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      • KCI등재

        요한 요아힘 크반츠『자서전』(1754)의 번역·해제

        연상춘 한양대학교 음악연구소 2014 音樂論壇 Vol.32 No.-

        This writing includes translation and interpretation of theautobiography, which was presented in 1754 by J.J. Quantz(1697~1773), a representative flute musician of Germany duringthe first half of the 18th century. With the spread of the spirit ofthe Enlightenment at that time, the then musicians began towrite the autobiography including their successful music life andto open it to the public. In early days, their autobiography waswritten mostly in the manner of arranging their personal historyin its form and contents, whereas the autobiography for Quantzexpanded a narrative even up to the then musical circumstancesin fairly extensive volume other than just addressing his lifeitinerary. Particularly, he vividly conveys the real picture ofmusic at that time by sparing the major contents occurringduring the period from 1710 to 1730, marking his musicalgrowth period while giving detailed evidence to the places for hismusical activities or musical performances with countlessnumbers of musicians, with whom he was in contact during avariety of music journeys. Thus, this autobiography has becomeimportant primary data in understanding this period up to thepresent, together with Versuch einer Anweisung, die Flötetraversiere zu spielen, which gained a great resonance frommusic lovers at that time by presenting it 1752. In this context,his credit cannot overlooked in that we can understand thisperiod in terms of music and musical history today. 이 글은 18세기 전반부 독일의 대표적인 플루트 음악가인 크반츠(J. J.Quantz, 1697-1773)가 1754년에 발표한 자서전을 번역·해제한 글이다. 계몽주의의 정신이 확산하면서, 당시의 음악가들은 자신들의 성공적인 음악 삶을 담은 자서전을 써서 일반에게 공개하기 시작하였다. 초기에는 글들이 대체로 형태와 내용에서 이력 사항들을 정리해 놓는 식이었으나, 크반츠의 자서전은 제법 광범위한 분량에서 자신의 인생 여정에서 더 나아가당시의 음악적인 상황에까지 이야기를 확대시킨다. 특히 자신의 음악적인성장기라 할 1710-30년경에 주된 내용을 할애하여, 활동 지역이나 다양한음악여행 중에 접하였던 수많은 음악가들과 음악공연들을 상세하게 증언하면서 당시의 음악 실정을 생생히 전해준다. 그래서 이 자서전은, 그가1752년에 발표하여 당시 큰 반향을 불러 모았던 『플루트 연주의 예술』과함께 현재까지 이 시기를 이해하는 데에 중요한 일차 자료가 되었다. 오늘우리가 이 시기를 음악적으로나 음악사적으로 이해하는 데에는 그의 덕택이 크다.

      • KCI등재

        18세기의 유희음악 : 디베르티멘토(Divertimento) Divertimento

        연상춘 이화여자대학교 음악연구소 2001 이화음악논집 Vol.5 No.-

        Die Zeit um 1720/30 ist in der europa¨ischen Musikgeschichte eine Umbruchszeit, die dann ungefa¨hr um die Zeit von 1780, also der sogenannten klassischen Zeit ihren Ruhepunkt gelangt. In der Musikgeschichte ist diese Umbruchszeit im Sinne von U¨bergangszeit als "Vorklassik" bezeichnet. Diesen Umbruch herbeifu¨hrende hauptursache aber war u. a. eine politisch-soziale. Weg von der hauptsa¨chlich unter der barocken "ancien re'gime" getragenen kulturellen Form wird jetzt die von der bu¨rgerlichen zum Vordergrund geru¨ckt. Im musikalischen Gebiet fand diese neue Stilwandlung u. a. in der instrumentalen Musik ihre haupta¨uBerung. Die neue Tradition der Instrumentalmusik wird nun in Gang eingestzt. Dies ermo¨glichender Hauptta¨ger war die Gattung "Divertimento". Trotz dieser geschichtlich wichtigen Stellungsnahme des Divertimentos ist es in der Musikgeschichtsschreibung bis vor kurzem viel zu sehr musikalisch abseits behandelt. Ru¨ckblickend kann man sagen, daB dies - auch zumindest um die Pha¨nomene der klassischen Musik kla¨ren zu ko¨nnen - nicht richtigen Weg war. Dafu¨r war die Art der Musik viel zu wichtig. Viele neulich stattfindende wissenschaftliche Diskussionen sagen dies. Der Zielpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung war also diese spezifische Gattungsgeschichte Divertimentos der vorklassischen Zeit unter mo¨glichst vielfa¨ltigen Aspekten aufzuzeigen, um dann hieraus u¨ber das Pha¨nemen desselben ein anna¨hrendes Bild zu machen. Hierfu¨r ist die Arbeit groB in drei Sachgebiete eingeteilt, und schrittweise vorangegangen: Zuna¨chst wurden Fragestellungen angesammellt, Untersuchungsfeld angegrenzt und u¨ber vorla¨ufige Forschungsstand berichtet. Im na¨chsten Schritt - d. i. theoretischer Teil dr Untersuchung - wurde dann damalige musikalische Entwicklung betreff des Divertimentos nach geographisch gegebenen Lagen getrennt beobachtet, und hierauf die "Unterhaltungsmusik des 18. Jahrhunderts" zu definieren versucht. SchlieBlich im letzten Teil der Arbeit wurde mit bisher sich crgabenden Ergebnissen zusammen um die Sache des Divertimentos zu definiten unternommen. Dabei sind anhand der Quellen aus 18. Jahrhundert und neulichen Untersuchungsergebnissen mo¨glich alle Arten der Divertimento - Musik, also wie Serenade, Notturno, Cassation, Pattia, - diesmal im gattungsspezifischen Sinne - Divertimento nach deren Funktion, musikalischen Inhalt und der Stil aufzuzeigen versucht. Es ergab bzw. besta¨tigte sich daraus, daB diese Gattung Divertimento ein typischer instrumentaler Vertreter der vorklassischen Zeit anzusehen ist und daru¨ber hinaus nicht im allgemeinen Sinne auf der europa¨ischen Ebene, sondern besonders im su¨dlichen katholischen Teil der Europa gepflegt wurde. Also sie war in diesem Sinne sozusagen eine geographisch begrenzte Teitendenz, die in der U¨bergangszeit besonders im o¨sterreichischen Raum a¨uBerst beliebt gepflegt war, mit einer starken sozialcn Funktion, Die Musik, die ausschlieBlich instrumental ist, wurde zumeist in Klein-Besetzumgen aufgefu¨hrt. Hauptstilmerkmal ist u. a. eine Einfachheit und Versta¨ndlichkeit, wobei zur akustischen Unterhaltung auch kontrapunktische Arbeitsweise angewendet werden konnte. Viele Arten von Divertimento wie Serenade, Nottumo, Cassacion und nochmals Divertimento - in diesem Sinne ist Divertimento also ein Sammelbegriff deratigen Musik zu verstehen - sind andereseites in dieser Gestalt besonders fu¨r die damaligen angehenden Komponisten als ein beliebt musikalisches Experimentsfeld fungiert. Erst durch diese vielmalige Versuchen und dialektischen ProzeB auch mit der gegnerischen musikalischen Stellungsnahme war daraus der klassische kammermusikalische Stil hervorgegangen.

      • KCI등재후보

        달하우스의 음악사 이론을 토대로 한 18세기 음악사 연구에 대한 고찰

        연상춘 연세대학교 음악연구소 2012 음악이론포럼 Vol.19 No.-

        In music history, the 18th century is an epoch, in which concepts of distribution and statement of style are a delicate matter. To display this difficult situation, the first part of this study analyzes three selected music history books that are well known and commonly used in this country. The analysis shows that disagreement among the context of historical interpretations between analyzed books cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, it was also observed: it is mainly about the history of the (German) instrumental music, while the opera, in particular, the Italian opera seria, which has been also determined as one of the main genres of the century, is neglected. In the next part of the work was the cause of the differences in the historical interpretation investigated based on Carl Dahlhaus’s music-historical theory. It was noted that the basis of the 18th-century music history was laid out around the turn of the 20th-century by the so-called "German Bildungsbürgertum" derived from music historians, while the national sentiment played a significant role. With previous findings, it is tried in the last part of the work, a self-written music history of the 18th-century presented in the outline. In summary, the music history of the 18th-century should be treated more in the narrow context of political, cultural and social issues, as happened so far. This perhaps could be the diversity of historical interpretations, which is generally observed on the area of research discussed here.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 독일 음악가들의 경제적인 여건과 사회적인 신분

        연상춘 한국서양음악학회 2014 서양음악학 Vol.17 No.3

        In the eighteenth century, the wage of ordinary German musicians (court musician, urbanmusicians) was low. It was a dual wage system paying in the form of payment-in-kind (Naturalien)and special allowance (Gratifikation), or providing accommodation and meals with the payment asthe occasion demands. The wage differentials, arranged as an annual salary, among the courtmusicians were extreme. Except a few first-class musicians receiving a large income, the majorityof musicians struggled with the tight income. Court orchestras were repeatedly disbanded andorganized in consequence of the changes in the political situation, and the payment was oftendelayed upon the aggravation of the national financial condition. Compared to the courtmusicians, urban musicians belong to the city hall, and curia dioecesana had a stable employmentcondition although the annual income was very low. Thus, the source of side income from avariety kinds of events (Accidentien) was their main income source. Despite the poor financialcondition, the musicians’ social status and income level were above the average or equal to theaverage of citizens’ income and social status. 18세기의 평범한 독일 음악가들(궁정음악가, 도시음악가)의 급료는 적었다. 그래서 현물(Naturalien)과 특별수당(Gratifikation), 그리고 때에 따라 숙소와 식사가 함께 제공되는 이중(二重) 보수 제도였다. 연봉으로 정하였던 궁정음악가의 수입은 자체적으로도 격차가 심하였다. 소수의 정상급 음악가들은 고액의 연봉을 받았지만, 대부분은 생활하기에도 빠듯한 액수를 받았다. 정세의 변화에 따라 궁정악단은 해체·결성을 반복하였고, 국가 재정이 어려우면 임금은 체불되기 일쑤였다. 반면에 시청과 교구청 소속의 도시음악가는 고용 여건에서 안정적이었으나, 연봉 자체가 아주 낮았다. 그래서 부수입원인 잡종행사(Accidentien)가 오히려 더 주된 수입원이었다. 그럼에도 결과적으로 음악가들의 수입을 다른 시민 사회 구성원들과 비교해 보면, 그 수입은 중간 또는 그 이상에 해당하는 수준이었고, 사회적인 신분도 대략 그것에 준하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        모차르트에서의 프리메이슨의 의미

        연상춘 연세대학교 음악연구소 2015 음악이론포럼 Vol.22 No.2

        1781년 비엔나에 정착한 모차르트는 음악가로서 최고의 호황을 누리던 1784년에 돌연 프리메 이슨 회원이 되었다. 그즈음은 프리메이슨 운동이 비엔나에서 아주 부흥하던 때라, 많은 사회 인사 들이 이 종교 철학적인 성향의 비밀결사모임에 몰려들던 때였다. 따라서 그것은 단지 자신의 음악 후원자들을 모으기 위한 처세술 중 하나였다고도 해석해볼 수 있다. 하지만 아니었다. 나날이 세를 불려가는 이 운동에 요제프 2세가 급제동을 걸며 1785년에 칙령을 선포하자, 정치 사회적인 불이익 을 우려한 많은 사람들이 급물살을 타듯 이 단체를 빠져 나갈 때에도 모차르트는 여전히 프리메이 슨으로 머물렀고, 그렇게 그의 삶 마지막까지 지조를 지켰다. 오히려 그는 그의 대표적인 프리메이 슨 오페라 《마술피리》 외에도 적지 않은 프리메이슨 음악을 작곡하였으며, 자신의 지부뿐만이 아 니라 다른 지부의 모임에까지 정기적으로 참여할 정도로 열성이었고, 심지어 비록 불발로 그쳤지만 새로운 지부의 결성까지 계획할 정도로 이 운동에 대한 소신을 보여주었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 모차르트에게서 프리메이슨이 갖는 주요 의미를 그의 시기 비엔나의 프리메이슨이 어떤 단체였고, 주창하는 사상은 무엇이었으며, 왜 가입하였는지, 어떤 정도에서 삶과 음악에 구심점이 되어주었는 지, 나아가 그의 음악에 어떻게 나타났는지를 살펴보면서 확인하였다. Mozart, who settled in Vienna in 1781, suddenly became a member of Freemason in 1784 when he enjoyed the most prosperous aspect as a musician. At that time, the Freemason movement much revived in Vienna, so lots of social celebrities crowded into this secret society gathering having a religious-philosophical inclination. Accordingly, it can be interpreted that such a tendency might be one of the art of living for attracting patrons of his music. However, that wasn't true. Even when many people, who worried about socio-political disadvantages, were getting out of this organization like riding on a rapid current with Joseph II issuing an imperial order in 1785 while putting sudden brakes on this movement, which was expanding its influence day by day, Mozart still remained as a member to Freemason, and was faithful to his principles to the end of his life that way. On the contrary, Mozart wrote not a little Freemason music besides his representative Freemason opera 《Die Zauberflöte》, and he was zealous enough to participate in the gathering of not only his chapter but also other chapters on a regular basis; furthermore, Mozart showed his belief in this movement as much as he planned to form a new chapter although the plan finally fell through. This study checked up on the major meanings of Freemason from Mozart while looking into what organization Freemason in Vienna was during the period of Mozart; what idea was advocated by Freemason; why Mozart subscribed to Freemason; at what level Freemason became the pivot of life and music, and how Freemason manifested itself in Mozart's music.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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