market.

      • KCI등재

        고분자 복합재의 물리화학적 및 전자파차폐 특성에 미치는 탄소나노튜브의 불소화 영향

        이시은(Si-Eun Lee),김도영(Doyoung Kim),이만영(Man Young Lee),이민경(Min-Kyung Lee),정의경(Euigyung Jeong),이영석(Young-Seak Lee) 한국고분자학회 2015 폴리머 Vol.39 No.1

        탄소나노튜브의 불순물을 제거하고 에폭시 수지와의 계면접착력 향상과 에폭시 내 탄소나노튜브의 분산성 증가를 위하여 불산(hydrofluoric acid)으로 그 표면을 개질하였다. 표면 처리된 탄소나노튜브의 결정성은 광전자 분광기(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy)와 라만 분광기(Raman spectroscopy)를 통해 분석하였고, 인장시험으로 기계적 강도 분석을 실시하였다. 표면 처리된 탄소나노튜브/에폭시 복합재의 인장강도는 미처리 탄소나노튜브/에폭시 복합재와 비교하여 최대 약 33% 향상됨을 확인할 수 있었고, 탄소나노튜브/에폭시 복합재의 전자파차폐 특성은 탄소나노튜브의 불산처리 농도에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였고 25%의 농도로 처리되었을 때, 최대 전자파차폐 특성을 보였다. 그러나 기계적 특성 및 전자파차폐 특성은 50% 이상의 불산 농도로 처리된 탄소나노튜브/에폭시 복합재에서 오히려 감소하였으며 이는 높은 농도의 불산으로 인하여 탄소나노튜브의 표면 결정성 감소 및 고유 특성에 영향을 미친 것으로 파악된다. 고분자 복합재의 기계적, 전기적 특성 향상은 불산 처리로 인한 탄소나노튜브의 결정성 향상과 에폭시 수지 내에 분산성의 증가에 기인하였다. Mutli-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were surface-modified by a hydrofluoric acid solution to remove impurities and improve interfacial bonding and dispersion of nanotubes in an epoxy matrix. The crystallinity on the surface of treated MWCNTs was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The mechanical properties were characterized by tensile test, and the enhancement of mechanical properties of the modified MWCNTs/epoxy composites was indicated by a 33% increase in tensile strength. The electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI-SE) of modified MWCNTs/epoxy composites was improved with an increase in concentration of hydrofluoric solution, and EMI-SE showed the maximum increase with 25% HF. However, mechanical and EMI-SE properties didn’t show further increase with over 50% HF concentration because the properties of MWCNTs were influenced by degradation of crystallinity and intrinsic properties of MWCNTs. The mechanical and electrical property enhancements of the polymer composites are attributed to the modification of MWCNTs which improve crystallinity of MWCNTs and dispersion in the epoxy resin.

      • KCI등재

        폴리에테르설폰이 도입된 에폭시 복합재의 열 안정성 및 기계적 특성

        이시은(Si-Eun Lee),박미선(Mi-Seon Park),정의경(Euigyung Jeong),이만영(Man Young Lee),이민경(Min-Kyung Lee),이영석(Young-Seak Lee) 한국고분자학회 2015 폴리머 Vol.39 No.3

        Poly(ether sulfone) (PES)가 첨가된 비스페놀-A 에폭시 복합재가 그 기계적 특성 및 열 안정성을 증진하기 위하여 제조되었다. 인장강도, 굽힘강도 및 충격강도 등의 기계적 강도가 PES 함량에 따라 의미있게 변화하였다. 특히 그 파괴인성 값은 약 24%의 정도 크게 향상되었다. 적분 열분해 진행온도를 통하여 계산된 PES/에폭시 복합재의 열 안정성은 PES 미첨가 에폭시와 비교하여 12%의 향상을 보였다. 또한 DSC 분석 결과 PES 함량이 증가함에 따라 경화온도와 경화열이 점점 감소함을 확인하였다. 이러한 현상은 에폭시 수지와 선형 PES가 가교구조(semiinterpenetrating polymer networks; semi-IPNs)를 형성하고 잘 분산되었기 때문으로 판단된다. Poly(ether sulfone) (PES) embedded diglycidylether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA) epoxy composites were fabricated for improving its mechanical properties and thermal stability. The mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and impact strength of the composites changed significantly with the introduction of PES. The value of the fracture toughness of this composite also was increased remarkably about 24%. Thermal stability of PES/epoxy composites also improved 12%, which was calculated with integral procedural decomposition temperature (IPDT). From the differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) result, the curing temperature and curing heat decreased according to the increase of PES contents. These were attributed to the good distribution and the formation of the semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs) composed of the epoxy network and linear PES.

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