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      • KCI등재

        『說苑』의 국내 수용과 朝鮮刊本 『劉向說苑』

        劉承炫(You, Sueng-Hyun),閔寬東(Min, Kuan-Dong) 중국문화연구학회 2020 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.47

        Before the book was published in China, appeared in the historical records of the Sinla period, and used its story six times. Since he studied in Tang Dynasty, he may have read the book. In the Goryeo Dynasty, there are three records that prove that the Goryeo government possessed Suoyuan. Also, the literary people of Goryeo used the contents of Suoyuan in their writings. In Joseon Dynasty, the publication of Chosun’s publication, a landmark event in the domestic acceptance of the Suoyuan, was published by Lee Geuk-Don in around 1492. Prior to the publication of the Chosun Publications, acceptance was limited, but after that, wide acceptance is given to monarchs and intellectuals. The direct mention of the title of the book and the taking of it in the form of a book greatly increase. Existing Chosun Publication Suoyuan include the National Library of Korea, Korea University, Yeungnam University, Chungjae Museum, and Hujodang. Andong Gunja Village Hujodang is the only place that possesses A complete edition. The National Library of Korea holds the second book, Korea University holds the first three books, Yeungnam University holds the third to four books, and the Chungjae Museum holds only the first book. As a result of reviewing these editions, the Chosun Publications were published many times after the first edition was printed, and some of the later disfigured pages of the first edition were revised and published on pages 35-38 and 105-112. The characteristics of the edition were examined. The paragraph format and number of pages were identified, and the sections that were not 18 letters and two lines of small letters annotation were found.

      • KCI등재

        梁祝이야기의 국내 수용과『양산백전』의 번안 가능성

        유승현(You Sueng-Hyun),민관동(Min Kwan-Dong) 한국중어중문학회 2012 中語中文學 Vol.51 No.-

        中?自唐代至宋代出?梁祝故事而完成基本情?, 明??期承受前代的梁祝故事, 再附加後?故事而?作出梁祝?唱?。梁祝故事?於民?文?, 梁祝?唱?於通俗文?, 因而?者先把?者分升下?, 再?行探?。 『?注名?十抄?』??唐代『十道志』的??, 可?高?接受『十道志』的梁祝故事。唐代?有??小?集『宣室志』, ??小??集『稗海』收?『宣室志』, 有些?者主?『宣室志』里有梁祝故事, 但?者???疑此主?,『稗海』收?的『宣室志』??有梁祝炊事, 因此朝?不能?『稗海』或『宣室志』此文?接受梁祝故事。『?注名?十抄?』的注?中有梁祝故事, ?者不能?定此注?者?考什???, 却可以?定高??期的??中?流入梁祝故事。『?注名?十抄?』在高??期刊刻出版, 按??朝?地方政府也出版了三次, 此?在???次出版, 因而?大梁祝故事的?泛流?。『情史』?『留?日札』里有梁祝故事, 此??文?流入於朝??期, 因而??可以是接受梁祝故事的渠道。此外,『?世明言』(一名?『古今小?』)的?有梁祝故事, 但目前此?在中??有完整本, 只有?卷, 目前在??也???此?的版本, 而且???朝?文人接受的??, 因而不能?此??梁祝故事的??流??有影?。 前述的梁祝故事以?人的死亡??尾,明??期梁祝?唱添加?魂母趣, 又?作了後?的情?, ?就是梁祝故事?梁祝?唱的最大??。此?唱?式里有??、鼓?、木??等, ?些?式先由?人演唱, 再?商情文人修?唱本, 最後成?出版。?唱?人??商都重?文本的通俗性???性。朝?的出版?立也注重『梁山伯?』的商?利?, 因而可能考?梁祝?唱的後?故事。家???的梁祝故事?於民?故事, 不适合商?出版, 梁祝?唱却合适於商?出版。中?的梁祝?唱?朝?的『梁山伯?』都具有通俗性?商?性, 因而朝?的出版?主可能采取梁祝?唱的後?故事之??, 所以?者??把『梁山伯?』可以看做梁祝?唱的改?之作。

      • KCI등재

        조선간본(朝鮮刊本) 『류향신서(劉向新序)』의 서지ㆍ문헌 연구

        유승현 ( You Sueng-hyun ),민관동 ( Min Kuan-dong ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2018 비교문화연구 Vol.51 No.-

        朝鮮刊本 『劉向新序』는 李克墩이 1492년경 출간하도록 한 판본이다. 현존하는 朝鮮刊本 『劉向新序』는 민관동에 의해 계명대학교 소장본 2종(上冊)과 金俊植 집안(이하에서는 ‘後彫堂’으로 약칭)의 소장본(下冊) 그리고 분실된 崔在石 소장본과 金用基 소장본이 발굴되었다. 필자는 이외에 한국학중앙연구원(下冊)ㆍ경기대학교(下冊)ㆍ일본국회도서관(완질)ㆍ아단문고(上冊)ㆍ성암고서박물관(下冊) 소장본의 존재를 확인하였다. 본 논문은 위의 판본들 중 원문을 확인할 수 있는 판본인 계명대ㆍ한국학중앙연구원ㆍ경기대ㆍ後彫堂ㆍ일본국회도서관 소장본을 대상으로 朝鮮刊本의 특징들을 연구하였다. 上冊의 경우, 계명대 귀중본은 ‘初刻本’이고 고본은 ‘初刻本’의 제69~70면과 제71~72면을 補刻한 ‘補刻本’이다, 또한 일본국회도서관 소장본도 고본과 동일한 면이 補刻된 ‘補刻本’이다. 下冊의 경우, 한국학중앙연구원과 경기대 소장본은 ‘初刻本’이고, 後彫堂과 일본국회도서관 소장본은 제9~10면ㆍ제63~64면ㆍ제87~88ㆍ제107~108면을 上冊과 마찬가지로 해당 면을 補刻한 ‘補刻本’이다. 현존 판본들을 비교해보면, 上冊의 경우 현존하는 판본으로는 2회에 걸쳐 인출되었음만 단정할 수 있고, 下冊의 경우에는 현존하는 4종의 판본들은 3회에 걸쳐 인쇄가 이루어졌음을 확정할 수 있다. 필자는 이어서 현존 판본들을 바탕으로 실제 문헌에 대한 연구를 진행하여 朝鮮刊本의 특징을 도출하였다. 먼저 卷首題ㆍ卷尾題와 문단의 형식을 논술하였고, 그리고 본문은 원칙적으로 字數가 ‘11行18字’로 되어있으나, 실제 판본 상에는 ‘18字’가 아닌 경우들을 찾아내 해당 面과 行의 字數를 표로 제시하였으며, 또한 小字註가 雙行으로 된 경우를 고찰하였다. 그 다음으로는 朝鮮刊本에는 원문에 빈칸이 나타나는데 해당부분과 해당 글자를 모두 밝혔으며, 마지막으로 朝鮮刊本의 ‘誤脫字’를 찾아내어 해당부분을 명기하고 오류의 이유를 구체적으로 분석하였다. Xinxu(新序) was published in Korea by 1492. Among the existing editions, the editions that can confirm the realities are the collections of Keimyung University, the Korean Studies Central Research Institute, Kyonggi University, Hujodang(後彫堂), and the National Assembly Library of Japan. The Keimyung University’s precious book is the 'first published book', and the old book is the 'later published book' which covers pages 69-70 and 71-72 of the first published book. It is the 'later published book' that has the same side inscribed. The second books, the Central Research Institute of Korea Studies and the Kyonggi University Collection are the first published books, and the Hujodang and the National Assembly Library of Japan are on pages 9-10, 63-64, 87-88, 107-108. The corresponding side is the 'later published book'. Comparing the editions, it can be concluded that the existing editions of the previous editions have been withdrawn two times, and in the latter editions, the existing editions of four editions can also be confirmed to have been edited three times. In this paper, the literature based on the existing editions was studied and features of the Korean edition were presented. First, we examine the types of paragraphs. In principle, the text is composed of '11 lines and 18 characters', but on the actual version, the number of characters is shown in the table. In the Korean edition of the Joseon dynasty, a blank space appears in the original text. The erroneous letter in the Joseon book was identified the reason for the error was explained in detail.

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