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      • KCI등재

        언어접촉과 시기층위 -침운자(侵韻字)의 중세 한국한자음의 모음을 중심으로-

        안영희 ( An Ying-ji ) 국어학회 2015 국어학 Vol.75 No.-

        Sino-Korean is a product by language contact between Korean and Chinese, and is thus a kind of language variant. In Korean- Chinese language contact, Korean is a borrowing language importing loanwords and Chinese is a lending language exporting loanwords. The process of language contact can be divided into two stages; the first one is corresponding stage with transferring of bilingual speakers and the second one is fusion stage with borrowing of native speakers. It would be seen that the first stage is on-going language borrowing and the language variant of this stage is Transliteration(直譯音), and that the second one is completion of language borrowing and the language variant of this stage is Sino-Korean(漢字音). In Transliteration and Sino-Korean, the former can be compared with Chinese language but the latter can not be a subject to historical comparison with Chinese since it is a fusion between Chinese and Korean; Transliteration has synchronic features and Sino-Korean has diachronic features. Because of the difference of characteristics, we call Translieration Language Variant 1 and Sino-Korean Language Variant 2. Sino-Korean is a fusion between Chinese and Korean so if we separate Korean from Sino-Korean, there will be left Chinese alone. We call it Transliteration 2, and it can be a subject to historical comparison with Chinese because it has the same characteristics as Transliteration 1. We took vowels in 侵 Qin rhyme as a specific case of a diachronic level analysis. As a result of separating influence of native words and synchronic features from vowels of characters in 侵 Qin rhyme, only the contrast between ‘ㆍ>ㅡ’ and ‘ㅣ’ could be seen as a diachronic level. We can also find some cases that shows features of Old Chinese, Old or Middle Chinese, or a transition period from Middle to Modern Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 리듬단위의 특징

        安英姬 한국중국어문학회 2000 中國文學 Vol.34 No.-

        本文旨在深貢語前奏車位的特默.筆認需端欲"切分出的昔段是語的締奏軍位, 持前拍.音.重音.辱表現等方面行考案, 需上默建立依接.

      • KCI등재

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