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      • KCI등재

        『萬國公法』에서의 동·서 관념 번역과 절합 - ‘公’ 관념을 중심으로

        윤영도(Yun, Young-do) 한국중어중문학회 2020 中語中文學 Vol.- No.80

        There still seems to be a kind of temperature difference in terms of understanding and interpreting the concepts of international law in international relations in East Asia. It may be due to different political and diplomatic stances of each country in different situations. But even more fundamentally, it may be because they can be understood or conceptualized in different ways in a unique linguistic and cultural field, that is, in a semantic network connected by Rhizome. Moreover, with the introduction of the concepts of international law by the translation of Wanguogongfa, when new ideas of modern Western world system began to be introduced, even though the same text was accepted, it was accepted and internalized in different ways in each country of East Asia. The different process surrounding the understanding and interpretation of ‘Gong(公)’ in the process of acceptance of the Wanguogongfa in China, Japan, and Korea provides an important clue to understanding the internalization and discoursive process of international law in East Asian countries. In this paper, I analyze statistically the vocabulary related to ‘Gong’, which can be considered as the most essential concept of Wanguogongfa, and the context of them in each language field. Through this, I investigate the conceptual articulation that occurred in the process of accepting the concepts and discourse of international law order from the West to China, Japan and Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국인들의 영어유성파열음과 이완모음 발화에 대한 연구

        윤영도 ( Yungdo Yun ),이나래 ( Na Rae Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2013 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.61

        Two groups of Korean students produced English voiced stops and lax vowels. One group simply followed an American English speaker``s pronunciation and the other group learned phonetic information about them before they pronounced them. We compared VOTs for voiced stops and formants for lax vowels. The results show that both groups were good for the low front lax vowel. However, both groups`` pronunciations were far from those of the American English speaker for the high back lax vowel and all of the voiced stops. We assume that this is because of the vowel merger in American English and the influence of the phonological contrasts of Korean stops, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 황비홍 현상의 문화 사회사적 맥락 연구

        윤영도(YUN Young do) 한국중어중문학회 2013 中語中文學 Vol.54 No.-

        This paper explores the cultural sociological context and the meaning of the so-called ‘Wong Fei Hung phenomenon’ in Hong Kong and East Asia, especially focusing on the film series of Wong Fei Hung(Huang Fei-hong, 黃飛鴻) directed by Hu Feng in 1950’s. After the publication of Wong Fei Hung’s fictional biography written by Zhu Yu-zhai(朱愚齋) at mid-1930’s, Wong Fei Hung’s story was (re)produced and circulated by many writers and movie directors, and was consumed and loved by Cantonese people in Hong Kong and East Asia until 1970’s. Because he was a master of the southern martial art, especially Cantonese martial art ‘Hong Quan(洪拳)’, and also a hero who protect and take care of the poor and vulnerable Cantonese people from rascals. But after about 20 years downturn, Wong Fei Hung was resummoned as a Pan Chinese hero against Western colonialist by director Tsui Hark(徐克) in 1990’s. This phenomenon was related to the cultural politics of Cantonese people who had moved from mainland to Hong Kong, or from Hong Kong to South East Asia. In other words, it was a product of the interaction and the articulation between Cantonese people and the over-determined cultural sociological context in each period.

      • KCI등재

        한국인들의 영어 이중모음 발음교정 효과에 대한 연구

        윤영도 ( Yung Do Yun ),이나래 ( Na Rae Lee ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2012 현대영어영문학 Vol.56 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine two English pronunciation teaching methods for Korean students. The Korean students were trained by an English professor and a Korean professor. They learned how to pronounce English diphthongs using some English words. The English professor asked them to repeat after him and corrected their pronunciation. The Korean professor provided phonetic explanation of the English diphthongs such as the way to use lips and the tongue, etc. and applied phonological information of Korean vowels while correcting their pronunciation. We recorded their pronunciation both before and after they were trained. The results show that the Korean professor`s training methods are more effective than those used by the English professor. (Dongguk University).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        소셜 미디어 장과 리액션의 정동역학(情動力學) ― 중국 동영상 사이트를 중심으로

        윤영도 ( Yun Youngdo ) 한국중국현대문학학회 2016 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.77

        There has been a drastic change on the social media field in China after 2010. As the rapid popularization of smartphones and the increase of internet users, Chinese video sharing market also has grown rapidly. The Chinese video sharing service (a.k.a. video hosting service) companies, such as Youku(優酷)-Tudou(土豆), Iqiyi (愛奇藝)-PPS, Tencent Video(騰訊視頻), was able to be conglomerates by mergers and acquisitions under the institutional and financial support of Chinese government for the last 4 years. It could have not been possible without the transformation of the media consumption from linear style to non-linear one, and without the affective and cultural practices of the young generation such as post-’80(八零後) and post-’90(九零後). This article explores the topology of the social media field, especially of the video sharing service in contemporary China, and the cultural-political meaning of the reaction of the users in terms of affective dynamics between the agents on the multi-layered field.

      • KCI등재

        이중어사전의 연쇄와 동아시아 언어장의 근대적 전환

        윤영도(Yun, Young-Do) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2016 코기토 Vol.- No.80

        이 논문에서는 근대 초기 동아시아 지역에 나타났던 이중어사전의 연쇄를 하나의 장, 즉 중층적인 역관계와 수많은 연쇄들이 끊임없이 작동하고 있는 초국적 언어장(transnational lingual field) 속에 놓고 바라보고자 한다. 근대화 과정 혹은 그 이전부터 지역적(regional) 차원에서 활발히 이루어졌던 다양한 ‘언어횡단적 실천’을 이처럼 초국적 언어장이라는 시각 속에서 바라보는 것은 일국중심주의적 이해의 한계를 벗어날 수 있는 가능성을 제공해주는 데 있어서 뿐만 아니라, 당시 글로컬 차원에서 작용하였던 수많은 복선들의 중층적 관계망들을 총체적으로 재조명하는 데 있어서도 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 문제틀 속에서 19세기 동아시아에서 나타났던 이중어사전 편찬 붐을 이끌었던 대표적인 인물인 메드허스트(Walter Henry Medhurst, 중국명 麥都思)의 이중어사전들 가운데 비교적 초창기의 성과인 1830년대의 이중어사전들을 초국적 언어장 속에 정위시켜 보았다. 특히 동아시아 언어장 속에서 영어와 동아시아 언어들 사이의 이중어사전, 내지는 다중어(multi-lingual)사전의 선구적 성과라 할 수 있는, 영일․일영 이중어 어휘집 An English and Japanese, and Japanese and English vocabulary(일명 『英和和英語彙集』, 1830), 복건방언-영어 이중어사전 A dictionary of the Hok-këèn dialect of the Chinese language(일명 『福建方言字典』, 1832), 그리고 중․한․일․영 다중어 어휘집 Translation of a comparative vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean and Japanese languages(『朝鮮偉國字彙』, 1835) 등의 세 권을 중심으로 당시의 시공간적 배경 속에서 이들 이중어사전의 연쇄가 지니고 있는 맥락과 의의를 고찰해보았다. This paper investigates the chain of bi-lingual dictionaries, which W. H. Medhurst compiled in the 1830s, An English and Japanese, and Japanese and English Vocabulary(a.k.a. 英和和英語彙集, 1830), a Dictionary of the Hok-këèn Dialect of the Chinese Language(a.k.a. 福建方言字典, 1832), and a Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese, Corean and Japanese Languages(a.k.a. 朝鮮偉國字彙, 1835). There has been so manifold power relations and so many chains of the trans-lingual practices made by the agents of London Missionary Society on the transnational lingual field of East Asians in the early modern era. We need to consider the trans-lingual practices and the chains of bi-lingual dictionaries from a transnational point of view. This paper sheds lights on the context of the time and space, 1830s in Batavia, and positions properly the Medhurst’s works on the East Asian lingual field.

      • KCI등재

        영어 후위고설모음들의 반응시간과 인식에 대한 연구

        윤영도(Yun,Yungdo) 한국음성학회 2011 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.3 No.3

        This study investigates how American English high back vowels are identified. American English and Korean speakers participated in a phonetic experiment for this study. This study shows their response times of the vowels and discusses how the speakers identified them. For the experiment I used a synthesized vowel continuum between American English /u/ and /0/ based on American English male speakers' voice obtained by Peterson and Barney (1952). I manipulated spectral steps and vowel duration of the stimuli. The statistical results showed that American English speakers were not able to distinguish the stimuli based on spectral quality. Instead they relied on vowel duration. This suggests that the American English high back vowels have changed since Peterson and Barney recorded them in 1952. The Korean speakers also relied on vowel duration, not spectral quality since they could not distinguish them. American speakers' response times of these vowels were not affected by both spectral quality and vowel duration. Koreans' response times were affected by vowel durations only.

      • KCI등재

        홍콩 문화연구의 계보

        윤영도(Yun, Young Do) 한국중어중문학회 2016 中語中文學 Vol.0 No.66

        The cultural studies in Hong Kong has been shown a splendid success and development recently, while ones in Korea and Taiwan is facing sort of crises. The Hong Kong case might be able to provide us good reference for our reflection on the practical cultural studies. This paper investigates the cultural discourses and practices in the period of 1950s~1980s to understand the circumstance and the context of Hong Kong, and also probes the genealogical history and the institutionalization of the cultural studies in Hong Kong after 1990s, especially focused on the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University.

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