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      • KCI등재

        17세기 후반 산릉역의 승군 징발

        윤용출(Yoon Yongchul) 부산경남사학회 2009 역사와 경계 Vol.73 No.-

        There were great demands of labor and goods to build royal tombs in the latter period of Chosun Dynasty. It was a construction work on a state occasion. According to the records of early 17th century, 270,000 man-days were required to build a new royal tomb. So it had been an important item in the compulsory labor of peasant. In the first half of 17th century, royal tombs were built by farmers, soldiers and monk laborers. Until the early 17th century, farmers and soldiers took up the largest proportion of sanneungyeok, labor requisition for construction of royal tombs. However, their proportion in the labor force decreased as they gradually began to be exempt from sanneungyeok. Since morip system, the system of employing day-workers was introduced in the early 17th century and paid workers called moguns began to be hired for sanneungyeok, the paid workers proportion gradually increased. In the late 17th century, compulsory labor of Buddhist monks and paid labor of moguns constituted the major labor force of sanneungyeok. Unlike moguns that should be paid, mobilizing Buddhist monks didnt require fiscal spending. Especially for complex tasks like moving stone statues, Buddhist monks were considered capable labor force. In 1680(6th year of King Sukjongs reign), for a construction project of a tomb of late Queen Ingyeong, 3,600 Buddhist monks were requisitioned, the biggest recorded number of the monks ever requisitioned. However, since then such types of requisitioning compulsory labor gradually decreased. The biggest reason of decreased compulsory labor of the monks may be attributed to the downsizing trends of stone sculptures at royal tombs which started at King Sukjongs reign. As the stone sculptures became more minimal, demands for compulsory labor of Buddhist monks also went down. After all, using them disproportionately often was against the decreasing trends of other types of compulsory labor like statute labor or military services. When local authorities officially commandeered monks, big efforts were made by local temples to minimize burdens imposed on them, using their connections with influential noblemen and lobbying local officials. County officials were responsible for field work of requisitioning the monks. And county officials took the monks to designated locations, marching the monks together with chasawons, local officials who were responsible for commanding the requisitioned labor, to designated locations for work on requested time according to the orders from local authorities. During the compulsory work, the monks were supposed to provide themselves, without being paid by the authorities. However, since late 17th century, as additional requests were placed more often, it became more common to pay the monks. At first, it was considered unprecedented that the monks were paid for requisitioned labor. Still, for local authorities, it had cost-effectiveness to use capable labor of the monks at far less cost than hiring paid moguns. Whilst Sanneungdogam, the local authority that commanded sanneungyeoks, wanted to commandeer more monks and make use of qualified labor of more monks, monks were apparently resistant to requests of additional work. They were no more simply obedient and quiet laborers. For a short period in the late 17th century, use of compulsory labor of monks increased temporarily. But at the end of the century, the requisition began to decrease gradually. The last case of mass requisition of monks for sanneungyeok was commanded in 1757(33th year of King Yeongjos reign), making such kinds of compulsory labor history. How requisition of monks for the royal tomb construction projects gradually decreased and finally disappeared shows the gradual dismantlement of the compulsory labor system that requisitioned monks.

      • KCI등재

        조선 후기 군현지도의 유형 연구 - 동래부를 사례로 -

        김기혁(Kihyuk Kim),윤용출(Yongchul Yoon),배미애(Miae Bae),정암(Am Jung) 대한지리학회 2005 대한지리학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        본 연구는 조선 후기 동래부를 그린 군현지도 26종의 유형화를 시도하였고, 지명을 이용하여 대축척 전국지도와의 연관성을 파악하였다. 지도의 내용과 수록된 지명 등을 이용하여 분석한 결과 네 유형으로 분류됨을 확인할 수 있었다. ① <해동지도> 유형은 홍문관에서 주도하여 편찬된 지도인『海東地圖』에서 높은 완성도를 보이며, 이후 이를 모사한 지도로서, 7종의 지도가 이에 속한다. ② <(비변사인)영남지도> 유형은 비변사에서 주도하여 편찬된 지도와 이를 모사하며 부분 수정되는 5종의 지도들이다. ③ <방안식군현지도> 유형은 지도위에 20리 방안이 그려진 동일한 축척의 지도로서 4종이 이에 해당된다. 군현을 연결하여 전국 혹은 도별 지도의 제작을 목적으로 편찬된 것으로 사료된다. ④ <지방군현지도> 유형은 7종으로, 지방의 화원들이 그린 지도로 각 지역마다 다양한 형태로 나타나며, 實景으로 묘사되는 것이 특징이다. 유형별 대표지도에 수록된 지명을 분석한 결과 <방안식군현지도>에 수록된 지명이『靑邱圖』, 『大東輿地圖』와 거의 일치한다는 점에서, 이 유형의 지도들은 조선 후기 대축척 전국지도의 제작에 영향을 미쳤음을 보여준다. This paper is to classify old county-maps of Dongrae-bu(東萊府), Busan in late-Chosun dynasty and to analyze place names in maps comparatively. 26 maps covering Dongrae-bu were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). By the comparative analysis of contents, those maps can be classified into four types. The first type(named ‘Haedong-Jido(海東地圖)’) included 7 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named ‘Yeongnam-Jido(嶺南地圖)’) included 5 county maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named ‘Grid-system map(方眼式地圖)’) included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(里) grids. The fourth type(named ‘Local County-map(地方郡縣地圖)’) included 7 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Comparative analysis of place names between those four types revealed that Grid-system maps were developed toward the large scale whole map of Korea in the 19th century.

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