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        제왕절개술781 례

        우경숙(KS Woo),윤석애(SA Yun),오영욱(YO Oh),안정자(JJ Ahn),강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1977 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.20 No.3

        1971년부터 1973년까지 만 3년간 이화대학교 의과대학 부속병원 산부인과에 입원하여 제왕 절개술을 받은 781명에 대해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 제왕절개술의 빈도는 15.0%이다 일차제왕절개가 47.9%, 반복 제왕절개는 40.3%였다. 2. 일차제왕절게의 적응증은 아두골반불균형이 55.2%로 제일 많았고 다음이 출혈, 태아 절박증 이었다. 3. 제왕절개술식은 자궁협부횡절개술이 96.3%이고 종절개술이 1.0%였다. 4. 병행된 수술은 충수절체술과 난관결찰술 이었다 (27.5%) 5. 마취는 대부분 80%가 척추 마취였다. 척추 마취에 사용된 pontocaine의 양은 5~6mg의 적은 양으로 자궁근의 이완으로 인한 불필요한 출혈과 마취사고에 의한 모성사망이 감소되 었다. 6. 산모의 합병증은 창상감염이 13.6%로 제일 많았다. 7. 빈혈이 있고 파막 시간이 길수록 모성합병증이나 일과성 열의 빈도가 높았다. 8. 제왕절개술때 충수절제를 같이 한 경우에 창상 감염과 일과성 열이 더 증가되지 않았다. 9. 주산기 사망률은 5.1%였다. 10. 모성사망률은 총 792예중 하나도 없었다. In more recent years, the use of cesarean section has increased remarkably, because of the emphasis that is directed toward prompt recognition of impairment of fetal well-being. After studing 781 patients who had cesarean section at the Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, we have found the results as follows: 1. Overall incidence of section was 15% of the deliveries. Of all these 781 sections, the primary section accounted for 59.7% of the sections and the repeat sections were 40.3% 2. Cephalopelvic disproportion was the most frequent indicaion(47.9%). The other frequent indications were antepartum bleeding(11.2%), and fetal distress(9.4%) in order. 3. In performing the cesarean sections, lower segment transverse incision was the most common (96.3%) type of operations and classical section was very rare(1.0%). 4. The incidence of tubal resection for sterilization in conjunction with the cesarean sections was 27.5% of the all sections. 5. The majority(80%) of the cesarean section except hypovolemic cases(abruptio placenta, placenta previa etc.) was performed under the spinal anesthesia with low dosage of po ntocaine(5-6mg). With such low dosage technic, we could prevent the unnecessary transfusion due to an esthetic accident down to zero in this series of 781 cases. 6. Of the postoperative complications, the wound infection was the most common complication(13.6%) and the others were endometritis(3.8%) spinal headache(3.2%) etc. 7. We found hogh rate of maternal morbidity in patients with anemia (16.7%) and longer duration of rupture of membrane(23.9%) 8. It was found there was no evidence of increasing incidence of wound infection or transitional fever among the cesarean section mothers who had the appendectomy at the one`s without appendectomy. 9. The early perinatal mortality was 5.1% which is not significantly different compared to average one in Ewha. 10. There was no any single maternal mortality in 781 cases of cesarean sections.

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