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      • KCI등재

        한국판 농인 문화적응 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구

        음영지(Eum, Youngji),박지은(Park, Jieun),손선주(Sohn, Sunju),엄진섭(Eom, Jinsup),손진훈(Sohn, Jinhun) 한국사회복지학회 2014 한국사회복지학 Vol.66 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 한국판 농인 문화적응 척도를 개발하는 것이다. Maxwell-McCaw와 Zea(2011)의 농인 문화적응 척도(Deaf Acculturation Scale)를 국내 농인에 적절하게 번안하여 예비문항을 만들었다. 척도는 농문화적응과 청인문화적응, 두 가지 하위척도로 구분하여 농인들의 문화적응을 측정하도록 구성되었다. 최종적으로 농문화적응 하위척도 25문항, 청인문화적응 하위척도 25문항으로 구성된 한국판 농인 문화적응 척도가 개발되었다. 농문화적응 하위척도 4개의 요인, 청인문화적응 하위척도 5개의 요인으로 구성되었다. 개발된 척도의 내적 일관성 계수인 Cronbach’s α는 농문화적응 하위척도가 .93이었고, 청인문화적응 하위척도가 .93로 높은 값을 보였다. 선행연구를 통해 농문화적응과 관련이 있다고 판단된 연령, 청각장애 시기와 장애 급수와의 상관분석을 통해 공존타당도를 검증하였으며, 집단 자아존중감 척도(Collective Self-Esteem Scale)와의 상관분석으로 구성타당도를 검증하였다. 논의에는 본 연구의 의의 및 제한점과 후속 연구 방향을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate Korean version of Deaf Acculturation Scales(DAS). Pilot items were made a faithful translation of the Acculturation Scales of Maxwell-McCaw and Zea (2011) and were modified for Korean Deaf people. The Scale involves two dimensions, in order to measure the acculturation of Deaf people; Deaf acculturation and hearing acculturation. Using factor analysis, we developed a Korean version of DAS consisted of twenty-five items for Deaf acculturation dimension and twenty-five items for hearing acculturation dimension. These analysis supported the four factors of Deaf acculturation dimension and the five factors of hearing acculturation dimension. Reliability, assessed by Cronbach’s α, was .93 for Deaf acculturation and .93 for hearing acculturation, respectively, which confirm the Koran version of DAS. Construct validity was demonstrated through correlation with Deaf acculturation-related variables: age, age of Deafness, Degree of hearing loss, American Sign Language ability, and lip-reading ability. Criterion validity was supported by correlation with Collective Self-Esteem Scale. Limitation and implication of this study and direction for future research were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        분노 경험 회상시 특성 분노 수준에 따른 뇌 기능

        음영지 ( Young-ji Eum ),이경화 ( Kyung Hwa Lee ),손진훈 ( Jin-hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2018 감성과학 Vol.21 No.3

        Trait anger is one of the psychological traits associated with experiences of anger. Individuals with high trait anger become angry easily at trivial events, and experience anger more frequently, intensely, and over a longer duration. This study aimed to investigate neural responses during experiences of anger, and identify the neural correlates of trait anger. Thirty five adults participated in the functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) experiment. They were scanned while they recalled an anger-inducing memory that was supposed to evoke an experience of anger. During the angry recall compared to the emotionally neutral recall, our participants showed greater neural activation in the right superior temporal gyrus (BA38), left inferior frontal gyrus (BA45), right thalamus, right insula (BA13), bilateral cuneus (BA17), and right cerebellum anterior lobe. The correlation analysis revealed that trait anger scores were positively associated with right insula activity during the angry recall. Individuals with higher trait anger were more likely to show greater activity in the right insula in response to past experiences of anger, as previously implicated in various studies of emotional processing. This finding suggests that trait anger may be an important factor in modulating anger-related brain activity.

      • KCI등재

        숨긴정보검사에서 불안의 역할:fMRI 연구

        음영지 ( Yeong Ji Eum ),엄진섭 ( Jin Sup Eom ),박광배 ( Kwang Bai Park ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2011 감성과학 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of present study was to examine brain functions associated with intention to conceal information. Kubo & Nittono(2009) and Verschuere et al.(2009) studied the intention to conceal information using P300 amplitude. On the basis of these two studies, present study attempted to identify brain area while participants were performing concealed information test. 19 healthy college students participated in fMRI-based concealed information test. Participants` name were used as concealed information. The test was performed in two conditions. In the intention condition, participants were instructed to try leaving their names undetected by suppressing their brain response to it. In the no intention condition, participants performed the test without intention to conceal. The fMRI results showed that the right anterior cingulated cortex (Rt. ACC), and left orbito-frontal cortex (Lt. OFC) activations were greater in the deceptive condition than the truth condition. These finding confirmed that ACC is area a deception-specific process as shown in the previous fMRI study. The OFC activation was also observed in the deceptive condition. The OFC is an area known as associated with emotional response such as anxiety, fear, and guilty. The anxiety induced while participants were intended to conceal information might be related to the OFC activation.

      • KCI등재

        공포와 기쁨 정서 간 안면온도 반응의 차이

        음영지 ( Yeong Ji Eum ),엄진섭 ( Jin Sup Eom ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2012 감성과학 Vol.15 No.1

        There have been many emotion researches to investigate physiological responses on specific emotions with physiological parameters such as heart rate, blood volume flow, and skin conductance. Very few researches, however, exists by detecting them with facial skin temperature. The purpose of present study was to observe the differences of facial skin temperature by using thermal camera, when participants stimulated by monitor scenes which could evoke fear or joy. There were totally 98 of participants; undergraduate students who were in their adult age and middle, high school students who were in their adolescence. We measured their facial temperature, before and after presenting emotional stimulus to see changes between both times. Temperature values were extracted in these regions; forehead, inner corners of the eyes, bridge of the nose, end of the nose, and cheeks. Temperature values in bridge and end of the nose were significantly decreased in fear emotion stimulated. There was also significant temperature increase in the area of forehead and the inner corners of the eyes, while the temperature value in end of the nose decreased. It showed decrease in both stimulated fear and joy. These results might be described as follows: When arousal level going up, sympathetic nervous activity increases, and in turn it makes blood flow in peripheral vessels under the nose decrease. Facial temperature changes by fear or joy in this study were the same as the previous studies which measured temperature of finger tip, when participants experiencing emotions. Our results may help to develop emotion-measuring techniques and establish computer system bases which are to detect human emotions.

      • KCI등재

        분노유발에 따른 특성불안자의 자율신경계 반응 특성

        음영지,장은혜,손진훈,Eum, Young-Ji,Jang, Eun-Hye,Sohn, Jin-Hun 한국감성과학회 2017 감성과학 Vol.20 No.3

        특성불안이 높은 자들은 분노 표현을 억제하려하기 때문에 주관적인 행동평가로는 특성불안자의 분노 경험을 측정하는데 한계가 있다. 보다 객관적으로 특성불안자의 분노 경험을 측정하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 분노에 의해 유발된 자율신경계 반응이 특성불안 수준에 따라 차이가 있는지를 확인하고자 한다. 실험참가자들을 불안집단과 통제집단으로 구분하였으며, 분노자극을 제시하기 전과 후에 심전도(ECG), 호흡(RESP), 피부전기활동(EDA), 그리고 피부온도(SKT)를 측정하였다. ECG에서 심박률(HR), NN 간격의 표준편차(SDNN), 심박주기 제곱의 평균제곱근(RMSSD), 심박변이도의 저주파성분(LF), 심박변이도의 고주파성분(HF), 저주파성분과 고주파성분의 비율(LF/HF ratio), RESP에서 호흡주기(RR)를, EDA에서 피부전도수준(SCL)을, SKT에서 최대피부온도(maxSKT)를 산출하였다. 두 집단 간 분노자극에서 유발된 분노정서 강도의 차이를 검증한 결과, 집단 간 차이는 유의하였다. 자율신경계 반응 차이를 확인한 결과, 불안집단에서 유의미한 SDNN와 LF의 증가, HF, LF/HF ratio, 그리고 RR의 감소가 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 특성불안이 높은 이들의 분노 경험을 측정하는데 자율신경계 반응이 객관적인 지표로 활용이 가능함을 시사한다. Individuals with high trait anxiety try to suppress their anger expression, thus there are limits in measuring their anger using subjective behavioral evaluation. In order to overcome this limitation, this study attempted to identify the difference in the autonomic nervous system responses induced by anger in individuals with high trait anxiety. Participants were divided into two groups, anxiety and control groups. Electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration (RESP), electrodermal activity (EDA), and skin temperature (SKT) were measured while participants were presented with an anger-inducing stimulus. Heart rate (HR), standard deviation of NN interval (SDNN), root mean square of successive difference (RMSSD), low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), LF/HF ratio, respiration rate (RR), skin conductance level (SCL), and maximum skin temperature (maxSKT) were calculated before and after presenting the stimulus. Anxiety group reported greater anger by the anger-inducing stimulus compared to the control group. Anxiety group also showed significant increase in SDNN and LF, and decrease in HF, LF/HF ratio, and RR. These results suggest that the autonomic nervous system responses may be used as objective indicators of anger experiences in individuals with high trait anxiety.

      • KCI등재

        고역통과필터 값이 P300의 파형에 미치는 영향

        엄진섭 ( Jin Sup Eom ),음영지 ( Young Ji Eum ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ),박광배 ( Kwang Bai Park ) 한국감성과학회 2010 감성과학 Vol.13 No.1

        The present study is a partial extension of the Duncan-Johnson and Donchin (1979) and Soskins, Rosenfeld, and Niendam (2001) studies that found some effects of high pass filter (HPF) setting on P300 waveform. EEGs were recorded while the subjects performed a visual three-stimulus oddball task, and the Fz and Pz EEG signals were passed through 0.01 Hz, 0.3 Hz, and 1.0 Hz HPFs. P300 amplitudes at Fz and Pz were reduced at 1.0 Hz HPF compared to 0.01 Hz and 0.3 Hz HPFs. The negative peaks post P300 at Fz and Pz were not observed at 0.01 Hz HPF, but observed at 0.3 Hz and 1.0 Hz HPFs. The combination of 0.3 Hz HPF and peak-to-peak P300 measures was more useful than that of 0.01 Hz, 0.3 Hz, or 1.0 Hz HPF and baseline-to-peak P300 measures to discriminate between non-target and standard stimuli. The peak-to-peak P300 measures were more useful than the baseline-to-peak P300 measures at 1.0 Hz HPF setting.

      • KCI등재

        P300 숨긴정보검사와 대응수단

        엄진섭 ( Jin Sup Eom ),음영지 ( Young Ji Eum ),장은정 ( Un Jung Jang ),정이내 ( E Nae Cheong ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2015 감성과학 Vol.18 No.1

        It is known that P300-based concealed information test (P300 CIT) was not greatly affected by the traditional countermeasures. This study was to test whether P300 CIT is affected by the new countermeasures. We used three types of countermeasures. First type was a sequential countermeasure in which participants had to respond in alternating ways to irrelevants by pressing the left index finger covertly when the encountered irrelevant firstly, by wiggling the right big toe inside the shoe when encountered irrelevant secondly, by imaging his or her mother``s name when encountered irrelevant thirdly, and by imaging his or her father``s name when encountered irrelevant fourthly until all stimuli were presented. Second type was a partial matching and physical countermeasure. Participants in this type were asked to press the left index finger imperceptibly after one of the irrelevants and wiggle the right big toeafter another of the irrelevants. Third type was a partial matching and mental countermeasure. Participants were required to imagine mother``s name for one irrelevant and father``s name for another irrelevant. The results showed that contrary to our expectation, the use of sequential countermeasure increased the detection rate from 77% to 92%. The partial matching countermeasure had a negative effect on P300 CIT. The physical countermeasure decreased the detection rate from 77% to 46%, and the mental countermeasure decreased the detection rate from 100% to 69%. The necessity for the development of methods to prevent or detect countermeasure is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        무료함, 통증, 그리고 놀람 정서 간 자율신경계 반응의 차이

        장은혜 ( Eun Hye Jang ),음영지 ( Yeong Ji Eum ),박병준 ( Byoung Jun Park ),김상협 ( Sang Hyeob Kim ),손진훈 ( Jin Hun Sohn ) 한국감성과학회 2011 감성과학 Vol.14 No.4

        Recently in HCI research, emotion recognition is one of the core processes to implement emotional intelligence. There are many studies using bio signals in order to recognize human emotions, but it has been done merely for the basic emotions and very few exists for the other emotions. The purpose of present study is to confirm the difference of autonomic nervous system (ANS) response in three emotions (boredom, pain, and surprise). There were totally 217 of participants (male 96, female 121), we presented audio-visual stimulus to induce boredom and surprise, and pressure by using the sphygmomanometer for pain. During presented emotional stimuli, we measured electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (SKT), electrocardiac activity (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG), besides; we required them to classify their present emotion and its intensity according to the emotion assessment scale. As the results of emotional stimulus evaluation, emotional stimulus which we used was shown to mean 92.5% of relevance and 5.43 of efficiency; this inferred that each emotional stimulus caused its own emotion quite effectively. When we analyzed the results of the ANS response which had been measured, we ascertained the significant difference between the baseline and emotional state on skin conductance response, SKT, heart rate, low frequency and blood volume pulse amplitude. In addition, the ANS response caused by each emotion had significant differences among the emotions. These results can probably be able to use to extend the emotion theory and develop the algorithm in recognition of three kinds of emotions (boredom, surprise, and pain) by response measurement indicators and be used to make applications for differentiating various human emotions in computer system.

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