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        금융지주회사 지배구조 개선방향: ‘금융그룹’의 시각을 중심으로

        이건범 한신대학교 민주사회정책연구원 2011 민주사회와 정책연구 Vol.0 No.20

        본 논문에서는 금융지주회사를 금융그룹의 하나의 특수한 형태로 파악하여 지배구조 개선 문제를 살펴본다. 금융그룹 지배구조의 문제를 ‘기업집단’이라는 조직상의 접근과 ‘금융’산업이라는 산업적인 접근을 통해서 파악할 때 금융그룹의 지배구조문제는 다층의 채권자 및 소액주주 등 이해관계자의 권리가 침해되기 쉬우며, 내적인 견제장치와 감독당국의 역할이 매우 중요한 것이 특징이라고 할 수 있다. 선진국에서 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 다양한 방안을 시행하고 있는데 우리나라도 이러한 제도적 기반을 마련할 필요가 있다. 금융지주회사를 포함한 우리나라 금융그룹의 지배구조를 개선하기 위하여 유럽식의 기업집단법 제정 등의 기업집단 일반에 적용할 수 있는 이해관계자의 보호장치 마련, 금융그룹에 대한 통합 감독 강화, 그리고 서브프라임 사태 이후 주목받고 있는 금융회사 이사회 및 내부견제장치의 개선 등을 고려할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회주민을 위한 학교체육시설의 효율적인 활용 방안

        이건범,김재훈 한국체육정책학회 2004 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        In our country, most of athletic facilities in school possess only a playground. All over the country playgrounds to be able to play football in elementary and secondary school are only 40.3%. Actually there are rarely schools to possess athletic facilities, such as any gymnasium, swimming pool, and so on. Now athletic facilities in school have been widely utilized as a factor to lead the development of the community, beyond the function under its institution. Also, through converting athletic facilities in school into Sport for all and accessing to sports management for an efficiency of school management, we should expand the linkage among the school, the local self-governing body, and the community to amplify and improve athletic facilities in school. Especially, athletic facilities in school should be fully equipped with various facilities, satisfy a passion for sports, and contribute to sports for all according as various needs. It will be expected that athletic facilities in school will be activated by performing some basic conditions : an accordance with educational goal and policy, facilities and training aids to make a joyful school, an management of physical education of school and an establishment of athletic facilities suitable to a local feature and a given condition, and an acceleration of a mutual utilization in athletic facilities of school and society. If athletic facilities in school became obviously worse in their quality and environmental sides as compared with private athletic facilities or public athletic facilities, students would not take up active attitudes in physical education classes of school. In the present state that lawn fields and urethane courts have been installed at near parks on the village and the terrace land on the river, if school playgrounds were still the bare grounds, it would be difficult to be expected an effect of voluntary participation in physical education of school. Athletic facilities in school, now, should be expanded more sports facilities for lifelong such as a swimming pool, a bowling alley, a golf practice range, and a wall for rock-climbing. They could heighten an effect of physical education of school only if they should be similar to public or private athletic facilities. Moreover, it would be estimated that research and development by fields experts should be embodied specific plans - maximum guarantee and practical plan for available space in school environment, financial guarantee and inducement of private capital for improving and expanding facilities, multipurpose and practical plan for athletic facilities in school, and concrete plan for management and use of facilities. Ultimately, in order to develop models of athletic facilities in school and utilize them, it would be necessary to be made items for installing funds of facilities and detailed statement of items for post-applicable funds. Therefore, we should ensure the synthetic development for physical education in school, and truly make an effort to be advanced in sports for all so as to use athletic facilities whoever want to do, without being restricted by time and space and being a burden on finance. As a part of this effort, making a systematic plan to maximize an efficiency of athletic management in school and then being linked with sports for all are very important, so it is high time that we should make plans systematically, develop a policy we need and get financial support more than any time. Only so students will be interested in physical education from their school days, those who are interested in it would have more healthy and sound life in their school and society than those who aren't. From their school days, those who were brought up with interest in physical education, even though growing into adults, continuously would enjoy Sport for all, so the rate of falling ill in diseases of adult people - obesity, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and so on - would be dramatically decreased. In that case, it could be not only decreased expenditure for medical care insurance but also became motive power to be highly prosperous in national and economic growth with improving a labor force.

      • KCI등재

        지역경제 성장을 위한 지역금융의 역할

        이건범 한국사회과학연구회 2010 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.78

        After the financial crisis, local finance in Korea deteriorated due to the weak state of regional economy and unintended consequences of the financial restructuring. Considering the growing importance of small and medium sized firms and regional economy’s heavy dependency on small and medium sized firms, local finance is indispensible for the endogenous and self sustained growth of regional economy as financing small and medium sized firms is dependent on local finance. For the development of local finance, restructuring of financial sector including local banks, other local small financial institutions and postal savings is in need. Moreover, improvement of relationship banking by financial institutions and government leading role for the development of local finance are also required. 외환위기 이후 지역금융이 크게 위축되었는데 이것은 지역경제의 위축뿐만이 아니라 금융구조조정의 의도하지 않은 결과라고 할 수 있다. 더욱이 중소기업이 우리나라 경제에서 차지하는 비중이 점점 높아지고 지역경제에서 중소기업의 비중이 절대적이라는 점을 감안한다면 중소기업금융에서 중요한 역할을 수행하는 지역금융을 활성화하지 않고서 지역의 자발적이고 자생적인 성장을 기대하기는 어렵다. 따라서 지역금융을 활성화할 수 있는 금융부문의 구조조정, 관계금융을 강화할 수 있는 금융기관들의 지역밀착형 경영도입과 금융당국의 정책적 지원이 지역금융의 발전을 위하여 필요하다

      • Kinesiology發達에 關한 小考(Ⅰ) : 고대 그리스시대로 부터 17세기까지 from Ancient Greek period to the 17th Century

        李建範 同德女子大學校 1983 同大論叢 Vol.13 No.1

        The basic concepts and ideas of kinesiology has been known and used since ancient Greek period. They were the first scientific concepts of movement that man was able to comprehend. The history of kinesiology has been reviewed by many persons among whom are Braun (1941), Hirt (1955), Rash (1958), Contini & Drillis (1996). They consider it as the beginning of medical history, especially Ecropean medical history. The study deals with the origin and development of kinesiology briefly traced in chronological order focusing on the persons who had contributed themselves to developing kinesiological concepts and principles. 1. In ancient Greece, Aristotle (384-322B.C.) described for the first time the actions of the muscles and subjected them to geometrical analysis in his treatises; Parts of Animals, Movement of Animals, and Progression of Animals. He expressed the role of the center of gravity, the laws of motion, and of leverage. 2. Archimedes(283-212B.C.) determined hydrostatic principles, the law of leverage and problems related to determining the center of gravity which have later come to be described as the foundation of theoretical mechanics. 3. Galenos(131-201A.D.), A physician, specialized in anatomy and physiology was first to describe-the positions and actions of the muscles, that is agonist, antagonist, and tonus, motor nerve and sensory nerve. This laid a definite foundation for the anatomical field whis so closely related to kinesiology. The idea of muscle contractile seems to have originated with Galenos. 4. During the Middle age in Europe, physical exercise and bodily development were of little importance and the investigation into the make-up of humanbody was neglected. The Church, strongly influencing all culture, passed laws forbidding the dissection of any human body. Since kinesiological and myological studies of Galenos remained. almost atatic for over a thousand years. 5. Leonardo Da Vinci(1452-1519) who lived during the Renaissance period offered examples that were later called by Newton the principle of inertia and the law of action and reaction; He also contributed to the understanding of basic balance concepts involving the center of gravity in relation to its base of support in the human frame. 6. An Astromomer, mathematician, Galileo(1564-1643) wrote the problem of balance and the law of leverage. He also proved that the trajectory of a projectile through a resistance-free medium is a parabola. His demonstration that acceleration of a falling body is not proportional to its weight is a classic in the area of mechanics. 7. Borelli(1608-1679) combined first the science of mathematics, physics, and anatomy with kinesiology. he recognized that bones serve as levers and are moved by muscles in accordance with mathematical laws, and he also believed that the movements of animals are affected by other forces such as air and water resistance and poor or good mechunical position.

      • KCI등재

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