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        공동주택단지 교통영향평가에 따른 단지계획 반영내 용 분석 및 시사점 연구

        배웅규(Bae, Woongkyoo),오성웅(Oh, Seong-Ung),조필규(Cho, Pil-Kyu) 한국도시설계학회 2009 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 지금까지 교통영향평가가 각종도로 건설사업 및 대규모 개발 사업의 교통영향 및 개선대책을 위한 효과적인 수단으로 적용되었으나, 종합적인 주민 거주 및 생활공간으로서 성격이 강한 공동주택단지의 교통 관련내용이 도시계획 및 건축계획과 긴밀히 관련됨에 따라 구체적인 검토가 필요하다는 점에서 출발하였다. 이를 위해 단지계획관련 지침 및 기준과 경기도 교통영향평가 심의 의결서를 분석하고 구체적인 심의의결 조건에 대한 반영내용을 검토함으로써 교통영향평가를 통해 공동주택단지계획이 어떻게 영향 받는지를 분석하였다. 그 결과 가로 및 교차로 유형에서는 단지외부교차로 서비스 수준을 분석하여 단지 진ㆍ출입구를 개선하고 고원식 교차로를 도입한다. 보행 유형에서는 대중교통수단과 단지로의 보행로 개설로 단지의 보행 접근성을 높이고자 하였다. 진ㆍ출입동선 유형에서는 진·출입구의 시거를 확보하고 교통량 분석을 통한 진·출입로의 적정위치를 제시하였다. 또한, 교통안전 유형에서는 다양한 교통안전시설 설치로 단지 내 안전강화, 주차장 항목에서는 기준을 철저히 준수하고 적절하게 배분하고자 하였다. 이 같은 심의결과를 참고할 경우 공동주택단지 계획 시 대중교통 및 보행접근성에 대한 추가적인 검토와 거주민과 방문객에 대한 안정성을 감안할 필요가 있으며, 주변도로의 차량교통과 인접지의 보행체계 고려가 계획단계에 필요한 것으로 판단된다. Traffic impact assessment has been an effective means to assess and improve the traffic impact of various road construction projects and large-scale development projects. But it has a limitation in application to multi-family housing sites, which are deeply related to people’s residences and living spaces. Thus, we analyzed how multi-family housing site planning is affected by traffic impact assessment through examining guidelines and standards related to site planning and the resolution of traffic impact assessment in Gyeonggi-do and analyzing specific contents reflected in the conditions of resolution. According to the results, with regard to the type of streets and intersections, the access roads and entrances of housing sites were improved and raised intersections were introduced by analyzing intersection service outside the housing sites. With regard to the type of pedestrian passage, pedestrian accessibility to the sites was enhanced by making pedestrian passages between public transportation means and the housing sites. With regard to the type of flow line of access roads and entrances, the sight distance of access roads and entrances was secured, and the adequate position of access roads and entrances was suggested through analysis of traffic volume. In addition, with regard to the type of traffic safety, safety was reinforced by installing various traffic safety facilities, and with regard to parking lots, thorough observance of standards and appropriate allocation of parking lots were intended. Based on these results of deliberation, it is necessary to examine further public transportation and pedestrian accessibility in multi-family housing site planning, to consider the safety of residents and visitors, and to give consideration to car traffic on nearby roads and pedestrian systems in adjacent areas in the planning stage.

      • KCI등재후보

        상부위장관출혈의 임상적고찰

        이천식(Cheon Sik Lee),서원영(Won Young Seo),오성웅(Seong Ung Oh),이재준(Jae Jun Lee),김종인(Jong In Kim),이성주(Seong Joo Lee) 대한내과학회 1988 대한내과학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        N/A One hundred and sixty five cases of uper gastrointestinal bleeding were examined by fiberoptic endoscopy at Busan Medical Center from July 19S4 to June 1987. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The sex incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding revealed a greater prevalence in males than in females with a ratio of 4 to 1 and the peak age group were in the 5th and 6th decades. 2) The causative disease which were found to protace upper gastrointestinal bleeding were in the order of frequency of peptic ulcer (43.0%), esophageal varices (21.8%), hemorrhagic gastritis(18.8%), stomach cancer (9.1%), Mallory-Weiss syndrome (3,6%) and marginal ulcer. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown origin was 3.1%. 3) On of cyamination the mode of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the incidence of melenal only was noted in 36.4% of the cases, hemestasis only in 32.7% and hematemesis with melena in 30.9%. 4) The severity of upper gastrointestinal bleeding was classified by cammock's criteria as massive in 46.1%, moderate in 40.0% and mild in 13.9% of the cases. 5) The frequency of upper gastrointestinal bleeding at admission was first time bleeding in 41.8% of the cases, second time bleeding in 20.0% third time bleeding in 17.0% and over third time bleeding in 21.2%. 6) The success rate in identifying the bleeding site in relation to the time of endoscopy after upper gastrointestinal bleeding began was 69.4% within 24 hours, 54.3% in 24-48 hours, 17.9% In 48-72 hours and 7.7% after 7 days, The success rate fell with increasing time after upper gastrointestinal bleeding began, 7) The factors which influenced the outcome of upper gastrointestinal bleeding was age, severity of bleeding and episode of bleeding. The overall mortality rate was 9.7%

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