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      • 골재의 종류 및 최대치수 변화에 따른 콘크리트의 내화특성

        송용원,김성일,이성연,한창평,양성환,한천구 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회지회연합회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.1

        This study investigates spalling properties of high performance concrete, W/B 25%, made with maximum sized coarse aggregate and lightweight aggregate, adding ratio of polypropylene(PP) fiber. Test results showed that increase of the fiber content but decrease of the maximum sized aggregate inclined the fluidity of fresh concrete. Especially, fluidity was inclined in the case that the maximum size of aggregate was 25mm. For the properties of harden concrete, the compressive and tensile strength due to increase of PP fiber content is similar tendency. The result showed that the spalling is prevented When the ratio of PP fiber was 0.10% on 20mm of the aggregate size, and residual compressive strength on 0.15% of PP fiber content was opposite tendency to the aggregate size. There was no spalling without the fiber caused by the inner pore of aggregate in the case that lightweight aggregate was 4~6mm.

      • KCI등재

        기술 진화 및 사회 변화 트랜드 분석을 통한 미래기술예측 연구

        송용원,강승현 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.3

        4차산업혁명 시대의 미래 기술 예측은 과학 기술 발전과 사회문화적 발전을 동시에 종합적으로 사고하고 분석하는 융합적 미래 예측방법론이 필요하다. 그러나 여전히 각각 독립적인 분석이 주류를 이루고 있고, 일반인들도 쉽게 사용하기에는 전문적 지식의 필요성, 개인의 주관성도 문제로 지적되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 최대한 객관적 진화 트랜드 분석 방법을 개발하여 연구자의 주관적 판단을 최소화하고 일반 연구자들도 현장에서 쉽게 미래 예측을 할 수 있도록 지원하는 것이다. 이를 위해 창의적 문제 해결이론(TRIZ)에서 연구된 기술 진화법칙과 대표적인 외부 환경 분석 방법인 STEEP 및 5 Forces 방법을 적용하여 미래 기술예측을 위한 최대한 객관화되고 구체화한 지표들을 추출한 후, TRIZ의 기본적 원인-결과분석 방법인 Multi-Screens system operator를 활용하여 시공간적 상호연관성을 분석하는 방법론을 개발하였다. 이것은 총 5단계 분석으로, ①시스템의 기능 분석을 이용한 시스템 이해 ②시스템 S 곡선 분석 및 기술 진화 패턴 분석을 통한 시스템의 미래 기술 예측 ③STEEP 분석 기반의 핵심 키워드 변화 분석을 통한 거시적 미래 환경 예측 ④5 Forces 기반의 지표 분석과 STEEP 연관성 분석을 통한 시스템의 미래 환경 예측 ⑤시스템의 미래 기술 예측과 미래 환경 예측을 결합한 융합적 미래 기술 개발 전략 도출 등이다. 이를 통해 일반 연구자들도 현장에서 보다 손쉽고 효과적으로 미래 기술 예측 방법을 활용하여 R&D 전략 수립을 위한 아이디어를 도출할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • 섬유복합 모르타르 보수보강 공법의 수축특성 및 내화성 검토

        송용원,배장춘,한천구 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 2008 産業科學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        This study is an investigation about practical use of FCSM method analyzing basic characteristics, shrinkage, and fire resistance of hybrid fiber mortar. First, the fluidity was decreased 17~21% as mixing PYA fiber and PP fiber at A sample, however comparing with other fiber it was similar or greater then others. The setting time was 1hour promoted by increasing apparent stress and forming network of fiber. As a characteristic of strength, the A1 sample was greater then others over the length and breadth of compressive, inner stress, bending, bonding, and impact strength. Also the shrinkage of sample was greater then others, and it is estimated that the fiber increase dynamic property by controlling microcracks and bridge reaction of fiber. And as a fire resistance ability, it could prevent the spalling by controlling temperature-rising using finishing materials of preconstructed high strength member. Generalizing this study, shrinkage, strength, and fire resistance of hybrid fiber mortar was greater then other products, and also mixing with PVA fiber was the greatest then others especially. Keywords : Fiber Composite Spray Mortar(FCSM), Shrinkage Properties, Fire Resistance,

      • KCI등재

        폴 틸리히의 성령론 ― 경계의 신학에서의 “영적 현존”

        송용원 한국조직신학회 2023 한국조직신학논총 Vol.73 No.-

        본 논문은 폴 틸리히의 ‘영적 현존’이라는 존재론적 렌즈를 통해 그의 주요한 신학의 자리들을 분석하고, 그것이 갖는 신학적 기여와 한계를 평가하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 “경계의 신학에 대한영적 현존”과 관련된 진술을 주의 깊게 분석하여 성령과 인간 영 사이의변증법적 구조의 다양한 단계를 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위한 연구 방법은 틸리히의 신학 체계 전체를 ‘영적 현존’ 개념으로 계시/이성, 새로운존재/소외, 공동체/개인, 말씀과 성례, 신성한 기도/인간의 기도, 카이로스/역사라는7단계 구조로 분석하는 것이다. 이러한 분석을 통해, 틸리히의 성령론적 사고와 구조를 이해하는 과정에서 ‘영적 현존’이 지니는 존재론적 의미와 신학적, 종교적 한계를 포착하고자 한다. 틸리히 성령론의 공헌점은 그가 ‘영적 현존’의 개념을 강조하면서 ‘경계위의 신학’을 ‘경계 너머의 신학’으로 끌어올린 데 있다. 그의 신학 체계가 하나님과 인간 사이의 존재론적 양극성과 변증법적 경계에 기초한상관관계의 방법과 구조로 구성되는 반면, 하나님과 인간 사이의 초월- 내재성으로 고안된 ‘영적 현존’은 그의 경계의 신학 구조에서 존재론적양극성의 긴장을 극복한다. 틸리히는 초월적 존재인 성령과 존재의 경계에 있는 인간 영혼 사이의 연결고리인 ‘영적 현존’을 신학의 양극 구조에서 파생된 다양한 경계를 극복하는 렌즈로 삼았다. 틸리히 성령론의 한계는 ‘영적 현존’ 개념이 신학적 차원보다는 존재론적 차원에 머문다는 데 있다. ‘영적 현존’은 단편적이나 존재론적 경계를극복할 수 있다는 점에서 존재론적 의의가 있다. 하지만 존재론적 의미를 강조한 데 비해 신학적 함의에는 그다지 초점을 두지 않은 듯하다. 따라서 틸리히에게 있어서 영적 현존은 신학적 접근에 의한 종교적 극복이 아니라, 존재론적 접근에 따른 존재론적 극복으로 보아야 한다. 또한그의 존재론적 접근은 ‘깊이’의 차원은 설명하지만, ‘깊이’ 자체를 탐구하는 데는 미흡했다. 그는 성령을 영적 현존이라는 존재론의 병(bottle)에담으려는 시도에 비해, 영적 현존을 신학과 성서의 병에 담으려 하지는않았다. 결과적으로, 영적 현존의 기능적 역할은 일관되게 설명하지만, 영적 현존의 깊이에 담긴 본질에 대한 분석에는 한계를 보였다. 그럼에도, 틸리히의 존재론적 모델은 경계의 존재론적 양극성을 극복하고자 시도했다는 점에서 그리고 당대와 그 이후의 성령론을 위한 새로운 심층 탐구로 ‘영적 현존’을 도입했다는 점에서 탁월한 혁신으로 평가될 수 있다. This article aims to analyze Paul Tillich’s major theological loci through the ontological lens of Spiritual Presence and evaluate its theological contributions and limitations. To this end, this article seeks to examine the various stages of the dialectical structure between the divine Spirit and the human spirit through a careful analysis of the statements related to “the Spiritual Presence on the Theology of Boundary.” The research methodology is to analyze Tillich’s theological system as a whole according to the concept of “Spiritual Presence” within seven stages of the structure: the boundaries of Revelation/Reason, New Being/Estrangement, Community/Individual, Words and Sacrament, the Divine Prayer/the human prayer, and Kairos/History. Through this analysis, this article seeks to capture the ontological implications and theological and religious limitations of ‘Spiritual Presence’ in understanding Tillich’s pneumatological thought and structure. Tillich’s theology of the Spirit elevated “theology on the boundary” into “the theology above the boundary” by emphasizing the concept of “Spiritual Presence.” Whereas Tillich’s theological system is composed of methods and structures of correlations based on the ontological polarity as well as the dialectical boundary between God and man, his “Spiritual Presence” designed as the transcendent- immanence between God and man overcomes the tension of ontological bipolarity on the boundary in his theological structure. Tillich made the most use of “Spiritual Presence,” the link between the transcendent- immanent Divine Spirit and the human spirit on the boundary of existence, as a lens for the overcoming of the manifold boundaries derived from the bipolar structures of his theology. The limitation of Tillich’s Pneumatology is that His concept of Spiritual Presence is, first of all, regarded as ontological, not as theological. Tillich’s concept of the Spiritual Presence is ontologically significant in the fact that it can overcome the ontological boundary fundamentally, albeit fragmentarily. However, for all the emphasis on the ontological implications, there doesn’t seem to be much focus on the theological implications. Therefore, for Tillich, Spiritual Presence should be regarded as ontological overcoming based on the ontological approach, instead of being religious overcoming based on the theological approach. Furthermore, his ontological analysis might explain the statement about the dimensions of ‘depth,’ but falls short of exploring ‘depth’ itself. Tillich does not try fully to include his ontological concept of the Spiritual Presence into the bottle of theological or religious implication, although he does try more so to include the Holy Spirit in the biblical story into the bottle of his ontological concept of the Spiritual Presence. As a result, while Tillich coherently describes the functional role of the Spiritual Presence, he is limited in his analysis on the substance itself of the depth of the Spiritual Presence. Nevertheless, Tillich’s ontological model can be considered a major innovation in that it attempted to overcome the ontological polarization of boundaries and introduced the “Spiritual Presence” as a new depth of inquiry for the theology of the Holy Spirit in his day and beyond.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Technology Evolution Trends for Predicting Future Technologies

        송용원 사단법인 미래융합기술연구학회 2020 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.6 No.10

        Establishing a method for the prediction of future technology is crucial in a modern society in which technology develops rapidly and the lifetime of products is very short. However, many future forecasting methods, such as the Delphi technique, scenario planning, and futures wheel, have the potential to produce false results because they rely on individual or collective intelligence in subjective ways[1]. Therefore, the development of an objective method is necessary. G. Altshuller, the founder of the theory of inventive problem solving, showed that systems develop according to objective laws, and these laws can be used for solving technical problems. The technology evolution laws he discovered not only could be used to solve technical problems but also opened up new ways to predict future technologies. This paper shows 11 trends of technical system evolution existing in the history of technology development and how these trends can be used to predict future technologies. This new forecasting method based on evolutionary patterns is intended to help in predicting future technologies objectively, as opposed to the subjective views of analysts.

      • KCI등재

        ‘은혜의 선물 신학’ 관점에서 본 칼 바르트의 개신교 신학

        송용원 한국조직신학회 2022 한국조직신학논총 Vol.66 No.-

        This paper examines Karl Barth’s evangelical theology based on his analysis of the theological fabric and fundamental condition pertaining to the gift of grace in his work, Evangelical Theology. Barth’s evangelical theology is based on a gift-centered approach to understanding the theological fabric and the primary/subsidiary gifts it comprises. In particular, Barth’s considerations regarding “evangelical theology as a theology of the gift of grace” points toward the various stages of the gift-story at the center of evangelical theology. Barth’s evangelical theology as theology of gift of grace, while discerning the giver/receiver relationship inherent in the ontological gift giving, also distinguishes the nature of the ontological gift itself (a myriad of gifts comprised of Spirit, faith, hope, love) and its fundamental role of mediation between God and men. Furthermore, by interpreting theology as an ontological overcoming of the human condition and limitation through grace, Barth’s evangelical theology serves as a vehicle for the possibility of theology realized through grace and grace alone. For Barth, the Spirit is not only a mediator of the ontological gift but also the ontological gift itself through its presence not only in the trinitarian or incarnational dimensions, but also in the theological and communal dimensions as well. Thus, the Spirit as mediate and commune extends to govern the systemic theological formation of evangelical theology. Consequently, Barth’s evangelical theology, through the tenet of the gift of grace and the intrinsic presence of the ontological gift, attempts to make trinitarian and incarnational unity realized once again. Thus, Barth’s evangelical theology can be said to establish the connection between the theological fabric and the doctrine of the church by virtue of his pneumatological perspective on the ontological gift of grace. 본 논문은 칼 바르트의 『개신교 신학 입문』에 담긴 은혜의 선물에 관한신학구조와근본조건에대한분석을바탕으로그의개신교신학을살펴본것이다. 바르트의개신교신학은신학구조와그것을구성하는일차적인은사와보조적인은사를이해하는선물중심적접근을기반으로한다. 특히은혜의선물신학으로서의개신교신학에대한바르트의고찰은 개신교 신학 중심에 자리하는 선물 이야기의 다양한 단계를 짚어낸다. 은혜의선물신학의관점에서본바르트의개신교신학은, 존재론적선물 수여에 내재하는 수여자와 수령자의 관계를 포착하고, (성령, 믿음, 소망, 사랑으로이루어진) 존재론적선물자체의본질을하나님과인간을 중재하는 선물의 근본적 역할과 구분한다. 나아가 바르트는 신학의목적을은혜를통하여인간의조건과한계를존재론적으로극복하는것이라 해석한다. 그러한 가운데 그의 개신교 신학은 은혜로만 실현되는신학의 가능성을 위한 매개 역할을 한다. 바르트에게 성령은 존재론적선물의 중재자일 뿐만 아니라 그것의 현존을 통한 존재론적 선물 자체이기도 하다. 이는 삼위일체 차원이나 성육신 차원에만 아니라 신학적차원과 공동체 차원에도 일관되게 적용된다. 이처럼 성령은 공동체를위한중재자로서개신교신학의체계적인신학적형성을주관하는데까지확장된다. 결론적으로, 바르트의 개신교 신학은 은혜의 선물의 존재론적 본성과그것의내재적현존이라는신조를통해삼위일체적이고성육신적인통합을다시한번실현하고자한다. 따라서그의개신교신학은존재론적선물에 관한 성령론적 관점 덕택에 신학적 구조와 교회 교리의 연결을확립했다고할수있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Holy Spirit as Gift in Augustine of Hippo

        송용원 한국기독교학회 2023 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.129 No.-

        This article serves to examine Augustine’s understanding of the Holy Spirit through a systematic analysis of his gift-giving model. It does so by first reconstructing Augustine’s inherent gift-giving model and scrutinizing his statements about the Holy Spirit as a gift in the multifaceted dimensions of eternity, creation, salvation, sanctification, church, history, and eschaton. Next, we will focus on how his ontology of the Holy Spirit is best explained when understood in a reflective gift mode. Specific topics to be explored include 1) How can the Holy Spirit as a gift between the Father and the Son be a third person, both as giving and receiving, that is, being as gift and being as reception between the Father and the Son; 2) How is the Holy Spirit always present as an eternal gift (His being as being the gift), not as an eternal donation (already given); 3) Why is the Holy Spirit as a gift to be recognized not as an individual substance, but as a synthetic unity between God the Trinity? In conclusion, this article will show that Augustine’s gift lies not in the circular gift system, composed of ‘giving-receiving-returning’ between the opposite and independent subject in exchange grounded in the physical dimension, but in the reflective gift system, composed of ‘giving-receiving- reflecting’ grounded in the relational and ontological dimension. In this way, we can find that Augustine deeply embeds the ontology of the Holy Spirit, who exists as gift, and the correlation between the Spirit and gift in his whole theological enterprise. In doing so, we see that his theology of the Holy Spirit as gift contributes to establishing the connection between the ontological structure of Trinity and the practical application of soteriology.

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