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      • KCI등재

        V첨가 0.35%C-Mn 미소합금강의 연속공기냉각특성

        심재진,이상윤 ( J . J . Shim,S . Y . Lee ) 한국열처리공학회 1991 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.4 No.3

        The effects of austenitizing temperatures and times and cooling rate on the characteristics of continuous air cooling have been investigated for 0.3%C-Mn steels microalloyed with vanadium, Transformation start temperatures have been found to be measured from temperature-time curve directly obtained with continuous air cooling and to decrease with increasing austenitizing temperature, cooling rate and Mn contents. The coarsening behavior of austenite grain size has been measured to abnormally grow at 1050℃ and rapidly grow at 1200℃. It has been found that the volume fraction of pearlite was linealy proportional to the reciprocal square root of austenite grain size. The hardness has been measured to increase with increasing cooling rate up to 250℃/min, and to remain relatively unchanged in the range of 250∼400℃/min. showing that hardness valves for steel with a higher Mn content increase more than those for steel with a lower Mn content. The impact property has been found to decrease with increasing of austenite grain size but does not linealy change with the reciprocal square root of austenite grain size.

      • KCI등재


        심재진 한국비교노동법학회 2013 노동법논총 Vol.28 No.-

        이 글은 먼저 다양한 개별적 근로관계법률에서의 사용자 개념의 현황을 개괄하고, 다음으로 사용자개념의 내부적 획정을 먼저 다루고, 모자기업, 사내하도급, 근로자파견과 관련하여 사용자개념의 외부적 획정의 문제를 다룬다. 이와 같이 전개해나가면서 이 글은 먼저 판례상에서 이 문제가 어떻게 취급되고 있는지를 세세하게 살펴보고, 다음으로 이러한 판례현황에 대한 학설의 견해를 다룬다. 이 글은 이 글에서 다루는 문제에 대하여 판례와 학설의 동향을 모두 망라하여 이 분야에서 한국의 상황을 설명한다. 이 글에서 확인된 것은 다음과 같다. 우선 한국의 개별적 근로관계법상 사용자 정의가 대단히 불충분하다는 점이다. 사용자의 유형을 언급할 뿐이지 실질적인 개념내용이 없어 사용자의 개념에 대해서는 사실상 판례법리에 일임하고 있는 실정이다. 한편 사용자개념의 내부적 획정의 문제는 주로 근로기준법을 위반하였을 경우 형사적으로 누구에게까지 책임을 지울 것인가 하는 점에서 의미가 있다. 판례는 근로기준법의 실효성을 확보한다는 차원에서 실질적 권한을 갖는 자는 물론 권한을 갖고 있으나 사실상 행사하지 않는 자까지 모두 사업의 경영담당자나 사용자의 이익대표자로 보았다. 그러나 사법상의 임금지급의무의 주체나 부당해고 등 구제신청이나 재심판정취소소송 혹은 해고 등 무효확인소송의 당사자는 근로계약의 당사자인 사업주만이 사용자로 인정된다. 한편 사용자개념의 외부적 획정의 문제에 관련한 한국에서의 논의는 한국에서 만연한 사내하도급의 법적 평가와 규제를 중심에 두고 전개되었다. 판례법리는 처음에는 묵시적 근로계약법리설의 기준만으로 이루어져 사용자 기능과 책임이 분할되는 근로자공급 혹은 근로자파견관계에 대해서는 규율영역의 바깥에 방치하였다. 그러나 대법원은 최근의 몇몇 판례를 통해 묵시적 근로관계와는 다른 근로자파견관계의 인정과 위법한 근로자파견에 대한 고용간주규정의 적용으로 사내하도급 분야에서 그 규율력을 제고하였다. 그러나 판례를 통한 규율의 불완전성과 시간적 지체는 입법적 해결을 필요로 하는데, 한국에서의 전개는 그러한 점을 확인시켜주었다.

      • KCI등재

        직장 내 괴롭힘에 대한 구제의 확대방안 소고

        심재진 한국노동법학회 2018 노동법학 Vol.0 No.68

        This article explores new remedies against harassment at work. It does so by the two interpretational renovations as follows. The first one is to extend the regulatory remit of the just dismissal etc clause in the Labour Standard Act. The courts held in several cases that some treatment such as wage reductions is beyond its remit on the ground that ‘disciplinary punishment’ in the clause does not include wage reductions which are not results of disciplinary actions by an employer. This article is of the view that the clause makes all unfavourable treatment including wage reductions under justifiability test. It derives its argument by means of the systemic interpretation of the clause. The clause as is interpreted by this article makes some treatment such as wage reductions, the intention of which is to put some workers under severe hardship, thus leading them to resign, under its judicial remit. The second one is to give the right to refuse providing work to workers suffering from harassment at work. This right is drawn from an employer’s duty of care for workers in the law of obligations. If an employer violates the duty of care implied in employment contract by imposing unnecessary and insulting work on an worker with a view to harasses he or her, it follows that the worker has a right to refuse to perform such work. This means that an employer’s disciplinary action against the worker on the ground that he or she refuses to do so is unjustifiable and void. Moreover the second one includes the right to refuse to perform certain work which encroaches upon constitutional rights of a worker, such as the freedom of conscience. Suggesting such interpretational renovations, furthermore, this article emphasizes their significance in recent situations where legislative changes for combating harassment at work are on the agenda of Parliament. It maintains that such legislative changes should be supplemented by verifying those renovations through adding them to the legislative changes. Moreover, this article those interpretational renovations are necessary to provide easily accessible remedies with workers suffering from harassment at work.

      • KCI등재

        포괄임금제의 쟁점과 전망

        심재진 한국노동법학회 2017 노동법학 Vol.0 No.64

        This article looks at the Blanket Wage System(BWS) at the time when the new Government has announced a proposal to restrict the BWS. It aims to make clear the interpretational issues in relation to the BWS and review proposals for legislative changes for the restriction or prohibition of the BWS. To begin with, the article overviews the court cases concerning the BWS over the last several decades. It finds that the rulings of the Supreme Court have been clearer since 2009. In 2009, the Court held that agreements for the BWS have not to be admitted as real ones for the BWS when clauses in employment contracts, work rules or collective agreements provide that each of overtime payments is to be paid separately. In 2010, furthermore, the Court held that the real agreements for the BWS is not valid when payments based on actual working time are less than payments on the BWS. The article criticizes such rulings while it welcomes changes to more strict and clearer regulation for the BWS. It do so for the reason that the Court does not indicate clearly the meaning of the occasion where working time is difficult to grasp. If the occasion takes place, according to the court rulings, the BWS is allowed to be maid. Moreover it maintains that the BWS has to be regarded as valid only when working time is impossible or meaningless to grasp. Lastly, the article proposes certain directions on legislative regulation in relation to the BWS. Such regulation, it suggests, is necessary to introduce not because the BWS has been one of the reasons that most workers have to work long hours but because workers in certain areas are badly treated because of the BWS. The former can be successfully tackled by strengthening enforcement of labour law according to the rulings of the Court above without legislative changes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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