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      • KCI등재

        실새삼(Cuscuta australis R. Brown) 흡기(吸器)에서의 통도세포(通導細胞)에 관한 연구

        이규배,박종범,이재두,Lee, Kyu-Bae,Park, Jong-Bum,Lee, Chai-Doo 한국현미경학회 1987 Applied microscopy Vol.17 No.1

        The elongated filamentous haustorial cells, hyphae, of Cuscuta australis R. Brown penetrated into the vascular tissues of the host plant Trifolium repens L. were studied by the light and electron microscopes. The hyphae reached the host xylem were invaded into the host vessels and then they grew within the host vessels. Finally these hyphae were differentiated into the water conducting elements, xylary hyphae, by thickening of the secondary walls. The hyphae reached the host phloem were branched at the apical regions. These hyphae possessed thin-layered cytoplasm involving the typical features of sieve elements such as the parallel arrays of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, plastids with the clusters of fine starch granules, and mitochondria with the dilated cristae. It was indicated that these hyphae were differentiated into the nutrients conducting elements, phloic hyphae. The structures described were compared with those of other parasitic plants and were discussed in view of the translocation of materials from host to parasite.

      • KCI등재후보

        식물형태학 분야에서 사용하는 줄기의 구조에 관한 한글 용어의 분석

        이규배,Lee, Kyu Bae 조선대학교 기초과학연구원 2008 조선자연과학논문집 Vol.1 No.3

        Korean terminologies on stem structures in plant morphology, written incorrectly in many books, were analysed to propose accurately expressed terminologies. 35 books in areas such as general biology, plant biology, plant morphology, and biological dictionaries and glossaries were selected to analyse the accuracy of the terminologies for seed structures, e.g., shoot and shoot system, rhizome, apical dominance, anticlinal and periclinal divisions, and intercalary and lateral meristems. The definition and etymology of the terminologies were traced in 4 textbooks of plant anatomy and 2 dictionaries of biology and botany written in English. On the basis of the definition, etymology, and principles for terminology formation according to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 704:2000), reasonably expressed Korean terminologies were proposed. All of the 8 terminologies examined in this study were included in the glossary of biological terminologies, published by the Korean Association of Biological Sciences in 2005, and designated as an editorial source for science and biology textbooks for middle and high schools by Ministry of Education in 2007. However, the only 1 of the 8 terminologies described in the glossary were consistent with the proposed expression in the present study. These inconsistencies indicated the need for a reassessment of this glossary of biological terminologies. The validity of the proposed Korean terminologies was tested in a questionnaire sent to 17 professors teaching plant morphology or/and taxonomy at universities. A mean of 91.9% of the total respondents agreed with the Korean expressions proposed in this study. The new, proposed terminologies would facilitate mutual understanding between teachers and students of plant biology.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기주식물의 (寄主植物) 유조직 (柔祖織) 속에서 생장하는 실새삼 ( Cuscuta australis R. Brown ) 호흡세포의 미세구조

        이규배(Kyu Bae Lee),이재두(Chai Doo Lee) 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.2

        Two cell types, tip cells and hyphal cells, were found at the front of Cuscuta australis endophyte growing into the stem parenchyma of the host plant, Trifolium repens. Each tip cell developed into an elongate, filamentous hypha. The cells of both types possessed a dense cytoplasm including abundant organelles and enlarged nuclei with the deeply lobed envelope. The unevenly thick walls were observed in certain tip cells. The wall penetrated through the middle lamellase of the host cells and engulfed the debris of broken host cells. Some front cells had the plasmalemma-wall invaginations, which increased the surface area and would facilitate material uptake from the host. No plasmodesmata between the host and parasite cells were found; instead, an apoplastic continuity was established by fused cell walls at the interface of the two partners. The apoplast was thought to be the main route for water and nutrients transport.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        자기기생하는 (自己寄生) 실새삼 ( Cuscuta australis ) 에서 세포 화합성에 관한 미세구조 연구

        이규배 (Kyu Bae Lee) 한국식물학회 1993 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.36 No.3

        Cellular compatibuility in the self-parasitism of Cuscuta australis R. Brown was studied at the ultrastructural level. The front cells of the haustorium penetrated the host stems independently grew within the host tissues and transformed into elongate, filamentous hyphae. Each hyphal cells contained a large nucleus and dense cytoplasm with abundant cell organelles. Multilamellar structures were contained in the cytoplasm and cell walls of the penetrating hyphal cells. When the hyphal cells did not yet invade the host cells, the middle lamella and the fused cellulosic cell walls of the two partners at the host-parasite interface were preserved well. As the invasion of the parasitic hyphal cells progressed, however, the middle lamella was not found at the interface and the host cell walls and plasma membranes were partially broken down. A hyphal cell penetrated deeply into the host cell had a more darkly stained cytoplasm with numerous of cell organelles. In the host cells attacked by the hyphal cells the limiting membranes of plastids were broken down and several vesicles were arrayed near the cell walls. No plasmodesmatal connections between the host and parasite cell walls were found; however, half-plasmodesmata were observed frequently on the side of the hyphal cell walls. These results suggested that the compatibility response in the self-parasitism of Cuscuta was expressed by cell walls, not by plasmodesmata, between the host and the parasite cells.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기생피자식물 (奇生被子植物) 실새삼 ( Cuscuta australis R. Brown ) 의 흡기내 목부의 개체발생

        이규배(Kyu Bae Lee),이재두(Chai Doo Lee) 한국식물학회 1991 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.34 No.2

        Xylogenesis of the haustoriuam in the parasitic angiosperm Cuscuta australis R. Brown grown on the host plant Trifolium repens L. was studied with light microscopy. As the first event indicating the ontogeny of the haustorial xylem, cell divisions occurred in the fascicular and interfascicular regions of the stele of the parasite stem bearing a mature upper haustoriuim, the portion of haustorium external to host organ. The smaller derivatives contained densely stained cytoplasm and prominent nuclei. It confirmed that these dense cytoplasmic derivataives resulted from the division of the previous vacuolated parenchyma cells. As the haustorium had penetrated the host tissue, the cell division activity extended acropetally from the xylem of the parasite stem toward the base of the haustorium through the interfascicular region of the parasite stem. Thus a strand of the dense cytoplasmic cells was established. At the same time, the densely stained cells adjacent to the xylem of the parasite stem began to differentiate into xylary elements. Eventaually, a strand of haustorial xylem was formed acropetally along the way of the cells with increased cytoplasmic density. The acropetal induction of the division activity of parenchyma cells and its haustorial xylogenesis in the stele of the parasite stem was discussed in relation to a possible generation of morphogenetic or hormonal signal which might lead to a specific pattern of haustorial xylogenesis.

      • KCI등재

        수염녹두말속(Chlamydomonas) 단세포 녹조의 유성생식

        이규배(Kyu Bae Lee) 한국생명과학회 2017 생명과학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        이 논문은 다세포 녹색식물의 조상으로 생각되는 단세포인 수염녹두말속(Chlamydomonas) 녹조의 복잡한 유성생식 과정을 종합적으로 이해하기 위해서 기술되었다. 모델생물로 알려진 클래미도모나스 레인하르티(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)의 유성생식 생활사는 배우자발생, 배우자 활성화, 세포융합, 접합자 성숙, 감수분열과 발아 등의 다섯 시기로 구별된다. 배우자발생은 서식지에서 질소가 결핍되어 시작된다. 그 결과, 교배형 유전자자리(MT⁺ 또는 MT⁻)에 의해 조절된 두 가지 교배형(mt⁺ 및 mt⁻)의 배우자들이 발생된다. 유성생식을 위한 두 번째 자극원인 청색광이 교배능력을 갖고 있지 않는 예비배우자 세포에 조사되면 교배능력을 가진 배우자로 분화된다. 배우자발생의 초기에, 두 배우자 세포들은 응집소(agglutin) 분자들을 합성한다. 즉, mt⁺ 응집소 및 mt⁻ 응집소는 상염색체에 있는 성응집(SAG1) 및 성접착(SAD1) 유전자들이 발현되어 각각 합성된다. 응집소들에 의해서 두 배우자 세포들의 편모가 접착되면 cAMP가 신호전달 경로를 작동시켜서 편모의 끝 부부을 활성화시킨다. cAMP의 신호에 반응하여 두 배우자들의 세포벽이 벗겨지고 2개의 편모 사이에서 각각의 교배구조(mating structure)가 발달한다. 교배구조의 원형질막에는 mt⁺ 및 mt⁻ 배우자-특이 융합 단백질인 Fus1 및 Hap2/Gcs1이 있다. 이 단백질들의 상호작용으로 두 교배구조가 접촉되면, 두 배우자 사이에 세포질이 연결되어 수정세관(fertilization tubule)이 발달한다. mt⁺ 및 mt⁻ 배우자들의 핵과 엽록체가 융합되면 2배체의 접합자가 형성된다. 그 후 배우자들의 특성은 사라지며 융합단백질들(Fus1 및 Hap2)이 분해되고 접합자-특이(zygote-specific) 유전자들이 활성화 된다. 접합자는 24시간에 걸쳐 두꺼운 세포벽을 가진 접합포자(zygospore)로 발달한다. 어린 접합자에서 교배 후 60분 이내에 mt⁻ 엽록체 DNA와 mt⁺ 미토콘드리아 DNA가 선택적으로 제거된다. 따라서 이 두 소기관들은 각각 mt- 미토콘드리아 DNA와 mt⁺ 엽록체 DNA만 남아서 단친유전(uniparental inheritance)이 이루어진다. 적당한 조건이 되면 접합포자가 감수분열과 발아 과정을 거쳐 반수체 영양세포가 방출되어 새로운 세대가 다시 시작된다. The sexual reproduction of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas is reviewed for a comprehensive understanding of the complex processes. The sexual life cycle of C. reinhardtii is distinguished into five main stages: gametogenesis, gamete activation, cell fusion, zygote maturation, and meiosis and germination. Gametogenesis is induced by nitrogen starvation in the environment. C. reinhardtii has two mating types: mating type plus (mt⁺) and mating type minus (mt⁻), controlled by a single complex mating type locus (MT⁺ or MT⁻) on linkage group VI. In the early gametogenesis agglutinins are synthesized. The mt⁺ and mt⁻ agglutinins are encoded by the autosomal genes SAG1 (Sexual AGglutination1) and SAD1 (Sexual ADhesion1), respectively. The agglutinins are responsible for the flagellar adhesion of the two mating type of gametes. The flagellar adhesion initiates a cAMP mediated signal transduction pathways and activates the flagellar tips. In response to the cAMP signal, mating structures between two flagella are activated. The mt⁺ and mt⁻ gamete-specific fusion proteins, Fus1 and Hap2/Gcs1, are present on the plasma membrane of the two mating structures. Contact of the two mating structures leads to develop a fertilization tubule forming a cytoplasmic bridge between the two gametes. Upon fusion of nuclei and chloroplasts of mt⁺ and mt⁻ cells, the zygotes become zygospores. It is notable that the young zygote shows uniparental inheritance of chloroplast DNA from the mt⁺ parent and mitochondrial DNA from the mt⁻ parent. Under the favorable conditions, the zygospores divide meiotically and germinate and then new haploid progenies, vegetative cells, are released.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 식물형태학 분야에서 사용하는 잎과 뿌리의 구조에 관한 한글 용어의 연구

        이규배 ( Kyu Bae Lee ) 한국현장과학교육학회 2007 현장과학교육 Vol.1 No.2

        이 연구는 대학의 식물형태학 분야에서 사용하는 잎과 뿌리의 구조에 관한 용어들 가운데, 교재 또는 저술자에 따라 다르게 번역하여 쓰이고 있는 한글 용어들에 대하여 합리적인 표기를 제안하기 위해서 이루어졌다. 대학에서 교재로 사용되는 일반생물학, 일반식물학, 식물형태학 등 29종의 교재에서 서로 다르게 표기되어 있는 용어들의 어원과 정의를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 잎에서 기공(氣孔) 복합체의 한 유형인 “anomocytic type”은 “부재형(不在型)”으로 표기하고, 벼과식물 잎에 있는 “auricle”은 “엽이(葉耳, 잎귀)”로, 잎차례의 하나인 “basal leaf”는 “저생엽(底生葉, 낮게나기 잎)”으로, 벼과식물 잎에 있는 “bulliform cell”은 “기동세포(機動細胞)”로, 일액현상이 일어나는 “hydathode”는 “배수구조(排水構造)”로, 그리고 건생식물의 잎에 있는 “stomatal crypt”는 “기공굴(氣孔窟)”로 각각 표기하는 것이 합리적이다. 또한 뿌리에서 물의 횡적 이동에 관한 용어로서 “apoplast”는 “전세포벽(全細胞壁)”으로, “symplast”는 “전원형질(全原形質)”로 표기하며, 내피의 세포벽에 있으며 수분 이동을 조절하는 것으로 생각되는 “Casparian strip”은 “카스파리띠(Casparian band)”로, 그리고 근단분열조직에서 분열 속도가 느린 가운데의 “quiescent center”는 “분열지연중심부(分裂遲延中心部)”로 각각 표기하는 것이 적절하다고 판단된다. 이러한 연구를 통해서 식물학을 교육의 현장에서 가르치고 배우는 교수자와 학습자들 사이에 생물학적 개념을 올바르게 전달하고 이해를 증진시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Some Korean terminologies related to leaf and root structures in plant morphology, written differently according to textbooks and dictionaries, were studied to propose properly expressed Korean terminologies. Total 29 textbooks in general and plant biology and plant morphology for university students were selected and investigated. The terminologies on the leaf structures, i.e., anomocytic stomatal complex, auricle, basal leaf, bulliform cell, hydathode and stomatal crypt, and on the root structures, i.e., apoplast, Casparian strip, symplast, and quiescent center were examined. The definition and etymology of the terminologies were traced in 4 textbooks of plant anatomy and 2 dictionaries of biology and botany written in English. And then reasonably expressed Korean terminologies, mostly written in Chinese characters, were suggested. They were compared with those appeared in the Iwanami dictionary of biology published in Japan. It was expected that the results would contribute to promote mutual understanding between teachers and students in learning plant biology.

      • 자동차용 루프 패널의 설계 및 해석에 관한 연구

        이규배 ( Kyu-bae Lee ) 한국고등직업교육학회 2001 한국고등직업교육학회논문집 Vol.2 No.2

        The development of computer hardware and software has made active research attempted in the motor field. From the design of motors to the manufacture of dies, it is attempted variously. Here, when we examine the computer applied example of dies manufacture. Specially, to evaluate formablity of stamping dies, simulation by computer is being made up. This is what we called “Virtual Manufacturing Method” by computer. Skilled shop workers can make a complete dies after spending much time and money. However, actual stamping process with virtual manufacturing method by computer can make the visualization of the result of simulation and verify strain conduct of the goods. Recently, at the advanced motor companies, the applicable of virtual manufacturing method to be moved up. This study is the area that must be researched at the point of time when is not reduced personnel and material expenses being consumed at the current manufacturing method. Positive attempt of the kind of technique is made up and have to be reduced the expense and time for manufacturing to the most.

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