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        소방사범 체포영장 집행 사례분석

        우성천(Seong Cheon Woo)(禹性天) 위기관리 이론과 실천 2011 Crisisonomy Vol.7 No.5

        체포제도는 수사 초기단계에서 죄를 범하였다고 의심할 만한 상당한 이유가 있는 피의자를 구속에 선행하여 수사관서 등 일정한 장소에 인치(引致)하여 단기간에 걸쳐 신체의 자유를 제한하는 제도이다. 체포영장 제도는 구속영장 이외에 피의자를 체포하는 경우에 법관에 의한 감독과 통제를 통하여 수사의 필요성과 인권보장의 조화를 기하기 위한 것으로 인정된다. 소방사범의 체포영장은 집행과정에서 피의자 인권침해의 소지가 있고, 집행과정에서 전문성이 떨어지는 등의 문제점이 지적되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 위험물안전관리법을 위반한 사건과 소방시설설치유지및안전관리에관한법률을 위반한 사건에 대한 소방사범 체포영장 집행 사례분석을 통해 나타난 문제점을 바탕으로 개선방안을 도출하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 결과, 전문수사인력과 체포장구를 확보하고 광역 특별사법경찰관제를 도입하여 소방사범처리에 특별사법경찰관의 직무역량을 강화시켜야 할 것이다. An arrest system is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty in a certain place like an investigation office for a short period of time, before imprisoning the suspect. An arrest warrant system, besides a imprison warrant, is recognized as the need of an investigation and guarantee of human rights through supervision and controled by a judge. During the implementation process of a fire-criminal arrest warrant, issues such as the infringement of a suspect’s human rights and lack of professionalism are being indicated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest improvement on fire-safety measures based on the drawbacks indicated by the analysis of fire-criminal arrest warrant execution for non-licensed hazardous material storage and handling. The result of the study shows that by securing an expert investigation force and arrest equipment, and introducing the metropolitan special judicial police system, the job capability of the special judicial police needs to be reinforced when dealing with fire-criminals.

      • 서울시내 국민학교 아동의 노력성 폐활량 및 시한폐활량의 예측

        우성,정규철 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1987 中央醫大誌 Vol.12 No.2

        A completely automated computerized on-line 8 liter Collins survey spirometer was used to measure the forced vital capacity and one-second forced expiratory volume of 181 healthy boys and 193 healthy girls attending primary schools in Seoul, aged between 8 to 12 years. The age, height and weight of each subject were recorded, and the boy surface area, and the ratio of one-second forced expiratory volume to forced vital capacity were calculated and expressed in BTPS. Means, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients were calculated for all variables. The children were separated by sex and classified on the basis of height with 5㎝ intervals. Means and standard deviations are presented. The height was the most reliable index of pulmonary development among all variables such as age, weight and body surface area. Equations are presented for predicting normal values for the forced vital capacity and one-second expiratory volume. The equations for the male and female children are functions of height alone, and the values of FVC and FEV 1.0 can be predicted with resonably high accuracy in all subjects aged between 8 to 12 years. The mean values for the ratios of one-second forced expiratory volume th forced vital capacity were 91.1 ±5.15% and 93.7± 4.46% for boys and girls respectively, independent of sex, age and height.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간이식술에서 우심실 기능 평가

        우성 대한마취과학회 1998 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.34 No.3

        Background: Patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation(OLT) may develop significant hemodynamic instability. This study was performed to assess the role of right ventricular function in the hemodynamic alteration during 23 cases of OLT. Methods : A thermodilution ejection fraction catheter was used to measure ejection fraction(EFrv), allowing for calculation of right ventricular(RV) end-diastolic volume index(EDVIrv), end-systolic volume index(ESVIrv), stroke volume index(SVIrv). RV stroke work index(SWIrv), maximum elastance (Emaxrv) and performance index(PIrv) as the functions of contractility were also calculated. Those RV hemodynamic measures were taken during preanhepatic phase(stage I), anhepatic phase (stage II), after reperfusion of the grafted liver and postanhepatic phase (stage III). All of measures in each surgical stage were statistically analyzed for their differences by repeated measured ANOVA. And correlation between changes from baseline of RV hemodynamic variables was determined by polynomial regression analysis. Results : EFrv, SVIrv, SWIrv appeared to be well preserved throughout the procedure during stage I, II, III and much higher 5 min after reperfusion. No correlation was observed between right atrial pressure(Pra) and EDVIrv. There were significant correlation between EDVIrv and SVIrv, SWIrv and EFrv, Emaxrv and EFrv. Conclusion: RV function was well preserved during uncomplicated OLT using venovenous bypass. EDVIrv were more reliable determinants of RV preload than Pra for assessing RV contractility under conditions of this operation. (Korean J Anesthesiol 1998; 34: 548∼556)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Fiberoptic Bronchoscope을 사용한 기관내 삽관의 임상적 고찰

        우성,신철,조강희 인제대학교 1984 仁濟醫學 Vol.5 No.1

        기관내 삽관은 마취와 호흡 관리에 필요불가결한 요소이나 비탄성 직접후두경으로 삽관이 거의 불가능한 경우가 종종 있다. 이러한 경우 fiberoptic bronchoscope나 laryngoscope를 이용하면 비교적 용이하게 삽관을 할수 있어 본 병원에서 시행한 예를 중심으로 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고한다. Fiberoptic bronchoscope was utilized in which the conventional methods of endotracheal intubation were difficult or impossible. Endotracheal intubations were carried out easily, safely and rapidly by the fiberoptic bronchoscope or laryngoscope. Two cases, one was the patient with scar contracture of neck by severe third degree burn and the other was with the fracture - dislocation of first and second cervical spines, were presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        문화재보호와 재산권의 보장

        禹聖基(Woo Sung Kee) 한국공법학회 2006 공법연구 Vol.34 No.3

        이 논문 목적은 문화재보호와 재산권의 보장이라는 상반되는 요구를 조화시킬 수 있는 적절한 법제도를 찾아보고자 하는데 있다. 이러한 관점에서 먼저 헌법과 판례에 비추어 재산권의 의미와 내용을 살펴보았다. 그리고 두 번째로는 한국의 문화재보호법상의 문제점을 사례와 함께 분석해 보았다. 그 결과 한국의 문화재보호법은 문화유산의 보존수단으로도 불충분 할 뿐만 아니라, 헌법상 규정되어 있는 국민들의 재산권의 보장에도 불충분하다는 문제점이 있음을 알았다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 “수용에는 당연히 보상이 따라야 하나, 공익을 위한 일반적 제한에는 보상이 필요 없다”는 전제를 재검토하여 입법적 개선을 행할 필요가 있다고 본다. 결론적으로 문화재 보호와 재산권의 보장을 조화시켜 문화재보호법의 목적을 제대로 살리기 위해서는 문화 창달의 책임을 일차적으로 지고 있는 국가와 지방자치단체가 각종의 문화재 보호에 드는 경비를 부담해야 한다고 본다. This article aims at finding the appropriate legal system to make harmonize between cultural properties protection and a guarantee of property rights. From this standpoint, firstly I analysed the meaning of property rights compare with constitutional law and a judicial precedent. And secondly I analysed the problems that Korean “cultural properties protection act' reveals. On theses analysis I have come to the conclusion that current Korean cultural properties act is not only insufficient to preserve the cultural heritage, but also insufficient to guarantee property rights. To solve this problems, I think that we have to reconsider the basic concept of “Compensation for the expropriation, but no compensation for general restriction for public use”. And I suggested that legislative improvement is necessary. In conclusion, to make harmonize between cultural properties protection and a guarantee of property rights, I suggest that central government and local government should pay all kinds of protection cost.

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