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      • KCI등재

        햇볕정책이 남북한의 산업구조 변화에 미치는 영향

        유임수 연세대학교 통일연구원 1999 통일연구 Vol.3 No.2

        South Korea's Kim Dae Jung Government started its term in February, 1998 with a great task of overcoming the financial crisis supported by the emergency loan of the International Monetary Fund(IMF), Since that time on, the South Korean Government could successfully cope with the foreign currency crisis by adopting and extensive scope of industrial and financial reforms and restructuring measures inside South Korea.And, for now, South Korea will need further efforts continuously in order to fully recover South Korea's economic virility and resilience for future advancement. On the other hand, South Korea's so-called Sunshine Policy(South Korean brand of Engagement Policy) towards North Korea has been consistently implemented along with a high level of understanding and cooperation among the four neighboring countries - i.E., the United Staes, Japan, China, and Russia.This policy is aimed at preventing a war between North South Korea by fostering the level of recondiliation and cooperation between the two Koreas. The South Korean Government has been trying to improve relations with the North even more recently by allowing the sightseeing project of Mt.Kumkang sponsored by the Hyundai conglomerate.The South Korean participants in the sightseeing project is already surpassed the number of 150,000 men and women from all corners of South Korea.In return, North Korea has been getting cash0revenue of approximately 200 million dollars each year. The North Korean economy has been almost choked by the difficulties accumulated by the contradictions in the Soviet0styled planned economy.Worse still, North Korea has been taking a half-mined posture towards the opening of economic policies.In fact, North Korea is in a dire need of the opening of its economy so as to catch up the level of economic development as compared with the economy of South Korea. The clear example of advantages in economic openings is the China case.The People's Republic of China has opened its economic activities towards the outside world since the time of inception of the Deng Government in 1978.North Korea should follow this type of the economic course in order to solve the difficulties in the road of economic advancement. To that aim, North Korea should, first of all, change the main structure of its industrial system.This type of changes in the North Korean industrial system will be bound to be related to the encouraging of its economic efficiency.In other words, South Korean efforts for providing with economic aids towards North Korea should focus on the aspect of structural changes in the North Korea economic make-up so that it can further accelerate the rate of changes in its economic system.

      • KCI등재
      • 유럽共同體의 經濟的 統合에 관한 硏究

        劉壬洙 梨花女子大學校 法政大學 1983 社會科學論集 Vol.3 No.-

        Die wirtschaftliche Integration wird generell unterschiedlich verstanden und ist letztlich eine Frage der Definition des Begriffes. Nach B. Balassa wird die wirtschaftliche Integration zuna¨chst als Scha¨ffung der Struktur der internationalen Wirtschaft verstanden. Diese Struktur ist dann gegeben, wenn die ku¨nstliche Hindernisse beseitigt werden und wenn durch Koordination der institutionellen Massnahmen Freihandelsmechanismus optimal funktioniert. In der Weltwirtschaft herrschen vorwiegend Integrationsformen auf regionaler Basis vor. Eine europa¨ische Gemeinschaft ist ein typisches Beispiel der Integrationsformen: es gibt aber weitere Formen, EFTA, COMECON, ASEAN etc. Die europa¨ische Gemeinschaft, die im Jahre 1957 gegru¨ndet wurde, ist eine Integration zwischen den Gemeinschaftsmitglieder. Das Ziel EG bezieht sich auf die folgenden Bereiche, wie Zollunions, Angleichung der verschiedenen Bereich der nationalen Wirtschaftspolitik und Schaffung einer Wa¨hrungseinheit. Die europa¨ische Gemeinschaft ist in ihrer weltweite Wirtschaftsleistungen mit den USA-sowohl Gross National Produkt als in Handelsvolumen-vergleichbar. In den 70er Jahren vera¨nderts sich die Weltwirtschaftsordnung an und fu¨r sich. Der Zusammenbruch des Brettonwoodssystems brachte nichtnur dcie Verminderung des Handels. volumen, sondern auch die daurgafte Veranderung des Wa¨hrungssystems zur Folge. Der Zerfall der Leitwa¨hrunaseingeit beeinflusste die europa¨ische Wa¨hrungsverhaltnisse stark.

      • 産業安全과 作業環境 改善의 經濟性 分析

        유임수,박재흥 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1985 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        The improvement of industrial safety and working environments of works is one of the essential requisites for a welfare society. Furthermore, such improvement is believed to lead to an increase in workers' productivity. This study has two objectives. The primary objective is to investigate the effects of industrial safety and working environments of workers on their health status, job satisfaction and productivity. (The major hypothesis). The secondary objective is to study the implications of an investment for improvement of industrial safety and working environments. The data on individual employees have been collected by administering questionnaires to 761 workers employed by the 8 companies of two selected industries (mining, construction) The data on the companies' physical and general working environments have been collected by reviewing the selected companies' records. The data on the physical environments of working places have been collected with appropriate equipments borrowed from the Ministry of Labor. Basically two lines of data analyses have been conducted: descriptive analyses of the data, and statistical tests of he major hypotheses and sub-hypotheses of the study. Descriptive analyses of the major variables have been conducted by comparing frequency distributions of the key variables within and between industries. The significance of differences between those variables have been tested by chi-square tests. Two-stage least squares are the statistical model used for the multivariate analyses. At the first stage, intermediate output variables (health and job satisfaction variables) were regressed on the input variables (environment and situational variables). In the second stage, final output variables (productivity measures) were regressed on the intermediate variables estimated by the first stage regressions and other instrumental variables. The results of the analyses mostly confirm the hypothesized cause-effect relationships between environment, health, job satisfaction and productivity. It has been shown that at improvement of industrial safety and working environments of workers contribute to better health and job satisfaction and also to an increase in productivity. Implications of the findings are that businessmen should invest more in an improvement of industrial safety and working environments because such investment well increase the productivity of workers and hence the profit of their firms. The findings also indicate that an investment in the improvement of the health of workers is a sound investment for the same reason. This conclusion should be taken with a great deal of caution for the following reasons. First, due to data constraint, health status and job satisfaction are represented by proxy variables. Second, some of these proxy variables are constructed on the basis of the perception of employees, which are at best subjective measures. Third, even objective measures obtained by environmental tests can not be translated into uni-dimensional index of environments.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 경제공동체의 형성: 통화협력의 모색

        유임수 한국질서경제학회 2002 질서경제저널 Vol.5 No.2

        1997년 동아시아의 금융ㆍ외환위기는 근본적으로 동아시아 국가들의 허약한 경제ㆍ금융구조 때문이었다. IMF는 구제금융 지원시 고이자율 정책과 정부의 긴축재정 정책을 요구한 결과, 긴축정책과 자국통화 평가절하는 오히려 과도한 소비와 경기위축 현상을 불러와 위기 극복을 더욱 어렵게 만들었다.. 아시아 경제위기 예방을 위해 동아시아통화기금(AMF)을 구축해야 한다. 이를 위해 동아시아의 경제 주도국인 한국, 일본, 중국이 선도 역할을 해야 할 것으로 보인다. 참여 회원국가들도 정치적인 민주화와 안정을 이룩해야 하며, 적정 외환보유고를 유지해야 한다. 또한 AMF 구성에 대해 부정적인 미국을 고려하여 AMF에 IMF를 참여시키는, 준 AMF 체제를 구축하는 방안이 제기되고 있다. 국가간 통화스와프를 확대하고, 환율 안정 시스템을 가동시켜 AMF가 창설되면, 마지막으로 동아시아 공동통화를 창설해야 한다. 과거 유럽연합의 선험적인 경제ㆍ화폐통합의 경험은 우리에게 좋은 모델이 되고 있다. 유럽연합은 독ㆍ영ㆍ불ㆍ이가 대등한 관계에서 리더국가 역할을 하였으나, 동아시아는 축을 이루는 선도국가 군의 형성에 현실적인 어려움이 있다는 문제점이 장애요소로 작용하고 있다.

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