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      • KCI등재

        지상무기체계에서의 외란측정을 이용한 정밀 지향성 향상 연구

        유진호,박병훈,Yoo, Jin-Ho,Park, Byung-Hun 한국군사과학기술학회 2007 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The aiming ability is a key to improve the accuracy performance of the gun pointing system in the ground military vehicle. This paper describes the new detection method of chatter vibration using disturbance acceleration in the pointing structure. In order to analysis the vibration trends of the pointing system occurred while the vehicle driving, acceleration data obtained from vehicle was processed by using data processing algorithm with moving average and Hilbert transform. The specific mode constants of acceleration were obtained from various disturbances. Vehicle velocity, road condition and property of pointing structure were considered as factors which make the change of vibration trend in vehicle dynamics. Finally, back propagation neural networks have been applied to the pattern recognition of the classification of vibration signal in various driving conditions. Results of signal processing were compared with other condition result and analysed.

      • KCI등재

        태권도장의 사회적 책임활동 적합성과 도장브랜드자산, 장기지향성의 관계분석

        유진호 한국사회체육학회 2020 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.82

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether the contents of a Taekwondo studio’s social responsibility activity is suitable for school parents, and has a consequential influence on studio brand and long-term intentionality. Method: As for research subjects, the study selected school parents of Taekwondo studios in Gwangju Metropolitan City as a population. Particularly, the study conducted a survey by making a personal visit to a total of 10 places with 2 Taekwondo studios respectively in 5 Gu, and used SPSS Ver. 22.0 and AMOS 22.0 statistical package program to deduct the research results. Lastly, a total of 476 copies of questionnaires were used for analysis. Results: Deducted research results are as follows. First, the suitability of social responsibility activity was found to have a positive influence on studio brand awareness. Second, studio brand awareness was found to have a positive influence on studio brand image. Third, studio brand image was found to have a positive influence on brand reliability, studio brand satisfaction, and long-term intentionality. Fourth, studio brand reliability was found to have a positive influence on studio brand satisfaction and long-term intentionality. Fifth, studio brand satisfaction was found to have a positive influence on long-term intentionality. Conclusion: In addition, as a result of the verification of mediated effects through additional analysis, brand satisfaction was found to have mediated effects in brand image and long-term intentionality, and also brand satisfaction was found to have significantly mediated effects in brand reliability and long-term intentionality.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Psychomotorik and Aquatic Exercise on Motor Development and Attention Concentration in Children with Intellectual Disability

        유진호,김석진,강유석 한국특수체육학회 2019 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of the study was to explore the effects of psychomotorik and aquatic exercise on motor development and attention concentration in children with intellectual disability(ID). For this purpose, 16 children with ID living in Seoul city area in South Korea were recruited separately as psychomotorik program group(N=8) and aquatic exercise group(N=8) by using convenient sampling method. Each program consisted of 36 sessions(3 times/week for 50 minutes per session). Motor development was measured by MOT 4-6 and attention concentration was measured by ATA at before and after intervention. The result showed that the group participated in aquatic exercise had a significant increase on coordination, balance and running ability in motor development more than the those of psychomorik. However, in attention concentration tasks, psychomotorik showed a relatively significant change in visual omission/commission and auditory commission error. Based on the results of this study, aquatic exercise can be seen as helpful for short-term training for motor functions and motor development because of active physical activity using gross motor mostly. In addition, psychomotorik also showed a relatively strong point of attention concentration and self-control in children with ID.

      • KCI등재후보

        현행 공정공시제도의 내용과 개선방향

        유진호 한국법학회 2003 법학연구 Vol.0 No.12

        Fair Disclosure System is to stop companies from selectively disclosing certain information to favored analysts, and to oblige them to give informations to a general investors evenly comparing to specific interested groups. Regulation FD has been trying to make the market fairer, but controversies has arisen concerning FD system from it's early steps. Main problem of FD system was the lack of clarity of FD regulation about what information should be disclosed publicly or not and secondly the overweight of sanctions in the breach of FD regulation was at the issue. Furthermore, two negative aspects of FD caused companies to be chilly in disclosure of corporate information. Current controversy stems from assertions that while the quantity of information from most companies has grown, the quality has declined. therefore the clarity of the FD object information and the mitigation of sanctions are needed. Anyway, despite of the limits of current FD systems we have to admit that FD increased fairness of security market or provided about the same level of fairness as before to all analysts and investors. eventually FD system is expected to improve corporate disclosure culture in our country through continuing amendments. 신고할 수 있고 그 신고서류와 원문을 당해 주권상장법인의 홈페이지 등에 게재할 있다. 요약하여 신고하는 경우에는 당해 주권상장법인은 신고내용에 홈페이지 주소를 게재하는 등 원본에 접근할 수 있는 방법을 명시하여야 한다.(6) 공정공시시한 공정공시의 시한은 원칙적으로 정보제공전까지 거래소에 공시하면 되나, 제공시점의 최소 10분전까지 신고하도록 노력해야 한다. 기업설명회 등을 통하여 공정공시대상정보를 제공하고자 하는 경우에는 기업설명회 등의 개시시점 이전에 신고하여야 한다. IR(기업설명회), 기자회견, 기자간담회 등의 진행 중에 신고하지 아니한 FD정보를 제공한 경우에는 당해 정보가 제공된 후 지체없이 이를 신고하여야 한다. 매매거래시간 전에 개최되는 간담회 등에서 정보를 제공한 경우에는 당일 오전 8시까지 신고하여야 한다. 휴장일에는 KIND(증권거래소 전자공시 시스템)이용이 가능하면 당일까지, 이용불가능하면 익일 오전 8시까지 신고하여야 한다. 경미한 과실 또는 착오로 제공한 경우(정보가 이미 신고된 것으로 오인하거나 FD대상정보가 아닌 것으로 오인하여 제공한 경우)에는 당일까지 신고를 하여야 한다. 이때 경미한 과실 또는 착오의 인정은 객관적으로 명백한 경우 이외에는 인정하지 아니하고, 인정되지 않은 때에는 공시불이행으로 처리될 수 있다. FD 대상정보가 선별제공되었다는 사실을 당해 상장법인의 임원이 알 수 없었음을 소명(이때의 소명은 대표이사의 명의로 된 문서로 한다 )하는 경우에는 임원이 알게 된 당일에 신고할 수 있다. 소명자료는 선별제공내용, 선별제공자, 선별제공일시, 선별제공상황, 선별제공시 임원이 알 수 없었던 이유, 임원이 알게 된 상황 등을 중심으로 작성하되, 구체적인 내용은 상장법인이 결정하게 된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        노인틀니 국민건강보험의 틀니제작행위 및 비용에 관한 인식

        유진호,이선경,남상용,김지환,남관우 대한치과기공학회 2016 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate the cognition of denture fabrication activities and its cost in National Health Insurance for elderly denture. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 41 dental laboratories’ owner who was research subjects of HIRA(Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service)’s policy research for elderly denture in 2011. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics of the subjects, dental technicians’ knowledge of national health insurance coverage of elderly denture, job-related changes after national health insurance coverage of elderly denture including validity of denture fabrication activity classification and the cost for each service. Each question was measured by Likert 5 point scale or frequency. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0. Results: Most of the research subjects had been fabricating national health insurance coverage denture(92.7%), also had ample knowledge of national health insurance coverage denture for elderly. Job-related changes after national health insurance coverage of elderly denture revealed marginal differences in the quality. The validity of fabrication activity classification of resin based complete denture was 3.71±1.023 by Likert 5 point scale. Conclusion: The goal of national health insurance for elderly denture is to promote elderly’ s health and well-being. To fabricate denture is a very important part of the denture treatment. For this reason, denture fabrication activity classification and the cost analysis plan should be duly reflected in the policy of national health insurance for elderly denture.

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