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        한국교회 복음의 관문인 백령도선교와 교회설립에 관한 연구

        안치범 한국실천신학회 2013 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.36

        한국 기독교역사는 19세기에 바깥으로부터 밀려든 선교의 물결과 더불어 시작 된다. 그 물결이 가자 먼저 닿은 곳은 서해의 대청군도와 인근해역이었다. 이는19세기에 동아시아가 유럽 각국의 영유를 둘러싼 각축장이 되었던 탓이지만, 내부적으로는 대청군도와 인근 해역이 바깥세계와 접촉하는 해상 교통의 요충지이기 때문 이었다. 따라서 한국 기독교의 맹아였던 19세기 복음화의 자취를 쫓으려면, 우리는 대청군도와 그 인근 해역을 먼저 찾지 않을 수 없다. 백령도는 대청군도 안에 있는 섬들 가운데 하나이다. 19세기의 복음화 과정에서 백령도의 입지는 매우 선구적인 것이었으며, 백령도는 초기 기독교 역사에 중추적인 역할을 하였다. 그러나 그것은 여전히 역사의 시련과 더불어 한 발 한 발 다가와야 했다. 백령도는 19세기 역사로부터 자유롭지 않았다. 하지만 그럴 때에 하나님은 허득과 같은 인물들을 보내주었다. 이들 선택된 자들은 주민들과 함께 교회를 세우는데 헌신적인 노력을 기울였고, 마침내 백령도의 모 교회이자 자생교회를 탄생시킨다. 그곳이 중화동의 세워진 백령도 최초의 교회인 것이다. 본고는 연구범위를 백령도 중화교회로 한정하여 시대적 배경과 교회사적 배경 중화교회 설립 과정 등을 관련 문헌들을 통해 재조명할 것이다. 이와 같은 연구 진행은 19세기 후반 조선의 정국, 황해도의 동학 항쟁 과 소래교회의 연구를 통해 중화교회 설립 전의 조선의 정국, 시대적 배경과 교회 설립에 직접적으로 영향을 미친 동학농민운동, 그리고 소래교회의 영향 등을 밝힐 것이다. 그리고 갑오경장(甲午更張)과 백령진의 폐진(廢鎭)을 통해 당시 백령도의 쇠락이 중화교회설립에 미친 연관성을 밝히며, 백령도 교회 설립의 움직임을 통하여 중화교회의 설립과정을 자세히 다루고, 언더우드 선교사의 백령도 방문에서 북 장로교회로 온전한 자격요건을 갖추게 된 중화교회의 역사를 조명하고, 허득 공의 서거(逝去)를 통해 중화교회의 핵심 설립자인 허득 공의 공로를 보여줄 것이다. 마지막 결론에서는 이를 바탕으로 한국교회의 역사를 약술하고 중화교회의 복음의 씨앗이 현재 백령도 복음화에 미친 영향을 드러낼 것이다. The history of korean christianity has started with missionary waves from outside in 1900s. It was received before the wave would come, Daecheongdo Island of the West Sea and neighboring waters. It's because East Asia in the 19th century was the arena of competition over the possession of European countries, but internally Daecheong Island and neighboring waters is a hub of maritime traffic in contact with the outside world. Therefore, if you want to follow the trail of the Gospel in 19th century was a sprout of Christianity in Korea, we can find before its neighboring waters and Daecheongdo Island. Baengnyeong Island is one of the lands in the Daecheong archipelago. Location Baengnyeong island was highly pioneering in the process of evangelization of the 19th century, and it played an important role in the early history of Christianity. However, it should come closer step by step against test of historyl. Baengnyeong Island, was not free from the history of the 19th century. However, in such a case, God has sent a person like Heo deuk. The person who was selected for built a church with the residents and made an effort. Finally it is a mother church of Baengnyeong Island. It is the first church in the Baengnyeong Island that there was built in Jungwha-dong. For this reason, in this paper, re-lighting through the literature and the course of church history background Jungwha church establishment and period background as limited to Baengnyeong Island church the scope of the research. Progress of such research, the direct impact on the establishment of the political situation of the Korean Church of Jungwha church establishment before, age and background in the study of political Sole Church of Korea in the late 19th century, and Donghak conflict of Hwanghae Province to clarify Donghak peasant movement and SoRae church that gave, and influence its church. Then, to clarify the relevance Jungwha church establishment decline of Baengnyeong Island at that time Reformation of Kabo and close the Gate of Baengnyeong camp, and in detail the process of the establishment of Jungwha church through the movement of Baengnyeong Island church establishment explains, and illuminates the history of jungwha church as a qualification requirement North Presbyterian Church from Baengnyeong Island visits Underwood missionary, shows the advantage of Heo deuk, a major founder of Jungwha church death of Heo deuk . The conclusion of the last, on the basis of this, seeds of the Gospel of jungwha Church to expose the influence of Baengnyeong Island evangelization present an overview of the history of the Korean church.

      • KCI등재

        축류형 인공심장의 자기베어링 제어를 위한 와전류 센서 시스템 개발

        안치범,문기철,정기석,남경원,이정주,선경,Ahn, C.B.,Moon, K.C.,Jeong, G.S.,Nam, K.W.,Lee, J.J.,Sun, K. 대한의용생체공학회 2007 의공학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        The axial-flow type blood pump(XVAD) which has been developed in our group consists of mechanical parts (an impeller, a diffuser and a flow straightener) and electrical parts (a motor and a magnetic bearing). The magnetic bearing system fully levitates the impeller to remove mechanical coupling with other parts of the pump with constant gap, which needs non-contact type gap sensing. Conventional gap sensors are too large to be adopted to the implantable axial -flow type blood pump. Thus, in this paper, the compact eddy current type gap sensor system proper for the implantable axial-flow type blood pump was developed and its performance was evaluated in vitro. The developed eddy current type gap sensor system is a transformer type and has a differential probe. Sensor coil(probe) has small dimensions(6 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness) and its optimal inductance was determined as 0.068 mH for the measurement range of $0\sim3mm$. It could be manufactured with 130 turns of the 0.04 mm diameter copper coil. The characteristics of the developed eddy current type gap sensor system was evaluated by in vitro experiment. At experiment, it showed satis(actory performance to apply to the magnetic bearing system of the XVAD. It could measure the gap up to 3mm, but the linearity was decreased at the range of $1.8\sim3.0mm$. Moreover, it showed no difference in different media such as the water and the blood at the temperature range of $35\sim40^{\circ}C$.

      • KCI등재

        대학 세례식을 통해서 본 학원복음화 - 안양대학교의 채플과 세례식을 중심으로 -

        안치범 한국실천신학회 2017 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.57

        한국 기독 대학의 채플을 통해 이루어지는 학원복음화는 그 방법에 있어 다양함이 있음을 현실로 나타난다. 때론 대학 채플을 통한 학원복음화라는 현실에 대한 우려의 목소리도 있다. 이런 위기 상황 속에서 대학 채플의 현실을 이해하고 대학 채플의 목적인 복음화의 효율을 높이는 방법을 고민해야 할 것이다. 학생들 개인의 대학교 생활 속에서 대학채플이란 매개체를 통해 인격적으로 예수님을 알게 되고 예수님을 영접하고 신앙생활을 출발하고자 하는 학생들에게 세례를 주는 것은 학생들을 지도하는 교수로써 그리고 목회자로써 너무나도 당연한 사실이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이에 대한 연구가 빈약한 것은 학교를 포함한 기관에서의 세례에 대한 부정적인 견해가 있기 때문이다. 이러한 대학 채플의 현실에서 대학채플의 대상자인 학생들의 참여도와 예배 만족도를 향상시키면서 학원복음화라는 원래의 목적을 살리는 길을 찾는 것이 시급하다. 본 연구를 통해서 복음 선포의 방법에 있어 안양대학교의 대학채플 안에서 이루어지는 대학 세례식을 통해서 학원 복음화의 한 방편임을 볼 수 있다. 특히 선교의 대상인 세례를 받는 자와 참관자 모두에게 기독교에 대한 이해의 폭을 확장하며 학원 복음화에 있어 큰 기여를 하고 있음을 보고자 한다. 이에 기독교 대학의 학원복음화에서 반드시 고려되어야 할 사항과 기독교대학에서의 세례의 필요성과 현실에 대하여 본인이 속해있는 안양대학교의 현실을 바탕으로 논해보고자 한다. 그리고 안양대학교 에서 실제로 행해지고 있는 세례식에 대하여 소개하고자 한다. Institutional evangelization in Korean theological university through a chapel, shows various methods of evangelization in the field of education. Chapel is being claimed by some people, due to the application issues. Despite the fact that, the academic chapel is a complicate issue, understanding of these issues, and urgent solution is needed to evangelize the university more efficiently. As a pastor, and a professor, baptizing students who are willing to accept the gospel is a matter of course. Nevertheless, there are not much researches on baptism in school because there are always negative views on this issue. Therefore, urgent reactions to these issues are needed. Since the original purpose of a chapel is evangelization of a university, chapel must focus on the satisfaction of subjects, and lure them to volunteer to the chapel itself. Through the research on university chapel, it will be clear that baptism of chapel in Anyang University is one method of evangelization. This paper will particularly focus on evangelization of a university, and the contribution of baptism in university. Baptism in university will expand the understanding of christianity to the subject and the audience. Further research will be done by analyzing the case of baptism in Anyang University chapel. Pursued discussion will be about major factors of evangelization of a theological university, and the needs of baptism in theological university chapel.

      • 쿰란공동체의 사상과 의식에 대한 연구

        안치범 안양대학교 신학연구소 2016 신학지평 Vol.29 No.-

        Essenes is not well known jewish tribe, and also an unknown school. The Pharisee, and Sadducee are very famous for their idea and learning, but the Essenes is surprisingly unfamous compared to those two. Tracing back the history of Essenes you would find the name 'Qumran community'. Qumran community is named after the location of their documents. The documents were found in Qumran cave, and Qumran community was named to refer to the people living around the cave. Many scholars seems to believe that Qumran community and Essenes are the same people. Qumran community and Essenes share unique characteristics that are different from Pharisee and Sadducee. Their idea was to restoration of Jerusalem at the end of the world based on dualism and the apocalyptic ideology. They wanted to live as a righteous man, therefore refusing the offering of a church, and live in the desert, waiting for the coming of Messiah. As the final outcome, their creed and the idea was wrong, but if might be helpful to explain the alienation problem between the early part of incarnation era and the Malachi era. Qumran community suggest the efforts to protect the purity of faith. In the same vein, concentrate on the history of Essenes, and throughout their thoughts and their sense, I will look in to their life.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Pulsatile Versus Nonpulsatile Blood Flow on Viscoelasticity and Red Blood Cell Aggregation in Extracorporeal Circulation

        안치범,강양준,김명곤,양성,임춘학,손호성,김지성,이소영,손국희,선경 대한흉부외과학회 2016 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.49 No.3

        Background: Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) can induce alterations in blood viscoelasticity and cause red blood cell (RBC) aggregation. In this study, the authors evaluated the effects of pump flow pulsatility on blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation. Methods: Mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to two groups: a nonpulsatile pump group (n=6) or a pulsatile pump group (n=6). After ECC was started at a pump flow rate of 80 mL/kg/min, cardiac fibrillation was induced. Blood sampling was performed before and at 1, 2, and 3 hours after ECC commencement. To eliminate bias induced by hematocrit and plasma, all blood samples were adjusted to a hematocrit of 45% using baseline plasma. Blood viscoelasticity, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, arterial blood gas analysis, central venous O2 saturation, and lactate were measured. Results: The blood viscosity and aggregation index decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC and then remained low during ECC in both groups, but blood elasticity did not change during ECC. Blood viscosity, blood elasticity, plasma viscosity, and the aggregation index were not significantly different in the groups at any time. Hematocrit decreased abruptly 1 hour after ECC in both groups due to dilution by the priming solution used. Conclusion: After ECC, blood viscoelasticity and RBC aggregation were not different in the pulsatile and nonpulsatile groups in the adult dog model. Furthermore, pulsatile flow did not have a more harmful effect on blood viscoelasticity or RBC aggregation than nonpulsatile flow.

      • KCI등재후보

        조직 및 장기 재생 분야에서의 3D 프린팅 기술의 적용 현황

        안치범,손국희,이진우 대한이식학회 2015 Korean Journal of Transplantation Vol.29 No.4

        Three-dimensional (3D) printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), has been used frequently in regenerative or translational medicine. In addition, recent advances in 3D printing technologies have opened the door to 3D bio-printing, which uses cells, biocompatible materials, and scaffolding simultaneously to generate 3D functional tissues. Although tissue generation by bio-printing such as multilayered skin, bone, bladder, and vascular grafts has shown good results, there are still several challenges related to printing of entire organs, particularly modulation of vascular formation during organ regeneration. This article provides a background and introduction to bio-printing for creation of artificial organs and tissues.

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