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      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Subjective Socioeconomic Status on Acceptance of Disability among People with Disabilities and the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy

        오미림,윤예인 한국장애인개발원 2020 장애인복지연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This study investigated the impact of subjective socioeconomic status (SES) on acceptance of disability among people with disabilities, with a focus on the mediating effects of self-efficacy. A 2019 survey, the 4th survey in the 2nd wave of the Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled (PSED), was utilized for this paper. SPSS 24.0 and SPSS Process Macro Model 4 were applied to analyze the data study. The results demonstrated that subjective SES is positively associated with acceptance of disability; furthermore these two variables are mediated by self-efficacy. That is, people with disabilities who perceive their SES as belonging to an upper class are more likely to have a high level of self-efficacy, which in turn, leads to a higher level of acceptance of their disability. Based on the results, the current research suggests that it is important to prevent people with disabilities from being lower down the social ladder in order to maintain sense of self-efficacy. As a result, they are more likely to develop a positive identity as a person with a disability.

      • KCI등재

        오쿄의 장벽화제작과 구성에 관한 일고찰

        미림(李美林) 동아시아일본학회 2013 일본문화연구 Vol.48 No.-

        The painting of waterfall designed in a ‘Tokonoma’, a small decorated alcove in the main room of the home, creates the concept of space beyond a flat canvas as well as liveliness by connecting the sound of water and wind from an outdoor garden. This also is the case of the painting of landscape in ‘the Buddha hall in the main temple of Daizyouzi’. In other words, his paintings are more than describing the natural landscape. He tried to bridge between the natural landscape and the Goddess of Mercy Bodhisattva, which transferred an entire building as a Faith space that is likened to Fudaraku mountain. The paintings of Barrier in ‘the Kotohiragu Shrine Sliding Door Paintings’ and ‘the Buddha hall in the main temple of Daizyouzi’ show Okyo"s painting style in the his latter part of life and his creativity that is a unique way of being in his composition. Moreover Okyo tried not to show off his skill of sketching from nature in his paintings but to promote harmony with surrounding nature and buildings. This harmony brings out liveliness of his paintings and makes his paintings become a part of nature as an expansion of real space. In short, Maruyama Okyo, the one of the representative painter in the late Edo period, contrived to show what the composition of his painting was about in his mature pieces of artwork. And there is no doubt that his paintings of Barrier in ‘the Kotohiragu Shrine Sliding Door Paintings’ and ‘the Buddha hall in the main temple of Daizyouzi’ are the excellent examples to show this.

      • KCI등재

        蕙園 · 申潤福の美人風俗画をめぐる一考察

        미림(李美林)(Ryee, Mi-Lim) 일본어문학회 2012 일본어문학 Vol.56 No.-

        名門の庶孼として生まれ、中人としての人生を強いられた蕙園·申潤福であるが、彼の絵画テーマは女性で、特に妓女、すなわち欲望の抑制を強調した朝鮮社会において下層民でありながらも高い教養レベルと美を誇った、矛盾した存在の女性が多かったことは大きな意味を持つ。本稿では蕙園の月岡雪齋と円山応挙の風俗美人図との比較を試みる。 雪齋は日本的叙情性と装飾性を醸し出す美人図を描いた大阪で活動した画家である。雪齋と蕙園は一人の女性の全身像を描いたものが多い点で共通するが、絵画表現や描写内容などにおいては二人の画家は似通っているというより、むしろ大きく相異なっていると考えられる。さらに応挙の美人図は、十八世紀の日本の美人画を考える場合見落とすことのできない。応挙の絵画制作における特徴は粉本によらず実物の写生によって制作する態度を重視したことで、その現実感あふれる表現は写生派と称され、当時京都画壇を一新したのみならず、やがて江戸にまで波及するほどの影響力をみせていた。 以上、二人の日本の美人風俗画家を取り上げ、朝鮮後期の唯一の美人画家である蕙園との比較検討を通して、彼の美人画の特徴があきらかになろう。

      • 樋口一葉小說に現われた意識転換

        미림(盧美林)(Noh Mi-rim) 한일일어일문학회 2005 한일어문논집 Vol.9 No.-

        본고에서 필자는 메이지(明治) 초ㆍ중반기라는 가족국가 형태의 가부장제를 취한, 여성 교육에 있어서 가장 엄격하였던 시대에 역하여 평생 독신으로 살다 간 일본 최초의 여류 직업 소설가 히구치이치요(樋口一葉, 1872~1896)의 소설에 나타난 의식전환을 연구함으로써 당대 여성들이 겪는 불이익과 억압 등을 파헤치고 그것으로부터 벗어나려는 여주인공들의 노력이 어떻게 변화해가는지 추적해나감으로써 이치요 문학이 갖는 진수를 재음미하고자 하였다. 「봄장마」(「五月雨」)에서의 야에(八重)는 자신이 사랑하는 사람을 여주인이 사랑하는 것을 알고 자기의 사랑을 희생하여 양보하는 기존의 사회 질서 의식에 충실한 봉건적 하녀인 반면에 「섣달 그믐날」(「大つごもり」)에서의 오미네(お峯)는 돈을 빌려 주기로 한 약속을 지키지 않는 주인에 대응하여 도둑질도 마다 않는 하녀이다. 그러나 이 작품에서 작가는 오미네를 도와줌으로써 일본 근대 시민 의식으로서의 선구를 이루었다. 다음, 이치요의 작품 속 여주인공들은 「십삼야」(「十三夜」)에서와 같이 가정(家庭)이라는 제도 속에서 구래의 제도(가부장제)로 하여 ‘우는 여인’에서 「키 재기」(「たけくらべ」)에서와 같이 제도 밖 유곽(遊廓)에서나마 남성 위에 서서 파워 페미니즘의 ‘웃는 여인’으로 전환해 갔다. 그러나 「흐린 강」(「にごりえ」)에 이르러는 유전하는 광기의 업보로 하여 제도 밖□탁한□세계로 흘러 들어가, 여성으로서 출세하고 싶어도 끝내는□흐린 강□에서 비극적 결말을 맞고 마는 디오니소스적 여주인공이 등장한다. 그 작품 후 가정이라는 안정된 제도 속에서도 자아해방이라고는 하나 스스로의 정념을 다스리지 못하여 그 제도에서 소외되어가는 여인들을 주인공으로 하는 등 여러 페미니즘적 작품을 시도해 보았으나 메이지라는 시대를 도외시할 수 없었던 사바(姿婆)의 독신 여류 직업 소설가에게는□유전하는 광기’야말로 그 소설에 나타내고자하는 의식전환의 귀착지가 되는 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        歌麿의 《北國五色墨》와 그의 우키요에에 관한 연구

        미림(Ryee, MiLim) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.41

        Kitagawa Utamaro is a master of the painting of the beauty who is excelled in soft line drawing, variety of figure and delicate facial expression of a woman. He was well known as an Ukiyo-e painter of the Edo period among European countries in the modern times. When he represented 《Northern Goshikisumi(北国五色墨)》to the public in 1794, the figure of the beauty included prostitutes from the lowest class that was considered far from the ideal figure of woman. The figure of the beauty in his paintings is shown as femme fatal and seems so sensual that nothing can have been parallel to such expression in history. In his painting, 〈Oiran(花魁)〉 and 〈Geigi(芸妓)〉 seduce a man by fascinating readings and hand gestures. Especially 〈Teppo(鉄砲)〉 among the three of the lowest prostitute is drawn as a death-threatening femme fatal who puts a life of a man into deadly dangerous situation. In his 《Northern Goshikisumi(北国五色墨)》, Utamaro considered these prostitutes equal to himself whose painting activity had been restricted by Kansei reforms and described the tragic reality of them who had been driven to the world of filth by unilateral decision of somebody. In other words, he wanted to reveal the cruel reality of the Edo period through the media of painting. Despite of the restriction of publishing by Bakuhu(幕府), Utamaro was bold enough to continue his painting of the beauty and represented 《Taiko gosai rakuto yukan no zu (太閤五妻洛東遊観之図)》 in 1804 that is based on Toyotomi hideyosi(豊臣秀吉). The painting was understood as a parody of hideyosi(秀吉) expressed like Tokugawa ienari(徳川家斉), the 11th general of Bakuhu in the Edo period. Because of this, he was sentenced by 2 days in prison and 50 days of being handcuffed. In short, Utamaro used the media of Ukiyo-e, one of the most popular journalism, to transmit the important messages to the society.

      • KCI등재

        다문화경계인으로서의 코리안 디아스포라 연구 - 박찬순 소설을 중심으로 -

        미림 한중인문학회 2013 한중인문학연구 Vol.41 No.-

        최근 거주국에서는 소수민족으로, 고국에서는 주변부로 위치 지어진 코리안 디아스포라에대한 관심이 우리 문학에 반영되고 있다. 이들을 재현한 소설에서 한민족이주자는 피해자, 희생자, 소수자적 측면만이 부각되면서 반복 재생산되는 양상을 보였는데 박찬순 소설에서는 이주생활 속의 차별과 배제뿐만 아니라 문화 자체를 통한 경계인의 가능성과 역할을 묘사함으로써 한계를 극복하고 있다. <발해풍의 정원>의 고려인 3세 알료나는 온돌체험방 아이디어를 제안하여 한국보일러의 홍보·전파·수출을 도우며, <가리봉 양꼬치>의 조선족 3세 임파는중국음식 양뀀의 양고기 노린내를 제거하는 레시피를 개발하여 한국사회에 소개하고, <지질시대를 헤엄치는 물고기>의 탈북여성 해란은 두만강 물고기 자그사니에 대한 지식으로 수족관에 근무한다. 두 나라의 주거·음식·생태문화를 중개, 접속, 변형, 창출하는 경계인이자 이방인으로서의 코리안 디아스포라는 차별과 배제의 대상이 아니라 트랜스내셔널한 글로벌 인재로 다문화사회에 기여하는 역할을 하는 자들이다. 이들은 민족적 정체성과 노마드적 정체성사이에서 폭력의 희생양으로 인식되지만 짐멜이 말하는 긍정적 이방인상으로서의 가능성을보여준다. 끊임없이 문제를 제기하고 의문을 품는 이방인은 물려받은 구들유전자를 바탕으로온돌방 체험 아이디어나 양념레시피를 창안하며 두만강에서 이주한 물고기의 생태를 관찰하는 일을 할 수 있기 때문이다. 그러나 타자의 은유이자 타자의 표상으로 재현되며 민족적·젠더적·계급적 타자인 이주여성은 신비하고 정체를 알 수 없는 이미지로 서구화된 한국남성주체의 오리엔탈리즘적 시선에 포획되어 대상화되고 타자화된다. 무책임과 의심, 목소리와 존재감을 드러내지 않는 서발턴은 사라지거나 범죄에 노출되며 스스로 범죄자가 되기도 한다. 이슬람 문화권에서 성장한 알료나는 이국적인 얼굴과 한복이 어울리는 체형, 러시아 의상이 혼효된 신비스럽고 혼돈스러운 모습으로, 탈국경한 이주여성에 덧씌어진 몸의 훼손을 의심받는조선족 출신 분희와 탈북여성 해란도 성적으로 타락하거나 부정적인 이미지를 갖고 있다. 작품 속의 실종과 부재는 이주자/여성의 타자성과 비극적 삶을 대변해 준다. 또한 작가는 ‘발해풍의 정원’이라는 유토피아를 상정하여 한민족 정체성을 복원하고자 한다. 전통의상인 한복을입은 공동체구성원이 함께 농사를 짓고 춤추고 노래하는 태평성대한 발해문화야말로 우리 사회가 잃어버린 것에 대한 복원과 한민족 디아스포라가 꿈꾸고 지향해야할 삶의 형태임을 기억해 낸다. 이러한 지향점은 다문화적 글로벌시대에 걸림돌이 될 수 있고 계급적 층위를 고착한다는 점에서 재고되어야 하지만 문화전수와 한민족전통에 대한 의미를 되새긴다는 점에서가치를 지닌다. 박찬순 문학은 코리안 디아스포라의 가능성과 역할을 보여주는 동시에 비참하고 고통스러운 현실상황도 함께 재현한다는 점에서 코리안 디아스포라의 복합적이고 다층적인 삶을 그리고 있다. Situated as a minority race in countries where they are living and as a marginal group in their motherland, Korean diaspora has recently made appearance in Korean literature. Having the consciousness of marginal people between two cultures, the migrants of the Korean race only have their aspects as victims and minority group highlighted. Park Chan-sun's novels, however,deserve some attention in that they have overcome the limitations of the old fixated multicultural and diaspora novels and proposed directionality for them by newly interpreting them as culture itself and revealing their possibilities and values. In The Balhae-Style Garden, Alena, a third-generation descendent of Goryeo, incorporates the Ondol culture into the boiler and spreads it across Russia. In The Lamb Skewers of Garibong, Im Pa, a third-generation Korean-Chinese, creates a recipe to eliminate the foul smell of mutton in lamb skewers, a Chinese dish, at the restaurant in Garibong-dong. In A Fish Swimming through the Geographical Age, Hae -ran, a female North Korean defector, gets a job at an aquarium thanks to her knowledge about Mesogobio tumensis, a fish in the Duman River. Korean diaspora, who is marginal people and aliens that mediate, connect, transform and reinvent the housing, food,and ecology cultures of two countries, plays valuable roles in a multicultural society as transnational and global talents rather than the objects of discrimination and exclusion. They can fall victim to discrimination and violence between their identity of their race and that of nomads, but they can also be a positive image of aliens mentioned by Simmel because aliens that constantly raise questions and try to quench their curiosity may come up with an idea of Ondolbang experiences based on their Gudeul gene, create a sauce recipe, or get a job of observing the ecology of a fish from the Duman River. In reality, however, migrant women are reproduced as the metaphor and representation of others. They are others in terms of race, gender, and social class. They are captured by the Oriental view of male Korean subjects for their mysterious image that conceal their identity, thus being sexually objectified. They either disappear or exist no more, revealing no irresponsibility, doubt,voice, and presence. Having grown up in an Islam culture, Alena is described as mysterious and confusing for the mixture of exotic face, the figure fit for Hanbok, and Russian costume. Bun-hee, who is a Korean-Chinese being suspected for the body damage common among migrant women that crossed a border, also has an image of sexually corrupted woman or a negative image along with Hae-ran, a female North Korean defector. In those works, missing and absence represent the otherness and tragic life of women/migrants. The author set a Utopia called “Balhae-style garden” and tried to restore the identity of the Korean race. It is reminded that the hanging scrolls and the reproductions in the folk village, which depict the members of the peaceful Korean community in the traditional Hanbok working on the farm together,dancing, and singing, are the restorations of what has been lost in Korean society and the life that the Korean diaspora should dream of and be oriented toward. Even though such an orientation should be reconsidered in that it can become an obstacle in the multicultural global age and fixate the hierarchy of social classes, it is worthwhile in that it ruminates the significance of cultural transference and Korean heritage. Park Chan- sun's literature overcomes the old multicultural and diaspora novels in a stalemate in that it reveals the possibilities and roles of Korean diaspora and also reproduces its limitations and realistic situations.

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