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      • KCI등재

        미적 일관성 있는 도시브랜드 구축을 위한 휘장과 슬로건의 색채 분석 -서울시 25개 자치구를 대상으로-

        예동진 ( Dongjin Ye ),문서현 ( Suhhyun Moon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) In keeping with the heightened interest in autonomous decentralization, autonomous districts have been expanded and have been increasingly active in building city brand identities for the purpose of regional marketing. However, with regard to the most prominent emblems of city brands, the indiscriminate use of symbolic images have, in fact, harmed city aesthetics and contributed to the formation of negative images. In particular, slogans, which are the key emblems of city brands, tend to be swapped for other highly politicized messages. In view of this, this study analyzes the colors and color arrangements of the current symbols and slogans of Seoul’s autonomous districts, so that the analytic results may serve as a basis for contributing to the continued and effective use of city brand management, in their capacity as design images that remain consistent despite changes in political content. (Method) We examined the definition and components of city brands while also ascertaining the concept and function of consistency. Based on this, we conducted analyses on the color and color arrangements of the symbols and slogans of each district. The results were positioned via I.R.I. adjective image scale, and their characteristics were comparatively analyzed so as to explore ways to build consistent city brand identities. (Results) The results of the analysis of the 24 districts of Seoul (with the exception of Seodaemun-gu) were as follows. 1) Compared to slogans, the colors and color arrangements of symbols shared the characteristics of using fewer colors and having planned relatively clearer color arrangements. 2) The color arrangements of slogans were compared to clear slogans: there were more slogans that featured softer and more rhythmic adjectives. 3) District brand identities consistently shared the characteristic of featuring identical or similar base and accent colors. Their color tones were also arranged similarly, such that they often were classified into close range with the I.R.I image scale. (Conclusions) For the symbols and slogans that form part of a city’s brand management efforts to obtain consistency, there is a need for the development and operation of color and tone. In cases where the use of five or more colors is being considered, base and accent colors should be clearly established to ensure visual uniformity. Also, one must review whether the symbolism of each color and the color-arranged image match the direction of value pursued by the city. Furthermore, one must exercise caution against the use of indiscriminate color schemes for the promotion of the region or its leader. In future research, we hope to continue presenting suggestions for building integrated city brand identities through strengthening consistency in color in addition to typography as a visual language.

      • KCI등재

        신촌 박스퀘어의 사회적 가치와 디자인 특성에 관한 연구

        류창수 ( Changsu Ryu ),문서현 ( Suhhyun Moon ),예동진 ( Dongjin Ye ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) As the first attempt of its kind in Korea, an initiative for win-win cooperation with street vendors was implemented in the Sinchon area of Seodaemun-gu, Seoul―the ”Sinchon BOXQUARE.” This represented a shift away from the focus on enforcement in conventional street maintenance, and established a plan for social investment that would stimulate income-led growth among street vendors through autonomous maintenance while bringing about local revitalization. By doing so, this initiative has aimed to present BOXQUARE as an exemplary model of public design that has presented a new direction―both domestically and internationally―for future street maintenance initiatives based on government-civilian cooperation and regional win-win cooperation, thereby contributing to the future development of a win-win society. (Method) We examining the active administrative efforts that went into persuading street vendors prior to the implementation of the project. Furthermore, through an examination of the architectural plans and design characteristics for the implementation of this project by category, we highlighted its significance in terms of public design. (Results) The outcomes of this project were as follows. First, the characteristic of the Sinchon BOXQUARE project in terms of architectural planning is that it was a shift in the direction of maintaining walking environments in the streets, from a policy of enforcement to win-win cooperation. While it concentrated unauthorized vendors within a designated location, the project also planned open arrangements that reflected the relationship between the streets and the vendors, and set up spatial modules through a comprehensive analysis of the types and business patterns of street vendors, after which specific design prototypes were presented for each business type. Second, as the end result of an active publicly led design project, it may be regarded as an exemplary case of a local government’s direct implantation of design management―from the early drafts of brand strategy to the setup of the design guidelines needed for planning and operation. (Conclusions) As the first project based on the concept of win-win cooperation with street vendors, Sinchon BOXQUARE was a new model of street maintenance policy that attracted nationwide attention, a project that aimed to improve Sinchon’s local economy and environment. However, because it is the nature of street shops to spontaneously spread along streets, there is a concern that more street vendors will start up en masse―in what would be another vicious cycle―after the conclusion of the project, if strict institutional regulations for street maintenance are not introduced in the future. Therefore, for the expansion of this project in the long term, establishment of an institutional system that prioritizes walking within inner-city street environments will be necessary.

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