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        방상시의 현대적 수용 사례 연구

        윤혜미 한국국회학회 2024 한국과 세계 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구는 방상시의 현대적 수용 사례를 분석하는 것에 그 목적이 있으며, 연구방법은 문헌연구방법을 사용하였다. 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영화에서는 장례식을 중심으로 표현되었으며, 영화의 메시지를 전달하는 매개체로서 방상시를 활용하였다. 둘째, 드라마에서는 원형 재현 및 현대적 재해석을 통해 전통적인 문화유산을 대중들에게 소개하는 기회가 되었다. 셋째, 공연에서는 기록으로만 남아 있는 방상시춤을 발굴하고 현대적으로 재해석하려고 노력한다는 점에서 높게 평할 수 있다. 넷째, 축제에서는 행사가 있었으나 방상시의 탈에만 집중되어 방상시의 활용 및 현대적 수용 측면에서 아쉬움을 보였다. 이 연구를 통해 방상시의 역사와 문화적 배경을 이해하고, 후속연구가 지속되기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze modern examples of the acceptance of Bangsangsi, and the research method used is literature research. The conclusions are as follows. First, in movies, it was expressed centered around funerals, and Bangsangsi was used as a medium to convey the message of the movie. Second, in dramas, it was an opportunity to introduce traditional cultural heritage to the public through original reproduction and modern reinterpretation. Third, in the performance, it can be highly evaluated in that it tries to discover and reinterpret the Bangsangsi dance, which only remains as a record. Fourth, there were events at the festival, but it was regrettable in terms of utilization and modern acceptance because it focused only on the mask of Bangsangsi. Through this study, we hope to understand the history and cultural background of Bangsangsi, and expect follow-up research to continue.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회조직가의 정책교육 역할 및 정책교육 모델 개발에 관한 연구

        윤혜미 한국사회복지연구회(서울대학교 사회복지연구소) 1990 사회복지연구 Vol.2 No.1

        이 글은 사회발전에 따른 지역사회주민들의 공공정책에 대한 관심과 참여 욕구에 부응하는 지역사회조직가의 공공정책교육 역할과 바람직한 공공정책교육의 프로그램 개발에 관해 논의하고자 한다. 지역사회조직가의 교육가로서의 역할은 전혀 새로운 것은 아니지만 여기서는 종래 워커의 역할이 강조되어온 도시영세지역의 사회행동모델이나 낙후지역의 지역사회개발모델보다는 어느 지역에서나 있을 수 있는 지역사회주민의 다양한 욕구나 관심이 합리적이고 민주적인 의견표출과 합의과정을 통해서 정책으로 전개되도록 하는데 초점을 두는 객관적인 입장의 교육역할을 강조한다. 또 효과적인 교육 프로그램의 모델로는 정책이슈에 대한 여러가지 대안과 그에 따른 결과를 지역주민 스스로가 표출해 내어서 최종적인 선택에 이르도록 하는 "대안과 결과" 모델을 제시한다. 이 모델은 지역사회의 관심이나 문제가 정책이슈화하는 전개과정과 각 과정에서의 워커의 역할을 보여주고 정책의 배경, 이해당사자, 가능한 해결책, 비용등에 관한 정보로 이루어지는 정책내용(contents)에 관한 사항과 주민들의 의사를 최종 정책결정에 반영시키기 위한 가장 효과적인 참여방법이나 동원할 수 있는 자원 등, 과정(process)에 관한 정보제공을 직접적인 교육프로그램에 포함할 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 국내입양과 해외입양 : 과거와 현재, 그리고 개선방안 Past, Present and Future Tasks

        윤혜미 동국대학교 경주대학 1995 東國論集 Vol.14 No.-

        This article reviews the development of child adoption laws, problems, and future tasks underpinning adoption issue in Korea. Adoption is a major child welfare program which aims at fulfilling the needs of all members of the adoption triad, the child, adoptive parents and the biological parents equally. Adoption in Korea began with the Koran War of 1950s. In the beginning, war orphans and children of mixed blood formed the largest group of adoptees, and they were placed mainly with homes abroad. In 1970s, the era of industirialization of Korea, the main cause of children for adoption was shifted from the war orphans to the children of unmarried mothers mostly in their late teens or early twenties. These children now consist of the major proportion of children for adoption. The change of society brought changes into the characteristics of children in need. One of the most pressing problem in adoption Korea faces today is the unbalance beween the number of children of intercountry adoption and that of domestic adoption. All 179,637 children had been adopted 1958 thru 1993 ; 129,907 found homes abroad. A significant number of adopted Korean children were brought to the United States, Denmark and Norway etc. Efforts to place these children within the nation proved to be unsuccessful until now. Only 49,766(about 30% of all adoptees) children found homes within the nation during the same time period. Much discussion and criticism over this issue brought Amendment of Adoption Law of 1995 (Jan. 5th). However the new law seems to be not enough to increase domestic adoption rate dramatically. One of the main problems which retrograde domestic adoption is the traditional emphasis on the blood-tie in the family, which results family or couple-centered adoption rather than child-centered one. As a result, most public agency adoptions involved children of age 6mos. or younger at the time of placement. Finding homes for older children (over age one) became very hard. This attitude leads to the illegal private adoption. Adoptive parents even don't want to leave an adoption record. Therefore, although agency adoption is the current norm, illegal private adoptions are somewhat commonplace in Korea. It primarily involves infants and the biological parents. Adoptive parents maintain much control in the adoption process. The preference over the secrecy and anonymity of adoption leads to the closed adoption process in adoptions agencies, also. But this closed practice makes the aftercare impossible ; because when the adoption process is over, the family would move to another place so that no one knows the child is adopted. A possible solution to this problem is giving the adoptive parents a choice to registrate the child as an adoptee or as their child by birth. If the family fear that they might find problems in attachment and control over the child because of the fact he/she was adopted, registrating the child as their biological offspring can make them feel secure. If they feel secure, they won't go for the danger of violating the law, and aftercare could be possible. Another problem is the lack of governmental financial support to the adoption agencies. Adoption agencies practically depend upon the sponsorships and the fees for adoption services which, of course, are not enough to develop services of better quality. Since adoption is one of the most cost effective child welfare program, government should support the agency financially and then, assign and supervise the responsibility for investigation and collection of the adopted child's health and background information and aftercare to adoption agencies for effective services. Other problems still remain : the shortage of foster homes, placement for the handicapped children and children with medical problems and lack of networking agencies etc. Building an effective adoption system is a monumental task that Korean child welfare policy faces. Not only fine-tuning of the system, but also efforts of preventing the occurrence of the children in need(for examples, education for young people, free pre-natal care, homes for the unmarried mothers and their children etc.) are required. Also in the policy level, developing child support system(ex. child allowance) should be considered seriously so that the biological mother with financial problems who wants to rear her own child can keep the child. Another approach is develping family preservation services to reinforce family functions so as to prevent break-down of families. Finally, adoption agencies and professionals also have challenges ahead in restructuring adoption practices to allow participants to design their own adoptions while providing the protection that comes with choice, preparation, and mediation.

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