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        60년대 한국 코미디

        유지나(Yu Gina) 한국영화학회 1999 영화연구 Vol.- No.15

        Comedy has been suppressed as a genre in the area of Korean film studies even though it has been one of the main genres. Unconsciously accepting the biased valuation such as "comedy-vulgarity", academic film discourse somehow stops serious consideration of Korean comedy's function and deep signification. But if we focus on the cinematic fact, especially from the point of spectatorship and the socio-filmic intertextuality, comedy is very important and is a key area to make a whole map of Korean cinema. That is why I introduce the 60's Korean comedy which was the most flourished. This article is composed of three parts. The first part proves how comedy was influential as genre during the 60's. But at the same time how academic discourse degraded comedy. The second part profiles the 60's comedy's characteristic points and types. Analyzing some comedy texts, the third part interprets comic plots and the main codes. This dissertation's assumptions and aims are as follows: 1. Comedy deserves to be considered a main genre with melodrama and action in Korean cinema genre mapping. 2. This study will cross the genre study in the realm of traditional film studies and socio-filmatic studies' recent point of view to show the nature and the social function of Korean comedy of the 60's, 3. As we all know, there is not enough filmic evidence before the 60's. There are two reasons for focusing on the 60's comedy: first, we can find some comedy films around the 60's; second, we can call the 60's the comedy period since almost every director and producer had experience making comic genre. 4. Since comedy does not have a standard narrative convention like other genres, the comic plot and comic code are very important to achieve the comic which is the aim and the attractive point of comedy in relation to the spectator. Analyzing the comedy text, we can find the comic plot as well as comic codes. Particularly this period's comedy share some main codes such as the capitalist code, gender code, masquerade code. These codes are surely the ideological attitude of the 60's in relation to the rapid changes of Korean society. 5. In addition to clarifying Korean comedy's nature and the narrative stratagem, this study's aim is to restore comedy in Korean cinema's mapping overcoming the bias based on the bias without cinematic fact.

      • KCI등재

        여성/몸의 이미지 재현체계 연구

        유지나(Yu Gina) 한국영화학회 2007 영화연구 Vol.0 No.34

        This paper's aim is to understand the body politics through the analysis of the representation mechanism in which how women's body images are composed in cinema using the gender code/structure connected with the opposition code. The body representation system in cinema is related to the post-modem human's value system based on body's relieved thoughts as well as to the cinema's substantial virtue from the beginning. In this context, the representative cinema texts such as 301 302 and 200 Pounds Beauty are very interesting to decode together since the both texts are made under the core women's body reaction facing the patriarchal gaze regarding women's body representation in the name of female's beauty. Through the analysis of the symbolic image signs about the female character's composition and transformation, the female characters are suffering because of the split identities's problems surviving as the subject as one-self. In this context, these two texts show very different strategies to treat the female body's representation system. For instance, 301 and 302 succeed in communicate via the carnival ritual which represent the healing of their own trauma. In contrast, Hanna/Jenny as heroin of 200 Pounds Beauty represents women's body as to reform, so to change and to correct to be loved and conformed by the male gaze through. Especially the later pursued bodily beauty project without any reflection on the notion of split subject problem combining the body's change to the ideal beauty and inner subject. Analysing these two significant texts regarding women's body project, one admits that the gender code is strongly and effectively constructed by female identity problem conforming or confronting regarding women's as body-subject using the opposition code.

      • KCI등재

        현모양처 페르소나, 전복으로써 아브젝시옹 연구

        유지나(Yu, Gi Na) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2015 씨네포럼 Vol.0 No.22

        <밀양>(2007, 이창동)은 주로 모성 영역을 다루는 관습적인 멜로드라마 도식을 벗어난 디제시스 차원에서, 주인공인 신애의 현모양처 페르소나 캐릭터의 변이 생성을 축으로 짜나가는 흥미로운 텍스트이다. 여성의 사적 영역과 공적 영역을 가로지르며 강력하게 작동하는 모성판타지 코드를 신애 캐릭터의 변이 생성 과정을 통해 분석하는 것이 이 연구의 목표이다. 모성 이데올로기는 비판적 성찰을 통해 재구성되어야 할 쟁점이라는 현 단계 한국사회의 젠더차원에 대한 문제의식도 여기에 연결되어 있다. 이 연구는 젠더 관점에서 <밀양> 텍스트의 이미지 미장센 분석을 중심으로 신애의 모성 판타지 내면화 문제와 그 전복 과정을 탐구하는데 초점을 맞춘다. 특히 신애가 집착하고 욕망해 온 현모양처 페르소나로서 수행해 온 행위단위들과 그것이 전복되는 변이 과정은 줄리아 크리스테바의 정신분석학적 개념인 아브젝시옹(abjection) 메카니즘을 통해 분석된다. 전반부는 신애의 ‘현모양처-되기’의 빛과 그림자, 양면성을 다각도로 분석한다. 아들 준의 유괴와 죽음을 거치면서 벌어지는 후반부는 그녀가 현모양처 콤플렉스를 벗어나, 주체도 객체도 아닌 아브젝트로 내몰리며 자신의 정체성을 폐기하는 아브젝시옹 메카니즘이 강력하게 작동된다. 그런 과정은 상징적 기호 의미망이 작동하는 미장센을 통해 이루어진다. 특히 하늘과 땅, 신애의 시선과 카메라 시선을 통해 대비되는 공간 미장센은 이 점을 극명하게 드러내준다. 이런 아브젝시옹 메카니즘에 초점을 맞추어 텍스트 분석을 한 이 연구는 신애의 곁에 자주 동반하는 종찬과의 관계를 집중적으로 분석하지 못한 점이 한계이기도 하다. Most of melodrama genre film texts centered around mothering diegesis, but it"s interesting for 〈Secret Sunshine〉 (2007, Lee Chang-Dong) to treat mothering based character Shin-Ae"s modification beyond melodrama convention. This study"s aim is to analyse the mothering code mechanism according to heroin"s subversive process. This aim connected to Korea"s gender level problem concerning strong traditional patriarchal mothering ideology. Through narrative text focusing on image mise-en-scène, this study focus on the problem of mothering fantasy internalization as well as on subversive process. Especially, this process will be analyzed using “Abjection” methodology from Julia Kristeva"s psychoanalysis concept. In first half, Shin-Ae"s “good mother and wise wife-becoming” will be analysed as two faced level, light and shadow, from the gender perspective angle. In latter half, after her son, Jun"s death caused by kidnapping, her modification strongly operated her-self as “abject” neither as a subject nor as a object out of “good mother and wise wife-becoming” complex. This subversive process is operated through symbolic semantic network. Especially, the space mise-en-scène is repeatedly contrasted with each other-the sky image and land image mise-en-scène, Shin-Ae"s regard and camera eye. This study, focused on abjection mechanism, has limits on the points that were not dealt with the relationship with car center owner Jong-Chan who follows her most of time in film text.

      • KCI등재

        정보의 바다에서 ‘인간/사이버그’는 무엇을 꿈꾸는가?

        유지나(YU Gi Na) 한국영화학회 2004 영화연구 Vol.0 No.24

        SF genre in the Jpanimation has a philosophical characteristic of identity problem between the human being and the cyborg. Especially Oshii Mamoru's 〈Ghost in the Shell〉 reminds us typical and classical arguments about mind-body relationship of the human being's identity arguments replacing that by cyborg's ghost-shell relationship. From another perspective, the identity problem through 〈Ghost in the Shell〉 is connected with Japan's national identity conflict from the outside as well as from the inside. In the information society, lives of individuals are intertwined with hyper technology, especially humanized cyborg and are controlled by the central system which represents the power of info-imperialism. Since Japan is recognized as the nation of techno-empire, the future society based technology means 'Japanised' in a sens, so the characters of the film- cyborg, cyborg-human being, human being- respond co the twisted 'Techno-Orientalism'. The narrative text has two levels; recit d'evenment and recit de paroles. The first one follows up the resolution of the mysterious puppet master's project confirming thriller genre's narrative convention. However the second one suggests continuously the heroin named Kusanaki Mokoto's identity conflict. It is interesting co analyze the signification of above question being inspired by Donald Davidson's Anomalous Monism. According to Davidson, there is no strict physical and psychological law between mental events and physical events. Therefore there will be some possibility co presume a casual relationship as well as casual identity. This thesis make us co introspect the connotation of significance regarding cyborg's identity problem relating live's identity on which this text focus through Kusanaki, Puppet Master, Cleaners' fake memory problem and so on……

      • KCI등재

        취향의 배치와 탈영토화 여정 연구 : 영화 〈소공녀〉(2017)를 중심으로

        유지나(Yu Gina) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2023 씨네포럼 Vol.- No.44

        〈소공녀〉(전고운, 2017)는 집을 포기하는 동시에 취향을 선택한 주인공 미소(이솜 분)의 탈주여정을 재현한 텍스트이다. 이러한 미소의 공간 이동을 중심으로 진행되는 내러티브의 동력은 미소의 세 가지 취향- 위스키와 담배, 그리고 남자친구 한솔-이다. 이러한 취향에 따른 그녀의 탈주 여정은 ‘소수자-되기’를 실행하는 탈영토화 생성작용이기도 하다. 텍스트의 공간적 배경은 타인들의 거주공간으로, 가사도우미란 일을 하며 방문하는 집과 과거 대학시절 음악밴드를 함께 했던 다섯 친구들을 방문하는 “더 크루즈”를 중심으로 구성된다. 한때 같은 취향(음악밴드)을 공유했던 친구들의 변화된 일상을 보여주는 다섯 개의 시퀀스는 5인 5색의 거주 공간에서 벌어지는 억압적 공간과 정체성의 실종을 미소의 거주 경험을 통해 목격하게 해준다. 크루즈의 첫 번째 여정은 ‘최문영(베이스)’의 공간에서 벌어진다. 더 열심히 일해서 더 큰 회사로 옮겨갈 욕망을 가진 문영은 “스탠다드” 가치관에 길들여진 자기모순적 상황을 드러내준다. 크루즈의 두 번째 여정은 ‘정현정(키보드)’의 집에서 전개된다. 현정은 자신에게 맞지 않는 결혼/시집 관계를 보여주는 동시에 억압적 공간으로서 가사 풍경을 재현해 보인다. 크루즈의 세 번째 여정은 ‘한대용(드럼)’의 집에서 벌어진다. 새로 지은 아파트에 사는 대용은 원금 포함 이자에 시달리는 집을 ‘감옥’ 이라고 부르며 아픈 속내를 토로한다. 크루즈의 네 번째 여정은 ‘김록이(보컬)’의 집에서 벌어진다. 나이 들어가는 미소와 자신에게 필요한건 안정감이니 결혼부터 하자는 그의 제안은 안정적 삶보다 취향 중심의 삶을 살아가는 미소의 정체성을 보여주는 동시에 감옥처럼 갇히는 억압적 경험을 제공하기도 한다. 다섯 번째 여정은 ‘최정미(기타)’의 집에서 벌어진다. 시부모님이 준 대저택에서 전업주부로 사는 자신의 삶을 종교적 ‘수행’이라고 정당화하는 정미는 대저택이 자신의 취향이 아닌 상황에 적응하는 내재적 분열상을 보여준다. 자신의 취향 세 가지-담배, 위스키, 한솔-를 고수하며 남들처럼 살아가는 삶의 여정으로부터 탈주해나가는 미소의 공간 이동은 남들처럼 살기로부터 역행하는 소수자로서 ‘자신-되기’생성 과정이기도 하다. 그런 맥락에서 이 텍스트를 주도하는 미소의 취향 배치, 그중 하나인 한솔과의 이별과정으로 인한 취향의 재배치와 함께 보다 독립적인 탈주를 통한 탈영토화 과정은 MZ세대론과 함께 사회적 문제로 등장한 집과 결혼이라는 기존의 안정적 덕목이 해체되는 과정을 상징적으로 보여준다. Microhabitat (2017) is a text that reproduces the escape journey of the main character Miso, who gave up her house and chose her taste at the same time. The driving force of the narrative that revolves around Miso’s movement in space is Miso’s three tastes: whiskey and cigarettes, and her boy friend, Hansol. Her escape journey according to this taste is also a de-territorialization-creating action that executes ‘becoming a minority’. The spatial background of the text is the living space of others, centered around the house she visits while working as a housekeeper and “The Cruise”, which visits five friends who were in a music band in college. The five sequences showing the changed daily lives of friends who once shared the same taste (music band) allow us to witness the oppressive space and disappearance of identity taking place in the living space of five people and five colors through the experience of living in Miso. Cruise’s first journey takes place in the space of Choi Moon-young (base). Moon Young, who has a desire to work harder and move to a bigger company, reveals a self-contradictory situation tamed by “standard” values. Cruise’s second journey takes place at the home of Jeong Hyun-jung (keyboard). Hyeonjeong shows a marriage/prediction relationship that does not suit her, while at the same time reproducing the scenery of the house as an oppressive space. Cruise’s third journey takes place at the house of “Daeyong (Drum).” Dae-yong, who lives in a newly built apartment, calls a house suffering from interest, including principal, a “prison” in return and expresses his painful inner feelings. Cruise’s fourth journey takes place at the home of “Kim Rok-i (vocal).” His proposal to get married first shows the identity of a smile that lives a taste-oriented life rather than a stable life, while also providing an oppressive experience of being locked up like a prison. The fifth journey takes place at the house of ‘Choi Jeong-mi (Other)’ Jeong-mi, who justifies her life as a full-time housewife in a mansion given by her parents-in-law as a religious “performance,” shows an inherent division in which she adapts to the mansion and suppresses herself even though it is not her taste. The spatial movement of Miso, escaping from the journey of living like others while adhering to one’s three tastes - cigarettes, whiskey, and Hansol - is also the process of creating ‘becoming oneself’ as a minority of Miso, moving backward from living like others. In that context, the disposition of Miso’s taste that leads this text, the rearrangement of taste due to the process of parting with Hansol, one of them, and the process of de-territorialization through more independent escape lead to the house and house where the problem emerged as a social problem along with the MZ generation theory. It also symbolically shows the disintegration of the existing stable virtue of marriage.

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