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        한국관광산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석에 관한 연구 - 산업연관모델을 중심으로 -

        안종윤,손대현,이연택,이충기 ( Ahn Jong - Yun,Sohn De - Hyun,Lee Youn - Taek,Lee Choong - Ki ) 한국행정학회 1995 韓國行政學報 Vol.29 No.1

        본 논문은 외래관광수입과 국민국내 관광수입으로 인하여 관광산업이 한국 경제 전반에 걸쳐 파급된 경제적제효과를 보다 체계적으로 평가하고 이를 타 산업과 비교 분석 해본 내용이다. 이를 위하여 산업연관모델(Input-Output Model)을 이용하였으며 이 모델에 의하여 도출된 승수들을 기초로 관광산업부문별 (교통통신업, 숙박업, 음식정업, 쇼핑업 문화오락서비스업)의 총 파급효과를 산출하였다. 분석결과 관광산업은 타 산업에 비하여 생산효과는 비교적 낮으나 소득 및 부가가치 창출효과는 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 관광산업의 높은 고용승수는 노동집약적 산업임을 입증해 주고 있으며 관광산업의 낮은 수입승수는 원재료에 대한 수입의존도가 매우 낮음을 시사해 주고 있다. 국민국내 관광과 외래관광부문이 한국 국가경제에 파급시킨 직·간접 및 유발효과를 요약해보면, 우선 총산출액은 약 34조4,141억원, 총소득액은 약 7조3,557억원, 총부가가치액은 약 17조9,787억원에 이른 것으로 나타났다. 또한 관광산업이 창출한 총고용자수는 154만명, 순간집세는 약 1조8,626억원, 총수입 액은 약 2조7,995억원으로 나타났다. 외화가득률을 살펴보면 관광산업은 평균 90%이상의 외화가득률을 보이고 있는 반면에 수출산업은 승용차부문 (76.8%)을 제외하고는 60%선에 그치고 있어 관광산업이 주요수출산업에 비하여 훨씬 높은 외화가득효과를 창출하고 있음을 나타내 주고 있다.

      • 國際觀光이 國家에 미치는 影響

        安鍾允 한양대학교 사회과학대학 1987 社會科學論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        International tourism is the largest single trade in the world. Due to its continual growth rate and economic effects, many developed and developing countries adopt international tourism as one of their strategies for development of their countries. Therefore, most of the earlier studies on the impact of international tourism focused on alalysis of economic aspects of tourism. It is necessary, however, to look at the whold impact on the given naton in order to nderstand international tuurism. in this study, impacts of tourism are grouped into four major categories; political, econmic, social, and cultural. Although the impact of international tourism is varies depending on nations, some conclusion can be reached. The smaller a nation the stronger the impact of international tourism.

      • 觀光의 體系論的 考察 : 認識의 對象으로서의 觀光

        安鍾允 漢陽大學校人文科學大學 1981 人文論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        Der Fremdenverkehr oder Tourismus als Synonym darf nicht losgelost von der Umwelt im weitfn Sinne betrachtet werden. Bereits die Tatsache, dass der Mensch im Mittelpunkt des touristischen Geschens steht, zwingt von einer isolierten Betrachtung abzusehen. Wir mussen uns vom eindimensionalen Denken losen und versuchen, moglichst mehrdimentional die Probleme anzugehen. Verstandlicherweise werden wir, der uns gestellten Aufgabe entsprechend, in erster Linie die okonomische Umwelt betrachten. Wir werden uns indessen bemuhen, die interdisziplinaren Dimensionen der sozialen, technologischen und okologischen Umwelt so-weit wie moglich in unsere Betrachtungen einzubezieben. Wichtig ist dabei insbesondere des Aufzeigen der Problemzus-ammenhange. Dazu bedienen wir uns der Systemtheorie. Diese kommt uns in der inhaltlichen Aussage in formaler, nicht aber in empirischer Hinsicht zu Hilfe. Hier bedeutet die allgemeine-Systemtheorie die formale Wissenschaft von der Struktur, den Verknupfungen und dem Verhalten irgendwelcher Systeme, wobei er under einem System eine System eine geordnete Gesamtheit von Elementen versteht, zwischen denen irgendwelche Beziehung-en bestehen oder hergestellt werden konnen. Zum Zwecke einer ubersichtlichen und klaren Darstellung der Verbindungen zwischen dem System Fremdenverkehr und den ubergeordneten Systemen sowie den Elementen (Subsysteme) haben wir die Zahl der Verb-indungen stark eingeschrankt rind lediglich die fur unsere Betra-chtung wichtigsten Beziehungen zuruckbejalten.

      • 觀光政策의 理論과 實際

        安鐘允 한양대학교 사회과학대학 1989 社會科學論叢 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to discuss, in an introductory way, a framework for the theory and practice of tourism policy. The development of tourism policy should not be based soley on economic benefits. It should also be based on the ideals and principles of human welfare and quality of life. Tourism decision makers must, therefore, utilize policies which bring together for their mutual interests a variety of economic, socio-cultural, and environmental forces. Tourism, especially in the context of its accelerated growth, requires the adoption of a comprehensive developmental policy which anticipates and coordinated all forms of governmental involvement. More importantly, accelerated tourism growth must also be considered within the context of the harmonious growth of the nation as a whole. The Korean government must, therefore, establish consistent ideologies and goals on which to base its tourism policy. Suggested tourism ideologies are: 1) world peace ; 2) mutual prosperity of mankind ; and 3) equal elevation of the standard of living for people around the world. Suggested goals are : 1) international goodwill; 2) improvement in the national economy ; and 3) development of a healthy national tourism program. For inbound tourism, a policy designed to attract foreign tourists must be adopted to maintain a proper price mechanism, as well as an acceptable level of goods and services. To facilities the development of this policy, substantial efforts must also be made to predict future demand and supply. For both outbound and domestic tourism, policy formulation must be preceded by a re-examination of tourism itself, including tourist behavior regarding national tourism initiatives.

      • 觀光發展과 政策課題

        安鍾允 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1982 人文論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        1. Tourism and recreation are important to a country, not only because of the numbers of people they serge and the vest human, financial, and physical resources they employ, but because of the great benefits tourism, recreation and related activities confer on individuals and on society as a whole. 2. Government can encourage tourism and recreation implicitly in its statutory commitments to the shorter sorkyear and to passenger transportation systems, and explicitly in a number of legislative enactments to promote tourism and support development of outdoor recreation, cultural attractions, and historic and natural heritage resources. 3, Disposable incomes and leisure time can be expected to increase within cyclican patterns in developed and developing countries as economic and political systems develop more complect global relationships, tourism and recreation will become ever more important aspects of our daily lives. 4. The existing and political government in tourism, recreation and other related activities need to be better doordinated to effectively rspond to the needs of local governments and private sector. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the citizens of all countries of the world to develop a national tourism policy to optimize the contribution of the tourism and recreation industries to economic prosperity, full employment, and the international balance of payments of the host country and to make the opportunity for and benefits of tourism in the host country universally accessible to it's residents and to insure that present and future generations are afforded adequate tourism resources.

      • 國民의 自然에서의 休息權

        安鍾允 한양대학교 사회과학대학 1983 社會科學論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        Nach meiner Meinung ist das Recht auf Genub der Naturschonheiten und auf Erholung in der freiten ist durch die Bestimmungen des Verfassungsrecht(Art.9, Art.33 etc) zu elnem jedertnann zustehenden subjektiven Recht im Range eines Grundrechtes er hoben worden. Das burgerliches Erholungsrecht hat offentlich-rechtlich und privatrechtliche Konseque nzen. Auf der offentlich-recht]ichen Ebene giIt es zunachst zu erkennen, daB des burgerli ches Erholungsrecht rich mil der Eigentumsgarantie im Verfassungsrecht(Art 22 I) konf Likt. Dieser kionflikt hat sich in den Jahrzehnten verscharft. Erholungsbedurfnis, Freizeit und Motorizierung hanen stark zugenommen rind zu finer massenhaften Inanspruchnah me der landschaft gefuhrt. Genauer gesehen geht es um die Losung eins Grundrechtts konfliktes. Denn den Eigentumerinteressen stehen eoenfalls grundrechtlich geschutzte Inte ressen der Erholungssuchenden gegeuber. Die Konfilktslosung fuhrt zu materiespezifischen Eigentumslasten. Den Eigentumer we rden Duldungs-und Unterlassungspflichten auferlegt, die regelmaBig Ausdruck der Sozialf lichtigkeit sind. Je umfassender das Erholungsrecht ausgestattet ist, um so bela stender ist arch die Sozialbindung des Grundeigentumers. Erste und grundlegende Schranke des Erao]tongsrecht ist das Prinzip der Gemeinvertraglichkeit. Danach darf ein Recht nur so ausgelegt werden, daB die Rechtsausubung anderer nicht verhindert oder mehr als nach den Umstanden unvermeidbar beeintrachtigt wird. Der Grundsatz stellt primar eine Verhal tensregel fur die Erholungssuchenden dar, enthalt zugleich aber auch die Aussage, daB das Erholungsrecht dort endet, we die Recite des Eigentumers unzumutbar Beeintrachtigt werden.

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