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      • KCI등재

        한국판 이주자 부모 스트레스 척도 개발과 타당화 연구

        유선영,Yoo, Sun-Young 한국가족자원경영학회 2015 가족자원경영과 정책 Vol.19 No.1

        Unlike daily hassles or minor stressors, immigration is an intense life event that may cause excessive stress. In particular, immigrant parents find themselves in a more stressful situation in that they experience stresses caused by immigration and stresses caused by parenting at the same time. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate an Immigrant Parental Stress Inventory (IPSI), that objectively and comprehensively assesses the stress experienced by immigrant parents within the Korean context. Based on the Immigrant Parental Stress Inventory developed within the American context, preliminary items were refined through a literature review and the discussions of experts and immigrant parents and were empirically validated with a sample of 203 immigrant parents residing in Korea. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, six main factors were identified (Factor1 Difficulties in communication, Factor2 Financial difficulties, Factor3 Difficulties in social adjustment, Factor4 Social discrimination, Factor5 Lack of social resources, Factor6 Difficulties in parenting). The IPSI was shown to be a psychometrically sound instrument that is capable of measuring immigrant parental stress within the Korean context. Social service professionals and researchers studying or working with immigrant families could use the IPSI to examine immigrant parental stress.

      • KCI등재

        초기 영화의 문화적 수용과 관객성: 근대적 시각문화의 변조와 재배치

        유선영 사단법인 언론과 사회 2004 언론과 사회 Vol.12 No.1

        이 연구는 1990~1920년대 초까지의 영화 수용 및 객관성에 대한 분석을 통해 이질적이고 외래적 시각문화가 전근대적 사회에 어떻게 배치되는가를 살피고 있다. 초기 영화의 수용은 서구에서 도시적 근대성을 상업화한 매체로서 영화의 발전과정과 비교하면 많은 변이를 뵌다. 구두문화가 지배적이었던 상황에서 완제품으로 수입된 초기 영화들은 시각적 오인과 충격을 초래하면서 전통적 문화관습과 아비투스로 영화를 오독, 해석, 수용하는 관객성을 구성하였다. 초기 영화의 수용과 경험을 매개한 전통적 문화관습은 굿판의 이행적 공간성(liminality)과 놀이, 전통연희의 유흥성과 해학성, 이질적인 시각적 이미지를 봉합한 변사와 프로그램의 이점성, 그리고 식민지 극장과 관객을 감시한 임검경찰, 종족적 집합공간으로서의 극장에 대한 집합적 기대이다. 그리고 이렇게 매개된 관객성과 영화수용이 중국, 일본, 남미, 그리고 서구의 그것과 어떻게 다른지를 논의하고 있다. The aim of this research is to reconstitute the process of acculturation and appropriation of modern visual culture in Korea from the late 19th century to the early 1920s. Film was a key agent that drove visualization of the pre-modern colonial society which had no experience of cinematic cultural forms, such as photographs, lantern slides, including even illustrations of magazines and newspapers. It means that, for Koreans, the exposure to early cinema itself was a kind of experience of an epistemological break. In this respect, a study about the spectatorship of early cinema can allow us to understand how Koreans experienced the transition from oral culture to visual culture during the period of the Japanese occupation.<br/> Studies on the reception and spectatorship of early cinema in non-western countries such as China, Japan, Latin America and Russia have showed that indigenous cultural conventions and cinematic habitus were mobilized in experiencing and consuming films. In summary, Korean people's receptions and experiences of the cinema during the time was culturally constituted, improvised and rearranged under colonial conditions. In particular, there are several distinctive characteristics of early cinema spectatorship in Korea. First, most of early cinema imported from the West presented and described urban mass cultural forms and astonishing aspects of the modern technology. It led the Korean masses to produce responses of astonishments, confusion, misunderstanding, misinterpretation as well as enthusiasm, as those in other pre-modern and non-industrialized countries did for their peoples. Second, the long-standing habitus and cultural conventions, which had been (un) consciously constituted through enjoying Sadang-Pae's and shaman's performances, penetrated into Koreans' cinematic experiences. For example, Korean people called a film a 'playing photograph,' and a narrator 'Gut-genngi', shama until the mid-1930s. Third, cinema in Korea was a part of exhibition program as a mix of vaudeville shows including dance and song of Kisaeng, acrobat, magic, and comic chats. And a narrator called byunsa, 辯士 had played a critical role that translated the alien screen images into understandable things for spectators who did not have enough knowledge, information and experiences about the referents of film images. Generally speaking, the narrator's oral explanation was full of improvisations, that is, his own creative version of the original films. Hence, I argue that conventional culture (un)consciously played a role in suturing the fissures between filmic signifiers and audiences' readings. Lastly, I suggest that Korean masses conceived a theatre as a legally permitted public place where gathering was possible, even though the gathering was held under the severe surveillance made by the imperial authority of military policemen.<br/> Early cinema era in other countries, which could be defined y its distinct narrative styles and modes of exhibition, generally belongs to the period between 1897 and 1906 of 1907. However, in the case of Korea, it had lasted until the early 1920s, since its styles of narrative as well as varied formats of exhibition programming had found favor with a wide range of Koreans. In this regard, I would argue that the longevity of the styles and genres of the Korean early cinema reveals an aspect of particularity of colonial modernity in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        요양시설에서의 가족참여에 대한 개념분석

        유선영,탁영란 한국노인간호학회 2019 노인간호학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to define and clarify the concept of family involvement in nursing homes. Methods: The concept analysis approach of Walker and Avant was used. Eighteen studies from electronic databases met the criteria for selection. Results: In the definition of family involvement, the family continues to visit the elder, forms partnerships and communication with the nursing home staff, and plays a role in caring and decision-making for the elder in the family, even after the elder enters the nursing home. Family involvement can be defined by the following attributes: 1) visiting, 2) partnership, 3) communication, 4) caring, and 5) decision making. The antecedents of family involvement consisted of: 1) the elder’s health status, 2) family's preference and expectations, 3) relationships, 4) social support, and 5) policy and system. The consequences occurring as a result of family involvement were: 1) improved quality of life and well-being for the elder, 2) family and staff satisfaction, and 3) quality of care. Conclusion: Definition and attributes of family involvement identified from these results can be applied to develop measures and intervention programs for nursing home elders' families.

      • KCI등재후보

        극소 저체중 출생아에서 경피적 산소포화도의 적정 범위

        유선영,강혜진,김민정,장미영 대한신생아학회 2011 Neonatal medicine Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: To determine the effect of changing practice guidelines designed to avoid hyperoxia or hypoxia in very low birth weight or very preterm infants. Methods: We analyzed a database of <1,500 g birth weight or <32 weeks of gestation infants who were born and admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Chungnam National University Hospital from January 2007 to July 2010. First, we defined the relationship between arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO_2) and pulse oxygen saturation (SpO_2). When we evaluated 96 pairs of PaO_2 and SpO_2 measurements, oxygen saturation was 90-94% at a PaO_2 of 43-79 mmHg on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, according to pulse oximetry. Based on this observation, a change in practice was instituted in August 2008 with the objective of avoiding hypoxia and hyperoxia in preterm infants with targeting a SpO_2 90-94% (period II). Before the change in practice, high alarms for SpO_2 were set at 100% and low alarms at 95% (period I). Results: Sixty-eight infants the met enrollment criteria and 38 (56%) were born during period II, after the change in SpO_2 targets. Demographic characteristics, except gender, were similar between the infants born in both periods. After correcting for the effect of confounding factors, the rates for mortality, severe retinopathy of prematurity, and IVH attended to be lower than those for infants in period II. No difference in the rate of patent ductus arteriosus needed to treat was observed. Conclusion: A change in the practice guidelines aimed at avoiding low oxygen saturation and hyperoxia did not increase neonatal complication rates and showed promising results, suggesting decreased mortality and improvements in short term morbidity. It is still unclear what range of oxygen saturation is appropriate for very preterm infants but the more careful saturation targeting guideline should be considered to prevent hypoxemic events and hyperoxia. 목적: 조산아는 산화 방지 시스템이 미성숙하여 과산소증 및저산소증에 노출되면 이차적으로 중추 신경계, 호흡계, 혈액계등 다른 체내 기관에 손상이 올 수 있다. 저자들은 1,500 g 미만또는 32주 미만의 조산아에서 동맥혈 산소 분압을 50-70mmHg근처로 유지하기 위하여 경피적 산소 포화도를 90-94%로 유지하여 과산소증 및 저산소증을 회피하는 전략 하에 치료하였던 군(T)과 고식적인 경피적 산소 포화도 감시를 하였던 군(C)에서 사망률, 입원 기간 및 이환율에 대해 비교하였다. 방법: 충남대학교병원 신생아 집중치료실에 입원하였던 신생아 중 1,500 g 미만 또는 32주 미만의 조산아를 대상으로 하였다. 2008년 8월부터 2010년 7월까지 경피적 산소포화도를 90-94%으로 유지하였던 조산아들을 T군으로 하였고 2007년 1월에서 2008년 8월까지 경피적 산소 포화도 감시의 지침 없이 고식적인 관리를 하였던 조산아들을 C군으로 하였다. 양 군 간에입원 중 사망률, 입원기간, 만성폐질환으로 이행 및 치료 여부,괴사성 장염, 미숙아 망막증, 뇌실 내 출혈, 동맥관 개존증 등을후향적으로 비교하였다. 결과: 양 군의 기본 특징은 성별 외에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 사망률은 T군에서 C 군 보다 적은 경향은 보였으나 통계적 유의성은 없었다(5.3% vs. 16.7%, P=0.127). 두 군간에 입원기간, 만성폐질환, 산소 사용 기간과 괴사성 장염의 빈도는 차이가 없었다. ICROP 제 3기 이상의 중증 미숙아 망막증은 T군이 C군 보다 적은 경향을 보였으며(2.6% vs. 10%, P=0.203), 뇌실 내 출혈의 발생 빈도는 T군에서 C군 보다 낮은 경향을 보였다(18.4%vs. 40.0%, P=0.051). 치료가 필요하였던 동맥관 개존증의 빈도는 양 군에서 차이가 없었다. 결론: 극소 저체중 출생아 또는 극소 조산아에서 경피적 산소포화도를 90-94%으로 유지하는 전략은 과산소증 및 잠재적인저산소증에의 노출을 최소화함으로서 합병증의 증가 없이 단기적 예후 개선에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 가구 업체를 중심으로 한 침대 구조에 관한 연구 - 싱글 침대를 중심으로 -

        유선영 한국가구학회 2023 한국가구학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Humans generally sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day. In other words, it is a space where people spend an average of 1/3 of the day in the bedroom, and people maintain their daily lives while recovering from the day's fatigue through physical rest. As the importance of sleep emerges as a balance between life and work, interest in a good environment for sleeping with comfort and comfort in the sleeping space, which is the original function of the bedroom, is increasing. Therefore, in this paper, I would like to examine the bed among furniture that is very closely related to the human body. Among them, to support and maintain the mattress that affects sleep, analyze the shape and structure of the lower part of the bed related to hygiene, and suggest the direction of developing a bed with functionality and aesthetics suitable for the bedroom space of modern people who use it. .

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