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      • KCI등재

        타인의 담화 속의 너 : 노스트로모와 라즈모프

        손나경(Na Gyung Sohn) 한국영미어문학회 2005 영미어문학 Vol.- No.76

        This article is to investigate politics and writing in Joseph Conrad's works, looking into two main characters unvoluntarily involved in political incidents: Nostromo and Razumov. Politics is one of most important motives of Conrad's writing. In the case of politics in Conrad's works, what ideology a person has is not a point; instead, it is the gap of private and public aspects of political matters imposed to an individual. Nostromo and Razumov were obliged to be embroiled into social convulsion and perform their own supposed political role in it. In this process they should face an existing gap between the supposed role and their real ego, and cope with the levied problems in their own ways. The way to find the characters' stand in political conflicts and express themselves is structured in narrative itself, and this is also related to their efforts for dominancy in the narrative structure. The only and most effective strategy each of the characters wields is hiding and revealing the secret he has. They use this means to take a stable stand in political relations as well as in narrative. We can say that Nostromo failed to occupy it because he lost his secret and words; on the contrary Razumov succeeded in acquiring it. These character's passage and efforts to occupy a just portion in narrative and to be safe is in the same track of the author to keep tracing his unconscious and private desire. It is well known that the author was born and raised in the family suffered from the political incidents. Therefore, politics is not only an idea but also a part of real life to him and his family. Revealing and Hiding we can find in Nostromo's and Razumov's tales is also shown in the writing course of Joseph Conrad. As a result, the author meets another self through writing just as the two characters try to find their own words.

      • KCI등재

        과학적 진보와 문학의 과학적 상상력 사이의 대화: 『프랑켄슈타인』, 『모로 박사의 섬』, 『나를 보내지 마』를 대상으로

        손나경(Nagyung Sohn) 한국영미어문학회 2017 영미어문학 Vol.- No.125

        This Study investigates the scientific imagination of human creation in Frankenstein, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and Never Let Me Go. Britain is a nation where biotechnology has developed, and it is also a country that has produced famous novels with the theme of human creation. The purpose of this study is to diachronically investigate how human creation is imagined in the these novels, which were published in England at intervals of about 100 years from one another; and about how each of them is related to these scientific ideas. To investigate this, this study compared these three novels in relation to two aspects: the method of human creation and how to define created humans (post-humans). Firstly, In the method of human creation, vivisection was the way of human creation in the Island of Dr. Moreau and Frankenstein. However, Frankenstein saw the source of life as electricity while Dr. Moreau saw it possible through artificial evolution. On the other hand, cloning is the way of human creation in Never Let Me Go, which seems to be informed by the development of cloning technology in the early 21 st century. Secondly, this paper argues that to define created humans is related to the fear of human creators toward their creature. In Frankenstein and in The Island of Dr Moreau, the defining act is described as a fear about a third creature, while in Never Let Me Go, it is the possibility that they could be real humans.

      • KCI등재

        시각매체와 소설읽기를 통한 교양교육: 『로빈슨 크루소』 읽고 보기

        손나경(Sohn, Nagyung) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.15

        소설 『로빈슨 크루소』는 영국은 물론 세계적으로 널리 알려진 모험문학이며, 서구 근대 사회의 발전 위에서 소설이라는 새로운 양식을 선보인 텍스트이다. 균형교양 <비주얼 미디어를 통해 본 영미문학> 과목은 소설 『로빈슨 크루소』와 시각 매체화된 <로빈슨 크루소>를 교육 자료로 병행하는 시도를 하였다. 시각매체를 사용 함으로써 본 교양과목은 영문학을 전공하지 않은 학생들이 쉽게 원전에 접근하게 하였고, 원전이 시대적으로 어떻게 의미를 확장하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 또한 평소 영미문학과 서양근대사에 대해 배울 기회가 없었던 일반 교양과목 수강생들이 근대 철학적 입장에서 소설 양식의 출현을 배우는 과정을 통하여 서구 문화의 역사과정을 접할 수 있었다. 학생들은 소설과 영화를 통해 로빈슨 크루소와 프라이데이의 관계 설정의 차이를 살펴보며 18세기 서구의 제국주의적 시각과 20세기의 문화상대주의적 입장의 차이를 비교하기도 하였다. 이런 활동은 학생들에게 “나”에 대한 인식에서 “세계사회의 구성원인 나”에 대한 인식까지 경험하게 하였고, 글로벌 시민의식에서 필요한 타인에 대한 존중을 생각하는 기회를 만들어 주었다. Robinson Crusoe is historically important as it is generally considered to be one of the first novels in the British literature, as well as being an adventure literature that is known throughout the world. The course “Learning the English and American Literature through Visual Media” focused on both the novel and its visualized version. The use of visual media helped us see how the novel has been interpreted in different ways at different times in history. In addition, looking into Robinson Crusoe from different viewpoints helped the students who did not major in Humanities to gain a better understanding of modern Western history and the birth of the novel. By comparing the relationship between Robinson Crusoe and Friday in the novel and in the movie, students were able to understand the 18 th century Western imperialist view of other peoples and how it differed from modern cultural relativism. This meant that they could experience the perception of I as member of the world society and the importance of respecting their fellow global citizens.

      • KCI등재

        도시 전통시장의 공공성 분석에 관한 연구 - 서울시 통인시장을 사례로 -

        손나경 ( Sohn Na Kyoung ),김한배 ( Kim Han Bae ) 한국경관학회 2010 한국경관학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 전통시장의 공공성을 형성하는 주 요인을 찾고, 이를 체계적으로 향상시키기 위한 기본 방안을 찾는데 그 목적이 있다. 선행 연구 및 공공성의 이론을 통해 공공성의 요인에 관한 설문 항목을 도출하고 분석한 결과, 전통시장의 공공성 형성 요인으로 개방성, 쾌적성, 접근성, 연계성, 편리성, 심미성, 활동성이 구성요소로 도출되었다. 이러한 공공성의 요인을 가지고, 전통시장을 현장 관찰 조사와 이용자 의식 조사를 하고자 한다. 경복궁 서측 일대를 '서촌'이라 칭하는데, 이곳엔 한옥 300여 채와 함께 사대문 안의 유일한 전통시장인 통인시장이 남아 있다. 통인시장이 위치한 서촌은 1912년의 지적도와 현재의 모습을 비교했을 때 거의 차이가 없는 곳으로 지역의 특징이 잘 나타나는 곳이다. 그러나 통인시장은 그러한 기능을 살리지 못하고 쇠퇴하고 있다. 통인시장은 공공성 향상을 통해 커뮤니티 공간으로 활성화할 가능성이 있는 곳이므로 이 시장의 공공성의 부재를 알아보고 이를 증진시킬 방안에 대해 모색한다. In this study, I find the elements of the publicity through the traditional market has regained its function as a community space, and it explore the promotion plan. Through the finding of previous studies and theory of the publicity, it have been identified 'openness, comfort, locality' as a component elements, in order to promote the public nature of the traditional markets. It is to analyze the traditional market by these component elements of the publicity. It called the 'Seochon' to the western area of Kwungbok palace, the 'Seochon' area have the 300 traditional houses in this area, the only traditional ('Tong-in' market) remains downtown in the 4 city gates. There is no much difference features appear well Seochon areas which is located Tongin market when compared to the current figure and the 1912 figure in the city planning map, but the market such a feature has been declining. In this study, it explore the casting plan which the market place are likely to be active the community space through the promotion of the publicity.

      • KCI등재

        다시쓰기로서의 번역 - Heart if Darkness 번역본 고찰

        손나경(Nagyung Sohn) 한국영미어문학회 2008 영미어문학 Vol.- No.87

          This thesis is to investigate the four translated texts of Heart of Darkness in terms of Andre Lefevere"s system theory. System theory which started in 1970s on the basis of Russian Formalism regards literature as a subsystem constituting the upper system of culture. According to the system theory, literary system is not independent nor intrinsic, but is in the net of relations to other systems in culture. Translation as rewriting of literature is also in this system, manipulated and refracted by ideologies and historical backgrounds of the target culture.<BR>  The target text(the translated text) is not a copy or an incomplete imitation of the source text; instead, it rewrites(interprets) the source text in order to make itself accepted in the target system. This phenomenon is represented through comparison among the four translated texts of Heart of Darkness. While these texts were translated from the same source text, there are a lot of differences in their titles, styles, tenor, interpretations, and so on. This shows that each of translators has his or her own respective viewpoint to interpret the source text when he or she translated it in different times of 1950s, 1980s and 2000s. Translation is not done in a vacuum, but it is variated to the changes in target society and by the translator"s different interpretations, which means that the target text itself has its own originality apart from its source text.

      • KCI등재

        콘라드의 「에이미 포스터」: 얀코(Yanko)의 외상과 서사

        손나경(Na-Gyung Sohn) 신영어영문학회 2006 신영어영문학 Vol.35 No.-

        Yanko Goorall, the main character of Joseph Conrad’s “Amy Foster” has been regarded as a palpable reflection of the author on the ground of the similarity of their alienated life and extreme experience in foreign countries. Yanko’s experience in sea and foreign lands can be called “Trauma,” which leads a person close to death, and triggers a variety of stress disorders in its aftermath. One of the important remedies of the Post-traumatic stress disorder is to make patients speak and write on their traumatic experience repeatedly to reduce the original impact they felt. Kennedy, the narrater/listener of Yanko’s tale, conducts such a role of making Yanko’s traumatic experience into a narrative. He shows his own permeated sympathy with Yanko’s parting from his home land and shipwreck; however, his narrative is partially successful, because he fails to perceive the otherness Yanko met in England and predict his death.

      • KCI등재

        V. S. 나이폴의 『비스와스 씨를 위한 집』과 『흉내 내는 사람들』에서 나타난 "글쓰기" 행위

        손나경(Nagyung Sohn) 한국영미어문학회 2014 영미어문학 Vol.- No.112

        This study is to investigate the act of writing in A House for Mr. Biswas and The Mimic Men. These autobiographical novels are inter- textured each other especially in three main characters' colonial and post- colonial experiences and their diasporic histories. Mr. Biswas, an illiterate tenant's son, works in different kinds of writing acts from sign paintings to literary ones; all of his writings are a way to overcome his fear of falling into the void, whereas they are records of his frustration at expressing reality under the colonial regime as well. The only moment he feels satisfaction with his writings is when using humorous satire on the absurd realities in Hindi groupism and British colonialism. Anand, Mr. Biswas's son, and Ralph Singh share imbricated similarities in their family relations and school lives, which can be considered the different personas of one person. Besides, the two characters are aware of their marginality and pursue the centrality of the British. Anand's writing reveals the sprout of self- awareness while that of Singh is a medium to diagnose his past and present, and seek self-knowledge. He contends that his writing is to present order to the disordered situation like his surroundings. Through the process of writing he defines himself and the post- colonial society as mimic men.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        V. S. 나이폴의『비스와스 씨를 위한 집』의 자아의 공간

        손나경(Nagyung Sohn) 한국영미어문학회 2011 영미어문학 Vol.- No.98

        This paper investigated the quest for the individuality in A House for Mr. Biswas by V. S. Naipaul. V. S. Naipaul was a Nobel laureate for literature in 2001, and has been recognized as an illustrious British novelist from Trinidad and Tobago, a former British colony. On the other hand, some post-colonialists including Edward Said have adversely criticized Naipaul's attitude on Colonialism. This is caused by Naipaul's cynical and pessimistic description of the post-colonial situations, which led to Said's assertion that Naipaul misses and advocates the former British rule. However, Naipaul's and Mr. Biswas's abhorrence toward Hindu groupism and the quest for their ego as writer and individual can also be interpreted as a way to understand the colonial situation that they experienced personally. Mr. Biswas was a descendant of the Indian immigrants hired by the indentured labor system under British colonial rule. He and other Indians in Trinidad were in the state of 'exile'. They were rooted away from their homeland and thrown unwillingly into the new land. They tried to adhere to the communitycontrolled by traditional orthodox Hinduism to keep their old Hindu identity and to survive at a different and fast-changing society. At the same time, their groupism was helpful for them to face the hard reality under colonial rule and a drastic change from the feudalistic life into the capitalistic one. The Tulsis, the main source of Mr Biswas's agonies, is a symbol of this groupism, and his efforts to have his own house signify the quest for his ego, or individuality. The process of his quest goes through mimicry, self-awareness, and distortion or change of archetype.

      • KCI등재

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