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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Phase Contrast Microradiography of Mouse Lung Using Synchrotron X-ray: Correlation with Optical Microscopy

        용환석,우옥희,신봉경,오칠환,제정호,한헌,강은영,김윤경,서재승 연세대학교의과대학 2009 Yonsei medical journal Vol.50 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of phase contrast X-ray microtomography and microradiography, using a polychromatic synchrotron X-ray, for analysis of the mouse lung microstructure. Materials and Methods: Normal mice were used for experiments. Some of the mouse lungs were prepared by the lung fixation-inflation method. The resulting sponge-like inflated lung samples were used for microtomography. The remaining mouse lungs were cut into 10 um sections and were used for microradiography and optical microscopic correlation. The experiments on mouse lung samples were performed at the 7B2 beamline of the Pohang Light Source in Korea. Results: Phase contrast X-ray microtomography of inflated lung samples showed individual alveolar structure on 3-D reconstruction. Phase contrast microradiographs of thin lung samples showed microstructure of lung, such as alveoli and bronchioles, and were well correlated with optical microscopic images. Conclusions: The results indicate that the phase contrast X-ray microtomography and microradiography using polychromatic synchrotron X-ray is feasible for evaluation of microstructure of the lung. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of phase contrast X-ray microtomography and microradiography, using a polychromatic synchrotron X-ray, for analysis of the mouse lung microstructure. Materials and Methods: Normal mice were used for experiments. Some of the mouse lungs were prepared by the lung fixation-inflation method. The resulting sponge-like inflated lung samples were used for microtomography. The remaining mouse lungs were cut into 10 um sections and were used for microradiography and optical microscopic correlation. The experiments on mouse lung samples were performed at the 7B2 beamline of the Pohang Light Source in Korea. Results: Phase contrast X-ray microtomography of inflated lung samples showed individual alveolar structure on 3-D reconstruction. Phase contrast microradiographs of thin lung samples showed microstructure of lung, such as alveoli and bronchioles, and were well correlated with optical microscopic images. Conclusions: The results indicate that the phase contrast X-ray microtomography and microradiography using polychromatic synchrotron X-ray is feasible for evaluation of microstructure of the lung.

      • KCI등재

        조영증강 컴퓨터단층촬영 검사 전 금식의 필요성

        용환석 대한의사협회 2020 대한의사협회지 Vol.63 No.3

        Many hospitals have patients perform preparative fasting prior to contrast-enhanced computed tomography to prevent nausea, vomiting, and accompanying aspiration pneumonia. This policy has been regarded as reasonable because there are many side effects such as vomiting when ionic high-osmolar contrast media are used. Recent advancements in contrast media development, side effects such as nausea and vomiting have markedly decreased. However, fasting prior to the contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination is still customary. While debatable, it is not clear that fasting prior to the use of contrast media has a beneficial effect on the prevention of vomiting. On the contrary, excessive fasting can cause patient dissatisfaction, dehydration, and exhaustion. Therefore, before using contrast media, the duration of fasting should be determined based on consideration of the risks, benefits, and patient’s comfort. In particular, to prevent dehydration, limitation of liquid intake during fasting is not recommended.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental Pulmonary Fat Embolism: Computed Tomography and Pathologic Findings of the Sequential Changes

        우옥희,용환석,오유환,신봉경,김한겸,강은영 대한의학회 2008 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.23 No.4

        This study was done to demonstrate the computed tomography (CT) and pathologic findings of the sequential changes for experimental pulmonary fat embolism (PFE), and to correlate the CT and pathologic findings of rabbit lung. PFE was induced by an intravenous injection of 0.2 mL linoleic acid in 24 rabbits. The rabbits were divided into 4 groups of 6 rabbits each. CT scans were obtained sequentially at 2 hr (n= 24), day 1 (n=18), day 3 (n=12) and day 7 (n=6) after fat embolization. The pathologic findings were analyzed and CT-pathologic correlation was done. CT scans showed bilateral ground-glass opacity (GGO), consolidation and nodule in all cases. The findings of PFE at 2 hr after fat embolization were areas of decreased attenuation, GGO, consolidation and nodule. These findings were aggravated on the follow- up CT after 1 day and 3 days. The follow-up CT revealed linear density in the subpleural lungs after 7 days. On CT-pathology correlation, wedge-shaped ischemic necrosis in the subpleural lungs correlated with nodule at 2 hr. GGO and consolidation at day 1 on CT correlated with congestion and edema, and these findings at day 3 were correlated with inflammation and hemorrhagic edema. The linear density in the subpleural lungs correlated with interstitial fibrosis and pleural contraction at day 7. In conclusion, PFE was caused by using linoleic acid which is kind of free fatty acid and this study served as one model of the occurrence of nontraumatic PFE. CT accurately depicted the natural evolution of PFE in the serial followup, and this correlated well with the pathologic findings.

      • KCI등재

        비 조영증강 비 심전도동기 흉부 CT에서 발견되는 심혈관계 석회화의 임상적 가치

        최태섭,용환석,김채리,서영주 대한영상의학회 2020 대한영상의학회지 Vol.81 No.2

        심혈관계 석회화는 다양한 심혈관계 질환에서 나타나며 심혈관 사건 발생의 표지자의 역할을 한다. CT의 기술이 발전함에 따라 심전도동기 CT뿐만이 아닌 비 심전도동기 CT에서도심혈관계 석회화를 평가하는 것이 가능해졌다. 이번 종설에서는 비 조영증강 비 심전도동기흉부 CT에서 발견되는 심혈관계 석회화를 심혈관 사건 발생과 연관되었다고 알려진 3가지석회화(관상동맥, 흉부 대동맥, 판막 석회화)에 대해 자세히 살펴보고 추가적으로 우연적으로 발견될 수 있는 심막 석회화에 대해서도 간단히 기술하였다. 우리나라에서 2019년 하반기부터 폐암 검진이 시작되면서 고령 흡연자의 비 조영증강 비 심전도동기 저선량 CT의 영상의 수가 늘어나고 있고 이에 우연히 발견되는 심혈관계 석회화도 늘어나고 있다. 그러므로비 조영증강 비 심전도동기 흉부 CT에서 발견되는 심혈관계 석회화의 의미를 이해하고 적절히 보고하는 것이 영상의학과 의사에게 중요할 것이다. Cardiovascular calcifications can occur in various cardiovascular diseases and can serve as a biomarker for cardiovascular event prediction. Advances in CT have enabled evaluation of calcifications in cardiovascular structures not only on ECG-gated CT but also on non-ECG-gated CT. Therefore, many studies have been conducted on the clinical relevance of cardiovascular calcifications in patients. In this study, we divided cardiovascular calcifications into three classes, i.e., coronary artery, thoracic aorta, and cardiac valve calcifications, which are closely associated with cardiovascular events. Further, we briefly described pericardial calcifications, which can be found incidentally. Since the start of lung cancer screening in Korea in the second half of 2019, the number of non-enhanced, non-ECG-gated, low-dose chest CT has been increasing, and the number of incidentally found cardiovascular calcifications has also been increasing. Therefore, understanding the relevance of cardiovascular calcifications on non-enhanced, non- ECG-gated, low-dose chest CT and their proper reporting are important for radiologists.

      • KCI등재

        광범위한 출혈을 보이는 낭성 유두 암종의 유방 초음파와 자기공명영상소견: 증례 보고

        우옥희,용환석,김애리,이재복,구범환,강은영 대한영상의학회 2006 대한영상의학회지 Vol.55 No.5

        Intracystic papillary carcinoma (IPC) of the breast is very rare, and it has a much better prognosis than the other types of breast carcinoma. We experienced a case of intracystic papillary carcinoma that we diagnosed in an 83-year-old-woman. MR imaging of the IPC shows a multicystic appearance with a subacute or chronic stage of intracystic hemorrhage. The contrast-enhanced MR imaging demonstrates enhancement of the cyst wall and mural nodules, and this modality proved to be successful for making an accurate preoperative diagnosis. 낭성 유두 암종은 유방에서 드물게 발생하는 종양으로 다른 암종에 비해 예후가 좋다. 최근 저자들은 83세 여성에서 1 예를 경험하였기에 이의 임상소견과 초음파 소견 및 자기공명 영상 소견을 보고한다.

      • KCI등재

        대한심장혈관영상의학회 심장 CT 권고안

        김영진,용환석,최병욱,김양민,최연현,임태환,박재형,최규옥 대한영상의학회 2011 대한영상의학회지 Vol.65 No.3

        The Korean Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (KOCSI) has issued a guideline for the use of cardiac CT imaging in order to assist clinicians and patients in providing adequate level of medical service. In order to establish a guideline founded on evidence based medicine, it was designed based on comprehensive data such as questionnaires conducted in international and domestic hospitals, intensive journal reviews, and with experts in cardiac radiology. The recommendations of this guideline should not be used as an absolute standard and medical professionals can always refer to methods non-adherent to this guideline when it is considered more reasonable and beneficial to an individual patient’s medical situation. The guideline has its limitation and should be revised appropriately with the advancement medical equipment technology and public health care system. The guideline should not be served as a measure for standard of care. KOCSI strongly disapproves the use of the guideline to be used as the standard of expected practice in medical litigation processes. 대한심장혈관영상의학회는 심장 CT 촬영에 대한 적정한 영상의학수준을 제공하여 심장 CT를 이용하는 의사와 환자에게 도움을 주고자 심장 CT에 대한 권고안을 마련하였다. 근거중심의학에 기초한 권고안 마련을 위하여 국내 병·의원에 대한 설문조사와 국내외의 문헌조사, 그리고 전문가들의 의견을 참고하였다. 이 권고안과 다르다고 해서 일반적인 영상의학 수준보다 못하다는 의미는 아니며, 임상 및 영상의학과 의사는 환자의 상태나 임상적 필요성 등 납득할 만한 이유가 있을 경우 이 권고안과 다른 합리적 결정을 할 수 있다. 이 권고안은 기술의 발전과 의료환경의 변화에 따라 계속 수정되어야 한다. 이 권고안은 의료제공의 법적인 기준을 정하고자 하는 것이 아니며 대한심장혈관영상의학회는 의료행위 또는 임상적인 판단에 대한 법적인 소송에 이 권고안이 사용되는 것은 반대한다. 이 권고안의 목적은 심장 CT를 시행하고 관리하는 임상 및 영상의학과 의사와 관련된 의료종사자에게 성인의 심장 CT에서 표준화된 영상기법을 제공하기 위한 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        경유 흡인에 의한 급성 외인성 지질폐렴: 증례 보고

        박소연,용환석,김승관,강은영 대한영상의학회 2019 대한영상의학회지 Vol.80 No.1

        Acute exogenous lipoid pneumonitis is a kind of chemical pneumonitis following the aspiration of volatile hydrocarbon compounds. The clinical and radiological findings are nonspecific. However, it can be diagnosed by the presence of lipid-laden macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid on the basis of a history of petroleum-based product aspiration. Herein, we report acute exogenous lipoid pneumonitis after unintentional aspiration of diesel fuel during siphonage in a 31-year-old male. Initially the patient had cough, chest pain, and blood-tinged sputum. The purpose of this case report is to review the radiologic manifestations and the previous literatures. 급성 외인성 지질폐렴은 화학폐렴 중 한 종류로서 휘발성 탄화수소 복합체를 흡인함으로써 발생한다. 임상적 소견 및 영상의학적 소견은 비특이적일 수 있으나, 석유 관련 산물을 흡인했다는 과거력과 함께 기관지폐포세척으로 얻은 검체에서 지질 함유 대식세포를 확인하면 진단이 가능하다. 저자들은 31세 남자가 중장비 수리 도중 경유를 흡인(siphonage)한 후 기침 및 가슴통증, 혈액 흔적 가래를 주소로 내원하여 진단된 급성 외인성 지질폐렴 증례를 보고하고 관련 문헌을 고찰하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Radiologic Overview of Aspiration-Induced Lung Disease in Adults

        강은영,용환석,김채리,이기열,황성호,오유환 대한영상의학회 2018 대한영상의학회지 Vol.79 No.4

        Aspiration is defined as accidental entrance of foreign matter into the lower respiratory tract, and is a common event and can occur in healthy individuals. The type of aspiration-induced lung diseases depends on the quantity and nature of the aspirated material, the chronicity, and the host responses. Aspiration into the airways and lungs can cause a wide spectrum of lung diseases with various manifestations in adults. Diseases with predominantly airway manifestation include foreign body aspiration and diffuse aspiration bronchiolitis. Diseases with predominantly lung parenchymal manifestation include acute diseases such as aspiration pneumonia, aspiration pneumonitis, and near drowning, and chronic diseases such as chronic exogenous lipoid pneumonia and chronic interstitial lung disease. Definitive diagnosis of aspiration-induced lung diseases is challenging to make. Awareness of radiologic findings associated with these diseases is essential for accurate diagnosis and management of these diverse aspiration-induced lung diseases.

      • KCI등재

        심장질환에서 심장 CT의 사용에 대한 권고안

        김영진,용환석,김성목,김정아,양동현,홍유진 대한영상의학회 2014 대한영상의학회지 Vol.70 No.2

        Heart disease is one of the leading causes of deaths in Korea, along with malignant neoplasms and cerebrovascular diseases. The proper diagnosis and management for patients with suspected heart diseases should be warranted for the public health care. Advances in CT technology have allowed detailed images of the heart to be obtained, which enable evaluations not only of the coronary arteries but also of other cardiac structures. Currently, the latest multi-detector CT machines are widespread around Korea. The appropriate use of cardiac CT may lead to improvements of the physicians’ medical performances and to reduce medical costs which eventually contribute to promotions of public health. However, until now, there has been no guidelines regarding the appropriate use of cardiac CT in Korea. We intend to provide guidelines for the appropriate use of cardiac CT in heart diseases based on scientific data. The purpose of this guideline is to assist the clinicians and other health professionals when using cardiac CT for diagnosis and treatments of heart diseases. CT기술의 발전과 함께 심장질환에 대한 CT의 이용이 증가하고 있다. CT는 기존의 검사방법과 다른 새로운 비침습적인 검사방법으로 현재에도 지속적으로 기술이 발전하고 있어 이를 적절하게 이용하는 것은 의사의 진료패턴과 의료비용에 영향을 미치며 궁극적으로 국민건강증진에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 하지만 지금까지 우리나라에는 심장 CT의 이용에 대한 권고안이 없어 과학적인 근거자료를 바탕으로 심장 CT의 적절한 이용에 대한 권고안을 마련하고자 하였으며 이 권고안은 대한영상의학회와 대한심장학회가 함께 참여하여 개발한 권고안이다.

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