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        화이트헤드의 교육목적론 연구: ‘과정 형이상학’의 시론적 탐색

        신춘호 한국도덕교육학회 2014 道德敎育硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 ‘유기체 철학’(또는 ‘과정 형이상학’)으로 알려져 있는 화이트헤드 사상의 교육적 시사점을 고찰하기 위한 시론적 탐색에 해당한다. 화이트헤드는 근대 과학의 철학적 가정들에 대한 비판적 성찰에 기초하여 ‘실재는 과정이다’라는 근본가정에 기초한 형이상학을 구축하였으며, 그 결과 과학적 유물론과는 대비되는 유기체적 우주론을 제시하고 있다. 그의 교육론의 핵심 개념인 ‘살아있는 지식’은 이러한 그의 형이상학에 기초하고 있으며, ‘살아있는 지식’에 관한 그의 논의는 지식의 성격과 그 가치를 ‘과정’의 맥락에서 해명하고자 한 시도에 해당한다. ‘실재는 과정이다’는 화이트헤드의 발상은 교육과 형이상학의 관련에 관한 한 가지 특이한 관점을 제시해주며, 그 관점은 그의 형이상학과 ‘메타프락시스’(metapraxis)의 근원적 동일성을 보여준다. 이 점에서 화이트헤드의 사상을 세밀하게 검토하는 일은 메타프락시스로서의 교육이론의 성격을 밝히는 데에 좋은 참고가 될 수 있다. In The Aims of Education, Whitehead presents his cardinal idea of ‘living knowledge' as the aim of education. Living knowledge has three constituent aspects, i.e., ‘utility’, ‘test’(or discipline) and ‘combination’. These aspects of living knowledge are integrated into the aesthetic sense or style as the last achievement of education. This idea of living knowledge is based on the his ‘process metaphysics’ or ‘philosophy of organism’ which is the product of his critical reviews on the presuppositions of modern science and traditional philosophy. His metaphysics can be regarded as the reconstruction of traditional metaphysics by his first principle of ‘Reality is process’. Based on this principle, his metaphysics presents the idea of ‘living nature’, which is contradictory to ‘dead nature’ or scientific mechanism. Living nature has, in itself and by itself, the creativity(or God) as the potential. His metaphysics presents the new idea of the relation of metaphysics and educational theory. If the process can be regarded not the natural events but the educational practice to the ideal of human life. His first principle can be the first principle of educational(i.e., process) metaphysics. In this point, Whitehead's metaphysics has the fundamental identity with the ‘metapraxis’ as educational theory.

      • KCI등재
      • 趙明熙小說論

        申春浩 건국대학교 1990 學術誌 Vol.34 No.1

        Myong Hui Cho is a novelist who worked in Korea but defected to Russia in 1928 in order to avoid the suppression of the imperialist Japanese. In this article, I intend to elucidate the essential characteristics of his work, especially with regard to those pieces which he published in Korea. I analyzed Into the Ground, The Peasants, The Nakdong River. As a result of my own investigation, I discovered the following characteristics. First of all, Cho's novels are set in the 1920's, the time which might be described as a period of national poverty. The urban setting in his novels is Seoul and the rural background is his native place, Chungbuk Province, and the area around the Nakdong River. Second, he turns poor peasants or intellectuals into heros. They become resistant in the midst of their conflict with the evironments. Third, the central conflict in the novels arises between the good (the hero) and the evil(the Japanese or the rich). The hero is either disillusioned or dead in the end. However, a certain death predicts a new revival. The plots employed in the novels are concerned with disillusionment, tragedy and education. Fourth, Cho's novels, founded upon socialist ideals, encourage resistance against the Japanese or the wealthy. Finally, he employs various literary devices to manifest those socialistic themes. (i) By using a title associated with the 'land', he shows his love for the motherland (ii) He leads the story in the first·person or the omniscent narrator's point of view. The former is used to describe the world which the author has experienced for himself, whereas the latter is used to depict the indirectly experienced world or the ideological world. (iii) He uses a poetic or prosaic style. This expresses his romanist and socialist ideas. a. Relying on denotative diction, he employs the words 'pain' and 'movement' most frequently. These words bear directly on the theme. b. He employs figurative image. c. The sentences are structurally complex and convoluted d. The tone which his style evokes is fierce but sadly magnificent. To summarize the above characterstics, the work of Myong Hui Cho is the literature which expresses, in a unique poetic and prosaic style, aspects of the pain and resistance of the Korean people during the colonial period. Accordingly, the significance of Cho's work in the Korean literary history could be summarized as the following. First, his novels are the literature of realism bearing witness to the harship of the Korean people. Second, they manifest resistance against the Japanese and the wealthy. And they successfully create an image of the patriotic fighter. Finally, they find themselve in a high level of literature by harmonizing ideology and art. In this regard, the previous proletarian prejudices against his novels need to be reconsidered.

      • 1960년대의 농민소설 연구

        신춘호 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 1998 중원인문논총 Vol.18 No.-

        In this article, I intend to elucidate the characteristics of "the novels of the soil" in the 1960s. I closely analyze the aesthetic structure of O youngsoo's The Eennaegol story, Lee dongwei's The Pitdul, Lee Kyuhwei's Daingie of the Soksoritum, Chun sungse's The Botmuel, Ki, Junghwan's The Moraetop story, O youkwon's the Tochakmin, the masterpeices of "the novels of the soil" in the 1960s. To begin with, from the analysis of facts, I find such characteristics as follows: 1) Most of the novels has a tragic plot. 2) The hero of the novels is created as a peasant with a strong passion and will toward the soil. 3) The setting is rural Korea in the time of 1960s. Having researched the theme of these works through this-factual structure, I find out the three thoughts: the love and sacrificing spirit for family and neighborhood, the passion on the soil, and lastly the rebellion against the powerful man. In order to present these themes effectively, several literary devices have been used. Generally, the titles which implicate the background and the characters have been used. They also choose the third person point of view and use the images of "soil" and "blood" most of all and employ a simple literary style as well. From the above argumentation I can conclude that " the novels of the soil" in the 1960's were realistic literature testifying tragic realities of the period. It can be said that through various techniques they crated the image of peasants with strong attachment to their fields and strong willingness and attained a stage of "the novels of the soil." However, their limitation is that the "the novels of the soil" do not go deeply into the real state of affairs of the agricultural villages and peasants.

      • 解放直後의 農民小說硏究

        申春浩 건국대학교 1985 學術誌 Vol.29 No.1

        The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how the peasantry novels are characterized right after the Liberation, comparing with those in the preceding time. Of many novels after 1945, three novels will be discussed in terms of the three aspects of factual structure, theme, and literary device. The three novels are Chae Manshik's "논이야기," Hwang Sunwon's "황소들" and Choi Junghee's "풍류잡히는 마을." To begin with, from the analysis of the factual structure, we have learned such characteristics as follows: 1) all of the three novels have a tragic plot; 2) the heroes depicted in them are all of good and mild desposition, however, they show the spirit of resistance to injustice or unreasonable oppression by presumable high authority; 3) they reflect the chaotic situation of the period faithfully. Secondly, the conclusions of the analysis of theme are as follows: 1) the novels took as their themes the wrath and rebel against the vicious landowner or political power; 2) the disharmony between peasantry and the high authority was shown as the theme. Finally, we can get the following conclusions from the techniques of literary devices: 1) the titles of the novels were regarded to be used properly because the titles represented characters and settings correctly; 2) both first-person and omniscient points of view are used, which is to the point; 3) as a whole the style is based on denotation but sometimes the symbolic images are used. The length of the sentences of the novels is comparatively long. These characteristics contribute to the tone. In conclusion, the peasantry novels right after the Liberation show vigorous image of peasants against vicious landowner and political power in social disturbance.

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