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        1인가구와 다인가구의 건강행태 및 정신건강 비교 : 국민건강영영조사 자료분석(2013, 2015, 2017)

        신미아 한국웰니스학회 2019 한국웰니스학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 1인가구와 다인가구의 건강행태 및 정신건강의 차이를 비교하기 위한 것이다. 2013, 2015, 2017년 국민건강영양조사에 참여한 19세 이상의 성인 18,576명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료 분석은 복합표본설계에 의해 Rao-Scott χ2-test를 실시하였다. 그 결과 1인가구는 10.5%, 다인가구는 89.5%이었다. 인구사회학적 특성에서 연령, 결혼상태, 교육수준, 경제활동, 소득수준, 주택소유 유무에서 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 1인가구가 다인가구보다 70세 이상, 미혼, 초졸 이하, 비취업자, 저소득 가구, 무주택자가 더 많았다. 건강행태에서는 1인가구가 다인가구보다 흡연, 음주를 더 하였으며 주관적 건강상태와 건강검진 수진은 더 낮았다. 정신건강에서는 1인가구가 다인가구보다 불충분한 수면시간, 우울, 자살생각이 더 높았으며 정신문제 상담도 더 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. This purpose of this study was to investigate the difference on health behavior and mental health between one person and multi-person households. The data of 18,576 persons over 19 years old who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Survey from 2013, 2015, 2017 were used for the final analysis. The data were analyzed using Rao-Scott X2-test considering complex samples analysis. As a result, the rate of one person households was 10.5% and multi-person households was 89.5%. There were significant differences of age, marital status, education, employment status, household income, and ownership of the house in sociodemographic characteristics. Namely, 70 and older, unmarried status, graduation from elementary school, unemployed status, low-income household, and houseless people in one person households were higher than multi-person households. The smoking, drinking in health behavior of one person households were higher than multi-person households and perceived health status, medical checkup were lower than multi-person households. The insufficient sleeping hours, depression, suicidal ideation, and psychological counselling in mental health of one person households were higher than multi-person households.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19 이후 성인의 우울 영향요인

        신미아,박주영 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.3

        본 연구는 코로나19로 인한 일상생활 변화, 염려가 우울에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 시행되었다. 연구 대상은 2020년 지역사회건강조사에 참여한 19세 이상 65세 미만의 성인 9,660명을 선정하였다. 그 결과, 우울을 경험하는 대상자는 15.7%이었다. 코로나19 우울에 영향을 미치는 요인으로는 일반적 특성 중, 여성, 19-29세, 고등학교 졸업, 단독 가구, 주관적 건강 수준이 나쁠 때 우울을 경험할 가능성이 높았다. 일상생활 변화에서는 신체활동, 수면시간, 인스턴트 음식 섭취, 배달음식 섭취, 음주 등의 변화가 있는 경우에 우울을 경험할 가능성이 높았다. 경제적 피해에 대한 염려가 있으면 우울을 경험할 가능성이 높았다. 이상의 결과는 코로나19 이후 우울을 중재하기 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        생애주기별 1인 가구의 걷기 실천과 행복감 차이

        신미아 대한산업경영학회 2023 산업융합연구 Vol.21 No.9

        본 연구는 생애주기별 1인 가구의 걷기 실천과 행복감의 차이를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 2021년 지역사회건강조사자료를 활용한 이차분석 연구로 수집된 자료는 SPSS 25.0 프로그램을 이용하여 복합표본 통계분석을 시행하였다. 그 결과, 노년기는 청년기와 중년기에 비해 남성보다 여성이 많았고 저학력, 비경제활동, 기초생활수급 및 7시간 미만의 수면이 많았다. 1인 가구의 청년기, 중년기, 노년기 모두 걷기 실천이 걷기 미실천 보다 낮았다. 1인 가구의 행복감 정도는 성인기 6.69 점, 노년기 6.43점, 중년기 6.19점으로 중년기의 행복감이 가장 낮았다. 1인 가구의 청년기, 중년기, 노년기 모두 걷기 실천에따라 행복감에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 따라서 1인 가구의 행복감을 증진시키기 위해서 걷기 실천을 독려하고 이를 위한 사회적, 복지적 및 정책적인 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate difference between walking practice and happiness of one-person households according to the life cycles. This is a secondary analysis study using data from the 2021 Community Health Survey. The data were analyzed using SPSS 25 program for composite sample statistical analysis. As a result, in old age, there were many women, low education, and non-economic activities, and there were many basic living and less than 7 hours of sleep. The walking practice of one-person households was low in youth, middle age, and old age of one-person households. The level of happiness by life cycles of one-person households was 6.69 points in youth, 6.43 points in old age, and 6.19 points in middle age, and the happiness of middle age was the lowest. In youth, middle age, and old age of one-person households, there was a significant differences in happiness depending on walking practice. Therefore, social, welfare, and policy strategies should be developed to encourage walking to improve happiness of one-person households.

      • KCI등재

        중년 1인 가구와 다인 가구의 걷기 운동과 행복감 연관성

        신미아 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2023 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.17 No.7

        This study aimed to examine the association between walking exercise and happiness in middle-aged by single-person and multi-person households. It was a secondary analysis study using the raw data of the 2021 Community Health Survey. The collected data were analyzed using data from SPSS 25.0 program for complex sample statistical analysis. A total of 104,134 middle-aged people aged 40 to 64 were selected for the study. As a result, 11.8% were single-person households and 88.2% were multi-person households. Walking exercise in middle-aged was done in 44.4% of single-person households and 44.6% of multi-person households. Happiness of middle-aged was 6.31 points in single-person households and 7.12 points in multi-person households. As a result of confirming the association between walking exercise and happiness, both single-person and multi-person households increased their happiness when they had walking exercise. Therefore, in order to improve the happiness of middle-aged, it is necessary to establish policy stategy to promote walking exercise. This will contribute to the improvement of happiness in middle-aged of single-person households.

      • KCI등재후보

        여대생의 월경전 증후군과 성역할과의 관계

        신미아,정미현 지역사회간호학회 2006 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Purpose: This study was performed to identify the relationshi between PMS and sex role. Method: Data were collected from 417 famale collegestudents in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area during the period from the 6th of September to the 15th of October in 2004. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 11.0 Result: The results of this study were as follows: 1) Percieived subjective symptoms were clustered endogenous depressive feature (2.76±97), anziety (2.76±1.09), and impulsivity (2.72±1.02). 2) PMS was significantly differents according to the general characteristics of menarche age (F=5.910, p=.003), pain(F=7.886, p=.000) and family history (F=5.366, p=.005), masculinity was significantly different according to menarche age (F=3.174, p=.043), and femininity was significantly different according to menarche age (F=3.742, p=.025) and pain (f=3.256, p=.040) 3) Femininity and PMS were in positive correlation with each other (r=.623, p=.000). Conclusion: This results showed that there is a significant correlation between PMS and sex rode. For future research, it is recommended to identify major factors affecting PMS and the relationships between them and various subjects.

      • KCI등재

        폐경 후 여성의 주관적 건강 영향요인

        신미아,최혜선 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.4

        Factors Influencing the Subjective Healthin Postmenopausal WomenMiah Shin & Hyeseon Choi Abstract: This study is to identify the factors that influence the subjective health of postmenopausal women. Complex sampling design analysis was conducted of a sample of 1,294 postmenopausal women using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2020. Subjective health of postmenopausal women was 2.99 out of 5 score. There was significant difference in age 40 to 49, college graduation, living with a spouse, multi person household, employee, and high income. Factors influencing of subjective health were alcohol drinking, sleeping for more than 7 hours, weight control, walking, and depression. Subjective health of postmenopausal women was affected by health behavior practice, physical activity, and depression. Based on the above results, this study can be used as basic data for the subjective health improvement of postmenopausal women. Key Words: Postmenopause, Female, Health Status, Exercise, Depression 폐경 후 여성의 주관적 건강 영향요인신 미 아*ㆍ최 혜 선** 연구 목적: 이 연구는 폐경 후 여성의 주관적 건강에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하기 위한 것이다. 연구 방법: 2020년 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용한 서술적 조사연구로 폐경 후 여성 1,294명을 선정하였다. 자료는 복합표본분석을 시행하여 분석하였다. 연구 내용: 폐경 후 여성의 주관적 건강은 2.99점(5점 만점)이었다. 인구 사회학적 특성 중 40-49세, 대졸 이상, 동거 배우자, 다인가구, 취업자, 높은 가구소득에서 주관적 건강이 높았다. 주관적 건강에 영향을 미치는 요인은 음주, 7시간 이상 수면, 체중조절 노력, 걷기 운동, 우울로 나타났다. 결론 및 제언: 폐경 후 여성의 주관적 건강은 건강행위 실천, 신체활동, 우울이 영향을 주었다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 여성의 주관적 건강을 향상시키기 위한 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다. 핵심어: 폐경 후, 여성, 건강상태, 운동, 우울 □ 접수일: 2022년 7월 11일, 수정일: 2022년 8월 8일, 게재확정일: 2022년 8월 20일* 주저자, 우석대학교 간호학과 조교수(First Author, Professor, Woosuk Univ., Email: psini1@daum.net)** 교신저자, 우석대학교 간호학과 부교수(Corresponding Author, Professor, Woosuk Univ., Email: hschoi@woosuk.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        폐쇄성 수면무호흡증 위험요인을 동반한 비만 성인의 삶의 질: 2019-2020년도 국민건강영양조사 자료 활용

        신미아(Mi-Ah Shin),박주영(Ju-Young Park) 한국보건복지학회 2023 보건과 복지 Vol.25 No.4

        This study attempted to identify factors that influence the quality of life in obese adults with obstructive sleep apnea risk factors. The study included 1,492 adults aged 19 years and older who participated in the 2019-2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey who had at least one obstructive sleep apnea risk factors and a body mass index of 25 kg/㎡ or more. The data were analyzed via SPSS 26.0 using the multiple regression method with a composite sample. The results showed that gender, age, marital status, education level, income level, occupation, depression, stress perception, sleep duration, and aerobic physical activity were factors affecting quality of life (Wald F=17.68, p<0.001). Therefore, customized physical activity and oropharyngeal exercise programs should be developed and applied to improve the quality of life of obese adults with obstructive sleep apnea risk factors, and community-based health policies for psychosocial support systems should be established.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 봉사활동 경험유무에 따른 셀프리더십, 감성지능 및 성취동기 차이

        신미아(Mi-A Shin) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2018 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.12 No.7

        본 연구는 대학생의 봉사활동 경험 유무에 따른 셀프리더십, 감성지능 및 성취동기 차이를 파악하기 위한 서술적 조사연구로 J지역의 대학생 296명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구대상자 중 56.4%가 봉사활동 경험이 있었다. 대학생의 셀프리더십, 감성지능 및 성취동기는 봉사활동 경험자가 비경험자보다 높았으며 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있었다. 봉사활동 경험유무에 따른 변수간의 상관관계에서 봉사활동 경험자가 셀프리더십이 높을수록 감성지능과 성취동기가 높았으며 감성지능이 높을수록 성취동기가 높게 나타났다. 셀프리더십이 평균점수보다 높은 대학생은 봉사활동을 2.17배 경험하였다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때, 봉사활동 경험을 향상시키기 위해서는 셀프리더십을 향상시킬 수 있는 다각적인 전략이 필요하며 이를 통해 대학생의 봉사활동 경험을 향상시키는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences of self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and achievement motivation according to volunteer activities among college students. This study used a descriptive survey design. The participants of this study were 296 college students in the J area. The data were analyzed using χ² test, t-test, pearson’s correlation coefficient, and logistic regression. The rate of volunteer activities was 56.4%. Self-leadership, emotional intelligence, and achievement motivation of students who experienced volunteer activities were higher than non-volunteer activities. The self-leadership had a significant positive correlation with emotional intelligence and achievement motivation among volunteer and non-volunteer in college students. The college students with higher average score of self-leadership experienced 2.17 times more volunteering activities than college students with below average score of self-leadership. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to develop a multidisciplinary approach to increase self-leadership among college students which will contribute in improving the volunteer activities among college students.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 감성지능과 셀프리더십이 전공만족도에 미치는 영향

        신미아(Mi-A Shin) 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2017 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.11 No.6

        본 연구는 대학생의 감성지능과 셀프리더십이 전공만족도에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 서술적 조사연구이다. J지역에 소재한 2개 대학교에 재학중인 295명을 대상으로 하였다. 대상자의 감성지능은 평균 3.56점, 셀프리더십은 3.39점, 전공만족도는 3.62점이었다. 일반적 특성에 따른 감성지능은 종교에서 셀프리더십은 연령, 학년 및 종교에서 전공만족도는 연령, 학년, 전공 및 종교에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 대학생의 전공만족도는 감성지능과 셀프리더십과 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 전공만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인은 셀프리더십, 감성지능 순으로 나타났으며 설명력은 26.8%이었다. 이러한 결과를 볼 때, 대학생의 전공만족도를 향상시키기 위해서는 셀프리더십과 감성지능을 높일 수 있는 전략이 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to investigate on the influence of the emotional intelligence and self-leadership on major satisfaction among college students. This study used a descriptive research design. The participants of this study were 295 college students at 2 universities in the J area. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN 22 program as follows. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression. Average score were 3.56 for emotional intelligence, 3.39 for self-leadership and 3.62 for major satisfaction. Emotional intelligence was significantly affected by religion. Self-leadership was significantly affected by age, grade, and religion. Major satisfacion was significantly affected by age, grade, major, and religion. The major satisfaction of college students showed a significant positive correlation with emotional intelligence and self-leadership. The emotional intelligence and self-leadership was an important predictor for the major satisfaction among college students with the explanatory power was 26.8%. Through this result it could be suggested that is a need for a strategies to increase emotional intelligence and self-leadership in order to improve the major satisfaction among college students.

      • KCI등재

        치위생학, 간호학 전공 학생의 자원봉사활동 경험에 따른 전공만족도와 직업존중감 조사

        신미아 ( Mi A Shin ),안권숙 ( Kwon Suk Ahn ) 한국치위생학회 2012 한국치위생학회지 Vol.12 No.6

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate satisfaction in major and job esteem of college students in dental hygiene and nursing department according to volunteering. Methods: This study was used on a descriptive research design. participants of this study were 378 college students in some region from April 30th to May 21th. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS Program(version 20.0) using descriptive statistics. Results: Volunteering experience subjects was 24.3%, the subjects did not experience volunteering was 75.7% and volunteering related to major was 59.8% and it was 40.2% of unrelated volunteering. Volunteering experience by general characteristics was influenced significantly by grade(p= .000), major(p= .000), economic status(p= .007). Volunteering experience by major relevant characteristics of subjects was not influenced significantly. The major satisfaction by volunteering was a little higher on volunteering experience subjects than non-experienced subjects. and was not influenced difference significantly(p= .786). The job esteem by volunteering was higher volunteering experience subjects than non-experienced subjects and was influenced significantly(p=.005). Conclusions: College students majoring in the department of dental hygiene and nursing is somewhat lower the volunteering experience. The major satisfaction and job esteem of college students was influenced by volunteering. therefore, the need to plan ways to increase participation and provide information and opportunities is to invigorate the function of the volunteering service which is also considered as one of the functions of the university.

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