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        위위,김종태 한중경제문화학회 2014 한중경제문화연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis, which has broken out in 2008,caused great impact on the countries and economies around the world, many countries have carried out a profound reflection in dealing with the financial crisis. The dollar's role became lowered in the crisis. China, as a large developing country in the world has been growing increasingly in the current financial crisis and made a tremendous contribution to the stability of the global economy. Thus, Many people believe that China has possessed some basic conditions of the internationalization of the RMB. Internationalization of the RMB is the Yuan can cross borders outside the circulation, was generally recognized as an international valuation, the process of settlement and reserve currency. Now RMB has been accepted by many countries as payment and settlement. Although the circulation of RMB outside does not mean the RMB has international, but the expansion of RMB circulating outside the end will inevitably lead to the internationalization of the RMB, making it to be one of the international currencies. However, at present, the level of internationalization of the RMB is relatively low. So there are still some difficulties on the path of internationalization of the RMB at this stage. Barriers to internationalization of the RMB are as follows: domestic financial markets showed a lower level of development, central bank independence is not high, the economic power and comprehensive national strength is still relatively weak. In order for a currency to be accepted and circulated globally, its compatibility, stability, liquidity and freedom of convertibility should be guaranteed. The current liberalization of China`s financial system is important in ensuring this. If the RMB is accepted as a key currency, China would experience a seigniorage effect, lessening the cost of maintaining foreign exchange reserves. Proposals for the internationalization of RMB to strengthen the economic base of internationalization, gradually improve the RMB exchange rate market and the capital markets system, guide the structural transformation of international trade, the gradual increase in international liquidity and the progressive realization of the RMB convertibility under capital account and so on. Although at this time RMB is not able to fully implement all functions as an international currency does, but with the development of China's economy and political system, the improvement of China's comprehensive national power, RMB internationalization will be achieved in the future.

      • 교역조건이 경제성장에 미치는 효과 - 중국 및 아시아 개도국을 중심으로 -

        위위 한중경제문화학회 2017 한중경제문화연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This paper estimates the impact of terms of trade(TOT) on economic growth and inflation for seven Asian countries. We find that for China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, the deterioration of TOT can promote economic growth. In the case of the improvement of TOT, the domestic price tends to decrease in Philippines and Turkey. In contrast, CPI in countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan rises because of the improvement of TOT. According to the results which are based on the VEC model, we can conclude when the TOT of China, Indonesia, Pakistan and Philippines is not so appropriate from the long-run equilibrium, the economy can also turn back to the equilibrium by error correction process. And there are statistically nonsignificant trends toward the influence of long-terms economic balance to real GDP per capita of India and Malaysia. As for the situation of CPI in India and Pakistan, when TOT is impacted, the economy can still turn back to the equilibrium by error correction process. But the adjustment coefficient of China, Philippines and Turkey is not so significant in statistics.

      • KCI등재

        한(韓)·중(中) 관계절(關係節)에 대(對)한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)-관계절 형성에 관련된 의미론적 제약을 중심으로-

        위위 ( 魏瑋 ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2019 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.55

        문장이 관형사처럼 명사를 수식하는 기능은 여러 나라 언어에 존재하는 범언어적인 현상이다. 그러나 언어에 따라 수식하는 성분이 명사 앞에 올 수도 있고 명사 뒤에 올 수도 있다. 한국어와 중국어의 관형절은 모두 수식하는 성분이 핵심명사 앞에 온다. 한국어에서는 관계 관형절이 보편적으로 쓰이지만 중국어에서는 관계관형절이 그리 많이 쓰이지 않는다. 기존의 연구들은 대부분 한·중 번역하는 데에 초점을 두고 한국어와 중국어의 관계절을 다루어 왔다. 본고는 한국어와 중국어를 비교하며 관계관절 형성에 관련된 의미론적인 제약의 차이를 살펴본다. 살펴본 결과 관계절 형성에 있어서 한국어나 중국어는 모두 의미론적 제약을 받는 경우가 있는데 중국어의 관계절 형성에 있어서 의미론적 제약을 더 많이 받는다. 간단히 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 역접관계(逆接關係)가 드러나는 구문, 핵심명사를 수식하는 부분이 뒤에 오는 절의 조건이 되는 구문, 그리고 양보관계(讓步關係)가 드러나는 구문은 한국어나 중국에서 모두 관계절 구문으로 많이 쓰이고 있다. 둘째, 점층관계(漸層關係)에 있는 문장은 한국어나 중국어에서 모두 관계절 구문으로 표현할 수 있으나 점층복문으로 점층관계를 표현하는 것이 더 일반적이다. 셋째, 동작의 순서가 드러나는 문장은 한국어에서는 관계절로 표현해도 큰 문제가 없지만 중국어에서는 관계절보다 접속문으로 표현하는 것이 더 일반적이다. 앞뒤 동작이 동시에 이루어지는 문장의 주어가 유정물일 때는 한국어에서 관계절 구문으로 표현하기도 하지만 중국어에서는 관계절 구문으로 표현하지 않고 접속문으로 표현한다. 넷째, 목적성이 드러나는 구문의 경우, 주어가 무정물일 때는 한국어에서 관계절 구문으로, 중국어에서는 접속문으로 표현한다. 문장의 주어가 유정물일 때는 한국에서 관계절 구문으로 표현하지 않는 반면, 중국어에서 관계절 구문으로 표현할 수도 있다. 다섯째, 인과관계(因果關係)가 드러나는 경우, 한국어에서는 관계절 구문으로 표현할 수 는 있지만 중국어에서 주로 접속문으로 표현한다. 短语或句子修饰名词的句子结构是在很多国家语言中普遍存在的范语言现象。不同语言中修饰成分的位置可能会不同, 有的是在名词前面, 而有的则是在名词后面。韩国语和汉语的冠词短语都是修饰成分位于中心语的前面。韩国语中关系从句的使用范围较广, 而汉语的关系从句的适用范围则比较狭窄。现有的研究大多是针对中韩翻译时对于关系从句的处理和和翻译方法进行的研究。本研究将研究视角放在韩国语和汉语的关系从句形成上, 考察两国语言中关系从句的形成过程中受到怎样的语义学方面的制约。通过考察得知, 无论是韩语还是汉语, 在关系从句的形成过程中都会受到语义学方面的制约, 但汉语所受的语义学方面制约更为明显。具体研究结果简单整理如下: 一、转折关系的句子、条件句和让步关系的句子中韩语和汉语都多运用关系从句。 二、对于包含递进关系的句子韩语和汉语都可以运用关系从句来表达, 但无论是韩语还是汉语, 运用关系从句来表达的递进关系并不明显, 所以更倾向于运用递进复句。 三、对于包含动作先后顺序的句子, 韩语里用关系从句来表达也没有什么大的问题, 但汉语中则更倾向于运用复句来表达。 四、对于带有目的性的句子, 当主语是非活动体名词时韩语中运用关系从句来表达, 而汉语中则是运用复句来表达。但当句子的主语是活动体名词时韩语中更偏向于使用复句来表达, 反之, 汉语中则运用关系从句来表达。 五、对于包含因果关系的句子, 韩语中可以运用关系从句来表达, 但汉语中则主要以因果复句来表达。

      • KCI등재

        중국의 교역조건이 산출량과 인플레이션에 미치는 영향 분석

        위위(Wei Wei) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.5

        The paper investigates the impact of terms of trade shock on real GDP, consumer price index (CPI) and real effective exchange rate. Based on VAR model, this paper analyzes the impact of terms of trade on macroeconomic volatility before and after the exchange rate regime reform in China. Before the second quarter 2005, the impulse response analysis shows that the responses of 1% shock of terms of trade result in 0.147%, 0.472% and 0.061% decrease in real effective exchange rate, real GDP, and consumer price index, respectively. After the exchange rate regime reform, the shock leads to 0.181% increases in real effective exchange rate, and 0.068%, 0.082% decrease in real GDP and consumer price index, respectively. The results of variance decomposition indicate that after the exchange rate regime reform, the influence of terms of trade to real GDP has been declined sharply, but as to consumer price index the influence has been bigger than before the reform.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 국제 원유 가격이 중국물가에 미치는 영향

        위위(Wei, Wei) 한중경제문화학회 2015 한중경제문화연구 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper investigates the impact of oil price shock on three domestic price indices such as import price index(IPI), producer price index(PPI) and consumer price index(CPI). According to the results of estimated 5-variable VAR model which utilized monthly data from 2000.1 to 2014.7, international oil price does Granger-cause IPI and PPI, but the lags of oil price do not enter into the equation for CPI. The accumulated impulse response analysis shows that the responses of one standard deviation shock of oil price result in 1.435%, 0.319% and 0.107% increases in import, producer and consumer price index after three years, respectively. The results of variance decomposition indicate that the influence of oil price to producer price index is much bigger than the import and consumer price indices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국 소비자의 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용의도 비교연구 : 서울과 베이징 소비자를 중심으로

        위위(Wei, Wei),손상희(Sohn, Sang-Hee) 한국소비문화학회 2021 소비문화연구 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 보호동기이론, 기술수용모델, 계획된 행동이론에 기반하여 사회적 특성요인(지각된 심각성, 지각된 취약성), 기술적 특성요인(지각된 유용성, 지각된 이용용이성), 개인적 특성요인(태도, 주관적 규범, 지각된 행동통제)이 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용의도에 미치는 개별적 영향과 상대적 영향을 밝히고, 이에 대해 한국과 중국 소비자 간에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용경험이 있는 한국 서울과 중국 베이징에 거주하고 있는 소비자를 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 진행하였으며, 총 618명(한국 300명, 중국 318명)으로부터 수집된 자료를 바탕으로 SPSS 26.0프로그램을 이용하여 기술통계분석, 신뢰도 및 타당도 분석, t-test, 다중회귀분석, Chow-Test 등을 실시하였다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한국과 중국 소비자 모두 팬데믹 상황으로 인해 비대면 식품구매서비스를 더 많이 이용하게 되었고, 한국 소비자보다 중국 소비자들의 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용 증가의 비중이 더 높았다. 둘째, 한국과 중국 소비자의 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용 관련 요인의 수준은 모든 변수에서 보통 수준보다 높게 나타났고, 한국과 중국 소비자 간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 양국 소비자에 대한 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과, 사회적 특성요인, 기술적 특성요인, 개인적 특성요인 모두 개별적으로 비대면 식품구매서비스 이용의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 융합모델에서는 사회적 특성요인의 영향력이 상실되거나 약화되었다. 영향요인들의 개별적 영향력은 한국 소비자의 경우 기술적 특성요인, 개인적 특성요인, 사회적 특성요인의 순으로, 중국 소비자의 경우 개인적 특성요인, 기술적 특성요인, 사회적 특성요인의 순으로 나타났으며, 융합모델에서의 상대적 영향력도 이와 같았다. 구체적으로 한국의 경우 지각된 유용성, 태도, 지각된 이용용이성, 주관적 규범, 지각된 행동통제 순으로 나타났으나 중국의 경우 태도, 주관적 규범, 지각된 유용성, 지각된 취약성, 지각된 행동통제 순으로 나타났다. 또한 Chow-Test 결과, 한국과 중국 소비자 두 집단의 회귀모형은 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 이 차이는 사회적 특성요인과 기술적 특성요인에서 나타났다. Based on the Protection Motivation Theory, Technology Acceptance Model, Planned Behavior Theory, this study aims to identify how intentions to use non-face-to-face services are formed in the context of social factors (perceived severity, perceived vulnerability), technical factors (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use), personal factors (attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control), and to examine whether there were significant differences between Korean and Chinese consumers. To this end, an online survey was conducted on consumers who had used non-face-to-face food purchase services, of whom 300 were from Seoul, Korea, and 318 were from Beijing, China. Using SPSS 26.0 program, descriptive statistical analyses, t-test, multiple regression analysis, and Chow-Test were performed. Major research findings are as follows. First, it showed that both Korean and Chinese consumers used non-face-to-face services more frequently because of the outbreak of COVID-19, while the proportion of the increase in the use for Chinese consumers was higher than that of Korean consumers. Second, the level of social, technical, and personal factors and intention to use non-face-to-face services was higher than the average level, and there was a statistically significant difference between Korean and Chinese consumers. Third, it was found that social, technical, and personal factors significantly influenced the intention to use non-face-to-face food purchase services individually. However, in the convergence model, the influence of social factors was lost or weakened. The effects were in the order of technical, personal, and social factors for Korean consumers and personal, technical, and social factors for Chinese consumers. Specifically, for Korean consumers, it was influential in the order of perceived usefulness, attitude, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Meanwhile, for Chinese consumers, their influence was in the order of attitude, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, perceived vulnerability, and perceived behavioral control. Furthermore, it was confirmed that there was a significant difference in the regression models between the two countries, which were mainly rooted in social and technical factors.

      • A Development of Automatically Control of Hazard Lamps of Automobiles

        Wei Wei(위위),Jae-ou Chae(채재우),Menglei Zheng(정맹뢰),Ju-Hyen Sim(심주현),Hui Wang(왕혜),Guangxun Yu(유광훈) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.11

        Nowadays, with the increasing number of automobiles, there are more and more traffic accidents. Even though with many safety devices installed, careless and inexperienced drivers often fail to take uses of advanced technologies built in the devices. One type of unfortunate and avoidable traffic accidents is when drivers in an emergency situation either forget or have no time to turn on the hazard lamps which play an important role in noticing other drivers to pay their attentions, in the result, a great number of follow-up-accidents happened. We have developed a system that is capable to keep trucking the condition of the automobile, and turn on the hazard lamps automatically when an emergency has occurred. The system is reliable, cheap, and no design changes required for the automobile.

      • KCI등재

        A Modified Stackelberg Game for a Duopoly Cruise Market with a Potential New Entrant

        조성철,위위 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper develops a modified Stackelberg game model for a duopoly market. Unlike the traditional duopoly where the leader and the follower both exist in the market, the modified model supposes a preexisting leader and a follower that has not yet entered the market. This specific situation has often been found recently in many emerging Asian cruise markets as one of the world-class cruise lines initiates a new local cruise market. In spite of the discontinuity of the follower’s reaction function, the Nash equilibrium is found to exist as a pair of optimal capacities of both lines. A decision making criterion is established for the follower to enter the market regarding the fixed-charge incorporated into the follower’s cost function. The optimal capacities of both lines and the resulting market capacities and market shares are computed. A remarkable property is also found that a new monopoly market could result from a duopoly competition by the modified Stackelberg game.

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