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        무기체계 소프트웨어 감항인증을 위한 결합도 입증 방안 연구

        신선영 한국정보과학회 2023 정보과학회논문지 Vol.50 No.11

        In 2009, To secure flight safety of military aircraft and enhance the competitiveness of our aircraft exports by applying internationally recognized airworthiness certification standards, South Korea established the "Act on Certification of Flight Safety for Military Aircraft" along with its enforcement decree and regulations. According to these regulations, domestically developed military aircraft are required to be certified following the airworthiness certification laws, procedures, and standards. The standard airworthiness certification criteria for military aircraft, which serve as the basis for airworthiness assessment, was developed by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and has been revised up to the 7th edition. Among the recent changes, the most impactful area is Chapter 15, which pertains to computer resources in software. As the proportion of software development within weapon systems continues to increase, the related standards are becoming more detailed and refined to keep up with the evolving. This study aimed to clarify and propose verification methods for newly incorporated software coupling criteria in the revised airworthiness certification standards.

      • KCI등재

        金俊根筆 『텬로력뎡』삽화 연구

        신선영 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2010 東洋學 Vol.47 No.-

        『텬로력뎡』은 영국인 존 번연(John Bunyan, 1628~1688)의 The Pilgrim ’s Progress (1678년 초판 발행)를원작으로 1895년에 간행된 우리나라 최초의 서양문학 번역서이자 기독교문학 번역서이다. 이 『텬로력뎡』을 기획하고 번역한 사람은 해리엣(Harriet Elizabeth Gibson, 1860~1908)과 선교사 게일(James Scarth Gale, 1863~1937)이었다. 그리고 『텬로력뎡』에서 번역자 못지않게 중요한 임무를 담당한 사람은 삽화가김준근이었다. 그러나 그 중요성에 비해 자료의 부족으로 많은 연구가 이루어지지 못했는데, 『텬로력뎡』 삽화와 유사한 영문본인 맥과이어 주석본 The Pilgrim’s Progress 삽화(1863~65년 초판발간)와 漢譯本 『天路歷程土話』삽화(1870~71년발간)가 발굴되어 김준근 삽화의 연원 및 영향관계의 실마리를 찾게 되었다. 양식 분석결과『텬로력뎡』의 내용과 구성에서 한역본 『天路歷程土話』 보다 영문본인 맥과이어 주석본 The Pilgrim’s Progress의 셀루스와 프리올로 삽화의 영향이 뚜렷했다. 이는 기존에 서양 미술이나 기법이 중국을 통해 수용되었던 것이 개항이후 비록 인쇄물이긴 하지만 서양 미술과 직접 접촉하고 그림에 반영된 최초의 예로서의의가 있다. 김준근은 삽화 제작이전에 서양화법인 선원근법과 명암법을 초보적으로나마 인지하고 있었지만 서양화법의 전형을 보여주는 맥과이어 주석본의 셀루스와 프리올로 삽화를 바탕으로 『텬로력뎡』 삽화를제작하면서 삽화와 풍속화에 서양화법을 더욱 발전적으로 적용함으로써 자신의 회화 양식을 확립시켰다. 김준근 『텬로력뎡』 삽화의 또 한 가지 특징은 삽화 등장인물들의 모습이 서양인 대신 조선인으로 변용되어 그려졌다는 것이다. 조선인으로의 번안 배경은 기독교 선교정책의 영향이 컸다. 즉 토착민들의 문화와 정서에 대한 존중을 바탕으로 기독교를 전파시키는 네비우스 선교 정책이 삽화에서 시각적 이미지로 표출되었던 것이다. 이러한 개화기의 기독교 정책이 반영된 김준근의 삽화는 讀者들에게 소설의 내용이 쉽게 전달되도록 도와주는 효과를 가졌음에 틀림없다. 『텬로력뎡』은 보급기간, 보급층의 범위 등이 훨씬 넓고 다양해졌는데, 이는 선교사들을 통해 들어온서양 산업혁명의 利器인 근대적 인쇄 기술의 도입으로 인한 대량 복사가 가능했기 때문이다. 더욱이 김준근은 삽화라는 미술 언어로 대중화된 서적물을 대량으로 출판, 보급함으로써 지적 교양의 일반화를 실현하는데 중요한 역할을 하였다. The Korean version of The Pilgrim’s Progress published in 1895 was the first Korean translation of Western and Christian literature. The original work The Pilgrim’s Progress was written by the Englishman John Bunyan(1628~1688) in 1678. The translators of the first Korean version of The Pilgrim’s Progress were Harriet Elizabeth Gibson(1860~1908) and James Scarth Gale(1863~1937),Christian missionaries who came to Korea in the late 19th century. A Korean genre painter of the late 19th century, Kim, Jun-geun also played an important role as The Pilgrim’s Progress’s illustrator. These illustrations are considered to be the beginning of Christian art in Korea. The important fact is that Kim’s illustrations were similar to those of the English version and not to the Chinese version of The Pilgrim’s Progress. The illustrations of the English version of The Pilgrim’s Progress, published in England by Cassell & Company, were done by H. C. Selous and M. Paolo Priolo. The illustrations of Chinese version are anonymous ones of the Tian lu li cheng tu hua (天路歷程土話) published by Hui shi li tang (惠師禮堂), Guangzhou, 1870~71. There’s no doubt that Kim’s illustrations were influenced by those of H. C. Selous and M. Paolo Priolo rather than those of Tian lu li cheng tu hua (天路歷程土話). The composition of illustrations and contents of story in Kim’s drawings were identical to those of H. C. Selous and M. Paolo Priolo. This showed that Western art entered directly into Korea and not through China. Also, Kim had some knowledge of perspective and shading, techniques of Western painting, prior to the making of The Pilgrim’s Process . Kim further established the style and techniques of Western paintings through the production of The Pilgrim’s Progress based on the illustrations of Selous and Priolo. Another characteristic of Kim’s illustrations is that he replaced Western people to represent Koreans. Because of the Christian missionary policy, Kim’s illustrations followed Nevius’s method that propagated Christianity based on the culture of indigenous people and atmosphere. These illustrations were able to communicate the idea of the book to others easily. Moreover, the Korean version The Pilgrim’s Progress was available to all classes and generations. Kim made possible the generalization of educational reading by distributing his illustrations as popularized modern art. So to speak, the Korean genre painter, Kim, Jun-geun voluntarily or not opened new field of illustration.

      • KCI등재

        The dehydrin gene of the Arctic plant Cerastium arcticum, CaDHN, increases tolerance to multiple stresses in Arabidopsis thaliana

        신선영,김현영,김일섭,김진주,김영생,윤호성 한국식물생명공학회 2020 Plant biotechnology reports Vol.14 No.4

        Cerastium arcticum is one of the few flowering plants that thrives in the Arctic, suggesting that it possesses mechanisms for overcoming this extreme environment. To verify the functionality of C. arcticum dehydrin (CaDHN), known to play a protective role during cellular dehydration, the gene was introduced to Arabidopsis and Escherichia coli. Transgenic plants expressing CaDHN had significantly greater fresh weight and relative water content than wild-type plants under 15% PEG treatments, representing enhanced tolerance to drought. Under chilling conditions, transgenic plants remained vivid green, containing about 1.35-fold higher levels of chlorophyll than wild-type plants, and transgenic seeds germinated 2–3 days earlier with approximately threefold higher germination rates than wild-type seeds. Furthermore, oxidative stress under chilling conditions was 30% lower in transgenic plants than in wild-type plants. Transgenic plants also showed improved tolerance to various stresses, such as cold shock and salinity. In addition, transformed E. coli expressing CaDHN also showed enhanced tolerance to stress conditions, which suggests that CaDHN is conserved across taxa to provide tolerance to stress. These results indicate that CaDHN plays an important role in conferring tolerance to oxidative stress.

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