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      • KCI등재후보

        앗시아 제바르와 손창섭의 비교 연구 -『프랑스어의 실종』과 『낙서족』을 중심으로

        이규현 서울대학교 불어문화권연구소 2010 불어문화권연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Comparer deux oeuvres littéraires, surtout celles des zones différentes de langue, ça risque essentiellement de n’être que subjectif et arbitraire. Pourquoi, malgré cela, les comparer? Ce qui justifie cette étude comparative, c’est, pensé-je, l’éclairage réciproque des oeuvres littéraires. On pourrait le qualifier pour effet ou avantage de comparaison: le travail comparatif fait ressentir l’atmosphère et le sens des oeuvres littéraires plus clairement que l’on les interprète séparément. Assia Djebar(né 1936) est l’écrivaine algérienne d’expression française, et Sohn Tchang-Seop(1922~2010) est l’écrivain qui a écrit en coréen. A première vue, il n’y aurait rien de commun entre les deux écrivains. Mais, en examinant leurs textes, on pourrait en remarquer quelques dénominateurs ou traits communs. D’abord, ils ont en commun l’expérience de colonisation de leur pays. Ils avaient appris la langue des colonisateurs(chez la première, le français, chez le second, le japonais), et après l’indépendance de leur pays, ils sont devenus représentatifs de la littérature post-coloniale. Ensuite, dans leurs romans on peut deviner un certain conflit entre la langue maternelle et la langue acquise. Certes, Sohn Tchang-Seop, écrivain coréen, il a écrit dans sa langue maternelle, non pas en japonais mais en coréen, tandis qu’Assia Djebar, écrivaine arabe, elle écrit non pas dans l’arabe qui est sa langue maternelle mais en français. En ce sens, apparemment il semble ne pas avoir subi ce conflit langagier. Cependant, en entrant au cœur de ses œuvres, on pourrait le percevoir, tant on peut dire qu’il aurait intériorisé ce conflit, lequel s’exprimait implicitement, alégoriquement, alors qu’Assia Djebar l’a intériorisé et exprimé explicitement, directement. Enfin, ce conflit entre deux langues, il s’articule avec une certaine sexualité, c’est-à-dire avec des expériences du corps de la femme, au niveau des phénomènes textuels. En vue de l’éclairage réciproque propre à la littérature comparée, nous avons d’abord pu assurer séparément les signifiances des deux romans, à savoir La disparition de la langue française par Assia Djebar et La Génération de graffitis par Sohn Tachang-Seop. A la première vue, les deux romans semblaient n’avoir aucun rapport l'un à l’autre. Mais en interprétant à titre juste chaque roman et en éprouvant l’atmosphère de chaque roman, on peut consentir que la resemblance essentielle en soit la prise de conscience de l’entre-deux-langues et en même temps l’articulation entre le corps féminin et la langue, entre l’amour et l’écriture. Qu’est-ce qu’Assia Djebar et Sohn Tachang-Seop voulaient dire à travers son oeuvre littéraire dans son époque? En guise de conclusion, je voudrais présenter une scène tirée d'un conte intitulé Un jour férié par Sohn Tchang-Seop, dans laquelle il raconte un jeu de son héros, vieux garçon Do-Il. Il se trouve malaisé d’avoir reçu une carte d’inviation au mariage de son ancienne copine et de s’être tracassé par sa soeur cadette, sa mère, et sa fiancée. Il commence alors à jouer son jeu ordinaire pour détendre son esprit: il s’agit d’observer le bocal et d’y percer d’un coup de stylo les trois poissons(deux loches et un carassin). Je suis sûr que la scène est caratéristique de l’écriture de Sohn Tchang-Seop; elle est riche de significations symboliques. Do-il=Sohn Tchang-Seop est ici dédoublé en écrivain et en poisson; il doit vivre dans son époque comme le poisson dans son bocal, mais il peut l’observer hors du monde par la pensée. Comme lui, nous sommes pris, selon Michel Foucault, dans le discours de notre époque, mais grâce à la pensée nous pourrions aussi nous observer au dehors de notre société et même la critiquer à distance. Quelle est la différence ultime entre le discours de son époque et celui de notre époq...

      • KCI등재

        공정-원가 통합관리를 위한 진도관리 개선 방안

        이규현,박찬정,최인성,Lee, Kyoo-Hyun,Park, Chan-Jung,Choi, In-Sung 한국건축시공학회 2002 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.2 No.3

        The Ministry of Construction-Transportation released a plan about EVMS in 1993 in order to prepare measures for an efficient public construction project, and prepared an enforcement proposal concretely in June for 2000 years, and have enforce a public project by an example with a target. Therefore, accurate analysis and evaluation about field progress are required for efficient management of a building construction, and must be established building construction management system for fast action about a problem However, unified management cannot be consisting because a work progress system is different from details estimate system within a country. and There is not still a definite standard in progress measurement for an application of EVMS. A purpose of this study is to present an improvement about a problem of progress measurement for an application of EVMS. The contents of a study, inquired into a progress measurement method and a standard to use in the field of a public construction and private construction and Checks a problem and presented an improvement item necessary for and is as follows. $\circled1$ must establishes a control account and progress measurement standard. $\circled2$ must manage progress in a activity viewpoint. $\circled3$ must use an accurate CPM process management technique.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미셸 푸코와 교정의 만남 : '감시와 처벌'을 중심으로

        이규현 아시아교정포럼 2007 교정담론 Vol.1 No.-

        교정의 연구자와 담당자에게 미셸 푸코는 커다란 도전으로 다가오는데, 특히 '감시와 처벌'은 '광기의 역사'와 함께 반듯이 돌파해야 할 두 가지 난관이라 할 만하다. 그에 의하면 보호관찰과 교정은 기본적으로 타도해야 할 전투의 대상이다. 그렇다면 양자 사이의 만남이나 화해는 불가능할까? 더욱 정교한 제3의 교정체계를 도출하기 위해서는 푸코의 감시와 처벌을 어떻게 받아들여야 할까? 이 책을 방어적인 견지에서 읽음으로써 여태까지의 교정의 실천에 대한 작은 반성의 계기로 삼고 마는 것은 어쩐지 미진하다는 생각을 떨쳐버리기 어려운 것이 사실이다. 물론 '감시와 처벌'에서 푸코는 감옥 또는 감금 권력에 대해 줄기차게 공격을 퍼부어대고, 사회 전체에 감금적인 것이 퍼져 있다는 관념을 암시하고 있는 만큼, 푸코의 입장에 대해 확전의 태세가 갖추어져 있다고 해석할 여지는 충분하다. 게다가 감옥에 관한 푸코의 담론은 언뜻 보기에 재소자와 관리자의 양 진영 중에서 한 쪽을 택하라고 강요하는 듯하다. 그렇지만 그의 냉소적이고 공격적인 담론은 확전의 문턱에서 중단되거니와, 그의 다부진 담론을 한 꺼풀 벗겨내 그 속을 들여다보면 거기에는 교정의 주체가 재소자들이어야 한다는 중요한 생각이 꿈틀거리고 있는데, '감시와 처벌'을 1970년대 초의 이른바 ‘감옥정보그룹’ 활동, 그리고 후기의 푸코가 내세우는 주체화 개념 및 삶의 미학과 겹쳐 읽어보면, 이 생각은 더욱 분명하게 드러난다. 이것은 교정의 관점에서 재검토해야 할 뜻 깊은 문제의식이 아닐 수 없다. 이로부터 미래의 진정한 교정 활동은 교정의 주체를 누구로 보느냐에 의해 좌우된다는 결론을 끌어낼 수 있다. 즉, 여태까지처럼 교정의 모순을 심화시켜나갈 것인가, 아니면 새로운 교정의 길로 접어들 것인가는 여기에서 결정된다 하겠다. 이 글의 목적은 교정의 연구와 실천을 담담하고 있는 사람들을 이 갈림길까지 설득력 있게 안내하는 데 있다. The object of this paper is to acquire a light of elucidation about the subject of correction by searching the interfaces between correction and Michel Foucault in his Discipline and Punish and some other writings. In the Discipline and Punish whose subtitle is the Birth of the Prison, Foucault challenges the commonly accepted idea that the prison has emerged as the consistent form of punishment due to humanitarian projects of reformists. He insist that the emergence of prison as the form of punishment for every crime grew out of the development of discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries, first of all in schools, hospitals, military barracks, etc. Discipline is a new technology of power, which has been concerned with the smallest and most precise aspects of a person's body, and which prepared a new economy and politics, a new form of individuality: the analyse of these is, ‘in Foucault's term, the microphysique of power'. Foucault's assertion is that discipline creates ‘docile bodies', ideal for the new economics, politics and warfare of the modern industrial age. But, to construct docile bodies, the disciplinary institutions must be able to a) constantly observe and record the bodies, b) ensure the internalization of the disciplinary individuality within the bodies being controlled. Foucault argues that this is why the ‘generalized, gentle' punishment of public work gangs gave way to the prison. It was the ideal modernization of punishment, so its eventual dominance was natural. Once being born, prison has become the supreme part of a larger ‘carceral system,' that is to say a sort of metaphor for the disciplinary and panoptic society. And the scientific authority of medicine, psychology, and criminology, as well as its fabrication of delinquency, that is, creating a class of specialized ‘delinquents' which acts as the police's proxy in surveillance of society, serve to sustain it, in spite of its ‘famous' failure of the correction and readaptation to society of prisoners. In this survey of the Discipline and Punish, one can notice that the concept of correction is negative. According to Foucault, the correction is almost equivalent to observation, punishment and discipline, contributing to a subjugation and control of the population. But the final Foucault emphasizes the ‘relation of selt to self' and the ‘esthetics of life', which consist in caring for one's soul, practicing one's freedom and making one's lifestyle beautiful. These ideas suggest that the subject of correction must be each prisoner. Therefore we can propose the auto-correction as a solution breaking the evil circle of prison-correction-delinquency. Furthermore, in the early 1970s, Foucault engaged in the operation of the Group of Information on Prison, with the will to give a voice to the prisoners and their families. Although brought to failure, his will alludes to the necessity of the auto-correction for the substantial effect of correction. And yet our principle-postulation of the auto-correction is to discuss more thoroughly afterwards, in terms of its validity and its conditions of possible institutionalization.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        2단 선회류 유동층 연소로내에서 Paper Sludge 의 소각

        이규현,이기호,이제근,전해수 한국화학공학회 1990 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.28 No.4

        2단 선회류 유동층 연소로에서 수분함량이 높은 paper sludge의 소각을 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위해 유동화 공기속도, 연료주입량, 층온도 및 양론공기 비를 변화시키면서 소각실험을 행하였다. 밀도가 낮은 paper sludge의 유동층 연소에 있어 층매질과 paper sludge간의 밀도차로 인한 분급현상에 의해 유동층내의 온도분포는 균일하지 않았다. 또한 연소가스중에 함유되어 하단 유동층으로부터 유출되어 상단 freeboard에 유입된 미세입자중 일부는 선회류 효과에 의해 가스흐름으로부터 분리되어 상단 유동층내에서 재연소가 일어나고, 연소로 밖으로 유출되는 입자들도 선회류 흐름을 따라 움직이기 때문에 로내 체류시간이 길어져 연소효율은 단단 유동층 연소로에 비해 증가하였다. Incineration experiments are carried out to obtain the fundamental data for application of a two-stage swirl-flows fluidized bed combustor to the incineration of paper sludge wastes with high moisture content. Experimental parameters are identified as the fluidizing air velocity, fuel feed rate, bed temperature and stoichiometric air ratio. Experimental results show that temperature distribution within the fluidized bed is not uniform due to the segregation by density difference between bed materials and paper sludge. A part of unburnt fines entrained from the lower bed are separated from the gas stream due to the swirling effect in the upper stage freeboard of the combustor, and eventually settled down on the upper bed and burnt by secondary air. Further, the non-separated remainder has a long residence time as it moves along the swirling flow. Therefore, the combustion efficiency of paper sludge in the two-stage swirl-flow fluidized bed combustor is enhanced compared with that in the single-stage fluidized bed combustor under the same operating conditions.

      • KCI등재후보

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