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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산모의 분만기관 선택관련 요인

        이충완,유승흠,오희철,Lee, Choong-Wan,Yu, Seung-Hum,Oh, Hee-Choul 대한예방의학회 1990 예방의학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        This study was designed to investigate the mar factors affecting selection of delivery facilities by pregnant women. Five hundred women hospitalized at 23 Seoul-area delivery facilities, such as university hospitals, general hospitals, hospitals, and clinics were selected and given questionnaires from April 24 to May 7, 1990. A total of 350 questionnaires were collected and analysed for the study. The results are as follows ; 1. In general, variables which significantly affected the choice of delivery facilities included the age of women, their educational level, the educational level of their husbands, monthly average incomes and residential areas. 2. In analyzing the obstetrical characteristics of the women, those variables significantly affecting the choice of delivery facilities were the gestational period, the facilities for prenatal care, the frequency of prenatal care, the type of delivery, the frequency of miscarriage, previous delivery experiences and the awareness on prenatal care. 3. In comparing the motivation factors for selecting the delivery facilities, all the factors except convenience and need for hospitalization differed significantly among delivery facilities. 4. The factor analysis was assessed for twenty possible factors motivating the choice of delivery facilities. Six factors including personal service, scale of the facility, reputation, urgency, convenience, and experience were noted explaining by 57.7%. 5. In the discriminant analysis used to clarify the major factors affecting the selection of delivery facilities, the 16 significant variables were regarded as independent variables, and the type of delivery facilities was considered a dependent variable. The stepwise method was applied to the analysis. Detected discriminant variables were the facilities for prenatal care, scale factor, personal service factor, urgency factor, convenience factor, reputation factor, experience factor, gestational period, types of delivery, frequency of miscarriage, age and income. These 12 discriminant variables were tested, with reference to discriminant prediction, on their importance in the choice of the delivery facility, by the discriminant functional formula. The test showed a hit-rate of 67.7%. The results suggest that general characteristics, obstetrical characteristics, and motivations for selecting the delivery facilities differ significantly according to the types of the delivery facilities. This study implies that all types of delivery facilities should attempt to acommodate characteristics and motivations of pregnant women. The facilities should be prepared to increase their patients satisfaction with required medical conditions by improving service and responding to the pregnant women's preferences.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        비만아동 및 청소년의 체중조절 경험과 비만관리 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        강윤주,손명세,진기남,김한중,오희철,서성제,Kang, Yun-Ju,Sohn, Myong-Sei,Jin, Ki-Nam,Kim, Han-Joong,Oh, Hee-Choul,Suh, Sung-Jae 대한예방의학회 1998 예방의학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        This study was undertaken to explain weight control behavior and intention of obese children and adolescents as measured by the elements of the health belief model. A total of 732 obese students from 28 schools in Seoul metropolitan area and their mothers were assessed with a self-administered questionnaire. The analyzed results are as follows; 1. Among obese students, 45.3% of male students and 57.2% of female students, a significantly higher portion than male students, reported that they had tried to lose weight within the recent year. Exercise was the most frequently used method to lose weight followed by diet control, drug use, and specialized clinic visits, in descending order. 2. Male students were more likely to try to lose weight if they perceived a low threat level and their mother had a job, and female students were more likely to try to lose weight if they were younger in age, perceived a low threat level and had strong external motivating factors. 3. Female students showed a significantly higher level of intention to obesity control than male students, and the intention level of their mothers also showed the same trend. 4. In male students, the degree of weight dissatisfaction, weight control experience, the level of obesity related beliefs of students, the educational level of the mother and economic status of the family were significant predictors of intention to obesity control, and in females, age, the level of obesity related beliefs of students and intention of their mothers were significant. In the mothers of male students, obesity index of students, age of the mother and the level of obesity related beliefs of the mother were significant predictors of intention of the mother, and in the mothers of female students, obesity index of students, occupational status of the mother and obesity related beliefs of the mother were significant. 5. According to the path model of intention to obesity control, the degree of weight dissatisfaction had the most powerful effect in male students, and perceived net benefit level was the most important variable in female students. Since the weight control behavior and intention of obese students were more predictable by the degree of weight dissatisfaction than the obesity index, we can conclude that only the students dissatisfied with their weight are well motivated for obesity control. There can be a discrepancy between the mother and her child's beliefs and intention status(especially in male students), so the therapists should also assess the student's opinion as well as the mother's. In female students, the perceived net benefit level wag the most important predictor of intention to obesity control, therefore the intervention program should pay particular attention to the positive benefits of weight control rather than negative aspects(threats) of obesity.

      • KCI등재

        노인 낮병원의 심리사회적 치료 프로그램이 노인의 신경인지기능과 우울 증상에 미치는 효과

        유계준,송정은,오병훈,안석균,이홍식,오희철,구은형,황혜숙,이은철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.5

        노인에게 있어서 신경인지기능의 저하와 우울 증상은 가장 흔한 장애이며 신체적, 정신적인 면에 많은 영향을 미치고 있다. 또한 이러한 장애중 비임상군에서 심리사회적 치료개입의 효과가 보고되고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 지역사회에서 노인에게 제공되는 심리사회적 치료개입의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 이전의 연구에서는 대상이 특정 집단이거나, 비교군이 없거나, 치료효과에 대한 추적 관찰이 이루어지지 않는 등의 제한점이 있었으며, 현재 국내의 노인 낮병원은 소수에 불과하고 이러한 낮병원의 치료효과에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 지역사회 정신보건센터에서 운영하는 노인 낮병원에 참가하는 노인들을 대상으로 낮병원의 심리사회적 프로그램이 노인들의 신경인지기능과 우울 증상에 미치는 효과와 이에 대한 유지 효과의 유무를 알아보고자 하였다. 경기도 광주군 정신보건센터의 노인 낮병원에 참여한 노인을 치료군으로, 치료를 거부하거나 치료 중 탈락한 노인을 비교군으로 하여 10주간의 낮병원 치료전후와 치료종결 후 10주에 신경인지기능은 한국형 간이 정신상태검사(이하 MMSE-K)로, 우울 증상은 단축형노인우울척도(이하 SGDS)로 평가하여 두 군을 비교하였고 치료군의 치료 직후와 치료종결 후 10주를 비교하였다. 연구결과 노인 낮병원의 심리사회적 치료가 시간에 따른 SGDS점수 변화에 통계학적으로 유의한 영향을 미쳤으며, MMSE-K점수 변화에는 통계학적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 또한 10주 추시가 가능했던 치료군 중 약 43%가 10주 후 SGDS가 증가하여 호전되었던 우울증상의 악화를 보였다. 본 연구 결과 노인 낮병원의 심리사회적 치료 프로그램 개입은 노인에게 있어서 우울 증상을 호전시키며 신경인지 기능에는 직접적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 상당수에서 심리사회적 치료 개입으로 인한 우울 증상의 호전이 유지되지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 노인우울증상의 치료에 낮병원의 심리사회적 치료 프로그램이 효과적일 수 있음과 치료 후 이를 유지하기 위한 부가적인 치료개입의 필요성을 시사한다. Cognitive impairment and depression are the most common symptoms affecting the elderly on physical and mental states. Studies have shown that these symptoms in mild cases are improved by psychosocial intervention, emphasizing the importance of therapeutic intervention provided in the community. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the psychosocial program at a geriatric day care service has any therapeutic effect on the cognitive function and depressive symptoms in the elderly and whether such effect can be maintained. The experimental group was composed of 37 elderly patients attending the day care service at the mental health center located in Kwangju county, Kyonggi province. The control group was composed of 22 elderly patients who either refused intervention or who dropped out of the program. Cognitive function was assessed with the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Exam(MMSE-K), and depressive symptoms were assessed with the Short-form Geriatric Depression Scale(SGDS). The experimental group and the control group were compared on the score of on each test, which was administered before and after the program and 10 weeks after discontinuation of program. In the experimental group, the scores acquired immediately after the program and at 10 weeks of follow-up were also compared. The results showed that psychosocial intervention at a geriatric day care service was significantly associated with the change in SGDS scores dependent on time but not significantly associated with the change in MMSE-K scores. In the experimental group whose follow-up assessment was possible, it was further shown that 43% of patients had increased SGDS scores 10 weeks after the program ended, indicating that depressive symptoms had worsened. This study suggests that psychosocial therapeutic intervention in the geriatric day care service improve depressive symptoms but not cognitive functions in the elderly. In addition, for a considerable percentage of subjects in the experimental group, the improvements in depressive symptoms were not sustained after the intervention was withdrawn. These findings proposes a need of strengthening therapeutic intervention to maintain such effect.

      • KCI등재

        여성 경도 알쯔하이머형 치매군, 치매의심군 그리고 비치매 대조군간의 신경인지기능 비교

        이은하,안석균,오병훈,김기현,이연희,오희철,김승민 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.1

        알쯔하이머형 치매의 치료에 있어서 조기 진단과 조기 치료의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 최근에는 임상적으로 치매의 진단 기준을 맞추지는 않으나 주관적인 기억력 저하의 호소와 인지적으로 정상이 아닌 치매의심군이란 개념이 소개되었으며, 1982년 Hughes등은 임상치매척도(Clinical Dementia Rating ; 이하 CDR)란 진단도구를 개발하여 그 CDR 점수가 0.5점인 대상을 치매의심군으로 정의하였다. 치매의심군에 대한 장기간의 추시를 통하여 치매의심군은 알쯔하이머형 치매의 매우 조기 단계(very early stage)일 것이라는 주장을 하는 연구 결과들이 있었다. 알쯔하이머형 치매의 진단에 현재까지 알려진 가장 예민한 도구는 적절한 문진(good history)과 신경인지기능학적 평가를 통한 이차성 기억력 특히 지연회상(delayed recall)의 장애를 확인하는 것이라고 알려져 있다. 이에 치매의심군을 진단하기 위해서 치매의심군의 신경인지기능학적 특징을 아는 것은 치매의심군의 진단과 치매로 진행할 지의 여부를 결정짓는 예측인자를 정하는 데에도 도움이 될 것이다. 본 연구는 경도 알쯔하이머형 치매군, 치매군 및 비치매 대조군 간의 주의력, 기억력, 시지각공간능력, 언어능력 및 고위피질기능 등의 신경인지기능을 비교함으로써 치매의심군의 신경인지기능적 특성을 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 경기도 광주군 정신보건센터의 노인 낮병원 등록된 65세 이상의 여성 노인 중 경도 알쯔하이머형 치매군 5명, 치매의심군 9명 및 비치매 대조군 14명을 대상으로 하였다. 혈관성 치매를 배제하기 위해 Hachinski 허혈지수상 4점이 넘는 경우와 우울증상의 신경인지기능 평가에 대한 영향을 배제하기 위해 단축형노인우울척도(Short form Geriatric Depression Scale ; 이하 SGDS)상 8점이 넘는 경우는 연구 대상에서 제외하였다. 진단은 노인 낮병원 퇴원시점에서 치매연구회의(노인정신과 전문의, 정신과 전문의, 전공의, 임상심리사, 사회사업사, 간호가 각 1인으로 구성)에 의해 진단과 통계편람 Ⅳ 판(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ; 이하 DSM-Ⅳ) 및 CDR을 기준으로 내렸다. 주의력은 Wechsler 기억검사 수정판(Wechsler, 1987 ; 이하 WMS-R)의 소검사인 숫자따라하기(Digit span), 도형따라짚기(Visual span) 및 비엔나검사총집(Schufried, 1993 : 이하 Vienna test system)의 소검사인 지속적주의력(Continuous attention)을 이용하여 평가하였다. 기억력은 WMS-R의 논리적기억력(Logical memory)의 즉각회상(Immediate recall)과 30분 지연회상(delayed recall), 언어적연상학습(verbal paired associate learning)의 즉각회상-쉬운짝연상(easy pair)/어려운짝연상(hard pair), 30분 지연회상-쉬운짝연상/어려운짝연상을 이용하여 평가하였다. 시지각공간능력 중에서 시지각능력(Visual perception)은 WMS-R의 시각기억검사를 응용하여 평가하였고, 시공간능력(Visuospatial abilities)은 신경행동학적인지상태검사(Neurobehavioral Cognitive Screening Examination : 이하 NCSE)의 구성능력검사(Construction)을 이용하여 평가하였다. 언어능력은 한국판 성인용개인지능검사(Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale : 이하 K-WAIS)의 이해력검사(Comprehension) 및 한국신경인지기능연구회의 신경인지검사집상의 실어증등급척도(Aphasia severity rating scale)를 이용하여 평가하였다. 고위피질기능(Higher cortical function)은 NCSE의 유사성검사(Similarity), 판단력검사(Judgment), Go-No-Go 검사, Vienna test system의 가설형성검사(Hypotheis formation test), 부속증검사(Perseveration test)를 이용하여 평가하였다. 진단을 독립변수로 , 각종 신경인지기능검사의 결과를 종속변수로 설계하여 one-way ANOVA를 실시하였고, 유의한 차 이를 보인 종속변수에 대해서는 사후분석을 실시하였다. 경도 알쯔하이머형 치매군 5인, 치매 의심군 9인 및 비치매 대조군 14인을 대상으로 신경인지기능을 평가한 결과, 언어적연상학습의 즉각회상 중에서 쉬운짝연상(경도 치매군, 치매의심군, 대조군 각각 4.80±3.34,6.0±2.0, 8.85±2.14),구성능력검사(0.50±0.58, 1.00±1.55, 3.50±1.87), 실어증등급척도(2.83±0.40, 3.78±0.67, 4.71±0.47), 유사성검사(2.80±3.56, 2.11±1.54, 7.36±1.98)에서 치매의심군은 정상대조군에 비해 유의하게 저조한 수행을 보였고, 경도치매군과는 수행정도 상 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이는 치매의심군의 인지적 특성이 정상노화보다는 알쯔하이머형 치매에 가깝다는 것을 시사한다. 따라서 치매의심군은 정상 노화라기 보다는 알쯔하이머형 치매의 전단계일 가능성이 시사된다. The objective of this study is to differentiate the mild dementia of Alzheimer type from the questionable dementia and non-demented elderly using the neurocognitive assessment. Subjects of 28 women who were registered to Kwangju Community Mental Health Center were as follow : 14 non-demented, 9 questionable dementia, 5 mild dementia of Alzheimer type. The diagnosis were made using DSM-Ⅳ, Clinical Dementia Rating Scale. The neurocognitive functions were assessed with following test tools 1) attention : Digit span, Visual span, Continuous attention ; 2) memory : Logical memory, Verbal paired associates-easy/hard 3) visual perception and visuospatial ability : Visual recognition test, Construction ; and 4) language : Comprehension and Aphasia severity rating scale ; 5) higher cortical function : Hypothesis formation, Perseveration, Similarity, Judgment, and Go-No-Go test. Group differences were analyzed with one way ANOVA test in SPSS 8.0 for win and LSD method as post-hoc analysis. The questionable dementia group showed significant difference in Verbal paired associates-easy pair, Construction, Aphasia severity rating scale and Similarity from the non-demented normal control group but showed no difference from the mildly demented group. These results suggest that the questionable dementia is actually very early or very stage of dementia of the Alzheimer type.

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