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        대학 교양영어 교육의 효과

        윤유진(Eugene Yoon) 한국중원언어학회 2018 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.47

        This study was intended to examine the effectiveness of the current English curriculum practiced at Liberal Arts College of K-university to discover effective methods or ways in teaching general English education in the universities. The results were investigated by studying the relationships between English academic achievement and determinants related to the students’ majors and the types of professors using twodependent or two-independent samples t-test and ANOVA on the basis of the achievement analysis among the participants (n = 842). The empirical results are as fellows: First, there is significant English improvement through the English course. Second, the impacts of determinants related to the students’ majors and the types of professors on English academic achievement are versatile. This study will be used to suggest the one of the most innovative ways to general English programs that best fit the various practical conditions such as students’ majors and types of the professors in general English education through the analysis of English achievement.

      • KCI등재후보

        방과후학교 참여가 학업성취 및 사교육 경감에 미치는 효과

        윤유진(Yoon, Eu Gene) 한국방과후학교학회 2017 방과후학교연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 경향점수매칭 분석방법을 이용하여 방과후학교 참여가 학업성취 및 사교육 경감에 미치는 효과를 검증하였다. 그동안 방과후학교 프로그램의 효과를 논의하면서 참여학생과 비학생 사이에는 배경변인에서 가시적인 차이가 있다는 사실을 지적하였다. 방과후학교에는 사회경제적 지위가 낮은 계층의 학생이나 농어촌 지역의 학생들이 보다 활발하게 참여하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 현상은 방과후학교 참여에 있어서 선택편의(selection bias)의 경향이 있음을 의미한다. 이러한 편의를 제거하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 경향점수매칭 분석방법을 이용하여 분석하였다. 그 결과, 방과후학교 프로그램 참여는 비참여에 비해 학업성취 및 사교육비경감에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 초․중․고 학생의 방과후학교 참여여부가 학업성취 및 사교육경감에 미치는 효과가 있는가를 분석한 결과, 방과후학교 프로그램에 참여하는 학생이 비참여에 비해 학업성취가 높게 나타났다. 더 나아가 예체능을 제외한 교과(국․영․수․과․사)방과후학교 참여 여부에 따라 경향점수매칭 전․후에 학업성취도 차이가 있는가를 알아본 결과 교과방과후학교 프로그램에 참여하는 학생이 비참여학생에 비해 학업성취도가 높게 나타났다. 또한 방과후학교 참여여부에 따라 사교육비 경감에 차이가 있는가를 살펴본 결과, 방과후학교참여가 사교육비 경감에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how participation in ASOCP affects school achievement and private tutoring fee deduction by using the propensity score matching analysis method. First of all, the ASOCP policy was examined as alternatives to private tutoring in order to study how they affect private tutoring costs and participation in private tutoring, and how effective they were. For this study, data researched in 2013 by Statistics Korea were used. Samples were collected twice in a year (June: costs in March-May; October: costs in July-September) through an Internet survey from a total of 78,000 subjects, including approximately 44,000 parents (private tutoring costs, attitude survey) and 34,000 students (attitude survey) in nearly 1,094 elementary, middle or high schools nationwide. The impact of variables deemed influential on school achievement was analyzed first. In order to investigate the impact of ASOCP on school achievement, an effectiveness analysis was performed using propensity score matching methods. In this study, SAS (Ver. 9.3) was used for analysis. Estimation and matching of propensity scores were stratified and conducted for each school level. Specifically, propensity scores were estimated for each of elementary, middle, general high and specialized high school and used for matching. For such propensity score matching, participation in private tutoring, participation in private English tutoring and participation in private mathematics tutoring were established first as treatment variables. The results of the study are as follows. Firat, according to a comparison analysis on school achievement affected by participation in ASOCP based on propensity score matching, students who participated in ASOCP showed better school performance than those who did not, before and after the matching. Nevertheless, students who took ASOCP had 4.64% higher school achievement than those who did not before the matching, whereas the difference in school achievement between the two groups grew to 5.81% after the matching. This means that the effects of ASOCP increased. In particular, the difference escalated even further in elementary and middle schools. Second, the propensity score matching method was also used to confirm how ASOCP affect private tutoring costs. Students who took ASOCP spent KRW456,200 less on private tutoring than those who did not. ASOCPparticipants in elementary school spent KRW679,100 less, those in middle schools KRW301,700 less and those in general high schools KRW471,100. Reductions in private tutoring costs created by participation in ASOCP were significantly different from one region to another. Effects of ASOCP were particularly substantial in elementary schools of each region.

      • KCI등재

        사교육, 방과후학교, EBS 참여가 학업성취에 미치는 효과분석

        윤유진(Yoon, Eugene),김현철(Kim Hyun-chul) 한국교육행정학회 2016 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 사교육, 방과후학교, EBS의 학업성취 효과를 비교를 통해 방과후학교, EBS의 사교육 대체성을 검토하기 위한 것이다. 과도한 사교육이 사회문제가 되고 있는 한국의 현실에서 저렴한 비용의 방과후학교와 EBS의 학업성취 효과를 사교육과 비교하는 것은 이런 면에서 매우 의미있다고 할 수 있다. 사교육, 방과후학교 및 EBS의 참여학생과 비참여학생의 배경변인이 가시 적으로 차이가 있거나 방과후학교에 있어서 도시지역보다 농어촌 지역의 학생들이 활발하게 참여 하는 등 기존의 연구에서 사교육·방과후학교·EBS 참여집단의 특성이 비참여집단과 동질적이지 않 아 그 효과를 일반화하는데 한계가 있다는 것이 제한점으로 지적되었다. 따라서 본 연구는 이러 한 제한점을 극복하고 사교육, 방과후학교, EBS 참여하는 학생들의 배경이 다르기 때문에 발생하 는 선택편의(selection bias)를 제거하기 위하여 경향점수매칭 분석방법이 사용되었다. 본 연구에 사용된 사교육 자료는 2013년 통계청에서 조사한 사교육 자료를 이용하였다. 경 향점수매칭 분석을 위하여 방과후학교 19,035명, EBS 16,076명, 사교육 19,295명의 표본이 분 석에 사용되었다. 학업성취효과에 영향을 주는 사교육, 방과후학교, EBS의 효과를 알아보기 위하여 경향점수매칭 분석방법에 의한 로지스틱 회귀모형을 통해 효과분석을 실시하였다. 경향점수매칭에 의해 사교육, 방과후학교, EBS의 학업성취 효과를 비교한 연구결과, 방과후 학교 및 EBS 학업성취효과가 사교육 효과에 못지않음을 발견하였다. 학업성취 효과는 사교육 이 6.82%, EBS가 5.04%, 방과후학교가 4.81%, 순으로 높게 나타났다. 2013년 통계청 조사에서 초·중·고 학생1인당 사교육비 23.9천원, 방과후학교 비용은 3.2천원 그리고 EBS 비용은 0.2천 원으로 사교육의 비용이 방과후학교나 EBS에 비해 월등히 높다. 이런 점을 고려한다면 방과 후학교나 EBS가 사교육에 비해 크게 열등하지 않으며 방과후학교나 EBS가 비용대비의 효율 성이 사교육에 비해 높은 것으로 평가할 수도 있다. 특히, 사교육을 받지 않는 학생들에게 방 과후학교나 EBS는 실질적으로 큰 도움이 될 잠재력이 충분한 것으로 보여진다. 특히, 일반계 고등학교의 학업성취효과의 경우 방과후학교(7.91%), EBS(6.09%), 사교육(4.18%) 순으로 나타 나 고등학교급에서는 사교육보다 방과후학교와 EBS 효과가 크다는 것을 알 수 있다. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how participation in private tutoring, Afterschool and EBS programs affects school achievement by using the propensity score matching(PSM) analysis method, and to examine the effects of Afterschool and EBS programs, which are alternatives to private tutoring. For this study, private tutoring data researched in 2013 by Statistics Korea were used. Samples were collected twice in a year through an Internet survey from a total of 78,000 subjects, including approximately 44,000 parents(private tutoring expenditure, attitude survey) and 34,000 students(attitude survey). The impact of variables deemed influential on school achievement was analyzed first. In order to investigate the impact of private tutoring, Afterschool programs and EBS on school achievement, an effectiveness analysis was performed using a logistic regression model of the regression and propensity score matching methods. In addition, the regression model was used to figure out variables that influence in private tutoring expenditure. In this study, SAS (Ver. 9.3) was used for analysis. Estimation and matching of propensity scores were stratified and conducted for each school level. Specifically, propensity scores were estimated for each of elementary, middle, general high and specialized high school and used for matching. Data including missing values were excluded and propensity scores were obtained using the logistic regression analysis. For matching of 16 cities and dos, the Firth’s penalized likelihood logistic regression analysis was used to calculate propensity scores. Second, the matching algorithm introduced by Parsons, et al. (2004) was applied to match to the student level at the one-to-one ratio. Third, the independent samples t-test was utilized to diagnose the equality of covariants among groups before and after matching in this study. Fourth, the paired t-test was conducted to measure treatment effects by using the matched data, and to verify causal effects with the selection bias removed. The results of the study are as follows. According to a comparison analysis on school achievement affected by participation in afterschool programs based on propensity score matching, students who participated in afterschool programs showed better school performance than those who did not, before and after the matching. Nevertheless, students who took afterschool programs had 4.64% higher school achievement than those who did not before the matching, whereas the difference in school achievement between the two groups grew to 5.81% after the matching. And also, according to the comparative analysis of the impacts of watching EBS programs on school achievement based on the propensity score matching, students who watched EBS programs had better school achievement than those who did not before and after the matching. The difference in school performance between those who watched EBS and those who did not reached 5.13% before the matching, which decreased to 5.04% after the matching. According to the comparative analysis on school achievement effects from private tutoring, afterschool programs or EBS based on the propensity score matching, private tutoring posted 6.82%, EBS 5.04% and afterschool programs 4.80%, indicating high participation. By school level, private tutoring scored 8.17%, afterschool programs 3.13% and EBS 0.74% in elementary school, whereas private tutoring reached 12.94%, EBS 3.62% and afterschool programs 2.62% in middle school, indicating that private tutoring had the largest effects in middle school. Nonetheless, afterschool programs marked 10.88%, EBS 6.09% and private tutoring 4.18% in general high school, which is in the reverse order of the order of elementary or middle schools and indicates the larger influence of afterschool programs in general high schools compared to that of private tutoring.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 L2( 영어) 글쓰기 효능감과 수행능력에 영향을 미치는 변인 분석

        윤유진(Yoon, Eugene),배상훈(Bae, Sanghoon) 한국외국어교육학회 2013 Foreign languages education Vol.20 No.2

        English writing skill is one of the most useful ones for national ranking on world markets. In addition, the Korea government is preparing to apply a NEAT (National English Ability Test) to college admission exams from 2015, which includes speaking and writing skills as well as listening and reading skills. Therefore this article aims to investigate variables affecting English writing self-efficacy and ability of the university students. The results are 1) the variables affecting English writing self-efficacy are sexes, high school types, parents' educational backgrounds, L1 writing attitude, L1 writing ability, L1 writing self-efficacy, the period of English learning, English study hours at high school, English study hours at university and any period of staying abroad. 2) the variables affecting English writing ability are sexes, high school types, father's educational backgrounds, L1 writing ability, period of English learning, English study hours at university and periods of staying abroad.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        영어몰입프로그램이 영어능력과 언어 및 문화 선호에 미치는 영향

        윤유진(Eu-Gene Yoon) 한국중원언어학회 2010 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.17

        This paper is an investigation of several questions about English Immersion Programs(EIP) for elementary school children in Korea. First, I have investigated the effects of the factors(age, the amount of input learners receive inside and outside the school, language anxiety, attitude toward language and culture, subject's opinion on instructor's teaching method, types of motivation) on the learners within the programs. Second, I have examined whether an English Immersion Program improves learners' English abilities. Third, I have investigated whether an English Immersion Program influences learners' preference of languages and cultures. Fourth, I have explored how the factors influence their English abilities and preferences, depending on whether children participated in an English Immersion Program or a non-Immersion Program. Although this study revealed that the children of the English Immersion Program developed proficiency more efficiently than the non-Immersion Program children and that the majority of English Immersion Program children do not devalue their mother language and culture, it is still under discussion as to whether these findings would be applicable to all English Immersion Programs in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 원어민 강사 운영 실태 및 직무 만족도 연구: 방과후학교 프로그램을 중심으로

        윤유진 ( Eu Gene Yoon ) 현대영어교육학회 2008 현대영어교육 Vol.9 No.3

        This paper is an investigation about recruiting, management and evaluation system of English native speaker teachers (ENSTs) working for After-school Programs (ASPs) and their levels of job satisfaction with 9 different sections. Since 2001, Korea has faced increases in substantial private tutoring expense. Saving house expense for their parents and securing safe places for children have become urgent matters, given the increase in families where children are left without parents after school. There was also the issue the of widening economic and academic gaps between the haves and have nots, and a measure to minimize this gap without putting too much burden on the schools became a necessary policy. These conclusions and suggestions will be proposed for developing recruiting and management system of ENSTs from AFPs as well as curricular courses. The participants of the survey are 192 ENSTs who are from the metropolitan areas, cities and rural areas. The places that ENSTs are working are different from elementary schools to middle and high schools. The results of this study show that recruiting, management and evaluation system of ENSTs such as ENSTs` motivation to work and the route to find the position in Korea. And also this study presents ENSTs` levels of job satisfaction with 9 different sections at ASP.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 우수학생 지원프로그램 사례연구

        이연주(Lee, Yeonjoo),윤유진(Yoon, Eugene) 한국문화융합학회 2017 문화와 융합 Vol.39 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to present cases of ‘Honors Program at University’ as a program for the distinguished students. The Honors Program is a caring community of talented students providing support to aspiring scholars. Students are encouraged to participate in Honors curriculum and non-curriculum programs. Students can achieve their full academic potential by completing the coursework of university honors programs and satisfy their intellectual curiosity by engaging in research programs or creative endeavors inside and outside the classroom. To investigate the factors to influence developing the ‘Honors Program at University’, the cases of 6 universities were used. The research methods of this study are document examination the programs of 6 universities, researches of preceding studies about ‘Honors Program at University’, and interviews with managers of the programs. As a result, a special agency for the program is highly recommended. It should accomplished unique purpose different from other organizations in the campus. Moreover it is essential to established web-management system to control the programs, such as curriculums, non-curriculums, faculty members and consultation system. Most of all, it is important to lead students’ active involvement with less obstacles and quite a few motivation. 본 논문의 목적은 국내 우수학생프로그램의 사례를 분석하여 우수학생프로그램을 개발하고자 할 때 고려해야 할 사항을 점검하고, 모델개발 시 해결과제를 제시하여 참고가 되고자 한다. 국내 6개 대학에서 개분석결과, 국내대학의 우수학생프로그램은 전담기구의 설치가 절실한 상황이며, 대학 내 다른 지원사업과 우수학생프로그램이 차별화 될 수 있는 모델로서 개발되어야 한다. 또한 교과와 비교과, 멘토교수, 상담지원체제 등을 통합 ․ 관리할 웹관리 시스템이 개발 될 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 우수학생프로그램을 설계할 때 우수학생이 계속적인 참여와 인증과정을 지속하도록 불필요한 장애요인은 최소화하여야 한다. 운영책임자에게는 우수학생이 인증을 마칠 때까지 계속적으로 동기 부여할 수 있는 과정관리의 개입이 요구된다. 설 운영 중인 우수학생프로그램을 연구대상으로 하였다. 연구 방법은 국내외 우수학생프로그램에 대한 선행연구와 국내 6개 대학의 우수학생프로그램을 조사하였으며, 미국우수학생프로그램연합회의 우수학생프로그램 운영지침을 기반으로 하여 운영담당자와 인터뷰하여 분석하였다.

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