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      • KCI등재

        한국 노인케어복지의 과제와 전망

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 2002 노인복지연구 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze necessities of care work for the elderly and review present situation, issues, and prospects of care work of the elderly in Korea. Care work provides such services as cleaning, cooking, laundry, shopping, bathing, toileting, mobility, footcare, nursing, medical service, social visits, and social contacts for the frail elderly. It contributes to meeting multiple needs and continuous care for the frail elderly, and alleviation of burden to their families. Accordingly care work of the elderly is necessary for them. Care work of the elderly in Korea must be improved understanding of its necessities. Such care work facilities as home helps center, day care center, respite service center, visiting nurse center, and nursing home must be arranged by public and private sector. Many care workers has to be trained as professional of home helps, physical caring, and nursing by multidisciplinary education and training. Cart work delivery system must be established for high-level service provision to the frail elderly. Finance of care work for the frail elderly has to be supplied by nursing insurance. It is necessary that health care, medical care, and social welfare services are integrated for the frail elderly. Care work of the elderly in Korea will be developed in the near future by public and private sector. Government and private agency will expand care work facilities and train many care workers. Care wort agencies will offer such various services as home helps, physical caring, nursing, medical care, emotional support, recreation, rehabilitation training, and case management. Care work delivery system and nursing insurance will be established for the frail elderly.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 사회참여와 자원봉사

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 2001 노인복지연구 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze necessities of social participation of the elderly, review present situation, problems, and improvement plans of social participation of the elderly, and present developmental plans of voluntarism of the elderly. Social participation of the elderly provides health improvement, life satisfaction, sufficiency of social needs, solution of social problems, self -development and self-actualization for the elderly. And it contributes economic development and social welfare improvement of community. Accordingly social participation of the elderly is necessary for them. Social participation of the elderly involves mainly employment, leisure, and voluntary action. Because employment rate of the elderly is low, it must be increased for income improvement of the elderly. Leisure facilities and programs of the elderly is extended and developed. Voluntary action of the elderly is advertised positively and is practiced in various fields. Especially voluntary action in social participation of the elderly needs to encourage for welfare improvement of them and community. Developmental plans of voluntary action of the elderly are following: First, voluntary action of the elderly is advertised widely for transformation of perception. Second, its programs is developed variously and supplied to agencies and institutions. Third, voluntary action support law and related organizations are established for activation of voluntary action of the elderly. Finally, establishment of compensation systems for elderly volunteer is essential condition for enlargement of voluntarism of the elderly.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 노인장기요양보험에서 케어매니저의 필요성과 인력양성 방안

        이근홍(Keun-Hong Lee) 한양대학교 고령사회연구원 2012 한양고령사회논집 Vol.3 No.1

        This study is aimed to present the necessity for care manager in long-term care insurance and to analyze plans for training of care manager. It is necessary to hire care manager in long-term care insurance for welfare of the elderly requiring long-term care and increase of effectiveness and efficiency. The major findings of this study is as follows: First care manager system should be established in long-term care insurance act including specific roles. Second, care manager must have a bachelor’s degree in the field of social welfare or nursing and should be selected through national examination among professionals with more than five years practical experience. Third, training of care manager should be executed to theory for more than 150 hours and practice for more than 150 hours in formal agencies with a focus on long-term care insurance, care management, etc. Fourth, it may be desirable to allow the use social welfare officials in Dong community center and nurse in public health center for case manager. The community-based case management system should be established through the appropriate division of roles between the national health insurance corporation and local governments. 노인장기요양보험의 지속적인 발전, 장기요양이 필요한 노인들의 복지증진, 노인장기요양 서비스의 효과성과 효율성의 증대 등을 위해서 노인장기요양보험에서 케어매니지먼트체계를 구축하여 활용하는 것이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 노인장기요양보험에서 케어매니저의 필요성을 제시하고 이러한 전문인력을 양성할 수 있는 방안을 체계적으로 모색하여 노인장기요양보험의 지속적인 발전에 기여할 수 있도록 하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 노인장기요양보험법에 케어매니저와 관련된 조항을 신설하고 케어매니저의 구체적인 역할을 명시해야 한다. 케어매니저는 학사학위 이상의 사회복지사, 간호사 등 보건ㆍ의료ㆍ복지인력을 대상으로 관련분야 실무경력 5년 이상인 자 중에서 국가자격시험을 통해 선발해야 한다. 케어매니저에 대한 실무교육은 노인장기요양보험제도, 케어매니지먼트 등을 중심으로 보건복지부장관이 지정하는 기관이 150시간 이상의 이론교육과 150시간 이상의 실습(실기)교육을 포함하여 총 300시간 이상을 실시해야 할 것이다. 접근성이 가장 강화된 지방행정기관인 읍ㆍ면ㆍ동주민센터 및 보건소(보건지소, 보건진료소 포함)의 사회복지직공무원과 간호사를 케어매니저로 양성하여 활용할 수 있도록 하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 그와 더불어 국민건강보험공단과 지방자치단체간의 적절한 역할분담을 통하여 지역중 심형 케어매니지먼트체계의 구축을 기반으로 하여 케어매니저제도가 정착될 수 있도록 해야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        국민연금의 개혁과 경로연금의 과제

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 2006 노인복지연구 Vol.0 No.32

        국민연금은 저부담·고급여의 구조를 유지하여 연금재정이 불안정할 것으로 예측되고 있으며, 자영자에 대한 소득파악의 곤란, 기여의 상한제, 연금기금 운용의 불합리성, 보험료 징수율의 저조 등으로 재정의 불안정을 더욱 초래하는 요인이 되고 있다. 또한 납부예외자가 전체 가입자의 1/4 정도로서 연금수급권으로부터 배제되거나 적절한 급여를 보장받지 못하는 연금의 사각지대가 존재하고 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서 정부가 개혁안을 추진하고 있지만, 기여율을 인상하면서 급여수준을 축소하여 연금재정을 안정화시키는데 초점을 두고 있을 뿐 노후소득 보장과 연금 사각지대의 해소와 같은 중요한 문제의 해결에는 관심이 적은 것 같다. 본 연구에서는 국민연금이 노후소득 보장과 재정적 안정화를 동시에 기할 수 있는 방안을 모색하고 있다. 연금 사각지대의 해소를 위해 조세방식의 기초연금제도를 도입하고 부과방식으로 운영하며 소득비례연금을 강제적용하고 완전적립방식으로 운영하는 것을 제안하고 있다. 연금재정의 안정화를 위해 기여율의 점차적 인상, 기여의 상한선 상향조정, 국고지원의 확대, 보험료 징수율의 제고, 연금기금 운용의 다양성, 연금제도의 일원화 등이 필요하다. 노후소득 보장을 위해 소득대체율 55%의 유지, 기업연금·개인저축 등과 같은 노후소득 보장의 다층체계, 경로연금 역할의 재정립, 노인취업의 활성화 등이 실현되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to appropriately analyze plans for national pension reform which contributes to solve dead zone problem, financial instability, and income insufficiency for the elderly. The main contents of this study include characteristics and problems of national pension, pension reform of advanced countries such as Sweden, Japan, and Germany, plans for national pension reform, and issues of senior citizen pension. National pension reform is necessary to secure income sufficiency for the elderly and solve dead zone problem by means of basic pension and income proportion pension. Financial stability of national pension can be accomplished with increase of contribution rates, rise of collection rates, variety of investment in pension reserves, and expansion of national supports. It is necessary that government promotes multiple income security system for the elderly excluding national pension. In order to cut down expensive of pension operation and contribute to social integration, pension integration is required. Ensuring financial stability of national pension and income security for the elderly, we must realize social participation promotion of women, increase of compulsory employment rates for the elderly, enlargement of social enterprise, provision of supplementary pension, establishment of employment for the elderly, and expansion of senior citizen pension.

      • KCI등재후보

        십이지장 가성 림프종 1 예

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee),박은숙(Eun Suk Park),심대석(Dae Seok Shim),이옥재(Ok Jae Lee),장정순(Jeong Sun Jang),김영채(Young Chae Kim),최진학(Jin Hak Choi),홍순찬(Sun Chan Hong),고경혁(Gyeong Hyeok Ko) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        A 33-year-old man was admitted because of nausea and vomiting. Radiologic and gastroduodenoscopic studies showed partial obstruction of UGI tract, but could not distinguish benign lesion from malignant in duodenum. The patient underwent explolatory laparotomy for confirmatory diagnosis and treatment. The final diagnosis of pseudolymphoma of duodenum was made. The pseudo-lymphoma was benign tumor, and the etiology was unknown. Of the gastrointestinal tract, stomach is the most common site, and duodenum is very rarely involved. We report a case of pseudolymphoma of duodenum With review of reated literlitures.

      • KCI등재

        노인(老人)의 경로당(敬老堂) 이용만족도(利用滿足度)와 운영(運營) 개선방안(改善方案)

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present appropriate plans for improvement to the senior center for the elderly through analyzing the satisfaction of utilization to the senior center in order to contribute to promotion of social welfare in the elderly in Korea. The main contents of this study are to examine needs and problems in utilization of the elderly in senior center, research the satisfaction of utilization of them in senior center, and persent plans for improvement to the senior center for the elderly. The results of the study are as follows ; First, the elderly feel inconvenience to the utilization of senior center because of small rooms and worn-out building. And they feel inconvenience to the utilization of senior center because there are no kitchen facilities, bathroom, refrigeration, and air conditioner in senior center. They feel dissatisfaction at voluntary service for community, joint working, picnic, hobby class, health programs, support of those who work for the good of the local community, and support of government. Second, senior centers have to be improved in small rooms and worn-out building, and be equipped with modern kitchen facilities, bathroom, refrigeration, air conditioner, sporting apparatuses, video, and facilities for public amusement. The variety of leisure programs as picnic, hobby class, health programs, and so forth must put in the practice for the elderly in senior center. And support of those who work for the good of the local community and government are expanded for senior center.

      • KCI등재

        재가노인(在家老人) 케이스 매니지먼트 실천방안(實踐方案)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present appropriate plans of case management practice for the elderly at home. The main contents of this study are to examine characteristics of case management, review necessity of case management practice in the elderly at home, and present appropriate plans of case management practice for the elderly at home. This study presents two appropriate plans of case management practice for the elderly at home. Those are application of family care model in case management and practical use of informal and formal support system. First, application of family care model in case management is to provide the frail elderly with case management service at home. Family members are usually trained to assume their roles as case manager for caring the frail elderly. They take care of their frail elderly and provide their spouse or parents with psychological support, nursing, long-term care, service coordination and advocacy. Second, practical use of informal support system is to provide the frail elderly with case management service through family, relatives, friends, associates, religious organizations, self-help groups, and volunteers. And practical use of formal support system is to provide the frail elderly with case management service through national agency, public corporations, private agency, and associations.

      • KCI등재

        노인주간보호의 활성화를 위한 케이스 매니지먼트의 활용방안

        이근홍(Keun Hong Lee) 한국노인복지학회 2001 노인복지연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present utilization plans of case management for activation of day care for the elderly. The main contents of this study are to examine characteristics of day care, review necessity of case management utilization in day care for the elderly, present appropriate utilization plans of case management for activation of day care for the elderly. This study presents utilization plans of case management for activation of day care for the elderly through case management practice process. It is to apply practice task and skill in entry, assessment, planning, linking, monitoring, and evaluation of case management practice process. First, case manager fords the most appropriate cases to use day care for the elderly, prescreens to client and makes a contract with client to provision of services. Second, case manager assesses multiple human service needs of the elderly, their capacity, capacity of their support systems, their defects of support systems, Third, case manager establishes case goals, decides priority of them, and sets up care plans. Fourth, case manager links services with the frail elderly to use day care center, coordinates services. Fifth, case manager monitors provision of services, practices reassessment. Finally, case manager evaluates effectiveness, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of services, service satisfaction, and client`s progress. And case manager puts a termination to case in need and provides advocacy to the frail elderly to use day care.

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