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      • 사과나무(Malus domestical Borkh.)의 VA 內生菌根에 관한 硏究

        沈慶久,李景俊,劉種勳 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1988 論文集 Vol.39 No.1

        The beneficial role of vesicular-arduscular mycorrhizae(VAM) for the growth of fruit trees has already been well demonstrated in many countries, but little has been studied about VAM in Korea. so far, researches concerning physiological aspects of VAM have been abundant compared to researches on the ecological sides in fruit trees. Especially, the study about VA mycorrhizae fungi indigenous to apple orchard soil has been less studied. The studies described here were undertaken to identify the genera of VAM fungi living in the soil wherein apple trees rooted, and to observe in fected roots of host plants in apple orchards in Suwean, Taegu, and Naju area. The results odtained were as follows. Apple roots infected by VAM fungi, and VAM fungi noticed in the rhizosphere soil were opserved in Suweon and Taegu, but only spores have been shown in Naju. Identified genera of the fungi investigated in the rhizosphere soil were Glomes sp. The VAM fungi showed a circular from, spore diameter and wall thickness were respectively 306㎛ and 17㎛. The form of attached hyphae was funnel shape, and that of vesicle was circular.

      • 낙상홍(Ilex serrata)의 繁殖에 관한 硏究

        沈慶久,徐炳基,朴相獻 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1988 論文集 Vol.39 No.1

        本 硏究는 열매의 觀賞價値가 우수한 낙상홍의 適切한 繁殖方法을 究明하고자 種子播種을 비롯하여 揷木時期에 따라서 多樣한 濃度의 發根促進物質處理를 行하였던 바, 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 低溫層積時期에 따른 發芽率의 差異는 無處理에서 23.8%가 發芽하였으나 90日間의 처리는 85%의 發芽率을 나타냄으로써 種子의 冷混積效果가 있었다. 2. 綠枝揷木時 揷木時期가 1987年 6月 22日에 揷木한 揷穗에서 암그루의 경우 IBA 500ppm 浸漬處理가 發根率 80%, 發根數 5.94% 및 根長 4.95cm로 發根成績이 良好하였으며 숫그루는 1987年 6月 15日에 揷木한 揷穗에서 IBA 500ppm 處理에서 發根率이 70%를 비롯하여 發根數 9.01, 根長 10.00cm로서 發根促進效果를 나타내었다. 3. 일반적으로 숫그루의 發根狀態는 암그루에 비해 다소 높은 것으로 알려져 있으나 1987년 6월 22일에 揷木한 綠枝揷에서 암그루는 숫그루에 比해서 良好한 發根效果를 나타내었다. The objectives of this studs were investigation of the suitable propagation methods, the comparison of the influence of period for softwood cuttings of llex serrata and the determination of effectiveness of various rooting Promotion treatments. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The germination rate 85% when the Period of stratification was 90 days, while the germination rate 23.8% when the Period of stratification was 0 day. 2. The rooting rate of the female softwood cuttings treated IBA 500 ppm on June 22 was utmost 88%, and number of the cuttings was 5.94,%, and the length of the cutting was 4.94cm, The rooting of the male softwood cuttings treated IBA 500 ppm on June 15 was utmost 70%, and the number of the cuttings was 9, 10, and the length of the cutting was 10.00cm. 3. The rooting percentage, rootlet number, and length of root of male plants were generally better than those of female plants. But Female cuttings treated IBA 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000ppm including on June 22 were rooted very well.

      • 노박덩굴(Celastrus orbiculatus)의 繁殖에 관한 硏究

        沈慶久,安永熙,柳美先,劉鍾勳 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1984 論文集 Vol.35 No.2

        Bittersweet(Celastrus orbiculatus) grown widely in the mountains of Korea is perennial, deciduous and climbing plant. They have strong vines, flower from May to June and mature in October. The red coloured fruits are beautiful, use as the cut-flower materials, and also as the food of birds. This is now considered worthwhile to exploit as an outstanding landscape plant. The objectives of this study were investigation of the suitable propagation methods, reaffirmation of the utility of mist room for softwood cuttings, influence of bed temperature for hardwood cuttings, and determination of the effectiveness of various rooting promotion treatments. The results obtained were summarized as follows. The germination rate was 70% when the period of stratification was 50 days. In softwood cuttings, the rooting percentage and rootlet number tended to be greater in closed moist chamber than those in mist rooms. The rooting percentage, rootlet number and length of root in the 25℃-bed temperature were higher than those in the bed of 20℃ or 30℃ in hardwood cuttings. Cuttings treated with IBA 1000ppm rooted better than those received other hormone treatments in hardwood and softwood cuttings.

      • 揷木用土 및 Peat plug利用이 만생종 왜철쭉의 揷木에 미치는 영향에 관한 硏究

        沈慶久,河有美,朴永洙 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.2

        This study was carried out to propagate Rhododendron Satsuki hybrid `Bemi-Kirishima' through soft-wood cuttings in the closed mist room in connection to different concentrations of IBA, cutting media, Peat plug. The results were as follows: For the time of cutting, there were noticeable differences in the cutting on June 21 and July 8. Out of cutting media tested, the media prepared by mixing 50% vermiculite and 50 perlite(v/v ) on the treatment of IBA 1000ppm gave 100% rooting and the longest root length. Rooting of plants in the Peat plug was 93.5% and they uniform root length. In addition, Peat plug provided more space for cutting than cutting basket. It was possible that we got good cuttings and therby mass propagation through Peat plug.

      • 무궁화 根群 分布에 관한 연구 : 2. 土壤 種類別 實生苗의 根群 分布 2. Root system of seedlings on the soil conditions.

        심경구,하유미,김진춘,서병기,강호철 성균관대학교 생명과학자원연구소 1995 生命資源科學硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        This study was carried out to examine the characteristics of root system for seedlings of Hibiscus syriacus L. on the different soil conditions as a basic study for the stock of top-root cultivars. The obtained results are summarized as follows; It was significantly different on soil hardness between upland soil with 13 kg f/cm2 until 60 cm depth and waste landfill soil with 5 kg f/cm2 until 5 cm depth. But it was not measured soil hardness under 30 cm of waste landfill soil because of waste base. But soil pH was not different between soil conditions. The root depth of 'SKK 91-3' growing on upland soil was 81.0 cm and it was significantly different as compared with that of 'SKK 91-3' on the waste landfill. In addition, 'SKK 91-3' growing on upland soil had more root weight, root width, root number, main root diameter, and shoot growth than that on the waste landfill. Therefore it was suggested that soil condition affect root growth of seedlings in Hibiscus syriacus L. and then induce top-root system.

      • 등나무 初期生長 期間中 窒素 貯藏養分의 變化에 관한 硏究

        沈慶久,柳元馨,安永熙 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1983 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        등나무는 덩굴성 樹種으로서 아름다운 꽃은 향기가 대단하고 척박한 土壤에서도 잘 生育하며 病蟲害에도 강하고 萌芽力이 매우 强하여 쉽게 景觀을 造成할 수 있는 優秀한 造景樹木이다. 本硏究에서는 落葉樹木인 등나무에서의 初期生長 期間中 窒素 貯藏營養分의 再使用에 關한 究明을 하기 위하여 休眼中인 1年生 가지를 採取하여 初期生長時 溫度條件과 芽의 有無를 달리하여 貯藏養分의 變化를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. Protein의 減少量은 芽를 除去하지 않은 30℃의 區가 20℃의 區보다 急速히 일어났으며 芽를 完全히 除去한 등나무 가지에서는 Protein 減少가 顯著히 적었던 바 이는 溫度差異와 芽의 有無에 따른 Protein 分解差異로 思料된다. 2. Amino acid는 芽을 除去하지 않은 30℃에서 20℃에 比하여 많이 增加하였으며 Protein 減少量에 크게 關係없이 處理後 48時間부터 增加하였는데 이는 木質部의 水溶性 窒素養分의 移動으로 생각된다. The regrowth in the spring is characterized by the mobilization of reserves from the tissue and the transfer of solubilized derivaties to the growing parts. The proteins and amino acids were shown to thane greatly during early stage of regrowth. The proteins contributed the greater part of the storage nitrogen decreased at the beginning of growth. On the other hand, the amino acids in the bark increased proportionately to the decreased protein. At 30℃, the rate of increase of amino acids in the bark was higher than that of 20℃. The content of amino acids in intact shoot increased much as compared with the shoots of which buds were excised. The content of protein in intact shoots at 30℃ decreased more rapidly than those of excised shoots at 20℃, indicating that it was influenced by the regulator which may be presented in buds and by the higher temperature. All three groups of protein and I, II which were separated with diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose column chromatography decreased rapidly after onset of sprouting. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins at the dormant and beginning of growth stage exhibited the changes of the protein, showing the s`lift of protein peaks from higher to lower molecular weight ranges.

      • 發根方法이 African violet 發根에 미치는 影響

        沈慶久,辛漢中 成均館大學校 1981 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The present experiment was conduct to investigate the effect of rooting method of African violet (Saintpoulia ionantha) cuttings. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Polyethylene enclosed cutting methods increased the number of rootings of African violet. 2. Rooting occured 14 days ofter cutting and shoot were differentiated 30 days after cutting by polyethylene enclosed methode. 3. The number of differentiated roots was increased of the polyethylene enclosed cuttings. However, Non-polyethylene enclosed cuttings significantly increased shoot development. 4. Rooting in cuttings was greatly influenced by varieties. Among the 3 varieties tested “Blue King” rooted sooner than other varieties. 5. Among the 3 varieties tested “Apollo” shoots developed sooner than the other varieties.

      • 미국 및 캐나다 地域에서 栽培, 販賣되고 있는 무궁화 品種에 關한 硏究

        沈慶久,河有美,朴永洙,金健澔 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1993 論文集 Vol.44 No.1

        This sutdy was carried out to examine the present distribution and status of Hibiscus cultivars by analyzing the US and Canadian market. The obtained results are summerized as follow : 1. At present, a total of 28 cultivars of Hibiscus are on the market. Among these, twenty four are diploids and four are triploids. The hottest cultivars in the market is a triploid `Diana' sold by 21 different companies. It is followed by 'Ardens' and 'Jeanne d'Arc', following `Red Heart', `Blue Bird', 'Woodbridg e', and 'Helene'. 2. As a conservation or display purpose, several cultivars are ketp in three different arboretums in the US. These include 5 cultivars, `Blue Bird', `Celestial Blue', `Collie Mullens', 'Lucy', and `Ruber Plena', in Arnold Arboretum, and one each, 'Variegatus', at the USDA national arboretum and, `Banner' at Morton arboretum in Chicago. 3. The avarage price for triploid cultivars is $6.00 for each seedling. The recently developed cultivars like 'Helene' and 'Minerva' cost $16.00 per seedling possibly due to their plant patent right. Other cultivars produced by cuttings cost $2.00 to $ 3.00 per seedling. 4. In Canada, there are nine cultivars on the market; being diploids and one triploid, `Diana'. 5. As for the distribution of different cultivars by climatic zone, twelve cultivars are being grown in temperate area like Ohio and Iowa. However, many other cultivars are being cultivated in wamer Southern state like Galifornia. Five cultivars are reported to grow in the relatively cool area like Wisconsin and Minnesota. Even in cold area like Canada, 5 cultivars such as `Anemonaeflorus'(2n), `Ardens'(2n), 'Jeanne d'Arc'(2n), and `Luky'(2n), and 'Paeoniflorus'(2n) at Ontario and there is colder than Hamkyung Do in north Korea.

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