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      • 都市中心의 工業化와 農村經濟

        申鉉佑 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1985 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Korea has initiated Five-year Economic Development plans from 1962. Since then, Korea has experienced a sudden structural change of the traditional and agricultural society into the urbanized and industrialzied society. Colin Clark, who has classified industry into the primary industries, secondary industries and tertiary industries stated that in any nations, the relative importance of the primary industries such as agriculture in total national economy moves to those of the secondary and tertiary industries as economy of those nations develop, which he called "Fedder's Law". Because of the sudden industrialization for last 20 years, we can witness the stagnation of agriculture, which was the primary industries of our nation. Other countries have tried to find out means to get rid of the stagnation of economy through commercial farm management, market farming, mechanization of farm and we know that there are some successful cases. But we have not found any means to vitalize the rural economy. Our national policy of industrialization promoted with the emphasis on the urban are as because the effectiveness of investment in those community has been neglected. Because of the adaption of these unbalanced theory of growth, the unbalance between agricultural and industrial societies has been deepened. Therefore it brought about a large gap in income and cultural levels between urban and rural communities. Nevertheless, the lack of interest for the rural community make it's future depressing because the rural community is regarded as the remaining space for the urban community. From this point of view, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the phenomena of rural economy resulted from the urbancentered policy of industrialization, and to find out means to vitalize the rural economy. To sum up the activation plan of rural economy, first, the local autonomy should be realized, for it will play an important role in making the local administration to help and form a unique structure of productive economy in the rural areas. Secondly, the promotion of efficiency of agricultural management, the modification of farmland structure suitable t o regional peculiarity, the improvement of seed and the many-sided application of farm machines and implements are indipensable. Thirdly, the implements are indispensable. Thirdly, the improvement of marketing process of agricultural products and the activation of agricultural finance should be realized. Fourthly, the many-sided propulsive movement of rural community development should be carried out. Fifthly, various facilities for the convenient traffic and communications should be constructed for the elevation of income including agriculture. Finally, what is the most important is that government should establish a suitable price policy of the agricultural products to give farmer an incentive to improve it's production. The six suggestions mentioned above are considered to be the most desirable measures to give activation to the rural economy which has been sacrificed for industrial growth in the urban are as for last 20 years. Moreover, these are regarded as best methods to save the rural community from economic poverty.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        초등학교 도덕과 교육에서 트라우마 치유 방안 탐색 연구

        신현우 한국초등도덕교육학회 2017 초등도덕교육 Vol.0 No.58

        Every human being lives with big and small spiritual wounds of the past. And in the face of similar events, we are going through a kind of trauma. Trauma is a kind of wound, which happens in certain past experiences. More specifically, a trauma refers to a state in which a bursting sound is generated in a protective film of a mental system that protects the inside from external stimuli, and the external stimulation energy flows into the inside through the stimulation. Trauma is often caused by experience with childhood shocking events or events, and should be healed early. Otherwise, it will be reproduced repeatedly. Especially these days, students often suffer big and small traumas, so it is necessary for the school to provide healing education for trauma. Therefore, in this paper, we have attempted from an educational point of view how to heal trauma based on moral educational perspectives. 모든 인간은 과거의 크고 작은 상처를 안고 살아간다. 그리고 그와 유사한 사건에 직면하여 일종의 트라우마를 겪게 된다. 트라우마는 일종의 상처인데 이는 과거의 특정한 경험에서 발생하게 된다. 보다 구체적으로 트라우마는 외부의 자극으로부터 내부를 보호하는 정신적 체계의 보호막에 파열구가 발생하고 그곳을 통해 외부의 자극이 걷잡을 수 없이 내부로 유입되는 것을 말한다. 트라우마는 어릴 적 충격적 사태나 사건에 대한 경험에 기인하는 경우가 많으며 조기에 치유되어야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 그것은 반복 재생산되기 때문이다. 학생들 또한 예외가 아니다. 크고 작은 트라우마를 겪으며 살아가고 있는 학생들에게는 트라우마 치유를 통한 회복 교육이 필요하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 트라우마를 도덕 교육적 관점에 입각하여 치유할 수 있는 방안에 대해 시론적 차원에서 모색을 시도해 보았다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초음파 및 진동형 지방흡입술과 부분 절제를 병용한 여성형 유방의 치료

        신현우,홍준표 대한미용성형외과학회 2005 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.11 No.2

        The authors present the treatment for gynecomastia that combines the use of ultra sound assisted liposuction with or without power assisted liposuction and periareolar partial excision. This method effectively removes the fibrous tissue and fat tissue of the male breast. From july of 2000 to october of 2004, total 17patients were treated in this fashion. Pressure vest was applied immediately after operation. It was performed as out patient desk based operation. The results from the operation demonstrated a smooth musculine chest contour with well concealed scar. The procedure is technically straightfoward and provide consistent results. It can be offered as an effective option for the treatment of gynecomastia.

      • 可變生産要員管理시스템에 관한 硏究

        申鉉佑 慶一大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        This research is concerned with production smoothing and-planning deal with the setting of work force levels to satisfy demand requirements. The need for production planning results primary from aggregate demand fluctuations. such as those that occur for seasonal product families and needs diversification. Till the present time, Many work force strategies explored in order to solve the problem of the work force flexbility under fluctuation of demand. These strategies are categorized three strategies that are predominant in today's management. One type is chase strategy, often used by firms that employ low skilled workers and faced with seasonal product demands, where workforce levels fructuate according to increases and decreases in production requirements. A level-flexible strategy, commonly called the Toyota system, keeps the aggregte workforece at a constant size but by having flexibly trained workers at a constant it can allow transfers of workers between various departments and processes as production requirements dictate. The third major type is a level-inflexible employed by American automobile manufactures. Under this strategy, the number of workers remains constant in each department as well as at the aggregate level regardless of short term changes in the production requirements. As the manufacturing system is envisioned by Various internal-external Environment fctors. The staffing decision is more complex than just determining the number and timing of the work force the development of good staffing plans must consider the impact of Environmental factors like work space, work load variations, employ capabilities, machine per man power requirements, and available part time labor market restriction. With these environmental factors explicitly estimated, managers can weigh them against desired part time work force level goals to determine the apropriate balance. These pure strategies can not solve the whole problems of Flexibility. because the chase strategy constrained by external Environment factors (imployee morale, a labor union, etc). level flexible strtegy and level inflexible strategy has no external flexibility to meet chnges in production requirements. in this viewpoint I suggest that the operation Analysis matrix model for a production smoothing with PTS and Transportation model's concepts. This matrix model will solve those whole problems with mixed strategies by PTS plus Automation.

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