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        북한 회색지대 전략에 대한 억제전략 발전방향

        손영주 (사) 한국전략문제연구소 2022 전략연구 Vol.29 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to re-examine the North Korean gray zone strategy and present the direction of our deterrence strategy development in preparation for it. The deterrence strategy presented in the paper is to deter the preparation and provocation of North Korea's gray zone strategy through a New Integrated Deterrence Strategy. The method is a DIE offensive in peacetime and DIME integrated response in the event of deterrence failure. The means presents DIME capabilities centered on Cyber competencies. The logic to devise a New Integrated Deterrence Strategy is as follows. First, it was considered that the North Korean gray zone strategy was different from other countries gray zone strategies. Its characteristics are to focus on domination of North Korea's strategic culture attributes, closure through information blocking from the outside, strategies that penetrate the vulnerability of the Republic of Korea, and asymmetric means such as Cyber. Second, Republic of Korea deterrence strategy in response to this is evaluated as ineffective and problematic. The problems are inconsistent government policies, lack of public consensus, lack of integrated and long-term thinking, rigid strategies in terms of symmetric and asymmetric, and limitations of passive strategies. Third, the keyword to solve this problem is "Integration." In order to examine the deterrence strategy in terms of integration, we examine the case of establishing an Integrated Deterrence Strategy in Korea and the Integrated Deterrence Strategy in connection with the 3rd Offset Strategy in the United States. Fourth, based on this, we present own direction of a New Integrated Deterrence Strategy. The key direction is to use a flexible and active strategy that integrates all the country's DIME capabilities on long-term thinking basis, and furthermore, a DIE offensive strategy in peacetime. 이 연구의 목적은 북한 회색지대 전략을 다시 바라보고 이에 대비한 우리의 억제전략 발전방향을 제시하는 것이다. 논문에서 제시한 방안은 新통합억제전략을 통해 북한의 회색지대 전략 준비와 실행을 억제하는 것이다. 방법으로 평시 DIE 공세 및 억제실패 시 DIME 통합대응을, 수단으로 사이버역량 중심의 DIME 역량을 제시한다. 우리의 新통합억제전략을 구상하기 위한 논리 전개는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 북한 회색지대 전략은 다른 나라의 회색지대 전략과는 차이가 있다. 두드러지는 특징은 북한 전략문화 속성의 지배, 외부와의 정보차단으로 인한 폐쇄성, 대한민국의 취약성을 이용, 사이버전과 같은 비대칭수단에 집중하는 것이다. 둘째, 이에 대응한 우리의 억제전략은 실효성이 떨어지며 문제가 있다고 평가한다. 특히, 일관되지 못한 정부정책과 국민적 공감대 미형성, 통합적ㆍ장기적 사고 결여, 정병(正兵) 측면의 경직된 전략, 군사력 중심의 대응, 수동적인 전략의 한계가 있다. 셋째, 이 문제를 보완하기 위한 키워드는 “통합”이다. 통합 측면에서 억제전략을 살펴보기 위해 우리나라의 통합억제전략 수립 사례와 미국의 3차 상쇄전략과 그 논리를 계승한 통합억제전략을 살펴본다. 넷째, 이를 기초로 우리만의 新통합적 억제전략을 제안한다. 핵심 방향은 통합적ㆍ장기적 사고 기반 위에서 국가의 모든 DIME 역량이 통합된 유연하고 적극적인 전략, 더 나아가 평시에 DIE 공세전략을 구사하는 것이다.

      • 1993학년도 신입생의 실태조사 및 가치관에 관한 연구

        손영주 제주한라대학 1993 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        College freshmen get unually faced with many problems from the new environment, the college, and even from deeply reflecting their moral values, society and their own lives, unlike the days of high school where they live only passively, burdened with the only great target, the college entrance examination. As soon as they begin college life, they need to make self-controlled decision and action, and to consolidate their own sound moral values. More than that, they should accomplish their concrete objects, that is, diligently studing their sujects and newly forming personal relationships. In doing so, most of them might experience several psycological and social conflicts, because they don't have ego-identity yet. Therefore, it is needful for college itself to help them perform their studies and adjust themelves to their college life, and become psycollogically and socially mature experts. For this purpose, our college's Student Life Research Institute surveys annually the personal, psycological, social characteristic and values of every years freshmen. The surveyed object of this study is 858, 89.4%, of 1993's 960 freshmen (daytime students : 647, 95.2%, of 680, night : 211, 75.4%, of 280). The survey is performed in each department on the first week of June three months after their entrance. The surveying method is almost the same as last years', except few clauses added to it. In comparison with last years' surveys, We had almost the same results, except a few things. We hope our college's authorities and every department's professors will take this study usefully as essential datas for long term and synthetic education, and as basic materials for guiding students about their college lives.

      • Frame형 교통표지판의 구조해석

        손영주,박광규 大田大學校 産業技術硏究所 2003 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        According to increase of the traffic amount in urban, traffic administration system has become an important infrastructure in the city. In this paper, an structural analysis on the frame of an electronic traffic signal board was carried out. The signal board with many type, that is. general type. Warren-truss type, K-truss types. Howe-truss type, was considered in computational procedure. This paper shows that Warren-truss type is the most efficient structural form for an electronic traffic signal board.

      • 1992학년도 신입생의 실태조사 및 가치관에 관한 연구

        손영주 제주한라대학 1992 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand students in many sides, and to provide basic materials needed for advising them more effectually to solve their problems. As an annually regular research, it serves to deeply understand the annual change of freshmen's personalities to establish our college's longterm educational plan and to provide the primary datas for guiding student's college lives. To make this study practical and needful, Our college's Student Life Research Institute surveyed characters, backgrounds, family circumstances, including their college life's plans for major subjects and other students, future hopes, and moral values. The surveyed object is 651 students (532 daytime students, 119 night students) of 1992's 760 freshmen, and the surveying time is the first week of June when students can become enough used to his college life for three months from the entrance cermony, of course the surveying method is the same as 1990's. Concludly, the results of this analysis are almost similar with 1990's. We hope our college's authorities and every department's professors will use this study usefully as essential datas for long-term and synthetic education, and as basic materials for guiding students about their college lives.

      • 기숙사생들의 만족도 및 불안과 자아존중감에 대한 연구

        손영주 제주간호보건전문대학 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        This study was conducted to analyze student satisfaction of the facilities including dormitory and the college’s cafeteria, satisfaction related to living in the dormitory and, anxiety and self-esteem. The participants fiuipants(subjects) of the study included 345 Halla college students (male students 41.4%, female students 58.6%: 1st year 46.4%, 2nd year 38.3%, 3rd year 15.1%) The result will be used to identify the problems, provide better quality of service, and give some data to establish more resonable and effective dormitory management plan. The main reason of entering the dormitory was home is too far from the college (59.7%)’ 1) Satisfaction of facilities It was found that satisfaction of main facility and subsidiary facility were 2.87 and 2.88 (highest score 5) each. ’Bed structure’ ’ the condition of desks and chairs’ ’ a biliard room’, ’a fitness center’ ’toilets’ ’ bath room' took the score above 3.0, while ’ian internet searching area’ ’ sound proof structure’ ’heating system for the dormitory room’ took the lower score of less than 2.51. 2) Satisfaction of the cafeteria It was revealed that satisfaction of the cafeteria scored 2.77, which presented ’moderately satisfied (42.9%)’ ’ not satisfied (30.7%)’and extremely not satisfied (12.8%). The major problem of the cafeteria was ’the menu (42.0%) , which was followed by ’the quality of food (38.6%). 3) Satisfaction of the dormitory living The students' satisfaction regarding living in the dormitory scored 3.28. Moreover, the students answered that the relationship with roommate as ’good (4.04)’ ’moderate (3.80)’ and ’they are living a stable life’ However, ’satisfaction of the internet system in the dormitory (2.28)’was the lowest score indicating the major factor. The result also showed that anxiety scored (1.87) and self-esteem scored (2.55) with regard to living in the dormitory. Therefore. it is recommended that: 1) It is necessary to continue monitoring dorrnitory students' satisfaction and to improve the services appropriately. 2) It is required to develop programs to encourage the students’learning motivation and elevate their learning achievement, which can help the students to actualize themselves.

      • 위기치료에 관한 문헌고찰

        손영주 제주한라대학 1989 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Crisis therapy was pioneered by Eric Lindermann and Gerald Caplan, and its theory and practice is based upon psychoanalysis theory and preventive psychiatry. Crisis is everywhere in everyday life. It's a turning point to either maturity or regression in human life, and disequilibrium sensed when severe conflicts and problems, as were solved before, were not solved and looked upon as a threat. The types of crisis are divided into maturational crisis, situational crisis, and adventitious conflict. The therapy of crisis is applied to those who are deficient in capacity adapt-able to the life, and its goal is to overcome the present crisis. The focus of the therapy is " right now" and the therapy is, therefore, to help to restore the state before the crisis. The period of the treatment is short-term, within 6 weeks once to six times. The process of crisis therapy is lined up into assessment, planning, intervention, evaluation and the techniques of the therapy make use of environmental manipulation, generic approach, general support, and individual approach. The use of the therapy is made with telephone talks, individual crisis interviews, family crisis interviews, and group crisis interviews. Those who are engaged in crisis therapy are not only professionals in a given field but they are variously composed of those who specialize in medicine, psychology, nursing, public welfare service, and semi-professionalists, experts in non-health, public service volunteers, and so on. The nurses as health controller, specializing in crisis therapy, must be able to help to treat the crises in those who are suffering from both psysical and psychological crises in general hospitals, public health center, and public health clinics.

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