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        사지의 비후로 발현한 미만형 피하 사르코이드증

        윤성은 ( Seong Eun Yun ),김현옥 ( Hyun Ok Kim ),정용근 ( Yong Geun Jeong ),이경주 ( Kyeong Ju Lee ),이창민 ( Chang Min Lee ),김재희 ( Jae Hee Kim ),나재범 ( Jae Boem Na ),윤태진 ( Tae Jin Yoon ),이상일 ( Sang Il Lee ) 대한류마티스학회 2010 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Sarcoidosis is multi-systemic disorder of an unknown etiology, and this is histologically characterized by noncaseating granulomatous inflammation. Sarcoidosis may affect the lung, skin, lymph nodes and eyes, but it rarely affects the subcutaneous tissue. There has been no report of diffuse subcutaneous sarcoidosis in Korea. We experienced a 57-year-old female with diffuse subcutaneous sarcoidosis that presented as thickened extremities. The patient complained of edema and skin thickening on both upper extremities. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed the reticular form of sarcoidosis on the forearm and the biopsy showed noncaseating granuloma. She was finally diagnosed as diffuse subcutaneous sarcoidosis and she improved after treatment with corticosteroid. We report here on this unusual case along with a review of the relevant literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        사법기관의 아동학대 개입과 신고의무제에 대한 건강가정지원센터 아이돌보미의 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        서홍란 ( Hong Lan Seo ),윤성은 ( Sung Eun Yun ) 열린부모교육학회 2015 열린부모교육연구 Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구는 사법기관의 아동학대 개입과 신고의무제에 대한 건강가정지원센터 아이돌보미의 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 밝히기위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 연구자들은 2015년 8월 13일부터 2015년 8월 28일까지 약 2주간 경기도 5개 지역에 위치한 건강가정지원센터에서 활동하고 있는 305명의 아이돌보미를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였고, 이중 미응답이 많은 설문지를 제외한 279부를 자료 분석에 사용하였다. 다중회귀분석 결과 연령, 신고효과성에 대한 기대, 신고 부담감, 아동학대에 대한 법 지식, 아동학대 심각성에 대한 인식, 이 5가지 변인이 사법기관의 아동학대 개입에 대한 아이돌보미의 태도에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 구체적으로 연령이 낮을수록, 신고효과에 대한 기대가 높을수록, 신고 부담이 적을수록, 아동학대에 대한 법 지식이 높을수록, 아동학대 및 방임의 심각성에 대한 인식이 클수록 이이돌보미들은 사법기관의 아동학대 개입을 지지하였다. 한편, 신고의무제에 대한 아이돌보미들의 태도에 영향을 주는 변인은 아동학대 신고 효과에 대한 기대, 신고 부담감, 아동학대에 대한 법 지식으로 밝혀졌다. 신고효과에 대한 기대가 클수록, 아동학대를 신고하는 것에 대한 부담감이 적을수록, 아동학대에 대한 법 지식이 많을수록 아이돌보미들은 신고의무제를 지지하였다. 회귀모델에 투입된 변인 중 아이돌보미의 태도에 가장 강력한 영향을 미치는 변수는 아동학대에 대한법 지식으로 밝혀졌다. 본 연구는 아동학대의 민감성을 높이고 아이돌보미가 아동보호를 위해 적극적인 역할을 수행 할 수 있도록 실천적·정책적 방안을 제시하였다. This study was conducted to examine the factors affecting the babysitters`` attitudes at the Healthy Family Support Center toward criminal justice involvement in child abuse and mandatory reporting. Data were collected over a period of two weeks between August 13th 2015 and August 28th 2015. A total of 305 babysitters who have worked at the Healthy Family Support Center located in five regions in Gyeoggi province participated in the survey. Excluding the cases with a number of unanswered questions, only 279 cases were used for data analysis. The results of multiple regression analyses are as follows. Five variables - age, expectation about effectiveness of report, overwhelmed feelings to the report, lawful knowledge related to child abuse, perception about seriousness of child abuse - significantly affected the babysitters`` attitudes toward criminal justice involvement in child abuse. Specifically, the degree of agreement of criminal justice involvement in child abuse increased if the babysitters were younger, had higher expectations about the effectiveness of the report, lower overwhelmed feelings to the report, a higher lawful knowledge related to child abuse, and a higher perception about the seriousness of child abuse. Also, it was found that expectations about the effectiveness of the report, overwhelmed feelings to the report, and lawful knowledge related to child abuse significantly affected the attitude towards mandatory reporting. The degree of agreement of mandatory reporting increased if the babysitters had higher expectations about the effectiveness of the report, lower overwhelmed feelings to the report, and higher lawful knowledge related to child abuse. Among the variables, lawful knowledge related to child abuse was found to be strongest variable in explaining the babysitters`` attitudes toward both criminal justice involvement in child abuse and mandatory reporting. This study suggests practical and political strategies to enhance the babysitters`` sensitivity to child abuse and to help them take an active role in child protection.

      • KCI등재후보

        Vibrio vulnificus에 의한 급성 세균성 뇌수막염 1예

        김현식 ( Hyeon Sik Kim ),허상택 ( Sang Taek Heo ),배인규 ( In Gyu Bae ),임민희 ( Min Hee Lim ),김재희 ( Jae Hee Kim ),윤성은 ( Seong Eun Yun ),김선주 ( Sun Joo Kim ) 대한내과학회 2010 대한내과학회지 Vol.78 No.4

        Vibrio vulnificus infects susceptible individuals who eat contaminated seafood or have an open wound that is exposed to seawater. The common symptoms are necrotizing wound infection, primary septicemia, and gastroenteritis. A 52-year-old man visited the emergency department complaining of drowsiness. Based on a cerebrospinal fluid analysis, he was diagnosed with acute bacterial meningitis. V. vulnificus was isolated from a blood culture. The patient responded to treatment with ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin. We report a rare case of acute bacterial meningitis caused by V. vulnificus that was treated successfully. (Korean J Med 78:523-526, 2010)

      • KCI등재
      • 서울 소재 대학부설 평생교육기관 현황 조사

        윤성은 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1998 敎育硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        According to the change of scientific techniques , the rush of know ledge and informations , the short ening of the life span of knowledge, and the change and specialization of the occupations , the neces s ity of the lifelong education is incr eas ing in the aspect of the times and education. T hes e social elements make us not ice the education for adult s and the old, being out of the view that education is for only children and the youths . T her efore, the educat ional chance mus t be offered to adults , w hich are neces sary not only in the individual level but also in the national one. In Kor ea, through the Repor t education Reform in May 31, 1995, and February 29, 1996, the foundation of ' the open educat ion society, the lifelong learning society' w as promoted. It means that anyone can be educated as he wishes in any place in any time, and the People Government continues the effor t to build the society. A series of education reform r epr esents the effort to found the lifelong learning society under the sys tematic support of the government. Es pecially, the univers ity is favored as a s ocial education ins titution by the adults . So, it will be s ignificant to examine the pr esent condition of lifelong educat ion ins t itution, which is the important expans ion of the social educational role of the univer s ity. The subject of the s tudy is the social educat ion ins titutions annex ed to the univers it ies in S eoul. In the as pect of the building or equipment, they multiplied in 1990' s . Each has the s imilar and common form rather than its own unique one. 72.7% of the social education ins t itutions use the int ernal facilit ies in univers it ies and the mos t is the computer laboratory. It show s the tendency of the social education. About 60% of the ins titutions are small and narrow , and 60% will plan the improvement or ex tens ion. T hen the range of adminis t ration and finance w as examined. In org anizat ion, the chief is the under the pr es ident' s dir ect cont rol and the form is divided into two g roups . One is the sys tem of a pr es ident - a chief - a sub- chief or an as s is tant chief - a head of a depar tment - s t aff, and the other is a s teering committ ee. T he commit tee enables the ins titution to manage according to the original purpose. T he s taff is 6.4 per sons on an average. Only about 40% of the social education ins titutions has ex pert s of the programs , w hich is the ser ious problem to the quality and neces s ity in the prog ram selection. In finance, 81.8% of the ins titutions ar e inser ted in the univers ity and about 70% of them depend on the fees to make funds for management . 68% of them need financial r aise and w ant to be put out in expanding facilit ies and buying the materials . By the s t andard of clas s ifying type of UNESCO, w e clas s ified into school car eer- admitt ing progr am, the bett er quality- of- life prog ram, income- rais ing progr am, the progr am of satis fying individual des ire. In Kor ea, the mos t progr ams ar e the las t ones - 33.8%. T he income- rais ing progr ams are set up at 29.9%, they hav e the mos t tr ainees and are ex panding now . In the cycle of the program change, 68.1% of the ins titutions use a semes ter as a leas t unit , 18.2% of them change the per iod in case of need. It s hows that the period is short and reflects consumer' s des ir e or realis tic needs . T he main reason why the programs chang e is to sat is fy the learning des ir e for a new field - 50% of the ins titutions , w hich shows that they reflects the r ealis tic needs in select ing the progr ams . But too often chang e of the program affects the safety in management and causes the problem of operating commer cial & realis tic purpos e- or ient ed lectur es . 63.6% of the ins t itutions answer that they cons ider the social demands to open and chang e a new prog ram and in case of es tablishing newly, 68.9% of them answer that they decide in their own way- both the ins titution and the univers ity itself. 15 ins titutions (68.1%) car ry out the credit bank s ys tem and only 33.3% of them answer that it is s at is factory. The pr esent condition of the tr ainees is ex cept their bas ic data, and the participators are g ener ally short. The ins tructors are the present profes sor s (68.8%) and the ex ternal ex pert s (31.2%), namely, about 2/3 are the present profes s o rs and 13 univers it ies (59.1%) have the full- time lecturer s . T hese days, the neces s ity of the social education ins t itut ions annexed to the univers ities is being on the r is e. At this point of time, we hav e s een the pr esent s ituat ion of them. According to the result, mos t ins t itutions are in pr imary s t ag e and have many fault s in Kor ea. S pecially, there are a lot of shor tages in par ticipator s , facilities , finance in Seoul, although it has much bett er educational or economical benefits than other regions.

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