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      • KCI등재

        Lorazepam이 가토 혈중 주정농도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

        尹景秀 大韓神經精神醫學會 1977 신경정신의학 Vol.16 No.4

        Lorazepam is a new benzodiazepine derivative with potent anxiolytic and sedative properties inherent in the group. Many studies suggest that it is a more potent drug with minimal side effects. There is a structural similarity between lorazepam and oxazepam, since both result from a demethylation and hydroxylation of diazepam, with lorazepam being distinguished by the presence of a chlorophenyl side chain. It has been reported that chlorpromazine, lithium and several psychotropic drugs elevated the blood alcohol level in rabbits. In view of these findings, the author conducted an animal experiment to investigate the effect of lorazepam on blood alcohol level in rabbits. Material and Method 1. The experimental work was done with mature rabbits of both sexes, weighing about 2.0kg. 2. The experimental animals were divided into 2groups; the control and the experimental groups. 3. The control group was given alcohol alone. 4. The experimental group was divided into 2 subgroups; a) alcohol plus lorazepam, 1.0mg/kg of body weight, b) alcohol plus lorazepam, 2.0mg/kg of body weight. 5. Each alcohol plus lorazepam group was further divided into 2 subgroups, in which one subgroup was given lorazepam for 5 days and another for 10 days. 6. Lorazepam was given orally in a single daily dose. The last dose was given 60 minutes before alcohol administration. 7. In all groups, 20% ethanol solution was given in a dose of 5.0ml/kg of body weight, at a constant rate for 5 minutes, by intravenous route. 8. All of the blood specimens were obtained by cardiac puncture at 15 and 45 minutes respectively after alcohol administration. 9. The blood alcohol level was determined by Cavett's method. Results 1. Alcohol plus lorazepam(1mg/kg for 5 days) subgroup. Lorazepam elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 minutes (P<0.005) and 45 minutes (P<0.005) after alcohol administration. 2. Alcohol plus lorazepam(1mg/kg for 10 days) subgroup. Lorazepam elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 minutes(P<0.001) and 45 minutes(P<0.001) after alcohol administration. 3. Alcohol plus lorazepam(2mg/kg for 5 days) subgroup. Lorazepam elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 minutes(P<0.005) and 45 minutes(P<0.005) after alcohol administration. 4. Alcohol plus lorazepam(2mg/kg for 10 days) subgroup. Lorazepam elevated the blood alcohol level significantly at both 15 minutes(P<0.001) and 45 minutes(P<0.001) after alcohol administration. Conclusions 1. The orally administered lorazepam in a dose of 1mg/kg of body weight daily for 5 or 10 days elevated significantly in rabbits at both 15 and 45 minutes after alcohol administration. 2. The orally administered lorazepam in a dose of 2mg/kg of body weight daily for 5 or 10 days elevated significantly in rabbits at both 15 and 45 minutes after alcohol administration.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 茶山詩「哀絶陽」에 對하여

        尹敬洙 釜山 外國語 大學校 1989 外大論叢 Vol.7 No.1

        Dasan Jung Yak-Yong(1762-1836) was a writer belonged to practical Science School. His Social Poem, Ai Jeol Yang is real to cescribe the situation of the confusing Society in the later half period of Cho Sun History. When Dasan was exiled Kang Jin in A.D. 1803, he had heard a sorrowful story. A farmer Ree Jung, who got a new baby before three days, cut off his testicles himself because of the explosion of his anger due to the matter that his only one cow was taken away instead of tax delinguency. He had written a poem with the subject matter of above story. Representing the materials in real life into his poem, he used to bring to us to the other world that we could not find out yet. He's reprentative work is the very Ai Jeol Yang. It was my effort through which to lighten again his writing, Ai Jeol Yang, influenced due to realism under involvement of the social background at that age.

      • 고소설과 국조신화의 변신모티프 연구

        윤경수 釜山外國語大學校 比較文化硏究所 1998 比較文化硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        Some three million years have worked hard to evolve the primitive life forms to human beings that are as highly advanced as any creatures on earth. By and large the transformation motive of state-founding myths takes on cavern motive, which has a significant influence upon later myths as well as folklore, fairy tales, ancient novels, and so forth. The origin of transformation of Korean myths is to be witnessed in the state-founding mythology; the transformation of a bear into a woman Woongnyoˇ typifies any other Korean mythological transformation. It appears of great significance in that physically that was not just a partial but a total and brand-new transformation from a beast into a woman, and in that even the inner nature was quite a modification on a spiritual basis. THe bear's transformation into a woman Woongnyo was made possible by its heartily aspiration to become a mankind, and that she gave birth to Dangun. through the sacred marriage to Hwanwoong from heaven was the materialization of the desire to accomplish self-fulfillment. All the transformation instances of ancient novels mentioned in this research belong to this category of state-founding mythology, which is regarded as the manifestation of human's aspiration and imagination. The transformations of ancient novels are indeed based on such myths. Which entail the lesson that if the protagonist continues conduction righteous deeds despite the adversities and sufferings coming down in his/her way, he/she never fails to get rewarded for it all in the long run, which is all very future-oriented. Further in the following, I aim to discover the transformation types and their meanings with the premise that the transormation motive in ancient novels was handed down from the state-founding mythology's.

      • KCI등재

        『흥부전』에 나타난 홍익인간사상 탐구

        윤경수 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.58 No.-

        한국고소설에서 홍익인간의 사상이 가장 잘 반영된 작품은 『흥부전』이라 할 수 있다. 흥부는 지구상에서 인류가 살기 시작한 이래 흥부와 같이 극심하게 가난한 자는 일찍이 없었다. 왜 그런가 하면 흥부는 26명의 아이들이 찬바람이 몰아닥치는 겨울 추위에 수숫대로 엮은 집에서 옷을 걸치지 않은 벌거숭이 상태로 사시나무 같이 떨며 살았기 때문이다. 흥부는 아이들이 떠는 참상을 보다 못해 멍석을 주어다 아이들 수대로 구멍을 뚫어 집단복을 입혔으니 이런 극빈자는 동서고금을 통해 인류 탄생 이래 지구상에 없었다. 또 흥부와 같이 큰 부호는 21세기 오늘에 70억 인구 중에도 없는 것이다. 그 이유로는 흥부가 가을에 박을 탈 때 박 5통에서 금은보화가 나왔고 천상의 보물이 쏟아져 나왔기 때문이다. 천상의 보물은 값으로 따질 수 없으므로 오늘의 부호보다 비교가 안될 만큼 대부호인 것이다. 이런 인과응보는 26명이나 되는 자식을 굶어죽게 하지 않기 위해 흥부내외가 동네에서 굳은 일을 다 맡이 하고 밤낮을 쉬지 않고 일하고, 미물에게도 사랑을 베풀고, 심지어 죄인의 매를 대신 맞는 매품을 팔려고 하였기 때문에 그 인과응보로 복을 받았기 때문이다. 흥부는 자식사랑, 미물치료, 형제간에 우애는 홍익인간사상과 관계 된다. 홍익인간은 고조선시대 환웅이 일년 366¼일(원래 1년은 366일 5시간 46초 임) 동안 춘하추동에 의해 인과응보로 백성들을 다스려 홍익인간의 이상세계를 세워 훌륭한 고을사회를 세웠다. 단군은 환웅이 하루에 한 가지 실천하는 366事(366가지 일)로 백성을 다스려 홍익인간의 부족연맹국가를 탄생시켰다. 흥부는 1년마다 열심히 일한 대가로 입지전의 인물이 된 것이다. 그리고 놀부는 겨울날 흥부의 많은 식솔이 먹는 것이 아까워 내쫓아 흥부는 움집에서 살다가 수숫대 집에서 살면서 어려운 생활을 이겨냈다. 흥부는 단군신화에서 곰이 21일 동안 동굴생활을 마치고 웅녀로 환생한 동굴모티프를 수용해 입사식의 고난을 극복했다. 흥부가 움집과 수숫대 집을 걸쳐 저택에 살게 된 것은 고조선의 1년 단위 366사(事)인 춘하추동의 이치와 웅녀의 동굴 모티프를 집단적 무의식으로 실천한 데 있는 것이다. 흥부는 1년 사계절을 하루도 허술함이 없이 선용하여 홍익인간의 실천자가 되었다. 봄은 하늘이 정성으로 만물을 키우고, 사람은 천리 순환을 믿고 살아가는 것을 본받아 흥부는 농경에 힘썼다. 여름은 흥부의 수숫대 집에 제비가 둥지를 틀고 새끼를 낳아 키울 때 구렁이가 덮쳐 그 중 한마리가 떨어져 다리가 부러졌다. 흥부내외는 정성껏 치료해 완쾌했으니, 사랑정신의 실천이고 미물을 구제한 것이다. 가을은 봄과 여름에 행한 바대로 받는 추수기이다. 놀부는 일부러 제비다리를 일부러 절단시킨 것으로 인해 화가 돌아오게 된다. 놀부는 가을에 박을 탈 때 박속에서 각종 오물과 불량배가 쏟아져 나와 재산을 뺏겨 패가망신을 당하였다. 흥부는 천리에 의해 살았던 것으로 복을 받게 되었다. 흥부는 박을 탈 때 박속에서 보화가 나와 부호가 되었으므로 복을 받은 것이다. 『흥부전』은 고조선의 366사(事)(366가지 일)과 관계된다. 환웅과 단군은 고조선을 농경으로 물산이 풍부한 나라를 세웠다. 흥부는 춘하추동의 천리를 실천한 것으로 홍익인간사상을 실천한 것이다. 홍익인간은 널리 인간을 유익하게 하는 것이니, 우선 물질이 풍부해야 남을 도울 수 있는 것이다. 따... Heungbujeon is the representative ancient novel which reflects the HongikIngan philosophy. Heungbu has been the poorest person in the world who lived in a house built with sorghum straws which could not shelter a severely cold winter weather for Heungbu's family including 26kids. Heungbu became the richest person in the world later who stroke a bonanza from 5 huge gourds of his yards in which his family found treasure including gold, silver, and heaven's valuables. Heungbu's such a good luck originated his loyalty to his family to support his wife and kids working really hard day and night, and did a kindness to animals such as a swallow. His fine nature and love for his family, other people, and animals brought him and his family a good fortune. Heungbu's love for his family, animals, and his brother is closely related HongikIngan philosophy. HongikIngan philosophy is the main idea of Gojoseon by Hwangung which benefits people around the world. A year was 366¼days (originally a year was 366days and 5hours 46seconds) at the time. Dangun Wanggeom practiced one good deed a day leading to 366 deeds for the people and formed a tribe union nation based on the HongikIngan philosophy. Heungbu followed HongikIngan philosophy working hard a year around like Hwangung and became the biography of a self-made man. Heungbu practiced HongikIngan philosophy everyday a year around. He worked hard in the farm he borrowed in Spring. Heungbu and his wife cured a swallow's broken leg which was caused by a huge Korean Ratsnake in summer showing their love for animals. Autumn is the harvesting season. Nolbu who is the brother of Heungbu caused a bad luck by breaking a swallow's leg. Nolbu tried to follow his yonger brother's example of good fortune by curing a swallow's broken leg. However, Nolbu could not found a swallow with a broken leg thus leading him to catch and break a swallow's leg. Although Nolbu cured the swallow's broken leg which he broke by himself, the swallow brought him gourd's seed with bad luck which Nolbu growed carefully believing them to bring him a good fortune. Nolbu finally found sewages and hooligans in the huge gourds and became a beggar by this event in autumn. What happens to Heungbu's and Nolbu's winter life? Winter is a rewards period what Heungbu and Nolbu did for. Heungbu became the richest person in the world and lived comfortably in winter. In contrast, Nolbu became a beggar without a house to live in winter. Heungbu offered his brother a house besides his house and shared his fortune. What Heungbu did for his elder brother was to practice HongikIngan philosophy. Heungbujeon is closely related to 366 deeds of Gojoseon. Hwangung and Dangun founded a rich country based on agriculture. Heungbu practiced HongikIngan philosophy by doing 4 seasonal deeds. To practice HongikIngan, there should be enough fortune because you could not help other people if you are poor. What Heungbu did in the ancient novel is the same what Hwangung and Dangun did 366 deeds a year. That is, Heungbu lived a natural life of doing 366 deeds based on 36.5° human temperature, 366 human blood acupuncture point, and 366 human bone pieces. Heungbujeon should be understood in terms of agriculture. Heungbujeon is the representative ancient novel showing the HongikIngan philosophy. In the ancient novel, Heungbu is the typical human type of HongikIngan and Nolbu is the typical human type of HongakIngan. Therefore, it is interesting to compare Heungbujeon's paradigm with 366 deeds of Gojoseon.

      • 近代性을 中心으로 한 民族文學에 關한 硏究 : 18世紀 近代文學의 始發點을 中心하여 Around beginning era of modernization of Korean literature in 18 Centuary

        尹敬洙 부산 외국어 대학교 1990 外大論叢 Vol.8 No.1

        When we are trying to examine the era of literary moderniztion closely, generally in the history of Korean literature there appear two events which are Yung Jung period and Gap O Gyung Jang in 18 centruary. To determine the literary ara of Korean race according to traditional senses at base of the history of Korean race, it is necessary that Yung Jung period should be concerned for the beginning point of Korean literary modernization. It is very difficult to regulate Gap O Gyung Jang or Gae wha period as the beginning era of literary modernition because they are not spontaneous or not helpful to get the opportunity through which to modernize Korea although a literature of some race should deal with a subject matter from its own situation occured in the race. We find it reasonable that the literary modernization of Korean race has started from the literature of Sil Hak Party in late of 18 centuary which are keeping traditional senses.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        국내 은행 간 합병의 주요 쟁점

        윤경수,진양수 한국법경제학회 2011 법경제학연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper reviews the main issues concerning bank merger in Korea. We focus on market definition, evaluation of anti-competitive effect, efficiencies, and the effect on financial system risk. Regarding market definition, it is more reasonable to use individual product market approach rather than cluster market approach. We find that the former approach is employed in many countries which have advanced competition authorities. Using the approach, we examined the changes in market concentration resulting from two bank merger scenarios. The current market is in such situation that merger between large banks may give rise to anti-competitive concern. In another merger between relatively small banks, we find that product market related with foreign exchange becomes significantly concentrated hence needs to be given authority's consideration. In reviewing bank merger, merger simulation may need to be implemented to take into account pre-merger prices and services, consumer switching, entry, and innovations. We review recent literature that highlights product differentiation and measures unilateral effect in bank mergers using simulation methods. In addition, we suggest a simulation model customized to a specific bank product. Previous literature does not provide evidences that previous bank mergers in Korea enhanced efficiencies. Lastly, we find that it cannot be determinedly manifested if mega-merger stabilizes financial system. Too-big-too-fail problem may raise the systemic risk. 본고는 국내 은행 간 합병과 관련된 주요 이슈를 시장획정, 경쟁제한성의 평가, 효율성 항변, 합병이 금융시스템에 미치는 영향을 중심으로 개괄한다. 해외 사례를 살펴볼 때, 은행산업의 상품시장은 개별시장 접근법을 사용하여 획정하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 판단된다. 이를 바탕으로 국내 은행 시장에서의 시장집중도와 두 가지 시나리오에서 시장집중도 변화를 살펴보았다. 현재 국내 은행시장은 대형 은행들이 합병할 경우 경쟁제한 우려가 발생하는 상황인 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 상대적으로 규모가 작은 은행 간 합병은 외환 관련 상품시장에서 유의한 정도의 집중도 증가가 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 합병 심사에서는 합병 전 가격과 서비스, 소비자의 전환 가능성, 신규진입과 기술변화 등을 복합적으로 분석하게 되며, 소비자 후생의 변화를 정량적으로 추정하기 위해서 합병 시뮬레이션이 활용될 수 있다. 본고에는 은행 간 합병에서 상품의 차별성과 단독효과의 정량화를 시도하는 최근의 국외 문헌들을 소개한다. 한편, 선행 연구에 의하면 합병을 통한 국내 은행의 대형화가 효율성을 증진시켰다는 증거가 발견되지 않았으며, 합병 심사에서도 효율성 항변으로 인정될 만한 증거를 제시하기가 쉽지 않은 것으로 판단된다. 또한 대형화가 금융시스템의 안정성을 제고한다는 견해는 확고히 지지되기 어려우며, 오히려 대마불사의 문제로 인해 시스템 위험을 증가시킬 수도 있다.

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