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        헝가리인 마쟈르의 한국독립운동 지원과 그 의의

        양지선 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2019 東洋學 Vol.0 No.77

        There is a Hungarian member in the Korean Heroic Corps, called Magyar, Majar, Murjar. Hungarians have used the name Magyar to distinguish themselves from other races. After the First World War, Magyar met Lee Tae-Joon, a member of the Korean Heroic Corps, in Mongolia and participated in the Korean independence movement. He served as a liaison and transportation service for Korean independence activist who had traveled through Mongolia. Meanwhile, Kim Won-Bong, who had planned a fierce independence battle in China, thought that getting the weapons such as bombs and pistols was the most important for future activities. Unexpectedly, he met with Lee Tae-Joon in Beijing to hear about the Hungarian bomb engineer Magyar. However, he is killed by Lee Tae-Joon’s Ungern troops who tried to pick him up. But Magyar came to Beijing alone to find Kim Won-Bong. The situation of colonial Chosun was similar to that of Hungary. He sympathized deeply with Korea and decided to help the independence movement. Afterwards, the two went to Shanghai to set up a bomb mill in French concession and produce weapons such as bombs. The squad members and some Chinese helped him, and the bomb making went smoothly. Kim Won-Bong used this bomb to carry out the second assassination and destruction plan. The problem was bringing bombs in to the country. The transportation route for bombs was Shanghai-Tianjin-Andong-Kyungsung. Magyar decided to carry out weapons such as bombs from Shanghai to Tianjin. Westerners are subject to extraterritorial rights. The weapons that arrived in Tianjin safely crossed the Ap-Rok river border, but the plan was delivered to Japan and revealed due to the report from a spy in the Korean Heroic Corps. The Japanese were astonished at the sight of Magyar’s bombs and thought that the Korean Heroic Corps could not make such high-performance bombs themselves. Although not a big success, his bomb-making skills were inherited by the members of the Korean Heroic Corps and helped the Korean Heroic Corps later pursue the armed struggle. 마쟈르, 마쟐, 머저르라고 불리는 헝가리인 의열단원이 있다. 헝가리인들은 다른 종족들로부터 자신들을 구별하기 위해 마쟈르라는 호칭을 사용하여 왔다. 마쟈르는 제1차 세계대전 후 몽골에서 의열단원 이태준을 만나면서 한국독립운동에 참여하게 되었다. 그는 이태준을 도와 몽골을 경유하던 한국독립운동가들에게 연락과교통편 등을 제공하는 역할을 했다. 한편, 중국 관내 지역에서 의열투쟁을 계획하던 김원봉은 앞으로의 활동을 위해서는 무엇보다 위력이 큰 폭탄과 권총 등의 무기를 안정적으로 확보하는 것이 필요하다고 생각하였다. 이때 뜻밖에도 베이징에서 이태준을 만나 헝가리 폭탄기술자 마쟈르에 관한 이야기를 듣게 되었다. 하지만 몽골에 있는 그를 데리고 오겠다는이태준이 운게르 부대에 의해 살해당하고 만다. 마쟈르는 이태준이 사망하였음에도 불구하고 단신으로 베이징에 와 김원봉을 찾았다. 식민지조선의 처지가조국 헝가리와 유사했기 때문이다. 한국을 극히 동정하던 그가 독립운동을 돕기로 결심했던 것이다. 이후 두 사람은 상하이로 가 프랑스조계 내에 폭탄제조소를 차렸다. 의열단원 및 몇몇 중국인들이 그를 도와 폭탄을 제조하였으며, 모든 과정은 순조로웠다. 김원봉은 마쟈르의 폭탄을 이용해 제2차 암살·파괴계획을 추진하였다. 문제는 폭탄을 국내까지 반입하는일이었다. 폭탄 이동 노선은 상하이 ‒ 톈진 ‒ 안동 ‒ 경성이었다. 이때 마쟈르가 상하이에서부터 톈진까지 폭탄등 무기 운반을 맡았다. 서양인들은 치외법권의 적용을 받아 비교적 안전하였기 때문이다. 톈진에 도착한 무기는 무사히 압록강 국경을 넘었지만, 의열단 내 밀정의 신고로 일본에게 발각되면서 계획은 무산되고 말았다. 마쟈르의 폭탄을 본 일본은 경악하였지만, 의열단이 이 같은 고성능의 폭탄을 직접 만들지는 못했을 것이라 생각했다. 기대했던 만큼 큰 성과를 거두지는 못하였지만, 그의 폭탄제조 기술은 의열단원들에게 계승되어 이후 의열단이 무장투쟁을 추진하는 큰 힘이 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 중국 천진지역 한인들의 교육실태와 전시동원체제

        양지선 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2014 東洋學 Vol.57 No.-

        한인들은 1920년대까지 주로 민족교육기관과 중국인학교에서 수학하였으며, 민족교육기관인 삼일유치원을 설립하고 우리말과 역사를 교육시켜 독립운동세력으로 양성하고자 했다. 그러나 천진지역 독립운동세력이 일본의 감시와 탄압으로 각지로 흩어지게 되면서 그들이 운영하던 삼일유치원 역시 문을 닫고 말았다. 민족교육기관의 부재와 현실적인 어려움으로 인해 한인들은 자녀들을 중국인학교에 보내 중국사회 내에서의 완전한 정착을 도모하였다. 그러나 1931년 만주 침공을 계기로 일제가 천진지역에서 점차 세력을 확대해감에 따라 천진지역 한인의 교육상황에도 변화가 나타났다. 한인들은 일제가 주도하는 사회 내에 진출하기 위해서 일본교육기관에 입학하려는 경향을 보였으며, 일제 역시 내선공학을 내세워 한인들을 적극적으로 식민교육기관 안에 편입시켰다. 그러나 한인들이 일제의 식민교육기관 내에서 일본인과 함께 교육 받는 이른바 내선공학을 일본인과 동등한 지위를 향유할 수 있는 기회로 받아들인 반면, 일제는 한인들의 교육에 대한 기대를 기만적으로 이용해 한인들을 전장에까지 동원하였다. Till the 1920s, Koreans mostly went to educational agencies affiliated with their ethnic group or the Chinese people. They established Samil Kindergarten, which was an ethnic educational agency, and taught the Korean language and history to raise the students as future powers of the independent movement. However, as the surveillance and suppression of Japan scattered the Korean people of Tianjin who were involved in the independent movement to various regions, Samil Kindergarten which was operated by those people had no choice but to close down. Due to the absence of an ethnic educational agency and realistic difficulties, the Korean people started sending their children to Chinese educational agencies in attempt to fully settle in the Chinese society. Then, in 1931, the Invasion on Manchuria occurred to make the Japanese Empire expand their influence on Tianjin area, which eventually changed the educational circumstances of the Korean people in the area. In the 1930s, the Japanese Empire started asserting the ‘mutual education for Japanese and Koreans,’ and tried to infuse colonial education into the Korean people. This made more and more Koreans be fond of entering Japanese educational agencies as they thought the mutual education for Japanese and Koreans provided by the Japanese educational agencies will give them an opportunity to have the same status with the Japanese people. However, the Japanese Empire deceptively used such expectations of the Korean people. After the Sino-Japanese war broke out, the Korean students were transferred to the Japaneseeducational agencies through the ‘mutual education system for Japanese and Koreans,’ which wasused as a mean to mobilize the students to battlefields.

      • KCI등재

        中國 天津지역 韓僑의 귀환 과정 연구

        양지선 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2015 東洋學 Vol.60 No.-

        Right after liberation, the Kuomintang Government treated the Korean people living in China as same as the Japanese people living in China, and decided to apply a collective repatriation policy. The concentrated management center of each region even had cases of mistreating Korean soldiers and people. This was mainly due to the confused political situation after liberation and economic difficulties. Centered by the Korean people in China at Delegation Foreign Affairs to China, the provisional government of the Republic of Korea fiercely opposed such collective policy. The Korean people who fought together with the Chinese people against Japan in the past naturally demanded to be treated differently with the Japanese people living in China. However, the Foreign Office of China, which managed the treatment of the Korean people, and the Chinese Army had different opinions on the subject, making it difficult to be improved. Due to the continuous opposition of the provisional government of the Republic of Korea and in attempt to reinforce its future influence on the Korean Peninsula through the provisional government, the Kuomintang Government finally decided to apply separate policies for Korean people and Japanese people living in China with the Kim Won-sik Incident as a momentum. However, it took considerable time for the improved policy on the Korean people reach and be enforced on regional provinces and cities. While negotiating the repatriation policy for the Korean people living in China with the Kuomintang Government, the provisional government of the Republic of Korea decided to establish the Korean people in China at Delegation Foreign Affairs to China which will handle the safe return of the Koreans. The delegation was mainly divided into three regional groups; North China, Central China and South China. The delagation’s pacification Group in North China took charge of Tianjin area. As Tianjin area became the major returning port and works related to the returning of Korean people increased, the Tianjin Branch Office of the pacification Group in North China was established. Since then, all works related to the returning of Korean people in Tianjin area were handled by the branch office. Since the pacification group was also under the control of the Kuomintang Government, however, they couldn’t freely decide matters related to the returning of Korean people. 1945년 8월 15일 일제가 패망한 후 중국 각지에 거주하고 있던 한교들은 上海, 靑島, 廈門 등의 귀환항을통해 귀환하였으며, 그 가운데 北京과 天津지역 한교 대부분은 톈진의 大沽港을 통하였다. 해방 직후 일교집중관리소에 일교와 함께 일괄 집중되어 송환을 기다리던 한교들은 임시정부의 요구와 톈진지역으로 피난 오는 한교의 격증으로 한교집중관리소가 설립된 이후에야 일교와 분리되어 이곳으로 집중되었다. 1946년 2월 4,022명이 한교집중관리소로 집중된 이후 곧바로 귀환 작업이 시작되어 같은 해 7월까지28,723명이 톈진을 통해 국내로 돌아왔다.

      • KCI등재

        張伯苓의 천진지역 한국독립운동 지원활동

        양지선 한국근현대사학회 2013 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.67 No.-

        In China, Zhang Bo Ling of a Nankai junior high school and a Nankai universitywas a very prominent educator, and a patriot. After Zhang Bo Ling encountered Koreans through the Nankai university, theKorean foreign students supported positively the independent activist who worked,in Tianjin. It will be as follows Zhang Bo Ling became interested in the korean studentsthrough Park Yong Tae and helped them solved their administrations and tuitionproblems. He also permitted the creation of the korean students association. Second, while his concern about the life and education of the korean students inhis school was gradually expanding he became interested in the independence movementled by Park Yong Tae and other independent movements he introduced in Tianjin. Third, As he was been observed by the japanese for his support of the antijapanese student movement, he indirectly supported them through the help ofthe Christianity organization and the American missionary. In other words hebecame the mediator between the christian organizations and the anti-japanesestudent movement in Tianjin. He also introduced numerous helping groups tohelp them in their independence movement. Fourth, Zhang Bo Ling contacted An Chang Ho who was a member of theprovisional government who later on became the main figure in providing furtherassistance to the korean students regarding their admission and tuition problems.

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