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      • KCI등재

        페놀베타인 유도체합성: 프로토베르베린에서 C-환의 관능기도입 및 BC-환의 화학적 변환

        우성주(Seong Ju Woo),황순호(Soon Ho Hwang),박예진(Yea Jin Park),홍유화(You Hwa Hong),이마세(Ma Se Lee),김인종(In Jong Kim),김신규(Sin Kyu Kim) 대한약학회 1996 약학회지 Vol.40 No.6

        Betaine was treated with hydrochloric acid and then with sodium borohydride to give a hydroxy compound 2. The reaction of 2 with thionyl chloride followed by thiourea led a compound 5. Oxidation of compound 2 with pyridinium dichromate(PDC) and succesive treatment with Lawesson''s reagent also afforded the same compound 5. Cleavage of N-C14 bond compound of 7 was carried out via two reaction sequence from the compound 4. Finally, compound 10 was sythesized by a series of transformations from the compound 4.

      • KCI등재

        색각이상자의 색채 감성 연상

        우성주 ( Sung Ju Woo ),박종욱 ( Chong Wook Park ) 한국감성과학회 2013 감성과학 Vol.16 No.4

        This study is to investigate the color emotion associations of the color vision defectives, considering that the colors do have an effect on human emotional conditions. To realize this investigation, firstly we selected 100 normal persons (group C)and other 34 color vision defectives(group A), dividing the last group into two small groups as protanomaly group(group P) with 8 persons and deuteranomaly group(group D) with 16 persons. All participants have been offered to select one color from ten colors for each of three positive emotions such as ``favorite``, ``happy`` and ``friendly`` and of three negative emotions like ``sad``, ``disliked`` and ``awkward``. And they selected another one color for each active and passive emotions. For ``favorite color`` the group C selected ``blue`` and ``red`` while the group A chose ``blue``. For ``happy color`` the two groups selected ``yellow``. For ``friendly color`` the group C chose ``green``, but the group A selected ``blue``. For ``sad color`` the group C preferred ``blue``, but the group A chose ``purple``. For ``disliked color`` all groups selected ``bluish green``. For ``awkward color`` the two groups preferred ``bluish green``. For ``active color`` all groups selected ``red``. And for ``passive color`` the group C chose ``bluish green``, but the group A selected ``blue``. Depending on the type of color vision deficiency(group P and group D) some more differences were revealed relatively. These results should be applied to develop some intelligent color conversion technology for enhancing the usability of culture contents for color vision defectives.

      • KCI등재

        이미지 분석에 의한 트로이 전쟁의 동기 해석

        우성주 ( Woo Sungju ) 한국서양고대역사문화학회 ( 구 한국서양고대사학회 ) 2011 서양고대사연구 Vol.29 No.-

        Trough the times the Trojan War had been considered as results of the literary and mythological imaginations of the Ancient Greeks. But now the mythology is unvailed and proved as historical reality for everyone due to the complementary cooperation of the Image Texts and the Letter Texts. As Eliade emphasized the fact that all kinds of mythologies associated to the Creation, Origin and Death in the primitive society have justified the behaviors and activities of the Human Being, we have re-acted and repeated the mythologies as ‘living stories’. But the Greek Mythology has been written and re-written literally, so it is not but a literature art. Therefore it can't be near from the reality of the primitive thoughts and ways of cognition of the Ancient Greeks. There is a reason that we have to study on the Greek Mythology not only depending upon the Letter Texts, but also upon the Image Texts that we can discover such as in the murals, sculptures, mosaics, vase paintings and other artistic decorations and works. This is a study in which the analysis of the image texts to complement and assure the origin of the Trojan War. There have been many different interpretations and critics about the Origin of the Trojan War, because the majority of them has depended upon only on the Letter Texts about the Greek Mythology that is a Literary Fiction and combination of the various literal artistic elements. So we must consider the importance of the special meanings and messages of the Image Texts Analysis to find out the historical background and realistic meanings.

      • KCI등재

        색각이상자의 문화콘텐츠 이용실태 및 색채 감성 연상

        우성주(SungJu Woo),박종욱(ChongWook Park) 한국색채학회 2015 한국색채학회 논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        문화산업의 고부가가치가 날로 강조되며, 문화콘텐츠의 양적 확장과 질적 발전이 지속적으로 이뤄지고 있음에도 불구하고, 색각이상자들의 문화콘텐츠 이용편의성 증대를 위한 다양한 연구는 미흡한 실정이다. 색각이상자들을 구체적 대상으로 문화콘텐츠 이용실태에 대한 접근이 간헐적인 것은 물론, 그들이 체감하며 연상하는 색채 감성을 이해하기 위한 실험 설문의 기회 또한 제한적인 것이 현실이다. 따라서 본 연구는 색각이상자들의 문화콘텐츠 이용실태와 색각이상에 대한 자기 평가, 그리고 색채 감성 연상 등의 세 가지 문제에 주목하여 수행되었다. 연구 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 색각이상자들이 색채를 다르게 인지할 수밖에 없다는 사실이 그들의 문화콘텐츠 이용에 부정적 영향을 주는 것은 아니지만, 이용편의성 증대를 위한 다각적인 배려를 필요로 하고 있다. 둘째, 색각이상자들은 주어진 제한적 환경에 스스로를 맞추려는 노력을 하지만, 여전히 일상적 불편함이나 사회적 편견을 경험하고 있다. 셋째, 색각이상자들은 색채를 감성적으로 수용하는 반응이 본질적으로 약간의 차이를 보일 수밖에 없으며, 적색약자와 녹색약자 사이에서도 같은 색에 대한 상이한 감성 반응을 보이고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. The high value of Global Culture Industry is increasingly important. Although many efforts to get quantitative expansion and qualitative development of the cultural contents flow over with no break in between, the academic approach to increase the easy accessability of color vision defectives to cultural contents is insufficient. Actually the access to cultural contents specifically targeted for color vision defectives has been intermittent. In addition, the experimental survey to investigate the color emotion association of them also has been limited. Therefore, this study was carried out by focusing on three issues, such as "self-assessment" about color vision deficiency, and utilization of the cultural contents and color emotion association of the color vision defectives. Some meaningful results are as follows. Firstly, the fact that color vision defectives are forced to recognize the colors differently does not make a negative impact on their use of cultural contents, but requires a multifaceted consideration for increasing ease accessability to cultural contents. Secondly, in spite of the efforts the color vision defectives make to adjust themselves for their environment, they, frequently, experience uncomfortable feelings and social prejudices. Thirdly, the emotional responses to color stimulus of the color vision defectives can’t be exactly the same as the responses of the normals. And between the group P and the D there exists the different emotional responses to the same color as well.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        라스크 동굴 벽화의 이미지 기호 그룹화 분석

        우성주(Woo Sungju) 한국서양고대역사문화학회 2010 서양고대사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        As Margaret Mead indicates, the image code is a key word to know about the socio-cultural characteristics of the human-being and is also an excellent tool to get some essential informations for the very beginning of the civilizations. The wall paintings of the Paleolithic Caves do have some important basis with which the anthropologists and scientists could investigate on the socio-cultural paradigms of those societies, because there were no documents at all on count of the absence of the letters lit that times. Naturally the figures and the paintings did the role of the letters. Therefore the figures and the paintings served as a text for the image codes. This investigation is to study on finding the special meanings of the that kind of paleolithic wall paintings such as those of the Cave of Lascaux. In general there are lots of wall paintings over the many sites of the Caves. It seems co be there without any kind of orders and formalities in describing the living things on the wall. Therefore there has been an academic needs to see them within the patterns or in groups, because those images served as letters in paleolithic eras. Specially we've focused on the figures of the wall paintings in the Cave of Lascaux, where there are more than 800 figures, that are classified by the pattern groups according co the sites, classes of the images and the relationship with the human figure. We've concluded that the image codes of the figures reflect the productivity of the living things and the vividness of the living things and the meaning of the birch and re-birth of Living things.

      • KCI등재후보

        청소년 자존감 DAP 인물화 검사 개발 및 디지털화 측정 시스템 방향성 연구

        우성주(Sungju Woo),박종욱(Chongwook Park) 한국HCI학회 2013 한국HCI학회 논문지 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 DAP(Draw A Person)를 적용한 청소년 자존감 측정 시스템을 개발하고, 디지털화 프로그램의 방향성을 제시하려는 데에 목적을 둔다. 자존감 측정에 있어서 대량 측정 방식에서는 놓치기 쉬운 개인의 내면적 상황 등을 반영하는 DAP 측정방식을 활용하여 효율성을 높이려는 의도이다. 또한 DAP 테스트가 가진 주관적 평가기준의 한계성을 극복하기 위해 Handler의 불안지수(anxiety index)에 의해 수치화된 인물화의 배점을 기준으로 디지털화를 시도하고자 한다. 이를 위해 2009년 6월 30일부터 10월 31일까지 4개월 동안 중학교 2학년 학생 73명(남: 28명, 여:45명)을 대상으로 기존의 청소년 자존감 진단프로그램을 통해 얻었던 효과를 극대화하고, 더불어 정량적 데이터를 얻기 위해 DAP(Draw A Person)검사의 디지털화 측정시스템을 개발하고자 총 4단계를 걸쳐 실시하였다. 첫 번째 단계에서는 피실험자 73명 전원에게 자아가치관검사를 실시한 후, 자존감이 높은 그룹 36명과 낮은 그룹 37명을 선별하였다. 두 번째 단계에서는 위 두 그룹에게 MMPI검사를 통한 D(우울성), Pd(반사회성), Sc(분열성)항목의 검사결과를 기준으로 다시 자존감이 높은 그룹 7명과 자존감이 낮은 그룹 13명을 선별하였고, 세 번째 단계에는 최종 그룹 20명에게 DAP검사를 개별적으로 실시하였다. 이 검사들은 청소년의 특성을 최대한 반영하기 위해 실시한 것으로, 세 검사에서 서로 유사한 성격을 갖는 평가척도를 기준으로 자존감과의 관계를 비교·분석하여 디지털화 측정 프로그램 개발의 필요성과 방향성의 타당 정도를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구에서는 자존감이 높은 학생 2명과 낮은 학생 2명의 DAP 검사를 샘플로 하여 추출된 결과를 비교분석하여, 기존 진단 프로그램이 가진 한계점을 개선할 수 있는지를 진단검사의 상호신뢰성 비교를 통해 확인하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 네 번째 단계에서는 정량적 방식의 접근성을 높이고 향상시킬 수 있는 디지털화 방법으로 전문가 시스템(Expert System)을 활용하였고, 그 결과 자존감 심리측정 검사결과에서 광범위하게 표현되었던 평가척도보다 구체적이고 개별적인 평가척도를 얻을 수 있는 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 DAP검사의 디지털화 측정프로그램은 앞 단계의 검사와 진단을 바탕으로 진행시켜 신뢰성을 높였다. This is to develop a new way of testing self-esteem by adopting DAP(Draw a Person) test and to make a platform to digitalize it for young people in the adolescent stage. This approach is to get high effectiveness of the self-esteem measurement using DAP test, including some personal inner situations which can be easily missed in the large statistical analysis. The other objective of this study is digitalize to recover limits of DAP test in the subjective rating standard. It is based on the distribution of the figure drawing expressed numerically by the anxiety index of Handler. For these two examinations, we made experiment through 4 stages with second grade middle school 73 students from July 30th to October 31th in 2009 during 4 months. Firstly, we executed "Self Values Test" for all 73 people, and divided them into two groups; one is high self-esteem group of 36 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 37 people. Secondly, we regrouped them following D (Depression), Pd (Psychopathic Deviate), Sc (Schizophrenia) scales of MMPI; one is high self-esteem group of 7 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 13 people. Thirdly, we conducted DAP test separately for these 20 people. We intended to verify necessity and appropriateness of direction of "Digitalizing Measurement System" by comparing and analyzing relation between DAP and Self-esteem following evaluation criteria which has similarity in 3 tests, after executing DAP to reflect peculiarity of adolescents sufficiently. We compared and analyzed result abstracted by sampling DAP test of two groups; One is high self-esteem group of 2 people, the other is low self-esteem group of 2 people; to confirm whether we can improve limitation that original psychological testing has by comparing mutual reliance of measurement test. Finally, with DAP test gained from correlations between self-esteem and melancholia following as above-mentioned steps, we discovered possibility of realization to get a concrete and individual criteria of evaluation based on Expert System as a way of enhancing accessibility in quantitative manner. "Digitalizing Measurement Program" of DAP test suggested in this study promote results" reliability based on existing tests and measurement.

      • KCI등재

        이미지를 통해 본 그리스 신화 1 : 신 고고학적 방법에 의한 이미지분석에 대하여

        우성주 ( Sung Ju Woo ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2004 지중해지역연구 Vol.6 No.2

        A great amount of the informations about the Greek Mythology come from the written documents. But we are not accessible to the real world of the creators of the Mythology and their society, because the informations are very limited not only in quantity, but also in quality. How can we get more informations to know about the real life of the ancient greeks who created the world of Mythology that had influenced a lot in the Occidental World? In this article we have investigated why we have to study the Greek Mythology through Images. This will be an analysis of the Images according to the New Archeological Approach. In case of the informations about the god of wine, Dionysus, the written documents have a tendency of informing us unilateral aspect of the god of parties. But, the god does not represent the unilateral aspect, but symbolize the diversity in deed. If we study the meaning of Dionysus with the images reflected in the vases of the early Greece, Dionysus represents as the images or symbols of passions and emotions of the human being. But, after passing the time the god of wine became an object for the religious reverence and glorification. Some aspects of Dionysus of the early Greece do not exist in the aspects of the later Dionysus. With an example of the analysis of the images of Dionysus reflected in the plastic arts, we can notice the importance of an analysis of the images, because the images represent much more informations than the written documents do.

      • 신정부 과학기술정책 방향 모색

        성주(Sung Joo Hong),이다은(Da Eun Lee),홍창의(Chang Ui Hong),강민지(Min Ji Kang),청원(Chung Won Woo),강홍렬,전찬미 과학기술정책연구원 2017 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        With the presidential election in 2017 as a momentum, many people in science and engineering and social organizations gave various science and technology policy proposals. Most of them were reflected in each party’s election pledges. The media also covered lots of science and technology policy issues, which mainly included agendas reflecting the voices of the fields of R&D like research autonomy and people-oriented investment. This task aims to understand how the landscape of science and technology policies changed in an era of political change. To achieve this, we pursued to answer three research questions. First, how are we going to look at the vitalization of science and technology policy issues that occurred in the presidential election and its results? Second, what was it like in the past? Did the previous governments faithfully carry out their science and technology pledges in their science and technology policies? Third, what is the blind spot of policies that failed to attract attention or became a dilemma despite the change in science and technology policies? In order to answer these questions, the research team analyzed the way of establishing the window for science and technology policies during the presidential election in 2017, while also looked at the path taken for science and technology pledges to be implemented as policies during the past 15 years after the Rho Moo Hyun Government. The analysis results showed that we need to take largely four different approaches to science and technology issues. From the medium and long term perspective, it can be divided into issues that need access, issues that need enhancement, issues that need to gain political interests and issues that need to improve rationality. The research team’s results presented important perspective and methodology of looking at science and technology policy by not only being applied as a standard and means, but also provided a framework for devising various methods and means by policy issue. Hopefully, our researches are helpful in the planning and implementation of science and technology policy by the new government, which will be inaugurated in May 2017.

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