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        인공간의 R&D 동향분석

        이동신,배은희 한국생체재료학회 2005 생체재료학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Liver is a multifuntional organ. It works on the detoxification of the toxic materials made from internal metabolic processes, metabolites of drug intakes. In addition, liver plays a important roles in metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Bioartificial Liver(BAL) could be applicate to recover the patient from acute liver failure(ALF), lowered or end-stage of chronic malfunctions until the normal hepatic function works by either self-regeneration or a liver transplantation. BAL is being developed to consist of two or three compartments including blood circulation system and filter system and/or cell units. It circulates human blood so that the toxic materials in blood is filtered through filter units and/or cell units. Several approaches have been tried to obtain high density cell culture of hepatocytes in vitro and developments of different types of bioartificial liver. There have been remarkable advances in developments in tissue engineering technology using stem cells, 3-dimensional or dynamic cell culture technology and usages of scaffolds made of biocompatible polymers. The results from above researches also have been incorporated into the development of BAL and given hopes for development of new therapeutic technology and for patients in the end stage of liver disease.

      • KCI등재

        좀비 반, 사람 반: 좀비서사의 한계와 감염의 윤리

        이동신 문학과영상학회 2017 문학과영상 Vol.18 No.1

        Taking note of a recent trend in zombie narratives, wherein non-zombie monsters appear as the main characters and thus cause ruptures in the conventional narrative structure that inhabits only zombie-to-human conflicts, this paper examines how this trend comes from the limitation of zombie narratives that, due to the ordinary and infectious nature of zombies, are unable to come to a conclusion by themselves. With their supernatural power or intelligence that helps map out the illusory point of origin of the zombie apocalypse, non-zombie characters infect zombie narratives with a much needed dramatic climax, or, to quote Frank Kermode, a “peripeteia,” to prepare for a realistic sense of resolution that is lacking in conventional zombie-to-human conflicts. The paper further points out that this trend could be signaling the end of zombie narratives by the infection of non-zombie narratives while zombies as ordinarily human monsters losing their philosophical edge that draws scholars to the monsters. The paper also takes a particular note of two recent zombie films, Maggie and Train to Busan, since they are resisting the new trend of having non-zombie monsters and thus attempt to keep the convention of zombie narratives alive. Their attempts, while admittedly admirable, however, are made by practicing the twisted ethical approach to infection that asks the infected individuals to sacrifice themselves for other people and society in general. By beautifying the self-sacrifice of the infected in the name of common good, thus, the two movies are at the risk of committing, to quote Steven Pokornowski, “the totalitarianism of generalization.” Weighing between embracing the coming death of zombie narratives and resisting it with the totalitarian ethical force, this paper argues that the former is as natural as the ironic yet sensible premise that zombie narratives are born and ended by way of infection.

      • KCI등재

        좀비라는 것들: 신사물론과 좀비

        이동신 영미문학연구회 2017 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.43

        Instead of looking at zombies as living beings that turn dead-alive, as ones that remind us of the living’s unavoidable vulnerability to death and the inorganic state before and after life, this paper aims to view zombies as things that show what things really are. This view of zombies draws upon the recent development of posthumanism, namely, new materialisms, where collective efforts are being made to discuss the importance of things, especially in this age of ecological catastrophe, and search for ways to explain why and how they are important on account of themselves, that is, not on account of human needs. While introducing Jane Bennett’s idea of “vibrant matter” and Timothy Morton’s of “hyperobjects,” both of which emphasize things’ vitality and impact independent of human existence, the paper particularly focuses on Graham Harman’s discussion of “tool-being.” Examining Martin Heidegger’s philosophy, Harman expands his notion of equipment, according to which a thing is at once vorhandenheit (present-at-hand) and zuhandenheit (ready-to-hand), into something that defines every existence, and argues that “tool-being” is the very foundation of Heidegger’s philosophy. Based on Harman’s discussion of “tool-being,” a theory that underscores the limitless potentialities of things beyond their immediate and visible function, this paper reads D. J. Molles’ The Remaining, where some zombies are not cannibalistic monsters but broken things that repeat certain behaviors from their pre-Zombie existence. These behaviors of zombies unsettle the novel’s hero Captain Lee Harden so much that he once becomes incapable of killing a zombie, unsure of what this “present-at-hand” thing really is. That is, he gets a glimpse of the thing’s “ready-to-hand” existence while looking at its zombie-like appearance. These peculiar zombies are thus not just zombies to be killed but “things like zombies” to be reflected upon, and this paper argues that implications found in “things like zombies” will help us see the importance of things in general.

      • 자유경쟁시대를 맞이한 한국 언론인의 의식연구

        李東信,韓均泰 慶熙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Korean press is now in the- new competition era when its whole structure has been turned to a free open market system since 1987, owing to strong demand for democracies expanded over every field of society. Though, there was no effort in provide a guideline or suggest a direction for journalists and their organizations as well on the basis of analysis of their awareness on the changed working conditions. In this regard, the primary purpose of the present study was to examine journalist s opinions and attitudes about performance and its social circumstance. The data for this research were collected in 45 days from July 15 to the end of August in 1987. The ample was drawn from editorial rooms of 7 firms including 5 dailies and 2 broadcasting corporations, but persons working in the department of revisal were excluded horn the sample because they were generally considered not journalists. As a result, a total of 319 questionnaires were analyzed in this study. The result of this study mainly displayed four kinds of aspects on Korean journalist's professionalism. First, it showed a high degree of job satisfaction and qualification as journalists. Second, it found two important professional functions (delivery of unbiased information and formation of public opinion in the right direction), four major factors for job speciality including accuracy and critical approach, and relatively strict ethical level for protecting news source, private right and people's right to know. Third, there would appear that the most significant things to accomplish the freedom of press were, complete separation between editing and management' and 'the establishment of democratization within the organization'. Finally, solutions for independence of editorial right, the hottest issue in recent years, were revealed to be 'making diverse kinds of institutional devices to minimize external pressure to editorial room', and 'reforming or improving the unchanged family-oriented management structure'. As above, this pilot research is presumably believed to provide a broad range of knowledge on journalists' own thinking related to the present situation of the press. However, it has some limitation to generalize its result because of its sampling frame Accordingly, it suggests that a future study should be based not only on a theoretical perspective, also on representative sampling.

      • 暎南山土城에 관하여

        이동신 안동대학 안동사연구회 1992 安東史硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        이상에서 본바와 같이 영남산성과 저수산성은 안동부의 북변산에 위치하여 과거 안동부를 지켜주는 안동의 주산성으로서 안동 방어의 최후의 보류였다. 안동은 경북북부지방의 문화 및 사회, 경제적으로도 물론이려니와 행정적으로도 그 중심지였다. 그리하여 안동은 교통상의 요지로 발전하였으며 과거에는 낙동강, 수운을 이용할 수 있었으니 시로 수육교통의 요충지라 하겠다. 영남산토성과 저수산토성의 주위로는 영주, 예안, 봉화, 영덕 등지로 통하는 대로가 뚫려 있으니 교통상의 길목에 자리잡은 산성으로서 그 중요성은 더욱 크다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        TV토론과 유권자의 정치행태

        이동신 21세기정치학회 2000 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.10 No.1

        이 연구는 유권자들이 제15대 대통령 후보자들에 대해서 어떠한 이미지를 가지고 있었으며, 이번에 최초로 실시된 TV합동토론이 그 이미지의 변화에 어느정도 영향력이 있었는지를 밝혀냄과 동시에, 결과적으로 이러한 이미지변화가 투표의사(voting intention)에는 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지도 함께 알아본다. 이 연구에서는 '패널연구(Panel study)'를 사용하여 합동토론전과 토론후의 시점에서 유권자 250명을 대상으로 써베이를 실시했다. 이 연구의 결과로는, 전체 이미지에서는 세명의 후보중 이인제 후보만이 긍정적인 방향으로 유의한 변화를 보였고, 변화를 보인 이미지의 종류는 일보다는 외모(appearance)에 관련된 영역에서 나타나고 있다. 이것은 한국의 유권자들이 TV토론을 통해서 유권자들의 외부적인 이미지뿐만 아니라 그 능력에 대한 판단도 하게 된다는 것으로 보인다. 또 TV토론은 또 투표전과 투표후의 투표 참가의도, 투표대상, 후보자에 대한 지지도, 지지정당, 정치지식, 정치에 대한 흥미, 정치성향 등에 있어서도 큰 변화를 일으킨 것으로 나타났다.

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