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      • 儒家의 人格敎育 方法論 考察 : 孝와 敬을 中心으로

        李啓鶴 단국대학교 교육대학원 1989 敎育論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        Modern education is knowledge education, while that of classical Confucianism is character education. When we consider the harmonious development of man to be ideal type of education, it seems necessary to keep the balance between the traditional character education and the modern knowledge education. And that is the main purpose of the present study on the characteristics of the classical Confucianist character education. For this purpose, a brief review of the Confucianist concept of education in general perspective is needed. Then, an examination of the classical Confucianist theory of Hyo education and of theNeo-Confucianist theory of Kyung education is attempted such that each of the two educational theories can be viewed in its own merits. Through this is intended a demonstration of the significance of each theory on modern knowledge- centered education. Some of the major literature of Confucianism have been studied to inquire into the characteristics of both the theory of Hyo education and that of Kyung education. The Analects of Confucius[論語] and book of Filial Piety[孝經] are examined for analysis of the theory of Hyo education, and the Book of Ten Pictures of Supreme Schorlarship[聖學十圖] by Lee Whang and the Selects of Supreme Schorlarship[聖學輯要] by Lee Yi, a renowned Confucianist scholar of the Mid-Chosun Dynasty, are examined for the analysis of the theory of Kyung education. The following few remarks can be given as the general conclusions of the present study. First, Confucianism takes perfect viruc[仁] to represent the essence of human nature. The concept in its wide sense means love and self-sublimation, both of which, of logical necessity, result in the return to the propriety[禮]. Thus a man of virtuc [君子] is the one who realized in his everyday life the perfect virtue, i.e., the model man of the propriety. In this sense he is the supreme scholar, the ultimate goal of the Confucianist education. Second, the concept of Kyung plays a central role as the principle of character education both in classical Confucianism and in Neo-Confucianism. The importance of Kyung in the Confucianist education can be explained when one sees the essential nature of the concept, that is, self-sublimation and return to the propriety. In other words, Kyung is the basic principlic that leads to the propriety. In Neo-Confucianism, however, Kyung comes to be regarded as the basic substance of human character and as the basis of all human knowledge. Third, Kyung in Comfucianism is not a psychological feeling of respect, but a philosophical concept. It seems that Kyung in the theory of Hyo education of the calssical Confucianism is the combination of love and fear, whereas Kyung in the Neo-Confucianism becomes the combinations of love and awe. Fourth, the process of character education through Hyo is in order of obeisance to parent[事親], devotion to king[事君], establishment in life[立身], practice of human duty[行道], and the process of character education through Kyung is in order of keeping of reverence[持敬], inquiry into reason[窮理], attainment of knowledge[致知], achievement of the essence of things[貫通]. Finally, the process of character education in Confucianism is the process of extending of reverence, and the growth of character is ultimately accomplished through the process of qualitative conversion.

      • KCI등재

        21 세기 교육의 전망과 환경윤리교육

        이계학 한국국민윤리학회 2000 倫理硏究 Vol.43 No.1

        이 논문은 21세기를 전망하면서 환경윤리교육을 염두에 두고 한국교육 100년 사를 거울삼아 文化交織論과 놀이모형을 통해 삶과 교육, 교육과 정치간의 관계를 분석하여 거시적인 안목에서 21세기의 환경윤리교육이 어떠한 사상적 기반 위에서 교육과정이 설정되고 운영되어야 할 것인지를 제시한 논문이다. 이 글에서 분석의 틀로 삼고 있는 문화교직론이란, 삶이란 인간이 주체가 되어 시공간의 차원에서 삶의 형식(체제)과 그에 따른 방식에 따라 엮어내는 交織物과 같다는 것이다. 그리고 놀이모형이란 인간이 삶을 운영하는 방식이 놀이를 운영하는 방식과 같다는 점이다. 이런 안목에서 볼 때 메타활동(meta-activity)인 정치는 놀이를 운영하는 심판과 같은 활동을 한다면 교육은 놀이에 참여하는 선수들을 훈련하는 트레이너와 같은 활동을 한다. 이런 관점에서 갑오교육개혁이후 지난 100년간의 한국교육을 분석해 볼 때 쾌적하고 아름다운 환경에서 인류가 물질적으로 풍요롭고 도덕·윤리적으로 사람다운 삶을 영위해 나가기 위해서는 21세기의 환경윤리교육은 첫째, 기계론적인 자연관과 세계관이 전일적 유기론적인 자연관과 세계관으로 바꿔어야 하며, 둘째, 삶의 형식(체제)이 개별과 보편, 개인과 집단이 조화를 이를 수 있는 '나-우리'의 삶의 형식을 인류가 속히 창안해 내야 하며, 셋째는 현행의 지식·기술중심의 교육이 동양전통의 덕성중심의 교육과 조화를 이루어야 하고, 넷째는 국제수준의 환경윤리강령을 마련하여 각국의 실정에 맞도록 교육을 실시하고, 다섯째로는 환경의 파괴와 오염의 직접적인 원인이 되고 있는 자연자원을 근검·절약하여 후손들에게 물려주고 인위적인 환경을 최선의 상태로 보존하려는 심성을 함양하는 일이라는 것이다.

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