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      • KCI등재

        중일전쟁기 일본 육해군의 임시군사비 전용 문제 분석 - 제국의회에서의 논의를 중심으로 -

        윤현명(Yun, Hyen-myeng) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2021 군사 Vol.- No.119

        This article aims at focusing on the matter of diverting use of the Extraordinary War Expenditure by Japanese Army and Navy during the Second Sino-Japanese War and analyzing it. When the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out in July, 1937, the Japanese Government decided to run the Extraordinary War Expenditure for the war. Therefore, drafts for special accounting laws and expenses of the Extraordinary War Expenditure were submitted to the Imperial Diet in September in the same year. But the Diet members were concerned about the prolonged and extra use of the Extraordinary War Expenditure, because there were various problems caused by the dispatch of troops in Siberia resulting in the prolongation of the World War I in the past. However, the government said that the Extraordinary War Expenditure would be short-term means and they were used for the Second Sino-Japanese War only. Therefore, the members of the Imperial Diet raised the questions about the Extraordinary War Expenditure during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The government emphasized that the Extraordinary War Expenditure were justly used for the Second Sino-Japanse War. but the government"s reply was not a fact. The Japanese Army and Navy diverted large amount of the Extraordinary War Expenditure for expansion of armament for the the Soviet Union and USA, respectively. It could be confirmed by internal documents from the Navy and the Ministry of Finance, and the testimonies by the parties concerned. In conclusion, the Japanese Government(especially, the Army and Navy) diverted large sum of the Extraordinary War Expenditure, which could not be used with any other purpose. Then, what is the noteworthy matters of diverting use of the Extraordinary War Expenditure by the Japanese Army and Navy? There are broadly two points as follows: First, it was the deterioration in control of military expenses by the Imperial Diet. Second, it was collaboration between the Ministry of Finance and the Army and Navy. Therefore, the matter of diverting use of the Extraordinary War Expenditure in the Japanese Army and Navy shows that How much did the Imperial Diet control military expenses and How was relationship between the Ministry of Finance and the military authorities.

      • KCI등재

        근대 일본의 시베리아 출병에 대한 일고찰-중일전쟁과의 비교를 중심으로-

        윤현명 ( Yun Hyen-myeng ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2019 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.53

        1918년 8월, 일본은 영국, 프랑스, 미국 등의 열강과 함께 시베리아 출병을 단행했다. 그중 일본의 출병은 1925년 5월까지 계속되었는데, 이를 일본의 시베리아 출병이라고 한다. 선전포고는 없었지만, 이는 사실상의 전쟁이었다. 당시 러시아는 제1차 세계대전 그리고 1917년의 10월 혁명과 그 이후에 전개된 내전 때문에 혼란에 빠져 있었다. 이를 틈타 영국, 프랑스, 미국, 일본 등의 열강은 볼셰비키 정권의 붕괴와 동부전선의 재건을 노리고 러시아 문제에 개입했다. 그리고 체코 군단의 구출을 명목으로 시베리아 출병을 단행했는데, 이때 일본의 진짜 목적은 시베리아 동부를 자신의 세력권으로 만드는 것이었다. 그래서 적극적으로 군사작전을 수행하고, 괴뢰 정권을 세우는 등 독자적인 세력권 구축에 힘썼다. 그러한 일본의 행동은 미국의 반발을 샀다. 그럼에도 일본은 시베리아 동부에서 독자적인 세력권 구축을 추진했다. 그래서 영국, 프랑스, 미국 등의 열강이 군대를 철수시킨 뒤에도, 병력을 철수시키지 않았다. 그러나 볼셰비키 정권이 공고해지고, 미국의 반발이 거세지자 일본도 시베리아에서 군대를 철수시키지 않을 수 없게 되었다. 결국, 일본은 1925년 5월에 마지막 점령지였던 사할린 북부에서 군대를 철수시킴으로써 시베리아 출병을 완전히 끝냈다. 일본의 시베리아 출병은 공식적으로 전쟁을 선포하지 않았다는 점, 전시에 성립하는 임시군사비특별회계에서 경비가 지출되었다는 점, 광대한 영토를 무대로 장기전·게릴라전이 벌어졌다는 점, 해당 지역을 식민지화하기 위해 괴뢰 정권을 수립했다는 점, 미국의 강력한 견제를 받았다는 점에서 1937년에 발발한 중일전쟁과 유사한 패턴을 보인다. 일본의 시베리아 출병은 1925년에 끝났지만, 일본은 12년 후 중일전쟁을 일으켰다. 그리고 시베리아에서의 실수를 더 큰 규모로 반복하며 최악의 결과를 만들어냈다. 이렇게 볼 때 일본의 시베리아 출병은 중일전쟁의 ‘원형’이라고 할 수 있다. 반복하는 패턴을 만들어내는 원형 말이다. In August 1918, Japan carried out the dispatch of troops to Siberia with the powers of Britain, France and the United States. The Japanese military expedition continued until May 1925, which was called Japan’s Siberian Intervention. There was no declaration of war, but it was a de facto war. At that time, Russia fell into utter confusion after the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the civil war that followed. In the meantime, the powers of Britain, France, the United States, and Japan intervened in the Russian issue in order to collapse the Bolshevik regime and rebuild the eastern front. And the dispatch of troops to Siberia was carried out in the name of rescuing Czech army, and the real purpose of Japan was to make eastern Siberia his territory. So Japan actively engaged in military operations and established a puppet regime trying to build its own scope of influence power. Such Japanese actions caused opposition from the United States. Nevertheless, Japan pushed forward its own scope of influence power in eastern Siberia. So Japan did not withdraw its troops, even after the British, French, and American powers withdrew their troops. However, as the Bolsheviks regime became stronger and the US opposition became stronger, Japan was forced to withdraw its troops from Siberia. Eventually, Japan completely ended its dispatch of troops to Siberia by withdrawing its troops from northern Sakhalin which was the last occupied territory in May 1925. Japan’s Siberian Intervention has a similar pattern with the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937 in that Japan did not officially declared war, the expense of military expedition was spent from Special Account of Extraordinary War Expenditure which could be valid in wartime, the long-term war and guerrilla warfare went on constantly in vast territory, the establishment of a puppet regime to colonize the region, and it as contained strongly by America. Japan’s departure from Siberia ended in 1925, but Japan start the Second Sino-Japanese War 12 years later. It caused the worst result repeating its mistakes in Siberia on a larger scale. In this way, Japan’s dispatch of troops to Siberia can be said to be an ‘original form’ of the Second Sino-Japanese War. It means a prototype that creates a pattern of repetition.

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