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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Coralyne에 의한 PC12 세포중의 도파민 생합성 저해작용

        신정수,이명구,Shin, Jeong-Soo,Lee, Myung-Koo 한국생약학회 1999 생약학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        The effects of coralyne, a protoberberine isoquinoline compound, on dopamine biosynthesis in PC12 cells were investigated. Coralyne decreased the dopamine content dose-dependently $(46.3%\;inhibition\;at\;20\;{\mu}M\;for\;24 hr).$ Dopamine content was lowered at 6 hr and reached minimal level at 24 hr after exposure to coralyne at $20\;{\mu}M.$ The decreased dopamine level was maintained up to 48 hr and recovered to the control level at about 72 hr. Tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthesis, was also inhibited at $20\;{\mu}M\;of\;coralyne$ by 16.1% relative to control. These results suggest that the inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by coralyne with a single treatment might be partially contributed to the decrease in dopamine content in PC12 cells.

      • KCI등재

        Bulbocapnine이 PC12 세포종의 도파민 함량에 미치는 영향

        신정수(Jeong Soo Shin),이명구(Myung Ku Lee) 대한약학회 1998 약학회지 Vol.42 No.2

        The effects of bulbocapnine, an aporphine isoquinoline alkaloid, on dopamine content in PC12 cells were investigated. Bulbocapnine decreased the dopamine content dose-dependently (39.2% inhibition at 2OmcM for 24 hr). The IC50 value of bulbocapnine was 22.7mcM. Dopamine content was lowered at 6 hr after exposure to bulbocapnine. And then, the decreased dopamine level was almost maintained at 36 hr and recovered to the control level at about 60 hr. Tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in the catecholamine blosynthetic pathway, was also inhibited at 20mcM of bulbocapnine by 23.1% relative to control. We, therefore, hypothesized that the inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase by bulbocapnine with a single treatment might be partially contributed to the decrease in dopamine content in PC12 cells.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 영화 ≪조씨고아≫의 각색 양상 연구 -영아살해와 부친살해를 중심으로

        신정수 ( Jeong Soo Shin ) 중국어문연구회 2014 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        The Orphan of Zhao, a Yuan drama about a feud between the Zhao and the Tu clans in ancient China, includes various kinds of death: from massacre and homicide to suicide and others. Among these deaths are two murders deemed “unnatural”: infanticide and patricide. The villain Tu Angu decimates the Zhao clan and kills an infant thought to be the last remaining member of the family; in fact, the baby is the child of the Zhao family’s doctor Zheng Ying, who has no other choice as his son is killed but to watch helplessly for the sake of saving the last heir of the Zhao clan, Gu’er. Fifteen years later, when he learns the truth, Gu`er immediately kills Tu Angu and redeems his family’s honor. The problem, however, is that the two have been as close as father and son. In his film Sacrifice (2010), the director Chen Kaige noticed this problem and adapted it in order to satisfy a contemporary audience. This paper examines Chen Kaige`s criticism of the original drama through the analysis of his cinematic adaptation.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 19세기 전반기 유럽 선교사들의 ≪삼국지연의(三國志演義)≫소개 방식과 서술 태도 연구 -모리슨과 구츨라프를 중심으로

        신정수 ( Jeong Soo Shin ) 중국어문연구회 2015 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.70

        This article examines ways early nineteenth-century missionaries read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms as a case study of the Western understanding of the Chinese novel. Missionaries’ readings of Chinese novels have been by and large neglected in the history of Sino-Western literary exchange. Their readings are not scholarly and at times inaccurate, but they are still invaluable sources to observe various views from the Western missionaries from pre-modern limitations to imperialism, and comparative literature. Known as the first protestant missionary residing in China, Robert Morrison (1782-1834) did not write an article on Chinese literature, presumably due to his prejudice towards novels and literature in itself. Instead, he made a scholarly note of The Romance in the entry on Zhuge Liang in his Dictionary of the Chinese Language. In my view, it was because Zhuge Liang was close to an ideal figure from the view of the sincere Christian. On the other hand, Karl Gutzlaff (1803-1851) wrote numerous articles on Chinese novels, including The Romance, in The Chinese Repository, a monthly missionary magazine published from 1832 to 1851. He held The Romance in high esteem in terms of historical writing and style. Missionaries’ reviews of The Romance reveal various perspectives, which reflect contemporary Westerners’ ambivalent perspectives on China. Over the course of the nineteenth century, nevertheless, The Romance is gradually viewed more and more favorably. It is therefore concluded that missionaries contributed to the growing popularity of The Romance in the West.

      • KCI등재

        太湖石의 기괴한 형상에 대한 미의식의 변화

        신정수(Shin Jeong-soo) 중국문화연구학회 2014 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.25

        This paper examines aesthetic issues related to the Lake Tai rocks, ugly and strange stones that were celebrated as valuable items in Chinese garden culture. The underlying purpose of the study is to better understand the origin of petromania literature starting during the first half of the ninth century of Tang China. More importantly, it contributes to a deeper appreciation of the relationship between beauty and ugliness in Chinese literati’s thoughts. Based on existing sources, “A Pair of Rocks,” written by Bo Juyi in 826, is the first poem of the Lake Tai rocks in the history of Chinese literature. The poet was sympathetic toward its ugly and strange configurations. In 839, however, only twelve years after the poem was written, Bo Juyi, Liu Yuxi, and Niu Sengru gathered in Niu’s rock garden and expressed unanimous acclaim of the stone as a rarity. Such change of perception shows that the Lake Tai rocks began to be appreciated as an aesthetic object. The cult of the Lake Tai rocks is vividly described in “The Record of the Lake Tai Rocks,” a prose account written by Bo Juyi in 843. This account reveals Bo’s intentions to defend Liu’s obsessive collection of the rocks but it still contains important content, such as categorization and rank of rocks, aesthetic standards, and circumstances during that period. My study of ninth-century petromania suggests that there is no absolute distinction between the beautiful and the ugly, and that a sense of beauty may change depending on time and circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        『운림석보(雲林石譜)』와 『소원석보(素園石譜)』의 비교 연구 -령벽석(靈璧石) 기술 양상을 중심으로-

        신정수 ( Jeong Soo Shin ) 근역한문학회 2015 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.42 No.-

        본 연구는 靈璧石에 대한 기술 양상을 중심으로 『雲林石譜』와 『素園石譜』에 나타난 괴석 문화를 고찰한다. 두 석보는 모두 중국 각지의 괴석들을 집대성한 전문 서적이지만 내용과 형식면에서 상당한 차이가 있으며 이러한 차이를 석보의 저자 杜館과 林有麟의 편찬 의도와 북송 말과 명말이라는 시대적 상황에서 논의한다. 특히 석보의 편찬과 영벽석 문화 사이의 관련성이 본 연구의 주관심사이다. 두 석보는 영벽석이 유행한 시기에 편찬되었고 텍스트에서도 영벽석을 가장 비중 있게 다루지만 배치와 기술 방식은 상당히 다르다. 『雲林石譜』는 영벽석을 권1의 첫 번째 괴석으로 소개한 반면에 『素園石譜』는 영벽석을권2에서 첫 번째 괴석으로 다루면서 권1에서도 영벽석으로 만들어진 硏山을 대거 소개한다. 이는 명말에 이르러 영벽석 감상 문화가 이미 정착되었고 이중에서도 다시 小巧의 극치를 보여주는 영벽석 연산이 문인들 사이에서 가장 선호되었음을 보여준다. This paper seeks to examine the Yunlin shipu 雲林石譜 and the Suyuan shipu 素園石譜 with particular attention to their descriptions of the Lingbi stone 靈璧石. The paper first demonstrates that the compilation of the stone catalogs was a direct result of the vogue for the Lingbi stone which twice appeared, first in the 12th century and then later in the 17th. The Yunlin shipu gives a comprehensive description of the Lingbi stone ranging from its physical attributes to how it is quarried, while the Suyuan shipu focuses on its aesthetic aspects. Their different attitudes towards the stone reflect not only the personal taste of the authors but also the cultural climate of each age. One noticeable fact is that while the Yunlin shipu catalogs Lingbi stone in the first section, the Suyuan shipu discusses it in the second section and also mentions famous exemplars in other places, for examples, section one. This difference between the two stone catalogues suggests that during the late Ming period, the popularity of the Lingbi stones was already so widespread that some fancy stones were individually recognized among the literati.

      • KCI등재

        黃山 金逌根의 硏山圖와 관련 題畫詩 연구

        신정수(Shin, Jeong-soo) 한국학중앙연구원 2020 장서각 Vol.0 No.43

        19세기에 연산과 수석 감상이 유행하였지만 전문적으로 연산도를 그린 화가는 金逌根(1785~1840)이 유일하다. 본고에서는 먼저 김유근의 생애와 수석 감상을 살펴보고 다음으로 『황산연산도』와 다른 연산도를 분석한다. 이어서 金正喜(1786~1856)와 權敦仁(1783~1859)과의 석교를 고찰하고 마지막으로 南秉哲(1817~1863), 趙冕鎬(1803~1887) 등 후배 문인의 평을 읽으면서 김유근 연산도의 가치를 19세기 회화사에서 논의한다. 김유근은 瘦透漏皺를 표현한 중국 연산도나 김정희 등 19세기 문인들의 사의적 화풍을 수용하면서도 새로운 시도와 파격을 보여준다. 왼쪽 위에서 조감하여 입체성을 부각시킨 『황산연산도』의 2면은 미불 연산도의 연장선상에 있으면서도 창의적인 구도 감각이 돋보인다. 한 폭의 산수화를 그려놓고 연산도라고 하는 것(5면)은 일종의 관념적 유희로서 독창적인 발상이다. 또 긴 종축에 석순 같이 그려놓은 기다란 수석은 독특한 조형미로 전통적인 瘦의 특징을 넘어서 현대적인 미감을 연출한다. 김유근은 이밖에도 기존의 괴석이나 연산과 다른 종류의 수석을 그렸다. 많은 경우 바닥 부분이 좁거나 뾰족해서 공간에 떠 있는듯한 독특한 느낌을 준다. 이러한 사례들은 중국의 연산도나 김정희의 화풍으로 설명할 수 없는 김유근의 연산도의 성취이다. 김유근의 연산도는 당대부터 많은 문인들의 관심을 받았다. 김유근 본인이 스스로 전범에 얽매이지 않고 자유롭게 자신의 마음을 표현하였다고 하였고 남궁철 같은 문인들도 공감하였다. 반면 일제강점기의 문인 백낙창은 김정희의 화론을 빌려서 엄정한 마음가짐으로 도를 표현한 것이라고 하였다. 일견 상반되는 것처럼 보이지만 이러한 두 견해는 모두 합당하다. 김유근은 돌과 오랜 시간에 걸쳐서 하나가 되었기 때문에 회화 기법에 얽매이지 않고 자유롭게 자신을 표현할 수 있었다. 마찬가지로 石化의 과정을 거쳐서 단단한 돌의 정신을 갖게 되었기 때문에 그림이 속되지 않고 자연스럽게 도에 합치되었다. Kim Yugeun (1785-1840), Kim Jeonghi (1786-1856), and Gwon Donin (1783-1859) formed a deep friendship regardless of status and partisan politics. Their friendship was often referred to as seokkyo 石交 (friendship through stone exchange); while viewing and writing about stones like an artwork, they associated the unbreakable solid nature of stones with their steady solidarity during the turbulent period. Kim Jeonghi is the most influential figure in the literary milieu of nineteenth-century Korea but it is Kim Yugeun who shaped this particular culture of stone connoisseurship. Prior to him, painters mainly portrayed garden rocks but Kim focused on mountain-shaped inkstones (yanshan 硏山). Focusing on this difference, this paper demonstrates that Kim is the first and foremost painter of inkstones in Korean art history. In his renowned album Yellow Mountain’s Inkstone paintings, Kim Yugeun shows both Chinese influence and his own experimental artistic creativity. The first painting is one example in which he adapts Mi Fu’s style (Figure 2, right), whereas the second painting is a new attempt that employs a diagonal perspective to create the three-dimensional view (Figure 2, left). He also makes a new conceptual attempt, envisioning the landscape painting as an extension of inkstone painting (Figure 7). On the other hand, Kim is famous for paintings of suseok 壽石, miniature rocks favored by Korean elites. They are unique in shape and surface text but are not so strange or extraordinary when compared with Chinese miniature rocks (guaishi 怪石). They clearly show Kim’s artistic style in pursuit of xieyi 寫意 painting.

      • KCI등재

        왕도곤(汪道昆)의 상인 전기에 나타난 휘상의 협객적 면모

        신정수 ( Jeong Soo Shin ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2016 民族文化硏究 Vol.71 No.-

        汪道昆의 상인 전기는 四民 계층에서 가장 낮은 상인을 입전했다는 점에서 명대상인의 영향력과 위상을 보여주는 방증으로 주목 받아왔다. 상인과 문인의 교유, 신분 변화 등 儒와 商의 관계에서 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔으며 본 연구는 이러한 연구 경향을 俠의 방면으로 확장시킨다. 구체적으로 嘉靖(1522-1566)과 隆慶(1567-1572)연간에 활동한 汪守義, 方景眞, 程鎖, 査내 등 협객의 면모를 보이는 상인, 즉 挾商들의 활동과 특징을 분석하면서 상인과 협객의 관련 양상을 고찰할 것이다. 利를 따지는 상인은 義를 추구하는 협객과 관련이 없어 보이지만 실생활에서 두부류는 상호보완적이다. 상인과 협객은 유가라는 주류 사회에서 모두 외부적 존재였으며 두 부류는 서로에 대한 필요성으로 접촉하면서 자연스럽게 서로의 가치를 받아들이고 닮아간다. 이러한 두 부류의 관련 양상을 의식하면서 汪道昆은 挾商을 節俠이라고 높이 평가하였다. 왕도곤의 상인전기는 종래 『사기』 「화식열전」을 계승한 전기로 평가받았으나 향후 「유협열전」과의 연관성도 고찰할 필요가 있다. Merchant biographies have been considered important material for understanding the relationship between literati and merchants in the Confucian society of the Ming, especially, in the Huizhou area. The merchants of Huizhou, however, also had some of the same characteristics as swordsmen. At a first glance, the two would seem to have little in common, given the fact that the former are profit-oriented while the latter are motivated by honor. Yet, both were equally marginalized by the Confucian society of the mid-Ming. Gradually the two became close and collaborated as they understood that they were complementary to one another. Although merchants aspired to the literati class, in reality, they lived in close relationship with swordsmen. This paper focuses on the chivalrous aspects of Huizhou merchants as shown through a close reading of Wang Daokun’s 汪道昆 biographies of Wang Shouren 汪守義, Fang Jingzhen 方景眞, Cheng Suo 程鎖, and Cha Nai 査내. Their lives were varied and ranged from merchant-philanthropist to a general and a musician. Regardless of career, they were invariably called ‘upright swordsmen’ 節俠. Such an honorable epithet reveals that not only literati merchants but also chivalrous merchants were highly esteemed in the Huizhou area.

      • KCI등재

        측천무후의 남성 편력에 관한 문학적 각색 양상 연구: 동아시아 여성군주론의 관점에서

        신정수 ( Shin Jeong-soo ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2017 中國學論叢 Vol.57 No.-

        In pre-modern East Asia, power was equated exclusively with masculinity On account of this reasoning, it was considered an anomaly when a woman emerged as a ruler. The best known female ruler is Empress Wu (675-705; r. 690-705). Between the Song and Qing dynasties, male literati despised the Empress, highlighting her supposed promiscuous life in their writing. Through readings of selected adaptations of her life focusing on sexual bias, this study examines how the some literati demonized her. In these works, I have analyzed their desire for revenge, their fear of the empress, and the phallogocentrism of their works. I have also broadened my perspective to explore the cases of Queen Seondeok (r. 632-647) and Empress Suiko (554-628; r. 592-628) in order to find similarities and dissimilarities in the literary treatments of female rulers in East Asia. Queen Seondeok was portrayed positively to some extent, while Empress Suiko was rarely mentioned in terms of gender or sexuality. The different mis/representations of the three female rulers in their own countries are considered to come from the three women`s different class and cultural backgrounds.

      • KCI우수등재

        2단 가열식 지열시스템의 경제성 분석

        신정수(Jeong Soo Shin),김선혜(Sean Hay Kim) 대한설비공학회 2017 설비공학 논문집 Vol.29 No.5

        This paper provides an economic analysis of a new geothermal heat pump system that reuses condenser waste heat from a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHPch) to provide energy for a hot water Ground Source heat pump (GSHPhw). After conducting feasibility tests using GLD and TRNSYS simulations, the proposed system was effectively installed and thoroughly tested. We observe that 1) the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the GSHPhw and the GSHPch during cooling mode improves by up to 62% and 7%, respectively; 2) the number of bore holes can be reduced by two; and 3) the hot water supply temperature of the GSHPhw increases by up to 60°C. We further conclude that 1) the reduction of two bore holes can save approximately ten million Won from the initial cost investment; and 2) the increased COP of the GSHPhw can save approximately one million Won in annual electricity costs.

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