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        마틴 루터가 근대 인간교육사상에 미친 영향

        신병준(Shin Byung Jun) 한독교육학회 2004 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.9 No.2

        루터는 종교개혁자만이 아니라 교육사상가요 교육개혁가로서의 역사적 의의를 지닌다. 그는 중세 수도원학교나 교회학교에서 실시되던 ‘성직자 위주의 교육’ 개념으로부터 탈피하여 교육을 ‘모든 인간을 대상으로 하는 개념’으로 확대시켰다고 할 수 있으며, 지식 혹은 도덕 교육에서 탈피하여 전인적 인간을 구상하는 획기적인 인간교육관을 주장하였다. 기독교 사상에 기반을 두고 있는 루터의 인간교육은 자기에게 주어진 여건 속에서 하나님과 교회와 국가 그리고 사회에 대한 봉사자를 양성하고 인간이 타락하여 상실한 하나님의 형상(Image of God)을 회복하며, 자기에게 주어진 모든 가능성을 계발시키는 것이었다. 루터는 근대 인간교육사상인 자유와 평등, 직업에 대한 소명을 통한 하나님의 말씀을 삶의 전 영역에 적용시키는 삶의 기초를 제공하였고, 가정교육과 학교교육, 교회교육의 중요성을 강조하여 근대 인간교육의 초석을 놓았다. 본 연구는 이러한 루터의 근대 인간교육관 형성에 미친 주요한 점들을 중심으로 논의하였다. It was Ruther’s anguish he alone underwent without the other’s recognition for previous several years and the long time’s awakening that he shook the European heaven under the flag of Protestant Reformation. He got conclusions and believed firmly as followings after long time’s anguish. God gives, and never sells or buys His grace. “So nobody can get it from money.” It was “The just shall live by faith” written in section17, Chapter1 of Romans, Paul, the apostle’s first letter that backed his faiths. In addition, St. Augustinus’s books backed his faith. The relieved “is not selected based on merits, but selected based on Christ’s grace. That is, his/her definition is recognized by the free benefits.” This words and sentences of the bible gave the lights of soul, and enabled hopes, courages and freedom to be embraced in the soul of Ruther who wondered in the darkness. It means that the sacrifice of a human being can not be attained by his/her endeavors, but by believing Jesus Christ, and accepting Him as a Messiah. Multi-birth of the soul is attained by God’s grace, and it is not attained by human being’s merits compensated based on human’s endeavors. This thought of Ruther resisted the doctrine of Roman Catholic, the church of the medieval age, in the front and presented the true freedom for the publics suffered from suppressions and pains. He asserted that human being without any discrimination of class including churchman, emperor, and farmer is equal in front of God, and he/she should not be discriminated about himself/herself as a human being though there is difference in role. In addition, he asserted that all jobs is generated based on call of God, and they are not noble or humble. He opened the education of the human being in the modern age, asserting the thoughts of equality different from those of the medieval times. The summons of ‘Freedom’, ‘equality’, ‘job’, Ruther’s thoughts of education of human being in the modern age were succeeded to Calvin after historical period, and influenced the educational thoughts of Comenius and Pestalozzi greatly, and became the historical background which established the basis of education of human being in the modern age. Ruther’s christian thoughts offered the basis of life applied God’s sayings in all of the areas of life, and emphasized the importance of home education, school education, and church education still more. In addition, he asserted the education from the cradle. Ruther occupied the superior position in the protestant reformer as well as educational reformer. In addition, he still influences us living in the present time.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        양측성 내측 원판형연골 - 1례 보고 -

        이병일,김대성,신병준,최창욱 ( Byung Ill Lee,Dae Sung Kim,Byung Jun Shin,Chang Uk Choi ) 대한슬관절학회 1994 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Discoid meniscus was first described in 1889 by Young. And many papers have been written upon this subject. Discoid medial meniscus was first reported in 1930 by WatsonJones, but it was ring shaped. The first report of an undisputed discoid medial meniscus is that of Cave and Staples in 1941. Discoid lateral menisci are not uncommon, whereas discoid medial menisci are rare. And bileteral discoid medial menisci are extremely rare. Since the first report of bilateral discoid medial meeisci by Murdock in 1956, only five other cases have reported. Thia artic1e preaent the aixth caee of bilateral diicoid medial menisci.

      • KCI등재

        코메니우스의 교사상 연구

        노상우(Sang Woo Ro),신병준(Byung Jun Shin) 한독교육학회 2003 교육의 이론과 실천 Vol.8 No.2

        코메니우스에게 교육의 존재 근거는 기독교적인 하나님이다. 그의 교육의 방향은 하나님에게로 귀결되고, 학교의 지식은 하나님, 자연, 인간의 상호 관계성에서 획득하는 것으로 이해하고 있다. 그는 교육의 내용을 인간의 유기적인 속성과 자연사물과의 관계에서 분석하고 있다. 코메니우스의 교사상의 전제인 인간관은 자연의 모든 사물들을 알 수 있는 합리적 존재로서, 자기 자신과 자연의 모든 사물들을 제어할 수 있는 모든 피조물들의 지배자로서, 하나님의 형상을 입은 존재이다. 인간이 합리적 존재라는 것은 자연세계를 구성하고 있는 모든 사물들을 분별하며 숙고할 수 있는 ‘지성’, 다른 생명체들의 외적 내적 행위와 움직임과의 관계에서 조화와 자유를 보장하는 ‘덕성’, 그리고 하나님의 형상을 입은 인간은 인간의 원형인 창조주의 전지전능을 표현하는 ‘경건’을 소유하고 있다고 보았다. 코메니우스는 17세기 전통적이고 형식적인 교육이 비효율적임을 지적하며 이를 개선하기 위하여 과학적 관찰과 연구에 입각한 새 교수법을 창안하여 현대교육의 기반을 형성하였고, 비능률적이고 단편적인 교수법과 강제적이고 폭력적인 교사로부터 학생들이 보호를 받으며 학습할 수 있는 구체적인 교사상을 제시하였다. 이러한 교사는 자연 세계의 모든 사물들의 관계와 존재 이유를 과학정신에 근거한 합리적 탐구와 분석에 의하여 발견한 자연의 원리와 과학적 방법, 직관을 교수방법으로 삼고 있다. 코메니우스는 이와 같은 교육사상, 교육내용, 교수방법을 통해 청소년들에게 교육함으로써 세계변혁을 이룰 수 있다는 확신을 가진 ‘세계의 교사(teacher of nations)’였다. 본고는 이러한 코메니우스의 교사상을 기독교적인 측면과 전인교육적 측면, 그리고 교수방법적 측면에서 탐구하고 있다. For Comenius, the foundation for the existence of this world is the Christian God. He understood that, as the systematical world, this world was created by God and so was moved by God, and then the direction of such movement resulted in God. On the interrelation among God, nature, and human beings, he regarded nature as “the school for the wisdoms of God”, so he recognized that human beings could learn the diverse knowledge in the school of nature. According to him, the human reason for the insight into this world was presented by God in order to identify the world of God, so that such human reason could not be separated from the religious belief. As the basis of Comenius’ educational philosophy, his views of religion, human being, and nature were closely related to the Protestant theological view of the world. Also, Comenius analyzed the contents of education in connection with human organic attributes and structures. He understood human beings from the theological viewpoint, so he had been deeply interested in the correlation between human original attributes and education. He recognized human beings as the rational beings, who could know all the things of nature, and as the rulers of all creatures, who could control human beings themselves and all the things of nature, and as the beings, who resembled the shape of God. According to him, here, that human beings are rational beings, means that they have their own “intelligence”, which can discern and deliberate all the things of the natural world. And that human beings control all the other creatures, means that human beings possess their own “morality”, which can guarantee harmony and liberty through their rational competence in relation to themselves, others, or even the external and internal actions and movements of other creatures. And also, that human beings resemble the shape of God, means that they contain their own “piety”, which can express the omniscience and omnipotence of the Creator as the archetype of human beings. Then, Comenius criticized the traditional and formal education of those days as inefficient. In order to improve such inefficient education, he created his new teaching method based on scientific observations and researches, so he established the basis of modern education. With firm confidence in this new teaching method, he presented his concrete learning theory, which could protect his students from inefficient and fragmentary teaching methods, and from compulsory and violent teachers. The characteristics of his teaching method focused on the principle of nature, the scientific method, and the method of intuition, which could discover the relations and the reason of being in all the things of the natural world through the rational inquiry and analysis based on scientific spirits. Therefore, he was the teacher of nations, who had confidence that he could reform the world by educating his adolescents through such educational philosophy, educational contents, and teaching method.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

        요추 추간판탈출증 수술 후 임상 증상의 회복

        신병준,김준범,조영훈,권희,서유성,김연일,나수균,최창욱 대한척추외과학회 1997 대한척추외과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Study Design : The authors retrospectively analysed the recovery of clinical symptoms after surgical treatment of lumbar HIVD. Objectives : To investigate the incidence of clinical symptoms, the recovery rate and time after surgical treatment and the difference between L4-5 and L5-S1 lesion. Summary of Literature Review : There are many reports concerning the clinical result of surgical treatment for the HIVD. They usually describe the result as excellent, good, fair and poor. We can't get any information about the recovery rate and recovery time of each clinical symptom from the reports. Materials and Methods : Thirty-eight patients were treated by one level open discectomy from march 1991 to december 1995. The clinical symptoms and signs including SLR, motor deficit, sensory deficit, change of DTR and severity of radiating pain were periodically followed up on the predesigned protocol, Results : In preoperative examination, SLR was positive in 82%, motor deficit in 76%, sensory deficit in 74%, DTR change in 50%, and radiating pain in 100%. The recovery rate of SLR was 96.8%, motor deficit ; 93.6%, sensory deficit ; 78.6%, DTR change ; 21 % and radiating pain ; 84.2%. The average recovery time of SLR was 3.4 months, motor deficit ; 1.9 months, sensory deficit ; 5.3 months, DTR change ; 4.1 months and radiating pain ; 3.2 months. Motor and sensory deficit was more frequent in L4-5 lesion but DTR change was usually noted in L5-S] lesion. The recovery rate and time showed no great difference between the two level. Conclusions : The recovery rate was higher in SLR, motor deficit and radiating pain rather than sensory deficit and DTR change. The recovery time was fastest in radiating pain but variable nature was noted in sensory deficit. Above results may be helpful to explain the prognosis of the lumbar HIVD.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경막내 표피양 낭포 : 1례 보고 A Case Report

        신병준,박준영,윤태경,김경제,김연일 대한척추외과학회 2000 대한척추외과학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        연구계획 : 증례 발표 및 문헌 고찰 연구목적 : 의인성 경막내-척수외 표피양 낭포를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법 : 13세 남자 환아가 1주일 전부터 시작된 우하지 방사통과 우측 대퇴부의 전외측의 감각저하를 주소로 내원하였다. 하지직거상검사에서 10도/20도로 매우 제한된 소견을 보였으며 T1강조 시상면 자기공며영상에서 제 3-4요추간에 타원형의 종괴가 보였고, 가돌리늄 강조영상에서 강조되지 않았다. 환자는 두통으로 인해 2년 반 전 요추처자를 받은 과거력이 있었다. 결과 : 종괴는 후방도달범을 통해 정중 경막절개술을 통해 제거하였다. 종괴의 양상은 타원형의 2x1.5x1.5cm 크기로 광택성의 백색 종괴였다. 조직검사상 각질성 물질과 콜레스테롤이 포함된 표피양 낭포로 진단되었고 술 후 신경학적 증상은 완전히 회복되었다. 결론 : 의인성 표피양 낭포 1례를 수술적으로 제거하여 성공적으로 치료하였다. 표피양 낭포는 하지의 방사통과 요추부에 공간 점윱병소가 보일때 반드시 감별해야 할 종양중 하나로 사료된다. Study Design : A case report and review of the literature. Objectives : To discuss the iatrogenic intracural-extramedullary epidermoid cyst and review the literatures. Sumary of Literature Review : Intradural epidermoid cyst has two types of lesions, congenital and iatrogenic. The former is frequentlyh associated with bone or skin malformations(spina bifida etc) and the latter resulting from lumbar puncture, due to direct implanttion of epithelial cell vy puncture needle. Materials and Methods : A 13-year-old boy had pain radiating down to the right lower extremity and hypoesthesia on the anterolateral aspect of right thigh. Straight leg raising was markedly limited. T1 weighted image reveals round intradural mass on L3-4, which was not enhanced by gadolinium He had the history of spinal tapping two and a half years ago for the workup of headache. Results : The mass was excised through posterior approach and midline durotomy. It was whitish ovoid mass, measuring 2x1.5x1.5cm in size and histologically diagnosed as epidermoid cyst consisting of keratinous material and cholesterlo. All the symptoms were completely relieved at 16 months follow-up. Conclusion : A case of iatrogenic epidermoid cyst was successfully treated by excision. Epidermoid cyst must be ruled out if space occupying lesion exists in lumbar spine and patients complaining of lower back pain.

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