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      • KCI등재

        북극의 글로벌 거버넌스 분석과 한국의 북극정책

        유시현 인문사회 21 2023 인문사회 21 Vol.14 No.3

        This study analyzes the current degree of institutionalization of Arctic global governance and examines what linked and divisive factors they have. The research method analyzes institutionalization based on the regime complex theory, and the subjects of the study are the Arctic Council, the Arctic Circle, and the Northern Forum. As for the contents of the study, each regime has a complementary agenda and institutionalization of Arctic environment protection has progressed with overlapping actors. In the future, there is a need for a mechanism to mediate the conflicts expected in the discussion for the establishment of integrated Arctic norms. In conclusion, Korea’s Arctic policy has recently reorganized its policy system. However, it is a short-term policy, therefore it requires ‘normative’ work that collects major discourse for Arctic policy and invoking social awareness and consensus on the Arctic.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 자유 품새에 적용하기 위한 540˚ 뒤후려차기의 성공요인 분석

        유시현,류지선,박상균,윤석훈 한국운동역학회 2013 한국운동역학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental information for success factors of techniques through kinematic analysis including coordination of lower extremities and landing stability according to the success and failure of 540o Dwihuryeochagi in Taekwondo. Twenty Taekwondo athletes: ten success group (S, age: 22.3±1.8 yrs, height: 172.1±5.4 cm, body mass:64.4±4.2 kg) and ten failure group (F, age: 22.3±1.8 yrs, height: 172.1±5.4 cm, body mass: 64.4±4.2 kg) participated in this study. Three-dimensional motion analysis using a system of 3 video cameras with a sampling of 60 fields/s was performed during the competition of 540o Dwihuryeochagi. Motions were divided into five events: pivot foot landing (E1), pivot foot toe off (E2),COM max height (E3), kick impact (E4) and landing (E5). At E1, the stride width was greater for S than for F (p<.05) while the time was greater for S than for F during P4 (p<.05). At E4, knee angle was greater for S than for F (p<.05). At E5, hip angle was greater for S than for F (p<.05) while kick distance was greater for S than for F (p<.05). Furthermore, at P3, the time would be related to kicking velocity (p<.05), while at P4, the time, range of hip angle and knee angle would be related to kick distance (p<.05). At P1, COM horizontal velocity would be related to COM vertical velocity of P1 and P2 (p<.05). Based on the findings,success factors of 540°y Dwihuryeochagi were COM horizontal velocity of P1, COM vertical velocity of P2, the time, kick distance,velocity, angle of lower extremities and coordination of P3-P4.

      • KCI등재

        기합의 유형과 방법이 태권도 뒤차기의 충격 가속도에 미치는 효과

        유시현,길호종 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2023 스포츠사이언스 Vol.41 No.2

        We tried to examine the effect on the impact acceleration when Taekwondo back kick depending on the form and timing of shout. Fifteen subjects (age: 20.8±0.8 years, height: 169.3±5.2 cm, body weight: 65.1±8.2 kg, career: 4.3±2.5 years) were selected. A three-axis accelerometer was attached to the anterior superior iliac spine, the distal thigh, and the distal tibia of the leg performing the kick. In order to examine the difference according to the presence or absence of shout, a non-shout kick (NSK) and a shout kick (SK) were randomly compared. And to examine the difference in the length and time of the shout, a long-shout before the kick (LSBK), a short-shout before the kick (SSBK), a long-shout at the moment of the kick (LSMK), and a short-shout at the moment of the kick (SSMK) were randomly compared. The vertical acceleration of the tibia was higher in SK than in NSK (p<.05). The acceleration of the tibia, femur, and pelvis of SSBK and SSMK was higher than that of LSBK and LSMK (p<.05). In order to successfully perform a back kick that requires momentary concentration and power, it is important to use shout, and a short burst of shout is a more effective method.

      • KCI등재

        간이식술 중 혈액 재관류 전후에 발생한 헤파린효과의 변화 및 이들이 수혈량에 미치는 효과

        유시현,최종호,박종민,이경석 대한마취통증의학회 2007 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.52 No.4

        One of the difficulties we have in the management of anesthesia for the optimal liver transplantation is involved in coagulopathy. The purpose of this paper is to observe and investigate the variation of the heparin effects occurred before and after the fulfillment of reperfusion done in terms of native thromboelastogram (nTEG) or heparinase-guided Thromboelastogram (hgTEG). Methods: In 134 patients who had a living related liver transplantation, by grouping them into four according to the presence or the absence of heparin effects, we are to observethe effects on the quantity of transfusion which each group shows and clinical variables like CTP score, UNOS classification, PT, and preoperative platelet count. Results: It is found that 54 out of 134 patients (40.3%) had heparin effects before the reperfusion, while 101 (75.4%) had the effects after the reperfusion to the grafted liver. It is showed that there was no significant difference in a comparison between groups involved with packed red blood cell transfused, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrates, fluid by RIS. In the comparison between groups involved in clinical factors, it is disclosed that although there was no significant difference in four factors, that is, CTP score, UNOS classification, PT, and preoperative platelet count. Conclusions: We can confirm that the occurrence of heparin effect after reperfusion is remarkably increasing compared to that of heparin effect before reperfusion. Also, it can be reported that heparin effects can occur frequently during liver transplantation, but they have no direct relation to transfusion.

      • KCI등재후보

        무용가 개인컬렉션의 데이터베이스(DB) 구축을 위한 춤자료 분류체계 연구 : 김천흥컬렉션을 중심으로

        유시현,권혜경,김현주,최해리 한국무용기록학회 2009 무용역사기록학 Vol.17 No.-

        무용가 개인컬렉션의 데이터베이스(DB) 구축을 위한 춤자료의 분류체계 개발은 자료를 분류하고 정리하는 기존의 목록화(cataloging) 작업에서 더 나아가 이용자의 자료 검색 환경을 최적화하는데 그 목적이 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 김천흥컬렉션을 대상으로 춤자료의 DB구축 및 일반이용자들이 춤자료를 검색하고 사용할 수 있는 검색시스템을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 우선 국내외 춤 자료관들을 대상으로 춤자료의 보유 현황 및 분류 현황을 살펴보고 춤자료 분류방식을 크게 세 가지로 구분하였다. 첫째는 자료의 저장 방식이나 저장 형식, 자료의 형식과 양식 등 매체가 갖고 있는 특징에 따라 자료의 형태(format)를 중심으로 한 분류이다. 둘째는 자료가 가진 내용을 토대로 자료가 생성된 특정 맥락에 중점을 두고 분류하는 자료의 맥락적(context) 분류이다. 셋째는 특별한 체계 없이 자료가 가진 공통적 속성을 바탕으로 동일한 분류항목으로 묶어 자료를 정리하는 방법이다. 이 중 자료를 분류하고 검색하는데 상대적으로 용이한 "형태 중심 분류법"을 김천흥컬렉션 데이터베이스(DB) 구축의 기본 틀로 정하였으며 이를 바탕으로 김천흥의 춤자료를 총 11개의 카테고리로 분류하였다. 또한 자료의 형태 중심 분류법이 놓치기 쉬운 자료의 생성 맥락과 타자료와의 연관성에 관한 정보는 상세정보들을 제시할 수 있는 필드(fields)를 구성하여 보충하였다. 이는 자료의 형태적 분류가 갖는 자료의 비맥락화에 대한 단점을 부분적으로 보충하고자 한 결과이다. 일단 데이터화 된 정보들은 검색엔진을 통해 주제어를 중심으로 다양한 자료 형태를 아우르는 통합검색 또한 가능하게 하였으며, 결과적으로 "카테고리별 상세검색"과 "통합검색"의 두 가지 방식으로 자료에 대한 횡적, 종적 접근을 모두 가능하게 하였다. 본 연구 결과는 김천흥이라는 특정 인물의 자료를 바탕으로 설계된, 즉 김천흥컬렉션에 최적화 된 시스템이며, 이후 타 예술인의 컬렉션을 형성하면서 끊임없는 수정과 보완을 거쳐 한국춤 전반에 관한 자료들을 통합적으로 분류, 검색할 수 있는 DB 시스템으로 발전해 가야 할 것이다. The development of archiving dance materials to build a DB of individual dancer's collection is to optimize users' search environment, developed from the old cataloging work, or classifying and arranging materials. Therefore, this article intends to build a DB and develop a search engine for Kim Cheon-heung Collection. For this purpose, this article examines dance materials and classifying systems of Dance Centers both in Korea and abroad, and summarized the system as three categories. The first system is the "format classification" in which materials are categorized by their format such as data storage method, storage format and forms and patterns of materials. The second one is "contextual classification" focusing on specific context based on the context of materials. The third one is the method to classify materials by same categories based on common characteristics without applying specific systematic method. Among these, "format classification system" was taken as a basic structure for Kim Cheon-heung Collection, which is relatively easy to classify and search materials, and Kim Cheon-heung Collection was classified by 11 categories. Also, the information of the history of the materials and the relationship with other materials, which is easily missed in format classification system, was supplemented by fields, which could present detailed information. This is to make up for the shortcomings of incoherence of the materials in format classification system. Data is accessible by general search engine with subject words, consequently it was made possible to access materials horizontally and vertically by "category search," and "general search." This study is optimized for Kim Cheon-heung Collection designed for the materials related to Kim Cheon-heung, and it should be developed into the DB system that could classify and search general Korean dance materials through incessant modification and complement in the process of building other collections.

      • 효소 중합반응에 의한 인공 cDNA 클론의 형성

        유시현,권무식 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.43 No.2

        The sequence-specific DNA binding protein, PU.1 common to macrophage and B cell in mammals, is one of the transcription activators. Its DNA binding activity seems to correlate with the phosphorylation of specific serine residue(s). It is, however, not clear that which serine(s) could be phosphorylated for the activation of PU.1. To understand the phosphorylation mechanism of the transcription factor, the first nucleotide coding the 11th amino acid [TCC] of PU.1, "Thymidine", was substituted with "Guanidine" by site-directded mutagenesis. The mutant PU.1 cDNA restricted by Xba I and Hind III, was ligated into Xbal-HindIII cut pBluescript KS+, and then transformed into E.coli JM109 to generate a new mutant clone of PU.1. The mutant will be instrumental in evaluating a plausible phosphorylation site of PU.1.

      • KCI등재후보

        Biomechanical Analysis of SPIN KICKS for Establishing the Technical Difficulty of Free style Poomsae in Taekwondo

        유시현 J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Martial Arts Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: Quantitative grounds for the difficulty distinction and clear evaluation criteria of Taekwondo free style Poomsae spin kick are required. The purpose of this research is to conduct a kinematic analysis of 540°Dwihuryochagi(540D), 720°Dollyochagi(720D) and 900°Dwihuryochagi(900D) and provide a quantitative basis for spin kick difficulty classification. Method: 13 athletes(age: 20.6±0.7 years, height: 171.3±4.2 cm, weight: 65.4±6.2 kg, experience: 8.3±4.5 years) were selected for this study. The analysis variables were the interval-specific time required for the spin kick, the displacement and velocity of the center of mass(COM), and the rotation angle and rotation angular velocity of the trunk. Results: First, as the rotation angle increased, the time to kick(E2-E4) increased and the height of kick-off(E4) COM decreased(p<.05). Second, it has been shown that the time to land(E4-E5) is shortened(p<.05). The 900D was followed by kick after the landing was completed. Third, for the rotational angular velocity of the torso, rapid angular velocity was shown in the order of 900D > 720D > 540D in the air rotation interval(Phase 2-5). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the difficulty of 900D should be allocated higher than that of 540D and 720D. In addition, Video Assistant Referee(VAR) techniques need to be applied to evaluate the success of 900D.

      • KCI등재

        인솔의 아치높이 및 경도 선호도가 정적 아치 높이 및 발목 안정성에 미치는 영향

        유시현,이영성,한수지,박상균 한국운동역학회 2023 한국운동역학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in static arch height and ankle stability according to the preference for insole height and hardness in the arch area. Method: The study participants were 20 adult males (age: 22.7 ± 1.8 yrs., height: 175.3 ± 4.3 cm, body weight: 72.5 ± 7.7 kg). First, the arch heights of all subjects were measured in static postures (sitting and standing). The inversion and eversion movements of the ankle joint were analyzed during walking (1.3 m/s & 1.7 m/s) and running (2.7 m/s & 3.3 m/s). The variables (static arch height, and inversion and eversion angle of ankle joint) were compared by classifying groups according to the preference for the height and hardness of the arch of the insole. First, it was divided into a high arch insole preference group (HAG, n=8) and a low arch insole preference group (LAG, n=12) according to the preference for the arch height of the insole. Second, it was divided into a high hardness insole preference group (HHG, n=7), medium hardness insole preference group (MHG, n=7), and low hardness insole preference group (LHG, n=6), according to the preference for the arch hardness of the insole. Results: First, the range of motion (ROM) of inversion-eversion at the ankle joint during walking was statistically smaller in HAG than in LAG (p<.05). Second, the arch height change of HHG was statistically greater than that of MHG and LHG (p<.05). Conclusion: In the case of flexible flat feet with a large change in arch height, providing a high hardness arch insole that can disperse foot pressure can improve comfort. It was found that people with high medial and lateral sway of the ankle joint preferred a low arch insole, but it is necessary to differentiate and compare the insole heights of the arch part in detail. In addition, in the case of fast motion such as running, the preference for the arch height and hardness of the insole was not related to the static arch height and ankle stability.

      • KCI등재

        태권도 자유 품새에 적용하기 위한 뛰어 앞차기 착지 동작의 상해 예방 전략

        유시현 한국운동역학회 2020 한국운동역학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the injury factors of Taekwondo jumping kick during landing phase according to the experience of injury and to suggest a stable landing movement applicable to free style Poomsae. Method: The participants were non-injury group (NG), n = 5, age: 20.5±0.9 years; height: 171.6 ±3.6 cm; body weight: 65.7±4.4 kg; career: 5.0±2.7 years. Injury group (IG), n = 9, age: 21.0±0.8 years; height: 170.9±4.6 cm; body weight: 67.1±7.0 kg; career: 8.6±5.0 years. The variables are impact force, loading rate, vertical stiffness, lower limb joint angle, stability, balance, and muscle activity in the landing phase. Results: NG was statistically larger than IG in the gluteus medius (p<.05). The impact force, loading rate and vertical stiffness decreased as the landing foot angle, the ROM of lower limb joint angle and COM displacement increased (p<.05). Conclusion: Based on the results, it means that the landing foot angle plays an important role in the impact reduction during landing phase. It is required the training to adjust the landing foot angle.

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