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      • KCI등재

        인지과학과 이미지의 문화정치 -유비쿼터스 시대의 영상문화연구의 과제와 전망-

        심광현 ( Kwang Hyun Shim ) 한국철학사상연구회 2013 시대와 철학 Vol.24 No.2

        The disembodied vision in the Virtual Realities, which required strong visual immersion with fixed bodies, has become to be again embodied in the Augmented Realities, the third space, which connects the virtual spaces and physical spaces in the same time. It`s an index of actual arrival of ``the Age of Ubiquitous Computing`` that the use of the augmented realities through smart phone has been generalized in the everyday walkway. The third space will be expanded in the near future, and bring about great changes in the interactivity between technology, media, subject, and society. We must pay attention to changes of characteristics of image among these changes. Deleuze had tried to make an innovation of philosophy in <Cinema 1, 2> by way of establishment of typology of the concept of image which would be a kernel to find changes of mode of perception. However, the role of the body was very restrictive in his theory of image. Also, it can be said that his theory might give rise to de-politicize cinematic practices leading toward too much metaphysical discourses through giving a more privilege to time-image than movement-image. Therefore, it`s necessary not only to success the achievements of his theory of image, but also to overcome some risks of disembodiment and depoliticizing immanent in his theory. In order to do so, we need to connect his theory to Benjamin`s theory which tried to find an expansion of play-space as a singularity of the cinema in the age of the technical reproduction and to grope for politicization of arts against the trends of aestheticizing of politics. In this respect, this paper will make some reformation of Deleuze`s theory of image resting on some outcomes of recent cognitive sciences, and try to investigate a possibility of actualization of Benjamin`s theory of cinema. Also, it will be another target of this paper to combine this Deleuze-Benjamin connection and Mark B. Hansen`s analysis of internal relationship between digital media and somatic performativity to examine new tasks and perspectives of cultural politics of image immanent in the age of ubiquitous computing.

      • KCI등재

        유비쿼터스 시대의 소셜 네트워크와 다중지능 네트워크의 변증법

        심광현 ( Kwang Hyun Shim ) 한국철학사상연구회 2011 시대와 철학 Vol.22 No.4

        Social Network is interactive communication services based on Web 2.0 to include fast messenger function with online Friends such as Facebook, My Space, Twitter launched during 2004~2006. However, these services have expanded in the social field very recently due to not only technical efficiencies but also special couplings of these services and political moments. Especially, during 2010~2011, these couplings of technical-political moments being increased, so called ``Age of Social Network`` comes over. In this context, it`s important to give attention to <technical economical-cultural political coupling> implicated in these social networks. This concept <Coupling> will open an opportunity for zigzag typed dynamic articulation of technical, economical, cultural, political moments while A. Feenberg`s concept <technical code> tends to consider technology`s relation with politics as a fixed internalization of specific politics. But, we must also give attention to not only external changes of coupling types but also another aspects of every producer/cosummers` internal changes. Subjectivity is not ``molar cluster but variable being networked between multiple desires, senses, emotions, volition, intelligence, imagination, etc., so, social networks will give influence to formats and functions of individuals` internal networks. According to butterfly-effect of Chaos theory, small acts of individual agency will be able to deepen the cracks in the whole environment system when the turbulence of the system may be so much increased to approach around near the critical point. In this moment, interaction between subject and environment can be open to several cases as vicious, virtuous, and stagnant circle. Considering these dynamic cases, this paper`s purpose is to analyze dynamic interactive processes between social networks and multi-intelligence network of individuals activated through arrival of the age of ubiquitous computing, and to search for new progressive format of cultural politics by use of this analysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        20세기 혁명의 변증법적 리듬분석 시론

        심광현(Shim, Kwang-Hyun) 한국문화연구학회 2013 문화연구 Vol.2 No.2

        역사의 ‘반복’은 계절의 리듬 같은 자연적 반복이 지구의 공전 법칙에 따라 발생하는 것과 유사하게 세계적 규모의 자본축적의 주기적인 리듬, 즉 ‘M-C국면’과 ‘C-M'’ 국면의 반복에서 비롯된다. 반면, 역사의 반복에서 <차이>가 나타나는 것은 자본과 노동의 지리적 이동과정에서 발생하는 계급투쟁 때문이다. 이 과정은 자본주의가 지구화된 오늘날에는 자본과 노동, 자본과 성, 자본과 생태계 사이의 적대로 중층화되면서 자연적인 리듬에도 심각한 교란을 발생시킬 정도로 전면화되고 있다. 역사적 반복과 차이의 변증법적 리듬을 분석하는 관점에서 서 보면 21세기 이행기에는 한 세기 전과는 다른 두 가지 과제가 제기되고 있다. 1) ‘전-자본주의 → 자본주의 → 일국 사회주의’라는 단계론적 이행에서 ‘전 지구적 자본주의 → 전 지구적 사회주의’로의 전면적 이행이라는 과제, 2) 계급-성-생태적 문제를 아우를 수 있는, 아래로부터의 사회주의의 재 정의라는 과제가 그것이다. 과거로부터 교훈을 얻기 위해 러시아 혁명과 중국 혁명을 재평가해 보면 ‘전쟁-혁명-개혁’, 토대와 상부구조, 생산영역과 문화영역 간의 중층적인 변증법적 리듬을 새롭게 포착할 수 있다. 그리고 이 리듬은 가우스 분포와 멱함수 분포가 이중적으로 결합된 레비 비행과 같은 폭발성 주기의 형태를 띠고 있다. 21세기 이행기가 직면하고 있는 두 과제를 성공적으로 해결하기 위해서는 이렇게 중층적이고도 폭발성 주기의 형태를 띤 역사의 복잡한 리듬을 정밀하게 분석하는 작업이 필요하다. Historical repetition is due to periodical rhythm of the worldwide scale capitalist accumulation-repetition of both money-commodity phase and commodity-money phase - which is similar to natural repetition of seasonal rhythms owing to revolution of the earth around the sun. Meanwhile, differences in the historical repetition are due to the class struggles arising in the process of geographical transitions of capital and labor. In these days of the globalized capitalism, these struggles have been full-fledged to perturb natural rhythms seriously in over-determination of antagonisms between capital-labor, capital-sexuality, and capital-ecology. In the perspective of rhythm analysis of dialectics of repetition and difference, it can be confirmed that 21th century meets two transitional tasks different from the 20th century’s: 1) oneisanoveralltransitionaltask <globalized capitalism àglobalized socialism> different from a step by step transition <pre-capitalism àcapitalismà one nation socialism>, 2) another is a redefinition of socialism from below to join together class-sexuality-ecology problems. Revaluating Russian and Chinese Revolution in order to learn a lesson from the past, we can find newly dialectical rhythms over-determined between war-revolution-reformation, base-superstructure, and production domaincultural domain. These rhythms formed patterns of explosive cycles of Lévy flight composed of both Gauss distribution and Power Set distribution. It will be necessary to analyze precisely these complex historical rhythms for successful resolution of the two historical tasks of 21th century.

      • 유비쿼터스 시대의 도시공간과 미디어공간의 문화,정치적 상호작용

        심광현 ( Kwang Hyun Shim ) 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2009 도시인문학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        도시 공간은 언제나 사람과 사물의 집적의 중심지였을 뿐만 아니라 교통의 중심지로서 정보기술의 발전에 의해 크게 영향을 받아 왔다. 20세기 초 전화 기술은 공간분업을 통해 도시공간의 재배치를 야기했고, 20세기 말 인터넷 기술 역시 도시공간의 성격을 크게 변화시켰다. 그러나 최근 상용화되기 시작한 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 기술은 그간 분리되어 있던 물리공간과 가상공간을 실시간으로 연결하여 제3공간이라는 새로운 공간("증강현실")을 출현시킴으로써 또다시 대대적인 사회변동을 야기하고 있다. 2008년 봄에 `Wi-bro` 기술이 세계 최초로 수도권에서 상용화되면서 가능해진 물리공간과 가상공간의 실시간 연결은 2008년 여름 100일간 지속된 촛불시위에서 새로운 놀이형식의 문화·정치적 참여를 촉진했다. 막 시작된 이런 변화의 폭과 성격을 예측하기 위해서는 두 가지 분석을 연결하는 작업이 선행되어야 한다. 하나는 90년대 정보화가 신자유주의 세계화와 맞물려 도시와 사회 전반에 미친 변화의 내용과 의미에 대한 분석이다. 다른 하나는 2000년대에 들어 첨단화되고 있는 디지털 미디어의 문화적 형식과 논리에 대한 분석이다. 그간 이 두 가지 분석은 물리공간과 가상공간이 분리되어 있었듯이 서로 분리되어 진행되어 왔다. 그러나 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 기술이 현실적으로 두 공간의 연결을 촉진하고 있는 새로운 현실을 따라잡기 위해서라도 도시연구와 미디어문화연구 간의 접속과 협력이 시급하다. 이 글에서는 카스텔스의 네트워크 사회에 관한 연구와 데이비드 하비의 공간 연구, 디지털 미디어의 새로운 언어와 논리에 관한 레프 마노비치의 연구, 그리고 촛불시위 사례 분석 등을 연결하여 제3공간이라는 새로운 지형의 문화·정치적 함의를 살펴보고자 한다. The urban space always has been not only a center of cumulation of peoples and materials, but also influenced largely by development of information technology. At the beginning of 20th century, telephone technology has led to rearrange the whole urban space through new space division, and expansion of internet also has changed the character of urban space on a large scale at the end of 20th century. Meanwhile, recent beginning of commercialization of ubiquitous computing technology has been changing the whole society by emergence of new third space("augmented reality") through synchronic connection of two spaces, i.e., physical urban space and electronic cyber space which have been separated until now. Such synchronic connection by Wi-bro technology which has started to work in the street from March of 2008 for the first time in the world, promoted unexpectedly to accelerate new playful forms of cultural political participation of millions of citizen-netizens at the biggest "Candle Demonstration" which lasted during about 100 days in the summer of 2008. In order to estimate new traits and widths of these large changes, we must go ahead to connect two different analyses. The one is the analysis of contents and meanings of the urban-social changes to be arisen by informational revolution in connection with the neoliberal globalization. The another is the analysis of cultural form and logic of new cutting-edge digital media which has been pervasive more and more in this century. Until now these two analyses has been divided to be made as like as division of physical space and cyber space. But, now urban studies and media cultural studies have to be connected urgently to cooperate in order to catch up new emergent change of reality. Target of this text is to find cultural political implications of new terrain of third space by method of connecting Castels` research of networked society, Harvey`s research of globalization of space, Manovich`s research of new language & logic of digital media to phenomenological analysis of the "Candle Demonstration" of this summer.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기본소득운동과 대안적지식구성체/교육구성체 형성의 전망

        심광현 ( Kwang Hyun Shim ) 한국철학사상연구회 2014 시대와 철학 Vol.25 No.2

        The Leftist Basic Income Movement (LBIM) has been based on a hypothesis that, if basic income would be supplied through financial resources such as without-earned income and etc., the increased free time would afford peoples to be relatively liberated from pressures of wage-labor, and to strengthen social solidarity activities for overcoming the capitalism. However, this hypothesis has includes some implied premises that, in order to convert the capitalist accumulated surplus values into basic income, success of the mass struggle will be necessary, and that sustaining the success will be possible for peoples to use the increased free time for raising their own quality of life enjoyed in anon-capitalist way and to extend social solidarity activitieson an ongoing basis. But up until now, the theory of basic income (movement) has not paid enough attention to the importance of the senon-explicit preconditions. This article is purposed to reveal theses premises explicitly and to present following proposals to meet such preconditions: 1) to make a series of thought experiments about possibilities of the current urban wage laborers embedded in commodity consumption to change their everyday lifestyles and strengthen social solidarity activities which are preconditions for LBIM, 2) in order to develop a spread model for the sake of spreading these experiments of some isolated individuals among the general public, to propose a new concept of <alternative knowledge formation> by use of remodeling the concept of tacit & formal knowledge used in knowledge science, 3) to presenta conceptual model of <alternative educational formation>necessary for transition from capitalist knowledge formation to non-capitalist knowledge formation. From a perspective of these conceptual models, it will be more clearly understood that current social constellation of formal knowledge in combination with tacit knowledge should be changed for going toward a new social formation affording sustainable LBI, and that efforts for building alternative knowledge formation necessary for LBIM should be in parallel with efforts for building alternative educational formation.

      • KCI등재후보

        두 가지 ‘알튀세르 효과’의 마주침: 과잉결정과 과소결정, 우발성과 마주침의 유물론의 생산적 이중주를 위하여

        심광현(Shim, Kwang Hyun) 한국문화연구학회 2019 문화연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Etienne Balibar once estimated his teacher Althusser as ‘a vanished mediator’ of a process from innovation of Marxism to dissolution of Marxism. But, in this paper, I will establish that the true character of Althusser’s thoughts was in the construction of a new Marxism of future through a philosophical duet of two conceptual melodies. One was theoretical practices (Effect-A) which was composed of exact analyses of conditions of reproduction of relations of production and interventions into history, politics and philosophy of Marxism. The other was theoretical practices (Effect-B) for class struggles and revolution which cause cracks in the stable conditions of reproduction of relations of production. This perspective opens a productive vision to use his late thoughts (aleatory materialism and materialism of encounter) as a theoretical means of analyses to explain changes from over-determination of stable social systems to underdetermination of unstable social systems. The first melody of over-determination presents the process how accident encounters of many events had condensed into historical necessities of capitalistic relations of production for a long time. The second melody presents possibilities of new encounters to be opened from fissures & vacua generated in those necessities during unstable transitive period.

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