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      • KCI등재

        Global Educational Experience and L2 Learning Motivation of Korean College Students

        양은미 한국영어교과교육학회 2013 영어교과교육 Vol.12 No.2

        The aim of this study is twofold: first, to investigate the effects of global educational activities on college students’ L2 learning motivation in a Korean EFL context; second, to illuminate the relationship among motivational components more clearly. Quantitative analyses were conducted with 59Korean college students who joined 2 different kinds of global activities:volunteering work programs and an English language program. The results of this study suggest that both groups showed a significantly enhanced level of international posture, ideal L2 self, and intended effort toward learning English, even though there were differences of degrees in the ideal L2 self and intended learning effort, but not in the international posture. It is speculated that the different durations of the programs made these differences. In addition, a conclusion was drawn from this result that international posture,the attitudinal openness to foreigners, is an antecedent of visualizing a more clear future L2 self image, and ideal L2 self was the stronger predictor of being a successful L2 learner who put forth more intended L2 learning effort than international posture.

      • KCI등재

        Geração 1.5 dos imigrantes coreanos em São Paulo: aspectos de relacionamentos com brasileiros no âmbito profissional

        양은미 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2014 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.11 No.3

        This study aims to examine aspects of the relationship between the Generation 1.5 of the Korean immigrants and Brazilian in São Paulo in the professional environment in a way of understanding how the notion of Self and the Other by Korean immigrants is built. Based on theoretical contemplation on the relationship between I and Other which constitute the individual's identity, and otherness, this article tries to discover what kind of challenges the inclusion of respondents in Brazilian society has brought to their notion of I and the Other. The statements of respondents allows us to understand that in relations with Brazilian respondents experienced otherness and through these experiences they now have chances to look at themselves from the eyes of Brazilians, their Others. In other words, the capacity of objectification both of themselves and of the Others is created in this process. I propose that, by examining aspects of relationships of Korean immigrants with Brazilians, it will be possible to understand, in and through further study, how they accept their identity "between", already given being Generation 1.5, and what meanings they attribute to it in order to make it more active and dynamic identity.

      • KCI등재

        상파울로 한인 1.5세: 학교라는 공간에서의 타자와의 관계 맺기

        양은미 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2012 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.9 No.2

        O presente artigo pretende aproximar-se da questão dos relacionamentos tecidos pelos entrevistados pertencentes à Geração 1.5 de imigrantes coreanos que vivem em São Paulo. É possível identificar alguns círculos importantes, pelo tempo e regularidade de frequênciaa esses ambientes, e com os quais eles tinham um vínculo mais duradouro - como a família, comunidade coreana, igrejas coreanas e escolas. Aqui o foco será lançado sobre os aspectos dos relacionamentos no âmbito escolar onde os entrevistados experienciaram seus outros, brasileiros, de modo regular e mais equilibrado em termos de diversidade étnica e cultura do país, com o objetivo de refletir sobre como se deu a integração dos imigrantes coreanos no âmbito brasileiro ou no seu processo social e como aqueles têm interpretado e vivido esse encontro com o Brasil nesse espaço. É de grande importância examinar esse ponto quando lembramos que, nas relações com os brasileiros é que os entrevistados experienciaram a alteridade, e foi a partir dessa experiência que se tornaram capazes de olharem para si mesmos a partir dos olhos dos brasileiros, isto é, de fazerem a objetivação tanto de si quanto dos Outros, de forma menos preconceituosa.

      • KCI등재

        A brasilidade construída via e em detrimento da sua diversidade

        양은미 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2012 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.9 No.3

        Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre cómo la diversidad se ha desarrollado en un intento de construir el brasileñidad, una identidad nacional, cuestionando así el problema de la desigualdad, la cara oscura de esta diversidad. Para eso, el presente artículo explora: en primer lugar, el contexto en que se produjo el gran flujo de inmigración extranjera que forma la faceta multicultural de Brasil hoy en día, y en segundo lugar, como el Estado y sus élites políticas se han ocupado de esta diversidad. A diferencia de lo que se ha propagado en la retórica política en Brasil y de la imagen, la historia del Brasil muestra que la diversidad ni siempre ha sido reconocida como un valor. Los datos muestran que el tema de la diversidad, asociada a la pluralidad cultural, nunca se discutió abiertamente en los discursos políticos, así como en la enseñanza pública con la frecuencia y el impacto que el mismo tiene en el contexto actual. A pesar de ser una gran verdad el hecho de que la diversidad marca la vida social brasileña, el complejo proceso que presente la diversidad de la vida brasileña es ignorado y/o caracterizado de un modo erróneo. La escuela también ha propagado hace mucho tiempo prejuicio de diversas formas, y se mantuvo en silencio o ha minimizado la presencia de la diversidad. This paper aims to reflect on how the diversity of the Brazilian society has been developed in an attempt to build the Brazilianness, one national identity, thus questioning the inequality problem, the dark face of such diversity. For this, the article explores, first, the context in which the great foreign immigration flow occurred, forming the multicultural facet of Brazil today, and second, how the State and its political elites have dealt with such diversity. Unlike what has been propagated in the political rhetoric in Brazil, the diversity has not always been recognized as having a value. The data show that the theme of diversity, associated with cultural plurality, was never discussed openly in political and pedagogic speeches with the frequency and the impact that it has in today's context. Despite being a great truth the fact that diversity marks the Brazilian social life, the complex process that diversity presents in Brazilian life has been ignored and/or mischaracterized. The school also has long spread prejudice in various forms, and kept silent or minimized the presence of diversity.

      • KCI등재

        16-18세기 아마존 일반어(Língua Geral Amazônica)의 탄생과 확장: 원주민의 말에서 정복의 언어로

        양은미 한국라틴아메리카학회 2020 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.33 No.3

        Língua Geral Amazônica was an official language that functioned for colonization of the Amazon through the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It was originated from the Tupi or Tupinambá, an inidigenous tribal language, but went through a process of being systematized and detribalized by the Jesuits, which consolidated its position as a standard language of power. In this process, the other indigenous tribes were treated as a single unit called tapuia, and later al indigenous people, whether Tupi or Tapuia, were generalized as Índio Genérico. Currently, the language which has been called Nhengatu since the nineteenth century is still present in the northern part of the Amazon. The aim of this study is to understand what kind of communication was intended by the Portuguese colonizers when they adopted the Língua Geral and promoted its use for colonization of the region. For that purpose, I examine the historical process through which the Tupinambá language was transformed from a coloquial indigenous language to a language of conquest until the mid-eighteenth century. The reason for such delimitation is that the language lost its official position as a general language for communication in 1757 when the Marquis of Pombal prohibited its use. The point of departure for this study is the problematic question concerning the modern Nheengatu, which has recently taken on the symbolic meaning of the indigenous peoples’ struggle for decolonization as well as for the restoration of indigenous identity in Brazil. The paradox exists because although it was created based on an indigenous language, it apparently was the language of conquest in the colonial period. Thus, in this study, by focusing on a series of interpretations on the Língua Geral and its position attributed by the Portuguese colonizers during this period, I estimate how and toward which direction Nheengatu and indigenous related research should develop in the current context.

      • KCI등재

        까바나젱과 녱가뚜어의 지위 변화: 브라질 원주민 문제의 현재성과 탈식민적 시민성 건설

        양은미 한국라틴아메리카학회 2022 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.35 No.1

        This article aims to examine the process of changes in the meanings and status of Nheengatu caused by Cabanagem (1835-1840) and the current expansion of discussion on indigenous peoples in Brazil, propelled by the recent journey of officialization of indigenous languages in some municipalities of Brazil. The purpose of this study is to prospect what kind of possibilities such a trend suggests in the long term in relation to postcolonial identity of indigenous people as well as the chronic problems of exclusion and inequality of the region. For this, the chapter 2 examines the reform of Marquis of Pombal in the 18th century when the use of the Amazonial General Language was banned. The chapter 3 deals with Cabanagem by which indigenous peoples got to read the world and themselves through Nheengatu, transformed into a language of resistance by contacts among the marginalized elements of the society. In the chapter 4, the article focuses on the continuing officialization of indigenous languages in Brazil at a municipal level. At the same time, it sheds light on the steps made by various actors to promote the participation of indigenous peoples in higher education and hegemonic knowledge production. Chapter 5 concludes the article suggesting some possibilities of how to interpret these trends considering the context in which it is needed to establish a new citizenship facing the problem of alienation as well as the current global ecological crisis.

      • KCI등재

        Korean college students’ English learning motivation and listening proficiency

        양은미 한국영어어문교육학회 2011 영어어문교육 Vol.17 No.2

        The aim of this study is twofold. First, this study aimed to explore how Korean university students’ English learning motivation is related to their English listening proficiency and study time. Second, it attempted to interpret the English learning motivation linking the two different motivation theories: self-determination theory and L2 motivational self system. The constructs of the students’ L2 learning motivation were investigated with the data obtained through the questionnaire from 122 sophomore students. A factor analysis was conducted to extract the major factors of motivation. As a result, 6 factors were extracted: Intrinsic Pleasure, Identified Value Regulation, Intrinsic Accomplishment, Introjected Regulation, External Regulation, and Identified Regulation. The Interrelatedness among the assessment results on the L2 listening proficiency (pre and post test), listening study time, and motivation factors was measured by correlation coefficients. The statistical results indicated that pre-test scores were significantly related to Identified Regulation and Identified Value Regulation toward English learning, and post-test results had significant correlation with Intrinsic Accomplishment and Identified Regulation. However, no motivation subtypes showed statistical association with the students’ listening study time. The results were attempted to be interpreted both under L2 motivational self system and self-determination framework to better illuminate the motivation theory with more explanatory power.

      • KCI등재

        Dysfunctional Communication between Parents and Child -Convergence Analysis with Transactional Analysis and Communication Theory

        양은미,이현심,Yang, Eun-Mi,Lee, Hyun-Sim The Society of Digital Policy and Management 2018 디지털융복합연구 Vol.16 No.8

        본 연구의 목적은 가족관계 붕괴를 가져오는 부모와 자녀 간의 역기능 의사소통의 유형을 보기 위함이다. 이를 위해 매트릭스 분석 방법을 활용하여 영화 '다우더'의 주요 인물들의 대사와 태도에서 그들의 언어적 행동의 특징을 추출하여 개념화하였다. 이 개념화된 결과를 교류분석과 사티어의 의사소통이론으로 융복합적으로 분석하였다. 분석한 결과는 부모 자녀 간의 역기능적 의사소통이 부모, 자녀 관계에 정서적 붕괴가 일어날 수 있는 위태로운 관계로 악화시킬 수 있다는 것을 보여주었다. 따라서 건강한 부모, 자녀 관계를 유지하기 위해서는 순기능적 의사소통이 중요하며, 이를 위해 수용적 의사소통에 대한 이해와 방법에 대한 부모 자녀 간의 교육프로그램 개발의 필요성을 제언하였다. This study tries to figure out the precarious communication types between parents and their children. For this, the linguistic behavioral characteristics of the main characters in the movie "Daughter" were extracted from their dialogues with the matrix analysis and were conceptualized. These conceptual features were analyzed in the convergence way combined with Transactional analysis and Satir's communication theory. The result shows that the dysfunctional communication between parents and children deteriorates their relation and even could collapse it. Thus. for their whole relation, it is important that they keep the functional communication between them. The study suggested the need for the parental education and youth personality education which let them know how to facilitate their communication.

      • KCI등재

        브라질의 정치적 세속성( laicidade)과 공교육의 세속성

        양은미 한국 포르투갈-브라질 학회 2013 포르투갈-브라질 연구 Vol.10 No.1

        This article aims to examine the process of laicization of the State and the implementation of that principle in the public education in Brazil, and elaborate the key concept ‘laicity’. It is important to address the issue because it is frequent to see that the degree of laicization of the State, in particular, the non-participation of the Catholic Church in public education as one of the goals of modernity in Brazil. Furthermore, the concept of laic State is being explored and used with more frequency and by minority groups in more and more diversified terms. Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar o processo de laicização do Estado brasileiro e a implementação de tal princípio na arena do ensino público e elaborar a conceituação minunciosa dos termos ‘laicidade’ do estado. É importante tratar do assunto porque é frequente citar o grau da laicidade do Estado, em particular, a não-participação da Igreja Católica do ensino público como uma das metas da modernidade no Brasil assim como nos outroso países da América Latina. Além disso, o conceito de estado laico vem sendo explorado cada vez mais frequentemente e pelos grupos minoritários em cada vez mais variados termos com o fim de defender seus interesses.

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