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        어린이집 보육교사의 배식관리 및 식사지도에 대한 중요도-수행도 분석

        여윤재,권수연 한국영양학회 2015 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.48 No.3

        Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine the difference of Importance and Performance Related service management and feeding practices of teachers at mealtime in childcare centers. Methods: In December, 2013, questionnaires were completed by teachers working at childcare centers in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. A total of 179 teachers responded to questions regarding perceived importance and degree of performing related service management and feeding practices at mealtime in childcare centers. Factor analysis and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) were used. Results: Four factors including 11 items were represented by factor analysis: ‘Personal hygiene management’, ‘Feeding practice’, ‘Food material management’, and ‘Service at serving foods’. For ‘Personal hygiene management’, scores for perception on importance and performance were 4.42 and 3.84 points of 5 that were the lowest among factors. As a result of IPA, teachers were aware of the importance and performed well, ‘Encouraging and praising children's eating habits at mealtime’, ‘Giving thanks before and after a meal’, and ‘Sitting and eating with children at mealtime’ belonged to ‘Feeding practice’; whereas they were not aware of the importance and performed insufficiently, ‘Wearing the hygiene hat for serving foods’, ‘Wearing disposable gloves for serving foods’, and ‘Wearing the apron for serving foods’ belonged to ‘Personal hygiene management’. Conclusion: For children's health and safety in foodservice at childcare centers, personal hygiene management is very important when cooking as well as serving food. The results suggest that education targeting personal hygiene management is necessary for management of hygiene by teachers while serving food in childcare centers. In addition, guidelines on service management and feeding practice are needed for teachers working at childcare centers. 본 연구에서는 보육교사의 배식관리 및 식사지도에 대한 중요도와 수행도를 파악하기 위하여 서울시 금천구의어린이집에 근무하고 있는 보육교사 179명을 대상으로 2013 년 12월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 응답한 어린이집의 유형은 가정 어린이집 (39.7%), 민간 어린이집 (31.8%), 국공립 어린이집 (28.5%) 순으로 많았다. 요인분석 결과, 보육교사가 수행하는 배식관리 및 식사지도는 ‘개인 위생관리 (요인 1)’, ‘식사지도 (요인 2)’, ‘식재료 위생관리 (요인3)’, ‘맞춤형 배식 서비스 (요인 4)’의 총 4개의 요인, 11개의항목으로 추출되었다. 보육교사는 ‘배식 시 위생모를 착용한다’, ‘배식 시 일회용 장갑을 착용한다’ 등의 요인 1 (개인위생관리)과 관련한 항목에 대한 중요도를 가장 낮게 인지하고 있었으며 수행도도 가장 낮았다, 반면 ‘영유아의 연령을 고려하여 음식을 잘라서 배식한다’, ‘영유아의 연령별로 1인 분량을 달리하여 배식한다’의 요인 4 (맞춤형 배식서비스)와 관련된 항목에 대한 중요도를 가장 높게 인지하고 있었고 수행도도 가장 높았다. 중요도-수행도 분석 결과, 중요도와 수행도가 모두 높은 1사분면에는 ‘영유아의식습관을 격려하고 칭찬한다’, ‘식사 전 후 감사인사를 한다’, ‘영유아와 함께 앉아 식사한다’ 및 ‘영유아의 연령을고려하여 음식을 잘라서 배식한다’의 4개 항목이 포함되어있었다. 이에 비해 중요도와 수행도가 모두 낮은 3사분면에는 ‘배식 시 위생모를 착용한다’, ‘배식 시 일회용 장갑을사용한다’, ‘배식 시 배식용 앞치마를 착용한다’, ‘영유아의연령별로 1인 분량을 달리하여 배식한다’의 4개 항목이 포함되어 있었다. 중요도는 낮다고 인지하고 있으나 수행도는 높은 4사분면에는 ‘조리 완료 후 2시간 이내에 배식한다’, ‘먹다 남은 우유 (분유)를 바로 버린다’, ‘식사 중 영유아의 이름을 부르며 대화한다’가 포함되어 있었다. 본 연구결과, 전반적으로 보육교사는 배식과 관련한 정부 지침에 대해 중요하다고 인식하고 있었으며 현장에서이를 수행하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 그러나 보육교사는 배식 시의 개인 위생관리 및 식재료 위생관리에 대해서는 중요하다고 인지하는 정도가 맞춤형 배식 서비스에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 특히 개인 위생관리는 중요도뿐만 아니라 수행도도 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이에 보육교사를 대상으로 개인 위생관리의 중요성에 대한 교육이 실시되어야 하며, 특히 배식 시의 위생적인 복장 착용에 대한주제로 한 교육이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 또한 보육교사가 이를 실천할 수 있는 어린이집의 급식 환경 마련이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 이를 위해 정부 및 관련 기관에서는보육교사를 대상으로 한 위생교육을 지속적으로 제공하고 교육 이론을 현장에 적용할 수 있도록 환경을 조성해야한다.

      • KCI등재

        어린이집 급식시간 중 영유아의 식사행동 실태 및 보육교사의 식사지도 방법

        여윤재,권수연 한국영양학회 2015 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.48 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate children's eating behaviors and teachers' feeding practices duringmealtime at child-care centers. In addition, it focused on the difference of teachers' feeding practices on children ageunder 2 years ( ≤ 2 years old) and 3 years and older (3~5 years old). Methods: A total of 169 teachers working at childcarecenters in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, completed self-report questionnaires in December 2013. The questionnaireswere composed of questions on children's eating behaviors, feeding practices; ‘Explain’, ‘Praise’, ‘Modeling’, ‘Indulgent’,‘Insist’ and ‘Reward’, interaction with home, and a range of demographic information (analysis rate: 51.2%). Results:Approximately 59.2% of teachers had not taken a class on feeding practice and the average score for nutrition knowledgewas 14.6 out of 30 points. The most undesirable eating behavior of children during mealtime was ‘eating while walkingaround (36.7%)’ both ‘ ≤ 2 years old’ and ‘3~5 years old’. Regarding feeding practices according to children's undesirableeating behaviors during mealtime, there were differences between age groups. When children did not eat all of the foodsthat were served and did not clean up silverware or seats after having food, teachers caring for ‘3~5 years old’ practiced‘Explain’. However, percentages of those who practiced ‘Indulgent’ and ‘Modeling’ were significantly higher in teacherscaring for ‘ ≤ 2 years old’ than ‘3~5 years old’. Conclusion: These findings indicated that teachers caring for children lackeducation and knowledge about nutrition and feeding practice. In addition, verbal feeding practices, like explain, weremainly used by teachers. As a result, for teachers, guidelines and programs for learning about age appropriate feedingpractice during mealtime at child-care centers may be needed. 본 연구에서는 어린이집 급식시간에 관찰되는 영유아의 바람직하지 않은 식사행동과 이에 대한 보육교사의 식사지도 방법을 조사하기 위하여 서울시 금천구의 보육교사169명을 대상으로 2013년 12월에 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 조사결과를 담당 영유아연령으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 본 연구결과, 조사대상 보육교사 중 59.2%는 승급교육및 직무연수 등의 의무교육을 통해 식생활 교육을 수강한것 이외에 별도의 교육을 수강한 경험이 없다고 하였다, 영양 및 위생 관련 지식점수는 30점 만점에 평균 14.6점이었다. 보육교사는 급식시간에 관찰되는 여러 식행동 중 ‘영유아가 돌아다니면서 음식을 먹는 행동’이 가장 바람직하지않다고 응답하였으며 ‘영유아가 음식 또는 수저 등을 가지고 장난치는 행동’이 가장 빈번하게 나타난다고 하였다. ‘영유아가 돌아다니면서 음식을 먹는 행동 (p < 0.05)’은 담당영유아연령에 따라 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 급식시간에 관찰되는 영유아의 바람직하지 않은 식사행동에 대해 보육교사의 식사지도 방법을 조사한 결과, ‘영유아의 음식을 남기는 행동 (p < 0.05)’ 및 ‘영유아가 식사 후 식사도구 등을 정리하지 않는 행동 (p < 0.05)’에 대해 수행하는 식사지도 방법이 담당 영유아연령에 따라 통계적 차이를 보였다. ‘영유아가 음식을 남기는 행동’에 대해서 영아반 담당교사는 ‘칭찬 (34.6%)’ 및 ‘영유아의 의사에 맡김(24.6%)’으로, 유아반 담당교사는 ‘설명 (38.5%)’ 및 ‘칭찬(35.9%)’으로 식사지도 하는 경우가 많았으며, 식사 후 식사도구 등을 정리하지 않는 행동을 할 때, 유아반 담당교사의 61.5%가 ‘설명’의 방법으로 식사지도를 수행하였으며, 영아반 담당교사는 ‘설명 (33.1%)’이외에 ‘칭찬 (33.8%)’, ‘모델링 (23.1%)’으로 식사지도를 수행하였다. 응답자가근무하는 87.6%의 어린이집은 가정통신문 (45.0%)을 발송하거나 간담회 (21.9%)를 실시하여 영유아의 식사지도에 대해 가정과 상호작용하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구는 어린이집의 보육교사에게 직접 관찰이 아닌설문조사를 통하여 영유아의 바람직하지 않은 식사행동및 이에 대한 식사지도 방법을 파악하여 실제 보육교사가수행하고 있는 식사지도 방법과 차이가 있을 수 있다. 그러나 본 연구는 어린이집 급식시간에 관찰되는 영유아의 바람직하지 않은 식사행동과 이에 대한 보육교사의 식사지도 방법에 대한 실태를 파악하였다는 점에서 의의가 있으며, 본 연구결과는 어린이집에서 실시하는 식사지도에 대한 지침 및 프로그램 개발 시 기초자료로 활용 될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 소재 육아종합지원센터에서 제공하는 어린이집 간식식단의 유형 및 식품 다양성

        여윤재,권수연,이영미 한국영양학회 2014 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.47 No.6

        Purpose: This study was conducted for analysis of menu pattern and food diversity of snack menus of child care centersin order to provide preliminary data for establishment of related guidelines for snack menus for child care centers. Methods:Data from 630 snack menus (350 for morning snacks and 280 for afternoon snacks) of March, 2013 from 14 Child CareInformation Centers in Seoul provided for child care centers were analyzed. In addition, the menu pattern and food diversityof morning snack menus were compared with those of afternoon snack menus. Results: Differences in menu pattern andfood diversity were observed between morning and afternoon snack menus. The majority of snack menus (66.8%) includedtwo menu items and the numbers of menu items of afternoon snack menus were significantly larger than those of morningsnack menus. The percentages of “Grains (G)” and “Grains (G) + Milk (D)” patterns were higher in snack menu (G: 18.9%,G+D: 17.1%). Approximately one third of snack menus were composed of only one food group. In addition, 45.6 % of allsnack menus comprised milk and only 23.0% included fruits. Conclusion: These results demonstrated the need forimprovement in food composition and diversity of snack menus provided by Child Care Information Centers for child carecenters. Therefore, to ensure children's intake of nutritionally balanced snacks, it will be necessary to establish moredetailed guidelines for the menu pattern and food composition in snack menus for child care centers. 본 연구에서는 어린이집에서 제공하는 간식에 대한 식품가이드 등 구체적인 기준을 설정하기 위한 기초자료를 마련하기 위하여 어린이집 간식식단의 유형 및 식품의 다양성을 평가하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 서울시 소재 육아종합지원센터 총 14개소에서 2013년 3월 중 어린이집에 제공한오전 및 오후 간식 630식을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 제공시간에 따라 간식식단의 유형 및 식품 다양성에 차이가 있었다. 전체적으로 두 가지 메뉴 품목을 포함한 간식식단이 가장 많았으나 (66.8%), 오전간식 (1.63개)에 비해 오후간식(1.74개)의 메뉴 품목 가짓수가 유의적으로 더 많았다. 스낵·음료 조합 패턴을 살펴본 결과, 전체적으로 스낵과 음료를 각 한 개 포함한 (Food + Beverage) 비율이 가장 높았다 (56.7%). 간식식단의 식품군별 제공비율을 분석하였으며 총 630식의 간식식단에서 곡류, 고기·생선·달걀·콩류, 채소류, 과일류, 우유 및 유제품류를 포함하고 있는 식단은각각 63.5%, 20.3%, 24.9%, 23.0%, 45.6%였다. 간식식단의 식품군 패턴에서는 곡류 (G)와 곡류+우유 및 유제품류(G + D) 패턴이 각 18.9%, 17.1%로 가장 비율이 높았다. 식품군별 다빈도 메뉴 품목을 분석하였으며, 곡류에서는 ‘빵류 (21.3%)’, 고기·생선·달걀·콩류에서는 ‘콩류 (32.5%)’, 채소류에서는 ‘숙채류 (66.7%)’, 과일류에서는 ‘생과일(85.1%)’, 우유 및 유제품류에서는 ‘우유 (66.9%)’가 제공된 비율이 가장 높았다. 본 연구결과 특히, 오후간식 식단에서 한 가지 식품군만으로 구성된 경우가 절반 정도로 제공되는 식품이 다양하지 못했다. 또한 오후간식의 경우 전체 식단의 약 1/3이 곡류만으로 구성되어 있어 충분한 무기질과 비타민 공급이부족할 가능성이 있었다. 식사로 섭취하기 어려운 우유 및유제품류는 간식으로 제공되는 것이 바람직하나 본 연구결과 전체 간식식단의 46%에만 포함되어 있었으며, 과일류 제공 비율은 23%에 불과하였다. 따라서 어린이집을 이용하는 영유아들에게 질적, 양적으로 보다 바람직한 간식을 제공하기 위해서는 오전과 오후간식의 기본 형태, 식품군 구성, 메뉴유형 등에 대한 보다 구체적이며 통합적인 기준이 마련되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        자율배식과 교사배식에 따른 유아의 어린이집 점심급식 섭취 사례 비교

        여윤재,권수연,김미영,윤지현 한국지역사회생활과학회 2020 한국지역사회생활과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Lunches at child care centers are important in terms of nutrition and dietary education. The purpose of this study was to compare the food and nutrient intake of children between self-served and teacher-served lunches in two child care centers. Lunchtime observations and dietary intake assessments using a digital photography method were conducted with children aged four to five years attending a child care center that provided self-served lunches (n=36) and those attending a child care center that provided teacher-served lunches (n=33) in November 2014. The length of serving and eating time was similar in the two groups. The children eating self-served lunches ate significantly more rice and main dishes (meat·fish·egg and bean group) and less kimchi and side dishes (vegetable group) than those eating the teacher-served lunches. Children’s energy and protein intake from the self-served lunches did not differ significantly from that from the teacher-served lunches. In conclusion, a self-served lunch service could be a feasible option without increasing the length of lunchtime and the nutritional risk of children at child care centers.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 소재 육아종합지원센터에서 제공하는 어린이집 간식 식단의 유형 및 영양소 평가

        여윤재(Yoonjae Yeoh),권수연(Sooyoun Kwon),이영미(Youngmi Lee) 동아시아식생활학회 2014 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        This study was conducted to evaluate menu pattern and nutritional contents of snack menus provided by child care information centers in Seoul. Snack menus during March 2013 (morning snack : 125 cases, afternoon snack : 100 cases), including information on portion size, were collected from five child care information centers, after which the number of menu items, menu patterns, and nutritional contents were analyzed. About two-thirds of total snack menus included two menu items. There were significant differences in service time (morning & afternoon snacks). ‘Beverage+Food’ pattern (66.7%) was the most commonly used; ‘Beverage’ pattern was significantly higher in morning snacks (10.4%) than in afternoon snacks (1.0%). Morning and afternoon snacks provided 124.5 and 170.6 kcal of energy and 116.4 and 90.9 mg of calcium, respectively, which are 8.9% and 12.2% as well as 19.4%, and 15.2% of children’s daily energy and calcium requirements. To improve the quality of food and nutrition offered to children through snacks at child carre centers, a more detailed snack menu plan as well as nutritional guidelines for institutions should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        서울 소재 어린이급식관리지원센터 수행 사업에 대한 어린이 급식소의 만족도 분석

        여윤재(Yoon-Jae Yeoh),권수연(Sooyoun Kwon),고세린(Serin Go),김지윤(Jiyoon Kim) 동아시아식생활학회 2015 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate satisfaction with children’s foodservice facilities about program at Center for Children’s Foodservice Management (CCFSM) by focusing on differences between associate and regular members. In December 2014, an online survey was conducted at 155 children’s foodservice facilities which were enrolled members at CCFSM in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul. The questionnaire included the general characteristics of respondents, satisfaction with CCFSM’s services : ‘Field consulting’, ‘Education and training for cook’, ‘Menu’, and ‘Newsletter’. The questionnaire was responded by 78 foodservice facilities for children, including 42 regular members (53.8%) and 36 associate members (46.2%). The analysis rate was 50.3% and the majority of respondents were child-care centers (94.9%). As a result, satisfaction with ‘Newsletter (4.87 points/5 points)’ was the highest while ‘Menu (3.95 points)’ was the lowest. Satisfaction with ‘Education and training for cook’ of regular members (4.74 points) was significantly higher than that of associate members (4.41 points). For factors affecting overall satisfaction with CCFSM’s service, there was a difference between associate and regular members. Regular members were significantly affected by ‘Menu (p<0.001)’, and ‘Newsletter (p<0.05)’. Associate members were affected by ‘Education and training for cook (p<0.05)’. Thus, satisfaction with Menu of CCFSM should be increased. The results of this study show that there was a difference in satisfaction between associate and regular members. Therefore, CCFSM program should be implemented depending on the characteristics of foodservice facilities for children and their needs.

      • KCI등재

        어린이집 급식재료 공동구매 업체 이용에 대한 현황 및 만족도 분석

        여윤재(Yoonjae Yeoh),권수연(Sooyoun Kwon) 동아시아식생활학회 2015 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        The aims of this study were to investigate (1) the status of food materials purchased by group-buying companies and (2) the satisfaction with food materials and service quality of group-buying companies in foodservice at child-care centers. In November 2013, child-care centers which were participated in a group-buying program in Gwanak-gu, Seoul were requested to complete self-reported questionnaires. One hundred and eight respondents (76.9% of directors, 23.1% of non-directors) completed questionnaires, including purchase frequency of food materials, degree of satisfaction with ‘food materials’ and ‘operating system and service’ of group-buying companies. About 60% of child-care centers purchased food materials from major companies. Respondents’ overall satisfaction with ‘food materials’ and ‘operating system and service’ were ‘3.55’ and ‘3.72’ out of 5 points, respectively. For overall satisfaction with food materials, there were significant differences between ‘public (3.79)’ and ‘private, home-based (3.31)’ child-care centers (p=0.023). The results of multi-regression analysis showed that quality (β=0.271, p=0.013) and price appropriateness (β=0.284, p=0.002) were associated with overall satisfaction with food materials purchased by group-buying companies. The factors such as delivery accuracy about items(β=?0.201, p=0.042), hygiene of delivery process (β=-0.207, p=0.025) and communication with companies (β=?0.317, p=0.003) were significantly associated with overall satisfaction with operating system and service provided by group-buying companies. The results of this study could be utilized for group-buying companies and the government to develop guidelines and policies on food material buying in foodservice at child-care centers.

      • KCI등재

        관악구 보육교사의 배식서비스 참여 및 식사지도 실태

        여윤재(Yoon Jae Yeoh),권수연(Soo Youn Kwon),윤지현(Ji Hyun Yoon) 대한지역사회영양학회 2013 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate how child-care teachers participate, practice mealtime instruction, and perceive difficulties in food service, focusing on comparison between the teachers caring two different age groups: children younger than three years (Younger Group) and those three years or older (Older Group). Questionnaires were distributed to 151 child-care centers in Kwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea during December, 2011. Only the data from 25 child-care centers, where two respective teachers in charge of Younger Group and Older Group completed the questionnaires, were analyzed. The results showed that there was no difference in terms of child-care teachers` participation in food service practice between the two groups, except for serving method; ‘Pre-plated’ serving was used significantly more often in Younger Group, whereas ‘Line-up’ serving was used in Older Group. Approximately, three quarters of the child-care centers had policies or guidelines on mealtime instruction. During mealtime, child-care teachers tended to use frequently verbal instructions such as “sit up straight when you eat” about eating manner, “don`t be picky with your food” about eating habit, and “wash your hands before eating” about eating procedure in both the groups. There was no statistically significant difference regarding child-care teachers` perceived difficulties in food service between the two groups. These results indicated that child-care teachers` participation and mealtime instruction in food service did not differ between the two age groups, although children`s development of digestion and eating skill differed by age. Therefore, training should be provided to child-care teachers about food service practices and mealtime instruction appropriate to children`s age. (Korean J Community Nutr 18(2): 112~124, 2013)

      • KCI등재

        초·중·고등학생의 아침식사 섭취에 따른 하루식사의 질 평가

        여윤재(Yoon Jae Yeoh),윤지현(Ji Hyun Yoon),심재은(Jae Eun Shim) 대한지역사회영양학회 2009 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        The aims of this study were to assess the quality of breakfast intake and to examine the relation of breakfast intake to the quality of daily diet in Korean school-aged children. The one day 24-hour recall data from the 2001 National Health and Nutrition Survey were analyzed. The sample of this study consisted of 1,600 children aged 7 to 18 years attending elementary, middle, or high schools. By calorie level of breakfast intake, the children were grouped into Breakfast Skippers (0 kcal; n=268, 17%), Low Calorie Breakfast Eaters (0 kcal< and <10% of Estimated Energy Requirement (EER); n=190, 12%), Moderate Calorie Breakfast Eaters (10%≤ and <25% of EER; n=861, 54%), or Sufficient Calorie Breakfast Eaters (≥25% of EER; n=281, 17%). General characteristics including weight status and nutritional quality of breakfast and daily diet were compared among the four groups. The average daily calorie intake of Breakfast Skippers, Low, Moderate, and Sufficient Breakfast Eaters were 1,771 kcal, 1,719 kcal, 1,902 kcal, and 2,349 kcal, respectively; they were 86.3%, 85.9%, 98.0%, and 124.9% of EER, respectively. The percentages of students consuming daily diet with protein, vitamin A, B1, B2, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, or iron less than Estimated Average Requirement decreased in the breakfast groups with the higher calorie level of breakfast intake. The Dietary Variety Score of daily diet significantly increased by increasing the calorie level of breakfast intake. The results indicated the quality of daily diet was positively related to the level of calorie intake from breakfast. (Korean J Community Nutrition 14(1):1~11, 2009)

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